

Made a new low-poly model, since the previous one has received a lot of likes recently! This time I picked Shishiro Botan, as a small nod to a friend that likes her, and this style of models, a lot.

I followed the rules set by zen’s#256fes challenge again, meaning that the model can’t have more than 256 polygons, and can only use a single 256 x 256 pixelstexture.

I still have a lot to learn about 3D modeling, but I’m very happy with the results, and also with how my workflow has improved when compared to the my previous attempts at it.
Hopefully I’ll make more models like these ones as soon as I have more free time.

• You can see and download the model here
• Botan

My entry for for twitter’s #256fes challenge. The challenge’s rules are that your model can’t

My entry for for twitter’s #256feschallenge.
The challenge’s rules are that your model can’t have more than 256 polygons, and can only use a single 256 x 256 pixelstexture.

This is one of my first attempts at 3D modeling, and my first time using a pixel art-styled texture. Since I usually find 3D a little overwhelming I don’t do it too often, but this challenge was an amazing way to step out of my comfort zone, try something different, and learn a lot of new things.
Getting everything to look the way I wanted while still under the 256 tris limit was more challenging that expected, but I’m really happy with the results.
I also wanted to do some retro-styledKoronefanartfor a while, since she enjoys playing retro games a lot, and this challege was also the perfect chance for me to do it.

Bdotjs riggedandanimated the model as an experiment, and the results were surprisingly good, specially considering how I never thought about making it rig nor animation friendly and only focused on making her look as pretty as possible under the challenge’s limitations.

I had a lot of fun taking a part on this, so I plan to do more 3D stuff in the future too.

• You can see and download the model here
• You can see Bdotjswork with the model here
• Korone

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