#1000 followers celebration


I am finishing the 1000 followers celebration earlier than I had hoped.

I haven’t had the time lately to write properly, and though I know you say you don’t mind, I can’t help but feel bad. Therefor, I am stopping my celebration and will resort to my earlier way of writing.

The requests in my inbox will still be written, but they can take much longer, to the point where you might forget you’ve sent it. I will simply treat it as an idea, and not a fic that needs to be written right away. I am sorry if you were truly looking forward to it; just know, I will be writing it eventually, but there is no more pressure to publish it right away.

There is also a lot of delay in my Starcrossed Losers fic because of this. I have decided to publish a new chapter every Sunday 19:30 CET starting tomorrow! The new chapter isn’t yet fully written, but I will try to publish it tomorrow as a gift.

hello everypony! thank you all so much for your requests and support! this blog was a dream for its founders, and it’s amazing watching it come true before our eyes. the goal of our blog is to spread positivity and create joyful art in the world, and beyond that the numbers don’t really matter, but it still means a lot to be here on all your dashes. we appreciate each and every one of you and hope your day is a little brighter and your burdens a little lighter, from one equine to another!

much love from us to you everypony!!! thank you for everything and were looking forward to whats to come!!

-all of us at anyponyrequests :)

(psst, we actually surpassed 1k before this post so thank you all so much for the continued support!! we were just a little late in posting it :’) we actually hit 1k at 4/29/2022 at 5:44 am edt!!<3)
