#007 fest



Q Bakes

Q enjoys baking in general, it’s edible chemistry. It’s also Q’s favorite stress buster - it’s productive and he can choose more or less difficult recipes as his mood dictates. The more stressed he is, the more difficult the recipes become. The greater difficulty forces him to focus on the recipe, instead of whatever’s causing him stress. He’ll also take simple recipes and make them more difficult by adding elaborate decorations and finishes to them. Pies are one of his favorites to give this treatment to and his favorite pie is blueberry (blueberry earl grey, that is).

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For Recipe Jam June, here’s my recipe for a tea infused pie from last Fest. Enjoy, @mi6caferecipes.

ato-the-bean:But now it’s time for Who’s coming along for the ride?!?Click >>HERE<< if y


But now it’s time for 


Who’s coming along for the ride?!?


Click >>HERE<< if you want to find out more about the Fest

Join a team!  Whether you’ve done Fest a bunch of times or are out on your first mission, you’ll have a blast!

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All my works from 007 fest! I had a bast this month, thank you everyone for an amazing games this year!

31 Days of Prompts:

  • Day 1 You don’t know how to dance? Come on, I’ll teach you.”
  • Day2Your boyfriend is standing outside in the rain like one of those cheesy romance films.”
  • Day 3 You look beautiful. More than usual, I mean.”
  • Day 4 I push you away because it’s all I know how to do!”
  • Day 5 Your fatal flaw is loving a man like me. It’ll get you killed someday.”
  • Day 6 I’ve stood in hell and stared Satan in the eye. But frankly, you scare me when you’re angry.”
  • Day 8 “You can’t tape a broken heart back together with whiskey, you know.”
  • Day 9 “You promised you’d still love me when you came back.”
  • Day 10 “I’m not always going to be here waiting for you.”
  • Day 13 “So… how are you brothers?!?!”
  • Day 14 “I… I missed you. So much.”
  • Day 17 “Where the fuck are my underwear?” (comic)
  • Day 23 “You look good enough to eat.”
  • Day 30 “Stop hogging all the blankets”

Rare pairs:


“Stop hogging all the blankets”30/31 007 Fest Prompt list One last piece before July ends!

“Stop hogging all the blankets”

30/31007 Fest Prompt list

One last piece before July ends!

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“So… how are you brothers?!?!”13/31 007 Fest Prompt list

“So… how are you brothers?!?!”

13/31007 Fest Prompt list

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00Q cuddle sketch compilation00Q cuddle sketch compilation

00Q cuddle sketch compilation

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“You look good enough to eat.”23/31 007 Fest Prompt list

“You look good enough to eat.”

23/31007 Fest Prompt list

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 “I… I missed you. So much.” 14/31 007 Fest Prompt List

“I… I missed you. So much.”

14/31007 Fest Prompt List

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“Where the fuck are my underwear?”17/31 007 Fest Prompt listI’m really enjoying fluff week if you co“Where the fuck are my underwear?”17/31 007 Fest Prompt listI’m really enjoying fluff week if you co

“Where the fuck are my underwear?”

17/31 007 Fest Prompt list

I’m really enjoying fluff week if you couldn’t tell.

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“I’m not always going to be here waiting for you.”10/31 007 Fest Prompt list

“I’m not always going to be here waiting for you.”

10/31007 Fest Prompt list

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“You can’t tape a broken heart back together with whiskey, you know.”8/31 007 Fest Prompt List“You can’t tape a broken heart back together with whiskey, you know.”8/31 007 Fest Prompt List

“You can’t tape a broken heart back together with whiskey, you know.”

8/31007 Fest Prompt List

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“You promised you’d still love me when you came back.”9/31 007 Fest Prompt listseemed appropriate

“You promised you’d still love me when you came back.”

9/31007 Fest Prompt list

seemed appropriate for fluff week

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Hmmm so pretty early on in the fest I fell behind on my 31 day prompt fills. At this point, I doubt I’ll be able to fill all of them but hey, I have 7 more days of 007 fest, I’m gonna make them count. I was trying to keep them chronological but at this point, I’ll just be filling as many as I can. Wish me luck!
