A payment for on insta

Really like this one

The queen

Sekkers belong to on instagram

Click for better quality

My two very old ocs, revamped

He was a MYO entry but I won him

I love

Angel furies belong to @jane.thekiller666 on instagram

* click for better quality *

This is a Tribinu! They’re not a species or anything, just a personal oc

Basically i wanted to combine Ra, my trico and a night fury

Quite proud of the result

These are entries for an Egiptian feathered night fury myo by @quaiizarr on instagram

These are an amazing species I fell in love with, and Im planning on doing a lot of entries so you’ll see Sobek a lot

For now I did some scenes and showed Sobek’s vitiligo, might do more in the future

These two are my phoenix fury and my sea Whisperer, Yien and Lotus

Phoenix furies belong to @royal.bluestar on instagram

Gonna try to post regulary here from now on, even httyd shit. Imma just post now my favs cuz i did a shit ton of posting on insta

Maybe 4 months old

I just mainly worked on finishing old wips now

He got the new outfit from a redesign raffle, I mostly used @wavewolf ’s design, and added dangly bits from @window-nv ’s entry

I really like how he looks now, and his ref sheet finally turned out good too

His ref will be posted seperatelly on @senemocija._official (instagram)

#my art    #my character    #ref sheet    #friedrich    #senemocija    #senemocija species    #senemocija oc    #senemocijas    

Friedrich Redesign contest winners:

1st place: @wavewolf

2nd place: @window-nv

3rd place: @squeiky

Please DM me to claim your prize! :D

I’m very sorry that I took so long so long to pronounce the winners- but here I am finally

#redesign contest    #winners    #friedrich    

Comission (1#) for @cosmosdream-world

To explain this since i’ve told multiple people I don’t do commisions yet here we are with one

Cosmos over here bought me a pass on Sky: Children of the light, so i’m repaying her with art. Since she did pay actual money i consider this a commission.

I also freaking love this brush, I love painting with it so much

#hollow knight    #hollow knight oc    #hk ocs    #vessel    #vessel oc    #hk vessel    #hollow knight vessel    #my art    #not my oc    

I saw some sky ppl draw their sky kids getting taken over by darkness and I got highly inspired!

This is Scarlet, she’s already blind from all the krill attacks she got in the past so i figured she’s the best to show off

Quite proud of this thing ngl


FINALLY- After what 4 days of struggling

I changed their design only a bit, added a heart nose, finally named the furry and skeleton senemocijas, new traits (with the help of @leftpancakesand@nyathecatgirl ), but this is only the basics. Later on I will go into more and more detail, like anatomy and subspecies, and their lore. When I finish that, I will go into adopts and other stuff.

Also, later on I will explain the new 5 emotions added-

Btw, this place is very dead and somehow you’re all still liking my posts

I also have a blog dedicated to senemocijas only on my instagram @senemocija._official!


Characters used in here belong to: @leftpancakes@cosmosdream-world @hoshi_is_here (instagram)

I post mostly on my insta- i think I will only start to post other stuff than HTTYD stuff here- Like senemocijas and other stuff

voyeur-wives: Susie



Thank you for the submission. That’s my favorite angle.

Sleepy time
