#festive fic


December 28th

Stay Stay Stay (I’ve Been Loving You for Quite Some Time Time Time) by adoremelikeasunflower

26,655 words // Not rated

Harry and Louis are neighbours, who are maybe a bit too close, and a bit too in love. Things get intense when on the 1st of December Louis has to go to Doncaster, when his mum’s appendix ruptures and she is forced to stay in a hospital. The Christmas in the Tomlinson’s household suddenly may not happen, since there is no one to prepare the dinner. Harry, being the lovesick idiot that he is, decided to take on the challenge.

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27th December

Give It To Someone Specialby@elsi-bee

34,363 words // Teen

At the behest of his agent, former child actor Louis Tomlinson signs on to star in the HeartStamp channel’s first Christmas movie featuring a same-sex love story. It may be cheesy, but at least it’s a path to get back into the industry. Now if only his co-star would stop being so critical, and confusing, and overwhelmingly distracting.

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December 26th #2

if we make it through december, we’ll be fineby@suckangelsdry

8327 words // Not rated

A job promotion of his dreams, an eight month long distance relationship, a cancelled train, and an emotional misunderstanding - Louis is just trying to make it home for the holidays.

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December 26th #1

all I want for Christmas is some decent mulled wineby@moonbeamalice

12,943 words // Explicit

It’s Christmas Eve and Harry is having a bad day so he ventures to his local Christmas market to cheer himself up.

Based on this prompt:

Spilling hot chocolate/coffee/a hot-fucking-beverage on the other and insisting on paying for a new drink and new clothes for them, unaware that they’re rich and very capable of buying themselves another coffee. Besides, they don’t know that this jacket is Louis Vuitton and cost more than the knock-off Gucci belt that had caught their eye in the first place.

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25th December #2

You’re Invitedby@becomeawendybird

8581 words // Mature

Harry loves the Christmas season, but she does not love her office Christmas party. Every year it’s the same old story, all of her male coworkers that she thought were nice, normal guys during the year turn on a dime and won’t stop hitting on her. She backs herself into a corner when she accidentally blurts out that she can’t attend the party with any of them because she’s bringing her girlfriend.

One problem: she doesn’t have a girlfriend.

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25th December #1

I could drink a case of you, darlingby@28whitepeonies

2516 words // Teen

Prompt: Louis meets Anne at the graveyard, both visiting their lost loved ones for Christmas time. Anne invites Louis over for Christmas dinner and meets Harry. Love happens

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24th December #1

Single Bells Ringby@absoloutenonsense

16,714 words // Mature

A holiday singles event is not where Louis wants to be tonight, but there he is, helping his best friend find love. Just as Louis is settling in, ready to have a terrible time, he meets the fittest alpha he’s ever come across.

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23rd December #2

if kisses were snowflakesby@lousmoonshine

13,235 words // mature

“So…” Louis begins, just when Harry starts working on his neck again, dipping down to his collarbones. “Since we’re clearly both alone and drunk enough to even remember this later, or one another for that matter, and I find myself in quite a vulnerable out-of-self situation where I cannot even think straight, staying in a total stranger’s home for the holidays in a town I can’t even remember the name of, and considering you showed up and you’re like insanely hot, I think—”

Louis cuts himself with a moan, and Harry lifts his face up to lure the blue-eyed boy to continue his proposition. Louis takes a deep breath.

“I think we should have sex.”

Or, The Holiday AU. In which Louis decides to trade houses with a total stranger he finds online for the holidays, not knowing he would be finding more than himself in that little town in England, after the original home owner’s brother comes barging through the door.

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23rd December #1

A Christmas Kissby@parmahamlarrie

8330 words // Not rated

Harry never expected to spend Christmas in the Emergency Room, but it might just be the (second) best thing to ever happen to him, after the birth of his son, of course. Because while in that hospital waiting for his son to be discharged, he met the most beautiful pediatric nurse he’s ever seen.

Or the one where Harry is a single dad, Louis is a pediatric nurse, and Arlo needs to stop eating hazelnuts.

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22nd December #2

pour out the wine let’s toast and pray for December snow by armadillosunset

6500 words // Not rated

Louis follows Harry the short distance to his flat, but abruptly stops inside the door, looking up. “What in the world is that hanging from your ceiling?” He doesn’t mean to be blunt, but it isn’t often one comes face to face with a toy frog dangling by a string from the ceiling.

Harry finishes kicking his shoes off. “That, my good sir,” he presses a quick peck to Louis’ cheek as he walks by, “is a missile toad.”

Louis and Harry are neighbors who are both suddenly and unexpectedly alone on Christmas Eve. And no one should be alone on Christmas.

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22nd December #1

Slip into Your Armsby@ohpleaselarry

4458 words // Not Rated

“Am I too old to ask for a cast that isn’t just plain white?”

The nurse laughs easily, shaking her head fondly as she continues to scribble on her little clipboard. Louis sets his free (non-broken) hand under his chin and sighs, peeking at the clock for the fifth time in the last minute. Waiting for doctors sucks. Waiting for doctors to come and fix up your throbbing hand while your head pounds and it’s Christmas- that really sucks.

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21st December

A Snow In My Heartby@princelyharry

3331 words // Teen

An AU which Harry and Louis’ son caught Harry kissing Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. But it was actually Louis, who is dressed up as Santa Claus.

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20th December

Three Hundred Cupcakes Laterby@larryyouknow

5024 words // General

Louis finds Christmas parties usually too boring or too rowdy. Nothing in between. And this one was definitely bordering on lame… Until he spotted the most handsome man watching him.

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19th December

Christmas Stockings Full of Nice Little Thingsby@mizzhydes

5238 words // Mature

I’d come to the mall to buy Christmas stockings and now I am in Christmas stockings and about to come in the mall.

Or the one where Harry goes Christmas shopping and a misunderstanding has him leaving with more than he bargained for.

Prompt: Going shopping for Christmas stockings ends up with wrong kind of stockings and a new love interest.

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18th December

all i can remember is by @singersongwriterlilo

2165 words // Explicit

“Okay,” Niall says. “Don’t get me wrong, ’m grateful for the fans and the music and everything—

“—and your fifty guitars, and the very expensive pieces of real estate in London—”

“Yeah, yeah,” Niall waves his hand. “But fame is also what’s right now preventing me from throwing me hat in the ring to be Holmes Chapel’s next jelly wrestling champion.”

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17th December

Little Saint Nickby@ladyaj-13

10,963 words // Teen

Nick meets a stranger in a bar and is told this Christmas season, he needs to ‘learn to be nice’.

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16th December

Twinkle Lights by mission2feelike

20,233 words // Explicit

It’s a whirlwind romance from the moment Louis meets Chef Harry Styles. But when they start planning for their biggest event of the year, a New Years party for Selley Inc., Louis finds it harder to try to ignore the secrets Harry keeps. Especially when everything falls apart on Christmas Eve. Should Louis listen to his heart and trust Harry? Or is everything exactly as it seems?

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15th December

‘Tis the Damn Seasonby@zanniscaramouche

2886 words // mature

The door will open and he’ll smile wide and genuine at the people who raised him, his teary-eyed mother and rosey-face step-father. He won’t think about the cabin in the woods again until next December.

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13th December

Locked In (Your Safe Haven)by@artsymisfitlover

8116 words // Teen

We’ve all dreamt of getting locked in a shopping mall overnight, running around with no abandon. But what happens when you actually do get locked in one on the night of Christmas Eve? Oh, and just so you know, you’re not alone.

Or a tooth rotting fluff filled Christmas fic based on the prompt “Getting trapped in a shopping mall together during after-hours in which they were Christmas shopping too hard.”

Feat. an extremely generous and teddy bear hearted Harry Styles and a head over heels Louis Tomlinson.

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12th December

A Kiss For Christmasby@ladyaj-13

3272 words // Teen

Louis meets Father Christmas, then twenty one years later, he meets his son.

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