#2020 presidential election


This election is teaching me more about the states than school ever did



this blog isn’t generally political but I need to say it. Americans. please. vote. it’s going to be very important that you get out and exercise your democratic right. please. I’m Canadian. I don’t have NEARLY as much riding on this election as you American folks, but I DO care for you and your wellbeing. and voting is going to be so incredibly important. so. with election day tomorrow. I’m begging you. vote. we are on the precipice of something big. and you have the chance to contribute. so please, for the sake of everyone, use it.

the day is today. if you haven’t yet, go vote. 2020 has been shitty enough, we don’t need to end it with four more years of Tr*mp. so please. my thoughts are with you all, and I’ll be waiting with bated breath to see What Comes Next

this blog isn’t generally political but I need to say it. Americans. please. vote. it’s going to be very important that you get out and exercise your democratic right. please. I’m Canadian. I don’t have NEARLY as much riding on this election as you American folks, but I DO care for you and your wellbeing. and voting is going to be so incredibly important. so. with election day tomorrow. I’m begging you. vote. we are on the precipice of something big. and you have the chance to contribute. so please, for the sake of everyone, use it.

-We got a second dog(a blue heeler) 

- Blue heeler had parvo

- Blue heeler got better

- Our first dog(Boxer) adjusts to being a big sister feat. her batting him across the room in an attempt to play and Blue Heeler coming straight back for more

- Blue heeler passed his first obedience class


-What the fuck was that finale??????

-Yay the orange lost the popular vote

- my family somehow didn’t see the attack on the capital coming????

- More fights with my family caused by them being assholes and me being fed up with it

- I went through a phase of reading all day for about 3 days and read like 4 novels

-cataloging books, so far I’ve done three shelves and have 80 books

-I got plants and haven’t killed them yet


One last thing for tonight. You don’t call immigrants “low IQ” and then get to also say you aren’t racist or ableist. He literally was like “hmmm what’s the least offensive thing I could say out loud? Yeah this is the best that I got.”

Saying that a dictator and you have a special relationship is. A Choice.

The word choice in the coronavirus debate is very interesting, I think, because Joe Biden is talking about human lives—our lives—in terms of human lives, which is logical and empathetic. However, Donald Trump is talking about lives in terms of the lives of businesses: businesses that he held up the aid for.

Karrin Taylor Robson, a Republican candidate for Arizona governor, doesn’t think Joe Biden was fairly elected president in 2020. 

It’s the most definitive statement she has made about the election during the course of her campaign, which launched nearly a year ago: “Joe Biden may be the president, but the election wasn’t fair.” 

Robson’s statement to The New York Times for a story about Republicans in Arizona centering their campaigns around bogus and debunked election fraud claims didn’t include any elaboration on what she thought was unfair about an election that officials across Arizona and the country have said was the most safe and secure election in history. 


not only is it looking like district two is blue


if this election is as close as it looks right now

there is a non-zero chance we could be the difference between a win or a tie

the electoral system is fucked but sometimes nebraska’s political quirks are interesting enough that i don’t feel totally disenfranchised voting in a red state
