







“If I had time travel I’d kill Hitler” “If I had time travel I’d stop my favourite politician getting assassinated” you’re all thinking way too small. If I had time travel I’d stop Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin from dying on the moon due to Soviet sabotage, kicking off the Great Nuclear War and devastating half of the planet.

Good Job.

#this post gets me every time 

It’s from two days ago fam how many times could there have been

#this didn’t actually happen which is why it’s funny 

It didn’t happen TO YOU

(sigh) Welcome to the Real Multiverse. Mind the (causal) Gaps.

Have you posted your complaints on the forum?

[Context, fantastic short story]


FINALLY- After what 4 days of struggling

I changed their design only a bit, added a heart nose, finally named the furry and skeleton senemocijas, new traits (with the help of @leftpancakesand@nyathecatgirl ), but this is only the basics. Later on I will go into more and more detail, like anatomy and subspecies, and their lore. When I finish that, I will go into adopts and other stuff.

Also, later on I will explain the new 5 emotions added-

Btw, this place is very dead and somehow you’re all still liking my posts

I also have a blog dedicated to senemocijas only on my instagram @senemocija._official!


Characters used in here belong to: @leftpancakes@cosmosdream-world @hoshi_is_here (instagram)



FINALLY- After what 4 days of struggling

I changed their design only a bit, added a heart nose, finally named the furry and skeleton senemocijas, new traits (with the help of @leftpancakesand@nyathecatgirl ), but this is only the basics. Later on I will go into more and more detail, like anatomy and subspecies, and their lore. When I finish that, I will go into adopts and other stuff.

Also, later on I will explain the new 5 emotions added-

Btw, this place is very dead and somehow you’re all still liking my posts

I also have a blog dedicated to senemocijas only on my instagram @senemocija._official!


Characters used in here belong to: @leftpancakes@cosmosdream-world @hoshi_is_here (instagram)


Random new traits, I really liked these ideas so I made em official. The feathered tail was supposed to be uncommon but I figured as much that senemocijas having feathers can be common even when they can’t fly

Hey, did you know that senemocijas have their own blog? Over on instagram @senemocija._official I post all of my senemocija related content seperatelly

manhattanrf: catlogicdefiesall:kittiesatemypronouns:abigaildonaldson:The poor models at Louis manhattanrf: catlogicdefiesall:kittiesatemypronouns:abigaildonaldson:The poor models at Louis manhattanrf: catlogicdefiesall:kittiesatemypronouns:abigaildonaldson:The poor models at Louis manhattanrf: catlogicdefiesall:kittiesatemypronouns:abigaildonaldson:The poor models at Louis





The poor models at Louis Vuitton.

Update (07/11/14): This blew up and there were a lot of comments on the post and people messaging me to ask what happened. Since I’m not a runway model, I decided to ask one. I asked Kayley Chabot (whose résumé includes more than 100 shows in the four fashion capitals) if she had ever had to deal with uncomfortable shoes during fashion month, and here’s what she told me:

“The shoes are undoubtedly the worst part of fashion month. I’ve gone down the runway as my feet have been bleeding and torn apart from ridiculously small shoes. Almost every show I’ve ever done, the shoes have been much too small, either cutting off circulation and molding your foot to the shoe, or blisters and blood everywhere. Generally at the end of fashion month, I don’t recognize my own feet. They’re covered in blisters, cuts, everything. So yes, all of our feet look like that by the end of the month! (If a girl’s eyes look rather glossy during a show, she’s probably holding back tears.)”

So there you have it. Runway modeling may seem like a walk in the park, but it sounds like it can be a pretty excruciating, blister-filled walk.

A couple of these look like sprained ankles that they still have to walk on (upper and lower right).

Everything about those photos is horrible.

it’s not just the models suffering. these are the shoes these companies are going to sell to women to wear to work, parties, dates, shows, etc

Fucking horror, and an accident waiting to happen. I admit, I did wear high heels when younger and stupider. From the many pairs I owned one was actually comfortable. I wore them to work, because I could then tower over my very short boss.
I’m most definitely NOT wearing heels for 10+ years, my feet are happy. Please don’t torture yourself, no fucking “sexy look” is worth it.

Ah yes the practice of foot binding was so horrific, wasn’t it.

Post link
ginger-ale-official:okaybutch:Ohio Republicans Declare Motherhood Necessary and Want to Make it ginger-ale-official:okaybutch:Ohio Republicans Declare Motherhood Necessary and Want to Make it



Ohio Republicans Declare Motherhood Necessary and Want to Make it Mandatory 11/21/18 

Ohio Law Could Make Abortion Punishable by Death Penalty 11/20/18

Ohio House Passes Bill to Criminalize Abortions Of Fetuses with a Heartbeat (6 weeks!) 11/16/18

Depending on who you ask, the heartbeat bill is no joke. Gov. Kasich vetoed a similar measure in 2016 but now the republican senate has enough majority to potentially overturn a veto. Many republican lawmakers are hoping to use ohio to bring abortion back to the federal supreme court and overturn Roe v Wade. This is all in the last article I linked from the New York Times btw

So if the first article sounds too clickbait-y for you just know that ohio is actually proposing, and has a good chance of passing strict anti-abortion laws  

I am going to rip ohio apart with my bear hands

Post link