

What do y'all think of using #34hlc for the tag to make it easier to find posts about the 34 hour language challenge?

If anyone has finished the challenge, please tag me so I can give you props.

Is anyone currently doing the 34 hour language challenge? Has anyone finished it?


I said I was going to use Memrise but I ended up using Duolingo for Turkish.

I am so excited and overwhelmed at the same time!! The blocks that duolingo prepares seem random but I’m actually able to form sentences within minutes of using the application.

In comparison to Memrise:
Memrise presents information in a similar manner, the main difference is that Duolingo separates vocabulary from phrases. Memrise presents them both in the same bracket (level).

Also memrise repeats the vocabulary/sentence after you proceed to the next slide and Duolingo doesn’t. As an auditory learner it hinders my ability to retain what i just learned.

Lastly, the basics. Duolingo starts you with basic words - which I totally appreciate - however when memrise gives you the basics they start with letters and pronunciation. To me the latter is more helpful because I am able to read and pronounce more accurately.

I chose Turkish for my challenge language. I have no background in Turkish but I am starting to recognize grammar patterns and sentence structure.

So far the first three hours feels like the first week of the quarter. We’re on the right track I guess.

Thank you @34hourlanguagechallenge this is turning out great!

Thank you, @ayyoanahi for participating in the challenge. I enjoyed reading your post.
