

100 Days of Languages (4/100)

This is challenge #77 (give three tips on how to learn languages in your target language). Please correct any mistakes!!!

Hvordan å lære språk:

1. Snak med folk

2. Bruk «Duolingo» og «memrise»

3. Øv hverdag!

Day 3-Learn 2 Idioms

Olá a todos. Sinto muito que não postei dia 3 ontem, mais aqui é as expressões idiomáticas.


•Diz o roto ao nu!- “The shabby says to the naked!”

-When someone complains about some else’s behavior but theirs is just as bad. Similar to “the pot calling the kettle black”

•Coisas do arco da velha!- “Things from the old arch!”

-When a situation seems absurd or has no reason behind it. Unbelievable in a way. Similar to “I’ll be damned”


•Tirar la casa por la ventana- “To throw the house out the window”

-To spare no expense

•Echar agua al mar- “To throw water into the sea”

-To do something pointless or useless. You could maybe relate it to “Its like talking to a brick wall”

Olá a todos! Está é o segundo dia do “100 Dias para Langblrs”. O desafio é “Learn 10 words”. Encontrei 15 palavras porque ontem quando estava fazendo Duolingo em português, encontrei algumas palavras en espanhol que nunca tinha visto. Uma nota! Todas as palavras são das variedades européias.

Day 2- Learn 1015 New Words


  1. o cabo- cable/rope
  2. a cadeira desdobrâvel- folding chair
  3. a Nova Zelândia- New Zealand 
  4. o leque- fan
  5. o arbusto- shrub
  6. a rede- net
  7. o fogo- fire
  8. a tampa- lid
  9. o estação de comboio- train station
  10. a fechadura- lock
  11. as damas- checkers
  12. o solo- soil
  13. a seca- drought
  14. a raposa- fox
  15. o relâmpago- lightning 

Quizlet Link: https://quizlet.com/_6tyjaw


  1. la escoba- broom
  2. el abanico- fan
  3. las algas- algae 
  4. el pájaro carpintero- woodpecker
  5. la pantalla- screen
  6. la vela- sail
  7. el escarabajo- beetle
  8. el petardo- firecracker
  9. la alcancía- piggy bank
  10. la bellota- acorn
  11. la leño- log
  12. la escalera mecánica- escalator
  13. el tomacorriente- outlet
  14. la calefacción- heater
  15. la herramienta- tool

Quizlet Link: https://quizlet.com/_6tyije

I decided to do the 100 days of language challenge, created by @lovelybluepanda, in Portuguese and Spanish! I’ve really been inspired to strengthen both of these languages lately and I’ve always wanted to do this challenge so why not now. Also for anything that has a vocab list or whatever, I will try to include a Quizlet link if anyone would like it. 

Day 1- Learn 510 New Words 

*I used babadum.com to just randomly learn words. 


  1. o intestino- intestines
  2. o caminho- pathway/way
  3. o urso de peluche- teddy bear
  4. os chifres- antlers
  5. a maca- stretcher
  6. a casota do cão- dog house
  7. a Finlândia- Finland
  8. fazer a cama- to make the bed
  9. a melancia- watermelon
  10. os binóculos- binoculars 

Quizlet Link: https://quizlet.com/_6tukni


  1. el fichero- file box/cabinet
  2. el encantador de serpientes- snake charmer
  3. las orejeras- earmuffs
  4. las manoplas- mittens
  5. la suela- sole
  6. la pompa de jabón- soap bubble
  7. la capucha- hood
  8. la pajarita- bowtie (Spain)
  9. el zueco- clog
  10. el inodoro- toilet

Quizlet Link: https://quizlet.com/_6tukuh
