

Who’s smoking ⛽️ with me rn?

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Smokey smiles

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amy ashtray etsy.com/shop/ellesresin

Tips to being a stonercollegestudent:

1.) make your own geeb (gravity bong).

- I slept on the homemade gravity bong for 3 out of my 5 years as a student. I don’t have many regrets in life, but this might be one…

- I simply used a larger Gatorade bottle and a smaller Gatorade bottle and an extra glass bowl from one of my water pipes. Super easy, super cheap, and you only have to use a pinch of greens and shit gets weird … (good weird)

2.) Resist the blunt when possible.

- I understand this one is problematic, BUT hear me out… I went through WAY to many zips WAY to quickly when living in my friend apartment. The freedom tasted good and the L’s tasted even better….. my roommates and I kept 98% of the wrap packages we bought and calculated the cost of the wraps alone near the end of the school year and we had 226 packages, obviously most where .99 cents BUT that’s 226 dollars I don’t have now….. now I don’t REGRET this time I’m my life, BUT I recognize it is not realistic and/or a smart choice necessarily. (Also, this is not a flex, I have no doubt some of you could laugh at that number probably). Overall, we all love a good blunt, but when you are trying to ball on that college student budget it’s better to utilize geebs or joints when you are able to resist the L….

3.) do your very best to find multiple sources for supply, compare prices. There’s good weed for cheap, there’s also bad weed for cheap, there better weed for slightly high prices, as well as there can be crappy weed for high prices. This one is really trial and error unless you have a set up you are already please with LOL. Pretty self explanatory.

4.) when going out (parties, simple sheshing, any gathering really) don’t bring all you bud…. it could get stolen, you might end up smoking it all and regretting it, and again - IT COULD GET STOLEN…. pre role or pack your grinder full. It is much safer to travel light anyways if legality is an issue. Plus, at a certain point you might just stop getting any higher, so then you end up just wasting the rest of your stash.

5.) don’t spend over $40 for a gram of wax… just don’t… I mean, all you professional dabbers can fight this one, and perhaps it’s cause I’m more of a buddy to the bud but anything over 40 is not going to be anymore bang for your buck, if that makes sense.

6.) perchace a safe…

- lock that shit up. In the door? Most definitely lock that shit up. In a house or apartment?? Maybe not as worrisome but it will definitely bring peace of mind if you have one.

7.) don’t bring a bunch of glass pieces with you when you go to move in…. seems kinda silly but I have made this mistake time and time again… I’m reality, you are only gonna use one or two daily drivers. Pick your faves and leave the rest safely at home…

8.) you don’t have to cheap out on papers, find good ones and just enjoy them.

9.) consolidate your lighters to one location and do your best to not loose them when you use them…. this may still be unavoidable, but having a pile of them in one spot is helpful for a quick grab).

10.) Don’t buy carts, or always buy carts. This one is tricky because oil carts can be super handy for discreet self seshing. I would stay away from spending more then $40 on them, however. Also making sure the cart looks like good quality so you don’t get down w’ da sickness…. you know what I mean cart smokers…. if you only smoke carts ^ the last few sentences are for you. For the rest, I’d only get one once in a while and use it as needed when I don’t have bud or wax or need a quick sesh. Not a daily driver. Also feels a bit risky.

11.) did I mention making a gravity bong??

* if you follow one, two or more of the above, I promise you will find yourself saving some cash week to week. You don’t want to find yourself high and dry and no money left to buy bud or even normal necessities… (isn’t bud a normal necessity you ask??? I’m talking food.. snacks… items you NEED for survival) truthfully, there’s probably no wrong or right way to do it. Over the years I just find myself spending more money than I actually have available on stoner stuff and now that I am on my last year of schooling I am feeling a little down about it wishing I done it slightly different to help myself out in the long run…. the poor college student would love to believe that they have total freedom and can blow it all on fun stuff but in reality, you are gonna run out of fun stuff quick if you aren’t clever and end up with no money to buy MORE fun stuff… just a though tho.

Comment more tips and tricks if you have any!! I might actually need the advice!! Or if you wanna fight me on it that’s chill too, I can’t promise I will care all that much though. This is really just me procrastinating work and blogging my thoughts about my stoner life the past couple years as a student lol.
