



I got to meet Misha today at SPN Chicago! It was brief, only got to say hi and thank you. But he was so sweet and made me feel very comfortable, so I wasn’t as nervous as I thought I would be. Best part: he smiled and winked at me!

Next year I’ll definitely get a photo op

I almost forgot, this stunning art was done by @sketching-fox! Thank you again for making something so beautiful

THank you so much for share this!!!
Im not crying… T____T


Castiel update part II


look i call myself queer for a couple of reasons, not all immediately obvious to the “queer is a slur” crowd.

like there’s the immediate implication of this does not require me to explain my labels to you, but also the secondary implication of my existence as a radical statement. when queer people started calling themselves queer, it was an act of public defiance and rebellion.

queer says I don’t need to justify myself to you or anyone, queer says I exist and I won’t shut up about it, queer says we are a community and you cannot draw arbitrary dividing lines between us. queer is a good word for queer people.

when I find people who call themselves queer, I know they are the ones who won’t try to say anyone doesn’t belong in our community, that they will defend gay rights with trans rights, that they will stand up against the oppression that we all face, even if it doesn’t affect them directly.

so yeah, i love being queer, calling myself queer, talking about the queer community, queer studies and queer theory and queer history. and I’m not going to stop because some of you think it’s a slur.

#lgbtqia    #text post    #happy pride    #all of it for q    
tumblr gallery photo


Oh hai

* cute chirrups *

#cuteness    #happy tag    #brrrpp    #all of it for q    
alchemistsattic:The finished Moon dice! I always love gold foil and iridescent flakes together; I shalchemistsattic:The finished Moon dice! I always love gold foil and iridescent flakes together; I sh


The finished Moon dice! I always love gold foil and iridescent flakes together; I should use them more often :)

Post link
#nature    #photography    #wisteria    #all of it for q    


lgbtq starry night subtle pride desktop wallpapers / blog headers

lesbian | gay/mlm

bi | trans

lgbtq/gay | pan

ace | aro

aroace | nonbinary

please rb if saving!

free for personal use (pls give credit if using as a blog header! :) )

if you like these, consider buying me a coffee!<3

more here

#lovely    #lgbtqia    #night sky    #happy pride    #all of it for q    


Obsessed w/ the idea of Vila being vegetarian. Like hell yeah you little scrunkly man! Eat vegetables!


5th of the month, time for a redraw


actually queer people can do all 7 sins this month, not just pride

#hahahahaha    #yes we can    #lgbtqia    #happy pride    #all of it for q    
diminuel:One last look.-I saw this post by @knifelesbianjo about Dean and Cas turning back to look a


One last look.


I saw this postby@knifelesbianjo about Dean and Cas turning back to look at each other one last time and got unreasonablyemotional about it. And this scene with Cas, in front of the portal to Purgatory gets me every time. (Of course, hurt!Cas scenes are my weakness.)

I thought there was no way I could draw this but somehow it worked?

Post link


Yi qi commission

tumblr gallery phototumblr gallery photo