

Person A: “So, what are youin for, pipsqueak? Shoplifting from the toy store? Saying a bad word in front of a police officer?“

Person B: “I tortured and killed my parents, then burned down the building they were in, alongside several of their unconscious lackeys.”

Person A: “….oh.”

Person A: “Happy birthday! Is there anything you want as a gift?”

Person B: “Oh, thank you, but no, spending time with you is more than enough. Honestly, I’m just glad you didn’t dump another surprise party on me this year.”

Person A: “Of course, no surprise party this year! Just you and me all by ourselves!…. On an unrelated note, lets eat dinner out tonight, my treat!”

Person A: “You killed them, didn’t you?”

Person B: “I did…. Are you not going to ask why?”

Person A: “….I’m pretty sure I already know.”

Person A: “what…. what’s happening?”

Person B: “Shhh sweetie, don’t worry, everything’s going to be ok…. just…. keep your eyes closed for me, ok?”

Person A: “Did you block my number again?”

Person B: “I wouldn’t have to if you didn’t keep sending me random emojis every few minutes, while I was trying to fucking sleep.”

Person A: “Forgive me for speaking out of turn, but I fail to understand the reasoning behind your actions… you could have avoided allof this…”

Person B: “Not without risking your lives, and despite what you all seem to think, that has neverbeen, and never willbe, an acceptable option.”

Prompt 162

“Are you leaving me? Again? After all you’ve done, all you’ve said, this’ll always be your choice, huh?”

Villain paused, back turned to Hero. “Yeah,” they croaked out.

And Hero was alone once more.

Prompt 161

“So much for the golden boy act.”

“An act,” Hero repeated, “and actors can always shed their second skin.”

Prompt 158

“It’s cute that they think they can run. Isn’t it cute?” Villain turned towards Supervillain, who smiled back.

“It’s cute.”

Prompt 157

“Our relationship can’t really be defined in such a clear-cut way. We’re not quite friends, not quite rivals, not quite enemies.” Hero breathes a laugh, “there’s quite a lot of not quite’s when it comes to us.”

“What Hero means to say is we’re the physical embodiment of the enemies-to-lovers trope.”

Hero’s head snaps up at that, “wha-“

“Don’t worry,” Villain leans in to whisper in Reporter’s ear, “we’re still in the mutual pining stage.”


Prompt 156

“Villain, answer me before I count to three. Why do you look like a walking corpse? And no, I don’t mean that in a good way.” Hero stood, arms crossed like a stern parent.

“What do you care? And in what way can a corp- ugh never mind,” they shook their head as if that could throw off the fatigue.

“Taking naps increases your chances of dying or something, alright? I don’t know. And it’s not like you make sleeping at night any easier,” Villain muttered.

“…And passing out from exhaustion is better, how exactly?”

Prompt 156

“Villain, answer me before I count to three. Why do you look like a walking corpse? And no, I don’t mean that in a good way.” Hero stood, arms crossed like a stern parent.

“What do you care? And in what way can a corp- ugh never mind,” they shook their head as if that could throw off the fatigue.

“Taking naps increases your chances of dying or something, alright? I don’t know. And it’s not like you make sleeping at night any easier,” Villain muttered.

“…And passing out from exhaustion is better, how exactly?”

Prompt 155

“Admit it, you love my evil laugh.”

Hero whirled around to see Villain striding towards them. They raised an eyebrow. “Love is a strong word.”

Villain let out the most monotonous laugh physically imaginable, all the while smirking down at them. “Don’t worry, darling, I have all the time in the world. Take your time to confess, I love when they’re shy.”

They winced, more at the second-hand embarrassment than anything. Stars, did they really just hear a hardy har har come out of Villain’s mouth? “And evidently the wrong one.”

“I’m not killing you because I want vengeance. I’m killing you because I can.”

“Okay so maybe this wasn’t the brightest of ideas”

“Sure it was. Explosions and fire everywhere.”

i saw this post and now i’m obsessed with the “humans are space orcs” and it got me thinking about Thor and Peter

he first met the omega after Loki’s armies officially took New York – the boy was a gift and he grew up in a human encampment not far from where the initial point of entry was. He’d been gifted the little thing after his sixteenth summer. His name was Peter, and he was a skittish little thing and it was always something random that took his interest.

Once, Thor had come back with a treat for his pet, a small animal that tasted delicious after being slowly roasted– and the thing had dared to cry, insisting that Thor was a monster, and the small creature was too cute to eat. Even punishing him hadn’t changed his stance, so eventually, Thor stopped showing him where the meat at their table came from. That wasn’t all though, when nesting his pet was never satisfied with plush, extravagant furs, rather he combined them with Thor’s used clothing and came up with a nest that had a scent strong enough to send others running.

At first he’d thought it was due to the new environment since human omegas were so fragile, but the strongly scented nests were a common thing. Even while not in heat, the omega would often request that they fuck in the nest, “to make sure your scent is strong alpha.”

And the boy insisted on touching everything, from random creatures to centuries-old artifacts. If Peter wanted to touch it, he would. Usually, a sharp smack to his ass or hand was enough to deter him, but nothing Thor could do or say was permanent. Once, while visiting a diplomat’s house, the boy had even tried to pet one of his guard dogs. Dinner was an awkward affair after that, and the only good thing was Thor had been able to wait to buy him a dog until after the redness in Peter’s ass faded.



SIM Tony used one of those databases to find his soulmate, and after years of searching a hit finally came up. But, the boy was young and he didn’t have the patience for a newborn. So he waited, and when Mary and Richard Parker died suddenly, he took his chance.

It helped that “Mr. Superior, where are we going?” sounded sweeter on his soulmate’s lips than anything he’d ever heard before

Friend. FRIEND.

Peter had been devastated when his parents died. Not that he didn’t love his aunt and uncle, but there was a hole in his heart that felt like it couldn’t be filled and he was just sad all the time. The therapist his aunt had taken him to said that it was normal. That he would feel better in time. But Peter didn’t feel like it was going away as he stood in front of his parents graves. There had been no bodies to bury, so it was just names on a stone but it was all Peter had.

Tony had been out of country when it happened dealing with a sensitive matter so it’s been 3 weeks since his soulmate’s parents died. A quick check shows the therapist visit and the diagnosis of possible depression triggered by grief but the only treatment was time. That wouldn’t do.

Soulmate bonds were said to cure or at least lessen numerous mental health disorders, so clearly the best thing to do is take custody of his little mate. The aunt and uncle are inconvenient but he tries to play nice. Explains who he is and what he intends to do. Promises they can see Peter as long as they don’t try to keep the boy from him.

They argue with him though. Tell him to stay away from Peter as if they could somehow stop him. It’s a simple matter to fake a car accident which makes him the next of kin automatically. Peter is late coming home so Tony fixes in on the drone that is assigned to Peter and flies to it, finding his boy sitting at the grave of his parents.

“Peter,” Tony said softly, trying not to startle the boy. “It’s time to go, Peter.”

The boy looked at him, confused. “Mr. Stark?”

“Come, Peter. It’s time to go,” Tony said again.

“But, what about my Aunt May and Uncle Ben?” Peter asked, clearly uncertain about the whole situation.

“I’m sorry, Tesoro. They were killed in a hit and run,” Tony said, projecting a false sympathy. Then he started folding back the sleeves of his shirt, revealing a mark and showing it to Peter. “As your soulmate, that makes me your next of kin.”

Peter’s face crumpled and had he been standing, Tony suspected he would have fallen. The older man walked swiftly to the boy and picked him up, holding him in a tight hug and kissing the top of his head.

“I’m so sorry Tesoro. I know they must have been important to you but you have me now, and I promise I won’t ever leave you alone.”

Peter clings to Tony as the man flies them carefully back to his penthouse in Stark Tower. It was a beacon to the world, one meant to lead the way and represent hope. But it was coming to represent power too, as Tony forced the people to join him in the future in his terms.

Peter knew nothing of his behind the scene workings though, and the boy was just grateful to not be alone. For months after, Peter refused to leave his side, going so far as to sleep in Tony’s bed because he was too terrified otherwise. But eventually things settled down and he moved into his own room.

Tony insisted he still do school but allowed Peter to be tutored privately so it wasn’t unusual to see him sitting at a small child’s desk in Tony’s office or lab while they both worked. It was endearing, and also made it safer. Everyone knew Tony would allow no physical or mental harm to come to his tiny soul mate, so if you had less than favorable news, you prayed Peter was around.

As Peter got older, Tony waited and watched. Their soul bond drew them closer together and it wasn’t long before he had a lap full of a cute Twink who still looked at him like he hung the moon. Tony made him wait though, insisting that Peter be legal so no one could accuse either one of them of doing something untoward. Peter pouted but he always bowed to Tony’s will, and that hasn’t changed as he got older.

When Tony finally claimed his throne, it was with Peter at his side, his gentle queen.

When Peter had first arrived, he was a quiet little thing and he clung to Tony like the man was a walking security blanket. Most nights he could be found either in Tony’s bed or curled in his lap while he was in a meeting, playing on a tablet, or just dozing.

Years later, when Peter grew old enough to stay awake throughout the meetings he’d always have a tablet with him, though Tony would occasionally stop and ask him questions – one time he’d even shot a man because Peter said he was acting funny.

Then, after he turned 18, it was like an invisible switch had been flipped. Tony would keep a hand between his boy’s legs the entire time, most nights languidly opening him up before seating him on his cock for the rest of the meeting.

Times like those were common, and it became common to walk in on the boss and his boy, the men were forced to get used to it. The only time one person had commented, Peter had taken the gun from Tony’s holster and shot him with a flawless aim.

SIM Tony used one of those databases to find his soulmate, and after years of searching a hit finally came up. But, the boy was young and he didn’t have the patience for a newborn. So he waited, and when Mary and Richard Parker died suddenly, he took his chance.

It helped that “Mr. Superior, where are we going?” sounded sweeter on his soulmate’s lips than anything he’d ever heard before
