#212 incorrect quotes


Boil, while the 212 is relaxing: Sir, if you don’t mind me asking, how are you so good at all this war stuff? I thought the Jedi were peacekeepers?

Obi Wan: Oh, I suppose no one ever told you about Melida/Daan, then. Well, when I was younger….

*Thirty traumatizing minutes later

Obi Wan: And that’s how I was part of a rebellion and sold into slavery at 13!

All the troopers, in horrified silence:

Wooley, raising his hand: Sir?

Obi Wan: Yes, Wooley?

Wooley, teary eyed: Permission to hug?

Obi Wan, concerned: Of course, are you alrigh-

Obi Wan, buried under several hundred troopers: Little help

Cody: Sorry sir, you’re staying here for forever.

Boil: And then a little longer
