#requests closed


I am finishing the 1000 followers celebration earlier than I had hoped.

I haven’t had the time lately to write properly, and though I know you say you don’t mind, I can’t help but feel bad. Therefor, I am stopping my celebration and will resort to my earlier way of writing.

The requests in my inbox will still be written, but they can take much longer, to the point where you might forget you’ve sent it. I will simply treat it as an idea, and not a fic that needs to be written right away. I am sorry if you were truly looking forward to it; just know, I will be writing it eventually, but there is no more pressure to publish it right away.

There is also a lot of delay in my Starcrossed Losers fic because of this. I have decided to publish a new chapter every Sunday 19:30 CET starting tomorrow! The new chapter isn’t yet fully written, but I will try to publish it tomorrow as a gift.

More requests finished from clients.I’m actually sick right now so I’m just going to uploaded the laMore requests finished from clients.I’m actually sick right now so I’m just going to uploaded the laMore requests finished from clients.I’m actually sick right now so I’m just going to uploaded the laMore requests finished from clients.I’m actually sick right now so I’m just going to uploaded the laMore requests finished from clients.I’m actually sick right now so I’m just going to uploaded the laMore requests finished from clients.I’m actually sick right now so I’m just going to uploaded the la

More requests finished from clients.

I’m actually sick right now so I’m just going to uploaded the last of my requests and then go on a break until I’m better. If you submitted a request previously I apologize for the delay. I hopefully will begin work again next week.

These icons are for sale as physical buttons in my shop.

Please do not repost or claim as your own. Please credit if used.

My requests are closed.

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More requests for clients I just finished.I’m so happy someone finally asked for Punchy! He’s my favMore requests for clients I just finished.I’m so happy someone finally asked for Punchy! He’s my favMore requests for clients I just finished.I’m so happy someone finally asked for Punchy! He’s my favMore requests for clients I just finished.I’m so happy someone finally asked for Punchy! He’s my favMore requests for clients I just finished.I’m so happy someone finally asked for Punchy! He’s my favMore requests for clients I just finished.I’m so happy someone finally asked for Punchy! He’s my fav

More requests for clients I just finished.
I’m so happy someone finally asked for Punchy! He’s my favorite besides Bob!

Please do not repost or claim as your own. Please credit if used. 

Requests currently closed as I work through a long list. These icons are also for sale as physical buttons in my shop.

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More requests from clients I recently did. They have all been uploaded to the google drive master foMore requests from clients I recently did. They have all been uploaded to the google drive master foMore requests from clients I recently did. They have all been uploaded to the google drive master foMore requests from clients I recently did. They have all been uploaded to the google drive master foMore requests from clients I recently did. They have all been uploaded to the google drive master foMore requests from clients I recently did. They have all been uploaded to the google drive master fo

More requests from clients I recently did. 

They have all been uploaded to the google drive master folder and the icons are available for sale as physical buttons.

Requests are currently closed as I work on my long list. Please do not respost, or claim as your own. Please credit if used.

Post link

★ Perfect Date

Ruggie Bucchi x GN!Reader

Reader will be referred to as MC.

Genre: Fluff oneshot

Summary: Ruggie and MC are cleaning Leona’s room together, and yet still count it as a “date”.

WARNING// I didn’t proof read this. That’s the only warning.

── ・ 。☆*☽*☆゚.──── ・ 。☆*☽*☆゚.──

“I don’t ask for much! The least he could do is say thank you!” Ruggie had a little melt down as both him and his s/o, MC, cleaned Leona’s room.

MC folded the housewarden’s clothes whereas the heyena boy sweeped the floor below. Dust flew everywhere as the bristles of the broom brushed across the ground. “Honestly. This place is a mess! Filthy!!”

“Perhaps he purposely makes it messy to spite you?” “He better not be doing that because I swear….”

The human chuckled softly at their boyfriend’s reaction at the adult man. They watched as his ear flicked at the dust touching it. “I feel like I may end up graduating before him at this rate. He’s 20 years old and still in high school!”

Leona wasn’t the best housewarden, but he definitely isn’t the worst…. A lot of the students at NRC consider Riddle to be the worst with his strict and mean attitude.

“You’re so sweet, Ruggie….” “I am?” “Mhm. You’ll make the perfect husband one day.”

MC turned to see the sophomore’s ears straightened and his tail wagging. His tanned light-skin face was flushed with a soft red. The teen looked down at his feet and poured while saying, “Yeah…. Well…. I’m sure you’ll make a wonderful spouse as well….” “Really? How so?”

Ruggie stopped sweeping for a moment to think. He sucked at his teeth to look up at his head, almost like he was trying to talk to his brain. “Well you’re a good listener. You’re sweet, caring, and you’ve saved all our butts maybe once or twice. You’re someone to look up to and I really like that..”

It was MC’s turn to blush now, stopping what they were doing to look at their boyfriend with wide eyes. When Ruggie saw their reaction to his words, he gave a toothy grin. “That’s in my eyes at least. You’re just… Perfect….” He went back to “his” chore, almost acting as if that didn’t happen.

They finally finished cleaning Leona’s room, knowing it’ll be messy again in less than a week. MC sighed before stretching their arms. “Well this date was half decent.”

“Date?! You considered this a date?” Ruggie flinched at MC’s words, turning to look at them. They had that soft smile that he was so familiar with. It felt like he was falling in love again.

With a close-eyed smile, MC said, “Well of course. Anywhere by your side I’d consider a date. Whether that’s at school or doing work around the dorm. I just need you next to me.”

Ruggie didn’t know what to say.

He will admit, their first official meeting wasn’t the greatest. They caught him in the act of ruining the Magift Tournament and they were instant enemies. Back then, he would’ve never have seen himself end up dating the person that once hated him.

Well…. MC didn’t hate him. Just was more disappointed in his actions. But they’re all fine now.

Once again, his tail started wagging. He couldn’t help but leap into his s/o’s arms with joy at their words. They laughed for a moment, only to have the moment ruined by a gruff voice saying, “Move it, lovebirds…”

They both separated to step aside and out of the way for the tall man to walk past. Leona then flopped on his bed and immediately got comfortable. MC grabbed Ruggie’s hand and pulled him away with a goofy grin on their face.

The boy tripped over his own feet for a moment out of surprise, but picked himself up and walked at the same pace as them. “Let’s get some donuts for you. Okay, Ruggie?” They turned back to show another smile of their’s to their boyfriend. Both teens gripped on to each other’s hands tighter almost afraid that the other was going to let go.

Yeah. It didn’t matter where they were in that twisted wonderland…. They needed each other. That was something both of them knew for a fact.

── ・ 。☆*☽*☆゚.──── ・ 。☆*☽*☆゚.──

I rise again from the dead to bring this wonderful Ruggie x Reader, requested by my good friend. Yes. It’s fluffy. I hope it is to your liking, my friend.

Yes. This was a request from my friend. I will only be taking requests from my friends, I’m sorry. It’s only to calm myself down. Thank you.

I may end up dying again. Who knows.


Thanks for all the requests you guys have sent in! We are closing requests for a bit to have time to work on the ones already in the inbox.

Asks will still be open if you have questions, but please do not submit any requests until they are open again! (When they open we will make a post and update the description and ask box message)

Thank you and I hope you’ll like all the boards we’re working on!


Prompts/Requests Now closed!

THANK YOU to everyone who sent through your prompts/requests etc!

I will be making my way through them gradually! They have all been very different but equally brilliant, fun and inspiring!

Please bear with me while I get through them

Jess x

A/n: So I’m going to close my requests for a bit because I have exams in 2 weeks and I’ve already got lots of fabulous requests to work on :). Anyway here’s part 3 and I’m actually edging in to working a request into this. Hope you enjoy. The link to my taglist will be at the end if you want to stay tuned for part 4.

Word count:2,015


Part 1|Part 2

Masterlist|Prompt List|Requests closed

2 hours and a trip to the flower store later, Fred stood confidently waiting outside of Y/n’s address. He went over the plan in his head for the date. Go for drinks and maybe catch one of those muggle movies that Y/n always seemed to speak about. He took a deep breath and reached out his fist to knock on the door, but someone beat him to it.

The door opened quickly, and Y/n hurried out, a scene of chaos sounding behind her.

“Hi.” She panted as she leaned against the door as if ensuring it was closed. Fred smiled but his eyebrows furrowed with confusion. “Sorry family is a bit hectic today. Well, every day.” She corrected, blowing a strand piece of hair from her face. Fred nodded knowing the feeling of a crazy family, but he was usually the cause of the craziness, so he couldn’t relate too much. “Aw Fred are those for me?”

Y/n’s eyes drifted to the bouquet in Fred’s slightly sweaty hands. Fred nodded with a smile as he took the moment to appreciate how gorgeous his date looked. Y/n’s hair was styled up and she wore a dress that was not too casual nor too formal, it fit her perfectly and Fred’s eyes may have lingered a little too long on it.

“Um Fred?” Y/n bent down so Fred’s eyes would meet hers and as he realised he’d been staring at her body, he stammered and apologised. “It’s okay. I didn’t fit into this dress for it to not be appreciated.” She winked, and Fred’s throat ran dry, he admired her boldness. But Y/n’s coy expression soon turned to deep thought as she looked at the flowers. “Um, I’ll be right back. Just got to put these in a vase.” She gestured with the flowers, her smile still glowing even though she looked more distressed at re-entering the house. She took a deep exaggerated breath and opened the door.

Fred tried to see inside as a loud scream sounded followed by laughter. A woman was yelling after a crash sounded. Fred almost felt guilt for his own family, knowing that him and George had been just as mischievous if not more so than the boys who ran past the window before pressing their faces against it to better see outside. Fred shuffled his feet as they realised they were watching him.

“Oi you two!”

The two young boys turned sharply around, and Fred could just see Y/n standing behind them, her hands on her hips. The boys quickly ran from the window as Y/n reappeared at the door, looking slightly dishevelled.

“Sorry.” Y/n fixed her hair up with an apologetic grimace. Fred just laughed.


“Yeah. They’re little – monsters.” Y/n saved herself from swearing with a smirk as she went to close the door, presumably before her brothers could run outside but just before it swung shut, a woman’s voice yelled from upstairs.

“Y/n? Who’s at the door?”

“No one Mum, just a friend.” Y/n yelled back, quickly shutting the door before more questions could be yelled. “Sorry, it’s just if I told her you were my date, we’d never get out of here.” Y/n laughed but Fred could tell she was serious.

“Don’t apologise, I know what having a big family is like and having a Mum that wants to know the details of your life.” Fred noted, his smirk never fading as Y/n’s own rose on her lips. “Shall we get going?” Fred held out his hand for Y/n to take which she happily did. They made their way down to their date location, their hands swinging between them as they discussed the ups and downs of families. Fred was careful on what he said, if he said one thing such as the fact that they didn’t need to argue over dishes because magic did all the chores then he would be screwed, and Y/n would be nothing but confused. 

At the same time, Fred tried his best to act as any muggle would which whilst wasn’t difficult, he felt as if it was. He felt like he was tiptoeing on each and every subject, scared that something would trick him out. What was worse was that Y/n seemed to notice.

“Are you sure you’re alright?”

“Oh yeah, I’m fine.” He tried his best to feel relaxed, but the truth was he’d never dated a muggle before, witches yes, muggleborns yes but not someone who didn’t have a clue about the whole other side of her world. Fred had thought briefly about telling her, about ripping off the band-aid but he couldn’t, not here at least. Y/n accepted his answer and pushed on with the conversation.

“You know, I feel like I hardly know much about you. Tell me something that I couldn’t guess.”

Fred had to stop himself from scoffing a laugh and instead took a breath whilst Y/n smiled expectantly. The truth was the she didn’t know a lot about him and it wasn’t just due to the short amount of time in which they had known each other. “Um, well=” He panicked, thinking of the first thing that came into his mind. “I’m really into magic.” Fred cringed whilst internally screaming at himself.

Y/n’s eyes widened a little in surprise but her soft smile never faded. “Like card tricks?” She was trying to laugh which Fred found adorable and he was just glad she hadn’t thought of wand waving but instead the muggle kind. Fred nodded. “Well, you’re right.” He furrowed his eyebrows down, his heart beating rapidly, suspecting that at any moment he was going to be caught out. “I wouldn’t have guessed that.” Y/n laughed, and Fred sighed in relief before joining in.

He also told her about the pranks that he loved to pull with George and the thrill he got from seeing someone laugh because of him. Y/n told him in return about how she only worked at the post office to get by and was hoping one day to be (your/dream/job). She hated the work, but she loved interacting with people of all kinds and feeling like she was helping them in same way. Fred thought she was the most amazing person he had ever met, and he couldn’t help but stare at her beauty.

“What?” Y/n nervously tucked a hair behind her ear and smiled bashfully under Fred’s stare. He immediately shook his head, realising he’d been staring.

“Nothing. It’s just- has anyone told you how amazing you are?” He rested his chin on his hand as his elbow was propped up on the table. Y/n blushed a deep scarlet colour and meet his sweet gaze, a small bit of surprise behind her expression. She just smiled and shook her head. “Well you are.”

Fred could have talked to Y/n all night, smiling and laughing, listening to her stories and she listening to his. They wanted to keep talking so much in fact that they decided to skip the movie and just walk around the streets of London for a while. Their hands intertwined again, and Fred smiled to himself as he felt a jolt of happiness in his stomach, something he didn’t feel with most of the girls he had dated. Y/n’s hand fit perfectly in his, he thought as he stroked his thumb across her hand. He could only hope that Y/n felt the same way.

They came to a stop by a public garden. Y/n smiled at the flowers that bloomed; roses of all different colours, daisies, sunflowers which were only visible by the array of fairy lights that surrounded the garden. It felt magical. There was short silence only broken by the rush of water pouring from the fountain.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?”

Fred nodded, trying hard to focus on the scenery before him rather than the girl next to him but he failed. His gaze drifted to meet hers and was surprised to see her already smiling at him.

“Fred,” She looked nervous almost. “I know we haven’t known each other that long but it feels like we have. I know it sounds stupid-.”

“No.” Fred was quick to dismiss her worries because he felt the same. Y/n smiled, her lips quirking as she bit her lip. “it’s not stupid.”

They inched closer together, the strangely near-empty streets of London fading from their view. Fred’s hand came to rest on her jaw ready to pull her in close, so their lips could finally meet. Y/n’s eyes closed, a smile edging on her lips. And then Fred felt the pot of guilt for lying bubble over inside his mind, he paused. Y/n opened her eyes slowly to see what was wrong.


“I’m sorry, I just-.” He had to tell her, Fred could stand lying to many people for the sake of a joke, but he just couldn’t lie to Y/n, he couldn’t. “I have to tell you something.”

Y/n looked at him with concern, hoping that this was just a joke, one that Fred was so famous for pulling in his stories. “What is it?” She could almost sense the inner conflict within him, the way his mind was working faster than he could process to make a decision.

Fred thought to himself that maybe he was just self-sabotaging another relationship, one that actually had potential to be more, to be what his siblings had – what he wanted. His distracted gaze met Y/n’s and he swallowed the words that had been on the edge of his tongue. “Just how much I want to kiss you right now.” He passed his nerves off as a confident smile, hoping that Y/n didn’t notice. And if she did, then she did a good job of pretending she hadn’t.

“Well I’m not going to complain.” Y/n’s smile brightened before turning into more of a smirk and Fred couldn’t help himself anymore as he looked down to her lips. He pushed all the feelings and conflict away and just focused on closing the gap between himself and Y/n.

When their lips met, it was like someone had set off a round of fireworks in his stomach. Y/n gasped a little into the kiss before smiling and kissing back. One of her hands rested at the back of his neck whilst his free hand went to her waist, pulling her in impossibly closer. They pulled back after a short while and before they both got carried away. Both wore bright grins as they rested their foreheads against each other’s.

Fred soon offered to walk her home and she grinned as she nodded. Their hands joining were almost automatic now as they walked the short distance to Y/n’s house. The walk back was full of idle chatter and coy glances, neither of them wanting the night to end and feeling like teenagers.

They stopped at the door. Y/n still wearing a large smile as she turned to Fred, her hand disconnecting from his. Fred almost pouted at the loss of her warm hand in his.

“Thank you for tonight. I had fun.”

“Me too.” Fred smirked, his hands slipping into his pocket. “I’m so glad I found you.” He said the words with utter confidence and sweetness because they were nothing but the truth. Y/n seemed surprised, but she didn’t falter instead moving in closer towards Fred and kissing his lips again.

“I am too.” Y/n pulled back with a glare, but it wasn’t aimed at Fred, it was aimed towards the front window. “I better go. I’ll see you soon?” She added hopefully, turning her attention back to Fred.

“You can count on it.” He winked and quickly held her hand just, so he could kiss it. Y/n sighed contently before going to open the door. Fred went to walk away with one last smirk but before he could even reach the stairs, he heard, “Y/n kissed him!”. He laughed knowing it was her little brothers and smiling as he heard Y/n yell at them. He could only imagine what his own family would be like once he told them about Y/n and how happy they would be for him. 

Masterlist|Prompt List|Requests closed

Permanent Taglist: @blue-andbrxnze@queengirl56@mamapuritysan@rochelle-the-ravenclaw@harrypotterlifejamesphelps@miss-tipton-is-beautiful@shutupweatherby@sweetsummertime99@allthehogwartsimagines @wildfire-whizbangs @wizardingworldwaitforme@bloody-chicken@skiving-snackboxess@clockworkherondale@weasley16@wnygirl2012@nina-soto@ceruleanrainblues@thebustedqueen@puppycat714@larii1411@damnedandbroken @nerdypisces160@sly-vixen-up2nogood@vulpecula-minor@fanxy-dystopian@kpoplover1306xdepressedgirl315@rachelletwin2@leighxlover@izzythefanfreak@glacialsnow-flakes@cutie-bug@xxsophie-raabxx@ikbrenda@awkwardnesshabitat@sailing-swanne@muggleborngirl@olixerwxxd@fullmoonremus@grgweasleys@

Fred Weasley only taglist: @Knreidy1 @lillatinafics @whatsonthemind 

Act normal series taglist: @whatsonthemind

Join my taglists here! (Or feel free to message me)


This is just a reminder that my requests are currently closed! I’ve gotten a few new requests since I posted two requests that were in my ask box. I will make a post when they are open and my bio will say Requests Open!

I won’t delete the requests that came in because they seem to have the impression that they believed they were open, but I ask for any future ones to please wait until they are actually open.

Requests are CLOSED

I’m right now working on requests sorry to everyone who requested I’m struggeling a little with inspo pls bare with me I’m doing my best ❤

Requests are now closed!!

Hey Guys! So, the requests are close. I’m glad that you guys had so many good requests and I will post them on this weekend since I’ve been really busy this week.

