cryptiboy:lizardtitties:mortiferamorphasmus:polyxxena:Yeah… this is abuse. The stranger with





Yeah… this is abuse. The stranger with the styrofoam cup is correct.

I found the article, it’s as bad as you think it is:

“Being a psycho girlfriend is a unique kind of power that says A) you have absolute control over your happiness, even the happiness that comes from another person, and B) you’re pretty. When your boyfriend lets you get away with some next level crazy girl shit, he’s essentially saying that you’re pretty and he loves you. And sometimes you need to hear those things by any means necessary. So if you’re in a pinch, you should have some go-to fights to start, just for fun!”

hey everyone! if you so does literally any of these things, especially for the reasons listed in this ass backwards article, they are abusing you. do not stay with abusers.

Post link


What language should I learn this summer? I am currently considering:







Ooh or Hebrew. That sounds fun too.

What language should I learn this summer? I am currently considering:







hckleinman:Still more signs.hckleinman:Still more signs.hckleinman:Still more signs.hckleinman:Still more signs.hckleinman:Still more signs.hckleinman:Still more signs.


Still more signs.

Post link









every single negative stereotype about women was dreamt up by men who were projecting. fight me about it.

“women can’t drive”

It is so well known that women are better and safer drivers than men that OUR CAR INSURANCE RATES ARE LOWER. Women get into fewer accidents, get fewer DUIs, and receive fewer speeding tickets than men.

“women never shut up”

Several scientific studies have shown that not only do men talk more than women, they also think that women have been talking for much longer than they actually have. Men interrupt and talk over women, dominate conversations, and still think women talk too much.

“women are shallow”


Lol next

“my wife is my ball and chain lmao”

Multiple studies have shown that marriage between men and women:
Increases male lifespan, decreases female lifespan
Decreases male depression rates, increases female depression rates
Decreases male stress levels, increases female stress levels
Increases male health and happiness, decreases female health and happiness
Increases a man’s chance of getting a raise or promotion, decreases a woman’s chances of getting a raise or promotion

“women are too emotional”

Men love to say this about women after hurting them, in order to shift the blame and dismiss their feelings in one go. In reality, women are taught to hold our tongues and control ourselves quite literally from birth. We’re taught to put men’s needs and wants ahead of our own emotions regardless of the personal cost. Men are taught to do more or less whatever the fuck they want to women. Men take their emotions out on women while women are expected to shove theirs down.


I could go on and on but I don’t really think I need to.

for all you pissbabies crying about sources

Educate your misogynist selves

Wow. Very enlightening. But men are better navigators than women according to science. 

Then go on a hike

Yes hello 911 I would like to report that tumblr user extolian is dead, he was straight up murdered


I knew this.




I know I run a book blog so maybe this isn’t the right platform for this, but girls: Please look out for other girls. Tonight I was stuck at a bus stop in Shoreditch circa 2 AM and saw another young woman getting harassed by a drunk, aggressive dude, and at first I thought, “She’s got it under control.” But then he started touching her and I went “No, that’s definitely not right.” So I barged over and shoved him out of the way and said, “Beth?? Oh my God, how are you, I haven’t seen you since grade school!” And this girl I’d never seen before in my life threw her arms around my neck and whispered, “You are an angel, thank God.”We talked for fifteen minutes, the creep lost interest, I watched her get on the bus and I will sleep so much better knowing she got home in one piece. If you see something weird happening, intervene. The worst that can happen is embarrassment, and I think that’s worth the risk when you consider the alternative.

Every platform is the right platform for this.

Yes, always reblog. Also if you don’t feel safe intervening call the police!














wait a second



The fuck!?!

Wait tf?!


He did not almost just say that…

What happens when they forget to turn on the “Remember to pretend not to be openly and blatantly racist” auto-cue when interviewing a Republican

did he just fuckign say “women, children, and slaves” because I’m ready to kill a bitch

He GENUINELY did ._.

His name is Andrew Beveridge. He is the sociology chair and professor at Queen’s College

The phone number for the college is (718) 997-5000. I’m going to call on Monday morning. Let’s get this racist piece of trash fired. MAKE RACISTS AFRAID AGAIN


in 10 days ireland is having a referendum to hopefully repeal the 8th amendment, which equates the life of a foetus to that of an adult

abortion is currently 100% illegal in ireland with a penelty of up to 14yrs (rape is 7yrs, if even that) and up to 10 people travel to england to access abortion every single day

if you’re irish, remember go to vote Yes on May 25th. if you’re not irish but have irish friends, remind them to go vote Yes

(rb if ya can)

Hey guys! I have to do a survey for my Research Methods class. I would love to get as wide a population sample as possible, so it would be great if you guys could fill it out. It’s comparing belief in horoscopes to how people score on Big 5 Traits. Message me if you need any more information!

#studyblr    #psychology    #survey    #horoscopes    #capricorn    #gemini    #pisces    #cancer    #scorpio    #sagittarius    #taurus    #aquarius    
aescademic: 02.17.2017 old bullet journal spread w/ a rose for valentines’ dayig: aescademic​ 



old bullet journal spread w/ a rose for valentines’ day
ig: aescademic​ 

Post link






Viciously destroy the idea that bullying is a normal part of growing up.

This is so hard for me as a parent to deal with, from both sides.

Like it brings up all of my issues, and I so want my kid to not have to deal with bullying.  And I have no idea how to do that.

I’ll repeat something I’ve said before:

I was doing my Master’s thesis on bullying until the topic triggered me back to my own childhood so badly I dropped out of that degree program.  Let me share something I know.

We haven’t quite found anti-bullying programs that stop bullying once it’s started, but we canreduce the harm bullying does.  Just a few small changes to classroom culture, like limiting children’s opportunities to exclude each other, or spending time talking about respectful communication, has visible changes.  Yeah, there’s still a hierarchy of popularity, but kids at the bottom of the ladder go from having no friends on average to having one or two.  And that’s enough to make or break a childhood.  (Sources: onetwothreefourfive)

But here’s the other thing.

There is one major factor that mediates the link between childhood bullying and adult mental illnesses (predominantly depression, anxiety, and eating disorders).  It’s self-blame.

What really damages children isn’t precisely being bullied; it’s believing that they deserve to be bullied. If children don’t blame themselves for being victims, they are much more resilient and experience fewer long-term negative consequences. (Sources: onetwothreefourfive)

Society blames children for their victimization by bullies all the time.  It says, “There is something about you that causes people to bully you.“  Common responses to bullied kids are things like: “Don’t give them a reaction.” (They’re bullying you because you get upset.)  “They’re just jealous.” (They’re bullying you because you do well.)  “Let’s teach you some social skills.”  (They’re bullying you because you act weird.)

If we can just change that one thing, we could prevent a lot of damage.  What bullied kids desperately need at the very least is a caring community that says: You are not alone.  It’s not your fault.  What they’re doing is not okay.

Also extra horrible: if you get counseling for being bullied a lot of the time it is “identifying what rhing about you is causing people to bully you”. In other words, even the “help” you get us often blaming the victim for being bullied and framing is as your fault, even though ime even if you stop doing the thing you get bullied for the bullies won’t acknowledge it. I got bullied over stuff from third grade until I dropped out of school in 10th.

And that’s not even accounting for the fact sometimes bullying is things that end in ism and there is absolutely nothing you can do as you’re being blamed for your own marginalization.

Bullying is emotional abuse. 

There is nothing that can ever make you deserve emotional abuse. 

Telling people, directly or through your actions, that they’re at fault for being abused is, again, emotional abuse. 

getshitdonetbh: Heyaaaaa everyone! Thank you for 10K, you guys are amazing! I’ve been really busy wi


Heyaaaaa everyone! Thank you for 10K, you guys are amazing! I’ve been really busy with midterms but I decided to get you a lil surprise ✿ After @athenastudying#octoberstudychallenge, here I come to introduce you to the #novemberstudychallenge.

Everyone can enter!

• you just have to use the hashtag #novemberstudychallenge

• you don’t have to post everyday, just whenever you feel like it!

And of course.. It will start on the 1st of November!

Here’s what you will have to post:

  1. Hello November
  2. Goal for this month
  3. Productivity
  4. Favourite stationery
  5. Study places
  6. Colour code you’re using
  7. Book you’re currently reading/studying
  8. Studying with music or silence?
  9. Handwriting
  10. Bujo spread of the week
  11. What kind of learner are you: visual, auditory or kinesthetic?
  12. Worst studying habit
  13. Last homework you did
  14. What’s in your bag?
  15. #studyblrgetsreal
  16. Favourite quote
  17. Your best study tip
  18. Best school memory
  19. Future goal(s)?
  20. Study snacks
  21. Bookshelf
  22. Favourite subject
  23. Handwritten or typed notes?
  24. Best tips to get motivation
  25. How do you organise yourself?
  26. Study alone or with friends?
  27. To-do list
  28. Favourite doodles (bujo or notes)
  29. Self-care tips
  30. What did you achieve this month?

Post link

1. How do you relax/destress

2. What have you learned from your parents

3. What cliche is really true

4. What’s your favorite book

5.  What helps you remember

6. Favorite study snack

7. Write a letter

8. Your favorite pun

9. Your favorite fact about space

10. Show your work

11. Fold some origami

12. Tell a story that always makes you feel better

13. Perform a  random act of kindness

14. Post a photo of your study space

15. Thank a teacher/professor

16. A bad habit that you’ve quit

17. Study outside (if the weather’s nice)

18. What you do to make studying more fun

19. Your study music

20. Something you find beautiful

21. Two truths and a lie

22. What you love about where you live

23. One fact about the Native American tribe that used to live on your land (or any tribe/indigenous people if you live outside the US)

24. One thing you’re grateful you already have

25. How do you think other people see you

26. Your handwriting

27. Your favorite thing about the internet

28. Donate/Volunteer

29. Treat yourself

30. Take the day off











Once my friend Henry was accused of wearing wireless headphones by a substitute so she said for him to hand them over so he took them off and handed them to her. Then later on she asked him a question and he didn’t respond so she said it louder and he still didn’t respond. She asked why he was not responding and he said “I can’t understand you ma'am, you took my hearing aids.”


one time we had a sub that was handing back papers and called my name. I asked if someone could grab it for me and she started mocking me for not even standing up. taunting me asking why I was not walking up to the front to get the paper myself.

my classmates went dead silent and after the sub’s laughter ended someone informed her that the wheelchair parked nearby belonged to me

My sister once had her insulin pump ripped off of her because her exam proctor (a sub) thought it was some cheating device.
He soon figured out that it was, in fact, not, when the port on her side (the place the needle goes in) started bleeding through her shirt. Her pump started beeping frantically, because that’s what it does, and it was general chaos until my sister ripped what’s basically her pancreas out of his hands, told her friend “Let the next proctor know I’ll need extra time,” and walked out of the room towards the nurse.

Literally schools are shit with disabilities. In elementary school I was having a high blood sugar reaction(cold sweats to rapid passing in and out of consciousness, vomiting and finally leading to a massive seizure before you die) and I KNEW I had to go to the nurse cuz I was getting worse. Kept telling my teach I needed to go and he kept saying no till finally I felt myself about to throw up and I’m screaming LET ME GO (i was a little kid to me i couldnt do anything in an institution without an adults say so or id basically go to hell) and the bitch said SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH AND PAY ATTENTION TO THE LESSON where I proceeded to projectile vomit all over my desk and he jut kept going on with the lesson. Finally I just booked it out of the room but I was too far gone to even REMEMBER where the nurses office was let alone where the hell I was that my class literally just left and helped me to the nurses office. I immediately went to the hospital and officially died for 5 minutes before I was revived. I could have stayed dead all because some fuck twad thought his lesson was more important than a students life

After Columbine, a local school installed metal detectors and made everyone walk through them and put their bags on a table for a teacher to search. 

A few days into the school year, a teacher ripped a boy’s insulin pump off him because she thought it was a weapon, despite he and his sister insisting it was an insulin pump and he needed it to live. 

I don’t know how many of you are still in school but I have some valuable knowledge that might actually help with this problem! In the United States there’s this thing called a 504 Plan that you can get which basically gives you legal protection from disability/chronic illness discrimination in public schools. 

Students can qualify for 504 plans if they have physical or mental impairments that affect or limit any of their abilities to: walk, breathe, eat, or sleep; communicate, see, hear, or speak; read, concentrate, think, or learn; stand, bend, lift, or work

 Examples of accommodations in 504 plans include: preferential seating, extended time on tests and assignments, reduced homework or classwork, verbal, visual, or technology aids, modified textbooks or audio-video materials, behavior management support, adjusted class schedules or grading, verbal testing, excused lateness, absence, or missed classwork

 I’m a type one diabetic and my school nurse would do stuff like keep all my meds in a locked cabinet, not let me take my insulin or test my blood sugar unless she was watching me, and lie to my mother about me inducing low blood sugars in order to get out of class. She wouldn’t even let me keep glucagon (emergency sugar injection) on my person in case I passed out from low blood sugar. 

 So one day I casually mentioned all this to my endocrinologist and she was really mad. She was really angry at the school nurse for mistreating me like that and informed me of this thing called a 504 plan. A 504 plan protects students with disabilities and chronic illnesses from discrimination by outlining exactly what a student needs to meet their special needs. For me, this meant I had to be able to keep ahold of my own meds in case of emergency and keep track of my own glucose levels, that I would never be marked late for a class if I was busy treating a low, and I could pause the clock on a standardized test to check my blood sugar and treat it. If you have a disability and you’re still attending public school, PLEASE read up on 504 plans because they saved me so much grief when I was still in school. It might help you too. Here’s some more information about 504 plans:

Passing this along. I would not have made it this far without my disability documentation in school.

Jesus fuck, everyone in school should take a look at that last bit.

I had a 504 plan and it saved me from getting expelled due to missing so much because of my health.

tumblr gallery photo
tumblr gallery photo



No, standardized tests do not keep wealthy students from dominating the college admissions process, what the fuck.

It’s been established beyond any reasonable doubt that standardize admissions tests favor students who are tutored to the test, that is to say students who can afford tutoring. There’s also a strong body of evidence that tests favor students from more affluent backgrounds, regardless of pretest preparation.

Wealthy parents will game the system no matter what but the least we can do is not create a systematically exclusionary institutional avenue by which to do it.

Come the fuck on

rich people have more resources to try and game everything but what is the alternative way that’s better? because if you’re removing the grades section then it seems like you’re putting more weight on the essay portion and on extracirriculars which seems to me way MORE in favour of rich people (or the whims of the admissions department). (also it’s nuts to me that US universities have ‘legacy admissions’ out in the open as explicitly about nepotism).

I guess you can use a lottery, but apart from that i’m not seeing it.

if you want nonstandardized tests and you still want to use grades that seems prone to having schools just inflate their own students’ grades and the schools that are being honest would be disadvantaging their students compared to the schools willing to lie.

you do at some point also have to make sure the students know enough to be able to follow what’s being taught at university right? If you don’t test it at all then you’re gonna have people coming into a maths degree who don’t know how to do basic algebra.


“It’s been established beyond any reasonable doubt that standardize admissions tests favor students who are tutored to the test, that is to say students who can afford tutoring.”

The word “favor” is carrying a lot of weight here. Rectify your names, disambiguate your words, etc.

Do students from wealthy families do better in standardized tests, on average, than students from poor families? Yes - partly because the students from wealthy families are, on average, smarter. If this is what you mean by favor, the tests are right to favor students who can afford tutoring. If this is not what you mean by favor, I do not think it’s been established what you think it’s been established.

Allow me to sketch a rough causal graph:

A causal graph. A green path leads from "Bob Senior's intelligence" via "Bob Junior's intelligence" to "Junior's test performance". A blue path leads from "Bob Senior's intelligence" via "Bob Senior's wealth" and "Tutoring for Junior" to "Junior's test performance".ALT

Color me cynical, but in my experience a lot of people will cover or deny the green boxes, and attribute their effects to the other causal path when arguing about standardized tests. This results in vastly overestimating the effect of tutoring and money.
