damucochan:° Happy Birthday Mahiru Shirota!  OMG, this is so precious!!!♥♥♥Amazing, Damu!!!damucochan:° Happy Birthday Mahiru Shirota!  OMG, this is so precious!!!♥♥♥Amazing, Damu!!!damucochan:° Happy Birthday Mahiru Shirota!  OMG, this is so precious!!!♥♥♥Amazing, Damu!!!damucochan:° Happy Birthday Mahiru Shirota!  OMG, this is so precious!!!♥♥♥Amazing, Damu!!!


° Happy Birthday Mahiru Shirota! 

OMG, this is so precious!!!♥♥♥
Amazing, Damu!!!

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Happy Birthday Hyde!

Happy Birthday Hyde!

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Heya folks! This chapter is finally done! Due to some problems and hot weather in which I cannot function properly, it took a while to get this done.


NOTES: Hoo-wee, it sure took a lot for some phrases which I hope that I understood well enough.

Alright, so the first note is about the names that Lawless lists (now we know that Ophelia was his fifth Eve, and as we have seen, she was the dearest to him, notice how there are ellipses, indicating that he paused before he said her name (poor Hyde ;;) and does the same for Licht.

It’s interesting to note that Hyde apparently had other Eves of Japanese origin (Sayoko being the most evident), but the other names such as “May” could have also been “Mei”(メイ). Written in katakana like this, it could be either spelling. There was also カンナ which could be the Japanese “Kanna”,  but it could be Cana/Canna from what I could find.

Thus, Hyde could have had more Eves with Japanese origin (besides Sayoko), which makes us wonder if he travelled in Japan in the past and thus this isn’t his first time in the country, or if he met those Eves in other countries.

Some of the other names there are in reference to the characters from Shakespeare’s plays: Caesar (The Tragedy of Julius Caesar), Horatio(Hamlet),Edmund(King Lear). Edmund was also the name of William Shakespeare’s brother and we also have the name Anne, which could be from Anne Hathaway, William’s wife.

As for the other names such as Liza and Eliza, both are in relation to Elizabeth, which made think of Queen Elizabeth.
I’ve written “Milla” based on a character that I like which has the same spelling, but it can also be “Mira”.
And before Licht, Hyde’s Eve was an actress, right? So, I guess her name was Iris.

-On page 4, gosh it was a bit difficult to understand what Ildio says there at the end. I kinda felt that when he said ‘that there’s no meaning’, perhaps he didn’t care much about his Eves (maybe he didn’t get attached, in contrast, to Lawless, which we saw to be devastated after Ophelia’s death), because in the end the Eves die before the Servamps.

-Regarding Iori’s spell (its theme is keys and hotels xD), there is a line that could be interpreted differently “King! To you, words are not needed”<-In this line here, instead of the “to”, the word “from” could be another option.

Friend!To me, you are not needed!”<-Since the speaker was addressing to a ‘friend’, the word was in relation to the word “anata” (you), which was actually the furigana reading for the word ‘heart’, thus the line can be read as “Heart, to me, you are not needed!”

“Tinplatehotel”, again another reading here, the furigana says ‘hotel’ while the kanji reads ‘grave’.

Sleeping maidens”. Here, I think it might be a possible allusion to the novel “The House of Sleeping Beauties” by Yasunari Kawabata. That line in the spell sounded similar to the novel’s title and it could be a reference, given that the theme is hotels and the novel is about an establishment as well.

“The master key is my axe.” The first thing that came to my mind because it said ‘axe’ and it’s about hotels, I thought of that scene from “The Shining” xD

“Room 606″ I thought I would find something related to an urban legend or something in a novel/movie, but what I’ve found is something that is actually related to a real hotel, which you can read about here

(Tanaka really used a lot of references involving hotels xD For the first lines, I think those were made up by sensei, cause I did not find a reference for them)

Hope you have found these notes interesting!

#servamp    #chapter 84    #my translation    
Happy Birthday Doudou!

Happy Birthday Doudou!

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damucochan:♡ Happy 8th anniversary ♡


♡ Happy 8th anniversary ♡

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#servamp    #kuroshitsuji    #shirota mahiru    #sloth pair    #kuromahi    
Eight years of Servamp! Congratulations!I’ve been in the fandom for 3 years now, and I’m loving it sEight years of Servamp! Congratulations!I’ve been in the fandom for 3 years now, and I’m loving it s

Eight years of Servamp! Congratulations!
I’ve been in the fandom for 3 years now, and I’m loving it so much♥
I’m also grateful for the friends I made in this fandom and thankful for your support since I started translating the manga, with the help of some you here. You have my gratitude!♥

Let’s see what awaits for us in this chapter titled “God of Thunder”!

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