#2k words


18th December

all i can remember is by @singersongwriterlilo

2165 words // Explicit

“Okay,” Niall says. “Don’t get me wrong, ’m grateful for the fans and the music and everything—

“—and your fifty guitars, and the very expensive pieces of real estate in London—”

“Yeah, yeah,” Niall waves his hand. “But fame is also what’s right now preventing me from throwing me hat in the ring to be Holmes Chapel’s next jelly wrestling champion.”

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15th December

‘Tis the Damn Seasonby@zanniscaramouche

2886 words // mature

The door will open and he’ll smile wide and genuine at the people who raised him, his teary-eyed mother and rosey-face step-father. He won’t think about the cabin in the woods again until next December.

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