#2021 art


what’s the softest way to say, you took away my friend, my buddy

“bestie i’m afraid to ask you this. bestie i’m afraid to ask you this.” - zelda praying to goddess hylia

Art summary?


Not going by month or anything bc I am an inconsistent little creature but here are some of my favorite works from this year! Got procreate and it completely changed the way I work, started making a bunch of symmetrical stuff, and finally (finally!) started finding a Style I’m actually excited about. Thanks for sticking with me and I wish y’all a peaceful and restful new year. :-)

Another year gone. And I surprisingly actually drew something every month, even during Nano. I don’t care that some were just scribbles. I haven’t had full drawing year in a really long time ;v;

I know most people felt like 2021 sucked, but I personally had a really good year on the whole. Cheers to the new year ✨
