#5 seconds of summer fic


Hey, I just met you… (mc)

You, again - Part 1

Pairing: Soulmate!Michael Clifford x Fem! Soulmate! Reader

Summary: Not so meet cute

Warnings: Mentions of accidents and Language. Also some grammatical errors (English is not my first language I’m sorry)

Word Count: 1K ish

Author’s Note: Hello! This was supposed to be a long fic but things happened. Please remember that Reblogs are incredibly important. Comments, likes and feedback as well. Support your writers! Hope you like it and happy reading

My masterlist // tag list on my bio // Series masterlist



“Cal, I already told you that the boss is not going to listen! I’ve tried everything already”

Calum mumbled out an answer that was barely understandable with the outside noise, but Michael heard it all already and just limited himself to rolling his eyes before making sure the road was empty so he could cross the street.

Saturday’s afternoons used to be relaxing until today; just hanging around his house, playing video games until it was time to take South for a walk, come back after a good 40 min in the park, order some takeout and go to sleep. But now, his Saturday has been filled with calls from his friends, urging him for details about his possible promotion in the office and how that might not happen after all.

Michael has been working at the company the longest. Ever since he was in college learning about programming, he took it upon himself to become the best there is in the field, landing a big opportunity working as an intern for one of the largest video game companies on the continent and then working his way up to the big leagues. There, he also found his best friends; Ashton, who worked in the creative department that originated all the best ideas; Calum, the youngest marketing manager of the state; and Luke, who started working as an intern a couple of years prior and was taken under Michael’s wing till he found his own.

The rumors about the new company manager started floating around a few weeks ago when Mr. Spellman casually announced the possibility of his early retirement and how he would need someone capable, intelligent, young, and hip. Someone like…

“Michael! Are you even listening?” Calum yelled from the other side of the phone.

“No, I’m sorry. It’s very hard to listen when you’re exercising your ego” Michael answered sarcastically as he pulled South away from a mysterious liquid on the floor.

“Haha, if anything I’m helping your ego!” Said Calum “We need to find out about this new hire that Mr. Spellman wants to replace you with”

Michael sighed. He knew that what Calum was saying was true. The rumor of a new hire coming to take the position Michael was fighting for his whole career was breathing down his neck. But they had no information about them nor did they know if it was true. And, to be honest, Michael didn’t want to know anything about them.

“There might not even be a new hire! Just because Ashton told Luke that he heard Nick tell Sandra…”

“But Nick knows everything!”

“Nick barely knows divisions!” Michael sighed “Look, even if Mr. Spellman were to hire someone new, who’s to say it would even be for the promotion? We are understaffed in the customer service department”

Calum scoffed, “Yeah, as if they are going to bring a newby from New York to work in customer service”

“Wait, from New York?!” Michael stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, lightly pulling South back with him “The new guy is coming from New York?! Wha-“

“Watch out!”

It all happened so fast that Michael only remembers opening his eyes and staring at the sky with a very pointing pain on his backside. South managed to get off the leash but stayed near him, barking at him as if it was his fault he was suddenly swooshed out off his feet and onto the ground.

Oh my god! I didn’t hit your dog, did I?” A panicked voice said.

That’s when Michael finally looked up to see a bike. A brand new bike that had literally crashed into him in the middle of the sidewalk. And the first thing this person asked was if the dog was okay?!

“Of course the dog is okay!” Michael said a bit too loud, giving the ringing in his ear and the immediate headache that came afterward “He wasn’t the one who just got run over!”

To be fair, if it were another circumstance Michael would most definitely ask if the animal was okay before making sure a human was. But given that he was the hurt human in this situation and Southy was looking up with a dumbfounded expression whilst moving its tail; he felt like he should be a little bit upset about it.

“Well only if you hadn’t stopped o abruptly in the middle of the sidewalk!” The voice said again with the audacity to actually sound mad about it.

Immediately, Michael looked up again, scrunching his eyes because of the sun contrasting against this person’s frame. And there he saw her: A young woman about his age, hair pulled out of her face, hand resting on the handles of the bike while it seemed angels sang songs around her as she looked at him with a frown. Michael has never seen such piercing eyes. But, then again, Michael has never been run over by a bike and then got yelled at while he was still on the floor.

“Oh,I’m sorry,” He said sarcastically “Should I get worried about a vehicle running me over while I’m walking on the sidewalk? Silly me thinking that bikes should be on their lane!”

“Thisis the lane!” The biker answered. And, oh shit, it really was the lane. Michael realized he must’ve stopped right as he was about to cross it.

“W-wellyou could’ve stopped!”

She opened her mouth to say something, but then she closed it as she shook her head and muttered a very angry “Un-fucking-believable” before she got up on her bike again.

Michael got up just in time before she rode off “I’m okay by the way! Thank you! He yelled after her. But she didn’t even look back, she just flipped him off and continue riding off to fucking knows where.

South watched her with a very happy tail until she was out of sight, and then turned to Michael and started barking at him again. Michael grumbled a curse word as he leaned down to pick up his cellphone and the leash, and that’s when he noticed it: A small dandelion tattooed on the inside of his wrist. Michael knew all of his tattoos, and he knows for sure that one wasn’t there before, so there was only one explanation for it.

“Fuck me”

Michael!” Calum called through the phone “Michael are you there? What happened?”

“I’m fine,” He answered as he placed the phone over his ear “Yeah, I- I guess I just met my soulmate”



Tags:@iknowyouthinkimbulletproof@mystic-232@talksoprettyjjx@theshyspy@hoodhoran @flaneurcth @villainorigincal @bubblegum18@irwin-fletcher-ash @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @1980holland @wiiildflowerrr@hoplessromantic727@in-a-world-of-fandoms@another-lonely-heart@aabc5sauce e @dudethisiswhyyoudonthavefriends @fakebetch9694 @5sos-imagine @SunflowerAngel2123 @perfectnouis @in-superbloom@lukeisstillapenguin@sadcupofcoffee@superstarmarvel@personalmuyverypersonal@cnco.angels@vtte@as-hs-blog@himbohood@sofiaaraee@irwindoll@lolzkye@weasleytwinscumslut@fairytrice@colourfulcal@nibin0912@hfkait@savagejane1 @the-ghost-of-cal @loverofmineashton @ashtonsunflower@nicebasscalum@calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @the-ghost-of-ash @alltimesos@wontlastimokwiththat @ttinahood @lukespitinmymouth @perfectnouis @cncoangelss @darrensos@whywontyoulovemecami@itwouldburnupintheatmosphere@theimpossiblehologramtree@perriexed@abiancajg@rewmuslupin@yeah-and69@leatherjacketcal@littledrummeraussie@hoodharlow

Break my heart! (m.c)

You, again - Part 4

Pairing: soulmate! Michael Clifford x Fem! Soulmate! Reader

Summary: out of routine means we’re different people, right?

Warnings: Smut. Protected sex. Female receiving. Creeps in bars. Language. Mentions of alcohol. Some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)

Word Count: 5K

Authors note: yeah so this ain’t a blurb. Remember that Reblogs are super important! They help me a lot and so do comments and feedbacks and tags and just any love you can show to the series Hope you like it and Happy Reading

My masterlist // taglist on bio! // series masterlist



The music was terrible and the floor smelled like piss. But it was the only bar close enough to his house and Michael’s only request was to get “as drunk as the fucking Dyonisus” so he didn’t even want to have another choice.

Calum sat next to him, nursing his beer as he took care of his heartbroken friend, patting his back as he swallowed his second shot of tequila of the night.

“Easy boy,” Calum said as Michael dropped his head onto the table with a loud ‘bang’ just in time for Ashton to come sit next to them “Ash, tell this man this isn’t the end of the world”

Ashton opened his mouth but Michael beat him to it “My soulmate hates me for some reason I don’t know and I’m going to die alone”

“Youwon’t die alone” The older man answered, “You can die with us! We still haven’t found the “one” yet”

But Ashton’s attempt to joke fell flat for everyone on the table. Michael raised his head from the table, ignoring the small crumbles of pretzels that got stuck into his forehead.

First, she ran over me with her bike;”

“That was kind of your fault-”

Then, she shows up at work and I find out that she’s my competition for the promotion that could change my life! And then she refuses to speak to me!”


“Andthen we kiss. We kissed and it was the most amazing feeling ever and I can’t get it out of my head. But now she would barely even look in my direction or even say a word to me! And you tell me that’s not the end of the world?!”


“It’s the end of my world!” He nearly cried “I have found my soulmate. The person who I’m supposed to fall in love with. And she’s fucking amazing! She’s funny, smart, and kind to all of you and you all love her… But she’s so fucking selfish as well! Such a stuck-up that can’t even look me in the face and give me at least one reason why she hates me so much!”

His two friends looked at him with pity glances. Not really knowing what to say at the sight of a broken heart.

Michael shook his head “You know what? Fuck her. Fuck her. Fuck you. Fuck me. Another!” He yelled as he tapped the shot glass on the table.

“Okay,” Ashton whispered as he took the glass from Michael’s hands “Mike, this is getting out of control”

“Yeah,” Calum added “We feel for you, we really do. But there must be a reason on why she’s acting like that” He shrugged “Maybe she’s not ready”

“Butwhy won’t she say something?” Michael asked as he covered his face with his hands “I- I get that there’s probably something there but… But she won’t even let me help or even talk to her about it” He sighed “We are supposed to be there for each other, but she has this… wall that divides us even further. Not to mention she’s probably going to get the promotion anyway so I’ll have to see her even more and-”

Suddenly he fell quiet, not really knowing what to say anymore. What was there to say? These past two weeks have been hell after their kiss. Michael felt everything all at once and it seemed like Y/N felt… nothing at all. She just continued to work as if nothing happened, only that this time she managed to avoid Michael at all costs.

Y/N would spend more time on meetings and working outside of her office, all because she didn’t even want to be facing Michael. He would hear her laugh somewhere around the building, catch glances of her talking to other co-workers, and just live her life as if he didn’t exist.

Michaelwished he didn’t kiss her. He said so a few times out loud to his friends and they all looked at him as if he was crazy. Why wouldn’t you want to kiss your soulmate? Well, for starters because this was the best kiss he’s ever had. He didn’t think it would be possible to fall for someone with just a kiss, but this wasn’t just someone, this was his soulmate. The person he was meant to kiss forever, and that kiss showed it. That kiss symbolized the beginning of the after for him. He was already gone before they even started the journey.

Because what can you do when you fall in love with someone who doesn’t want to love you?

“Mike,” Calum sighed “Listen, man. I know it is rough. And before you start with another “it’s more than rough” speech, just listen, okay? I know me and Ash cannot be of much help, hell I don’t even think Luke could be of much help either! But we are your friends and we want what’s best for you. We will help you in every way we can, and if that means getting you drunk on a Thursday, then so be it! But there are some things you have to do by yourself, and that means talking to Y/N”

“In all honesty,” Ashton chimed in “I do believe she feels the same way, but she’s just scared”

“Of me?” Michael asked in a small voice.

“Of all of this,” Ashton sighed “Remember what happened after Jo? Remember how you felt after they left?”

Michael sighed, “But I understoodwhy-”

“Understanding doesn’t mend a broken heart”

The half-drunk man hated the way his friends made sense “I don’t even know how to even begin a conversation with her”

Calum nodded with a sigh, leaning back on his chair as he looked around the bar, his eyes suddenly lingering toward a particular direction.

“Why don’t you just go and say hello?” He said casually.

“Yeah, right. I’ll just show up at her door like a creep and-”

“Or you can just walk to the bar and say “hey””

Michael started to choke on air and Ashton had to pat his back. Calum just sat there, arms crossed behind his head, amused.

“What the fuck?!” Michael asked, managing to finally breathe again. Then, his eyes followed where Calum had told him and yes, there she was.

Y/N had her back turned to them, but Michael would recognize her anywhere. Even in a bar, she looked tense, shoulders straight and in a perfect posture.

“Huh,” Michael scoffed, “Not even in a fucking bar can she relax”

“Uuuh,Mike?” Ashton commented, “I don’t think that’s the issue…”

Michael turned his eyes back at her. It was then that he realized that she wasn’t alone.

There was a man next to her, almost glued to the side of her body as he spoke. A horrible grin plastered on his face, completely ignoring Y/N’s clear discomfort as she nearly fell from the stool to try and get away from him.

It was instant the way Michael’s insides filled with rage. His eyes shot daggers at the creep as his cheeks turned red. Even Ashton and Calum flinched when he banged a fist onto the table and stood up, letting his chair fall to the ground as he marched with intent toward his soulmate.

“Aww, it’s so hard to talk with all these people around, don’t you think, princess?” He heard the man say as he approached, his hands already turning into pale fists “How about we get out of here? Hm? I promise I can show you a good time”

“I would rather die,” Y/N answered, not even looking at the man, keeping her eyes straight forward and her hand over her drink. Michael smirked at the sight, his girl knew how to handle herself.

“Don’t make me beg, sweetheart. I know you want to-.”

“The lady said no, you asshole!” Michael intervened, standing on the other side of her and placing his hand on her shoulder, letting her know he was there. Y/N immediately let out a small breath of relief the moment she heard his voice, shoulders relaxing all the tension she was holding.

The man stood straighter “Fuck off, man” He said, “I’m trying to have a conversation here”

“No, what you’re doing in harassment and I would appreciate it if you could kindly fuck off somewhere else,” Michael said, shooing the man with a gesture of his hand. This made the creep angrier.

“I don’t know who the fuck you think you are-”

“I’m her fuckingsoulmate, you asshole!” Michael said, raising his hand so he could see the dandelion mark on his wrist “Now get the fuck away from here before I make the bartender call the police”

The man grumbled a string of curses under his breath as he walked away, Michael never took his eyes off of him until he was sure he exited the building. Only then did he allow himself to relax and look at Y/N.

“Are you okay?” He asked, doing a quick check on her as his hand remained on her shoulder, squeezing it lightly “Did he try anything? Did-”

“I’m okay, Michael,” She said with a relieved sigh “He was just a lot of talk and no bark”

“Still, he shouldn’t have kept going when you already said no. He should’ve walked away the moment you told him so, not wait until another man came around. That’s just fucked”

Y/N stared at him for a moment, lips parted in a way in which it seemed she wanted to say something. But in the end, she cleared her throat and nodded.

“Thank you, Michael” She mumbled, looking back at him with a small smile.

“Of course,” He furrowed his brow, not really knowing why she should thank him when it was the right thing to do anyways “I- I’ll go, enjoy your night”

Wait,” Y/N said, and before she could stop herself, her hand was already grabbing Michael by the elbow of his shirt.

Michael looked at her hand, noticing for the first time that she was not wearing long sleeves. His eyes immediately went to the dandelion that was tattooed on her skin, how she didn’t hide it this time nor did she pull away from him. He couldn’t help but smile as he looked back at her, her eyes shining with shyness as she said:

“Would you- ehmm, can I buy you a drink?”

“Like a date?” He couldn’t help but tease. Y/N rolled her eyes.

“If you don’t want to, you can just say it, you know? I won’t-”

“Hey, no” Michael panicked, immediately pulling up a stool and sitting down next to her “Of course, I want to! It was a bad joke, I’m sorry”

Y/N seemed relieved at his answer, but there was still tension upon her brow, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Michael. Did his joke really hurt her? But before he could begin to find an answer, Y/N had already called the bartender and asked for their drinks.


“No way!” Michael laughed, covering his mouth with his hand, trying to keep it down.

Yes, way!” Y/N chuckled, her cheeks tinted pink at the memory “But you can’t tell anyone!”

A couple of hours had passed since Y/N first invited Michael for a drink. But those drinks were long forgotten at the bar once the conversation started to flow.

It took a few minutes and a few sips for her to finally feel at ease again, surprising Michael by asking him if he liked video games; the same question he asked her when they first met - or rather, met again - back at the office. Michael smiled when he realized she was finding common ground among them as if they were just some strangers that met at a bar.

But they weren’t strangers, not at all. In fact, the more they talked the more it seemed like they had known each other for ages. They found it easy to fall into conversation after conversation, topic after topic. They were more alike than they would like to admit.

They both slept with a small light on; they’re both night owls which makes their addiction to coffee ever the more obvious; they hate thunderstorms, and they both have similar tastes in movies and shows. They love animals, especially dogs although Y/N is thinking about getting a cat. She also mentioned she volunteers at an animal refuge every other weekend.

Michael found himself entranced by her. Evermore so when she would show actual interest in the things he had to say. She would listen carefully, resting her head upon her hand as she leaned over the bar, watching him with those eyes that he can’t look away from, smiling and nodding and even agreeing with him as he spoke. No one has ever paid him that much attention, and he knows that he has never been as enchanted by someone as he is by her.

The way her mouth moves as she speaks; how her eyes shine when she talks about the last book she read; how cute she looks when she tries to hide her laugh even when Michael told her that he loves the sound of it.

“Is this how it’s supposed to feel like?” He wondered, feeling utterly at peace with her.

Their laughter died down a little bit, just enough for them to breathe and look at each other with big, bright eyes and soft smiles. A moment that would seem to last forever and not enough before they started to laugh again.

“You did not tell your secretary that you loved her!” He laughed

Shhh!” She lightly pushed him on the arm “I told you! I was very tired and somehow I confused her with my mom. And in my defense, she was a very sweet lady that always called me sweetheart, so…”

Michael’s laughter was starting to calm down “She must’ve been very confused”

“She wasn’t,” Y/N shook her head and sighed “She knew I missed my mom so she just let it sly. But she did bring me cookies every Monday, though. I really miss her sometimes”

Michael nodded, noticing the way her smile turned nostalgic as she drew shapes on the bar with her fingers.

“Do you miss New York?”

“Sometimes,” She shrugged, “There’s nothing like the city… But even in a city full of people, one can feel just so-”

“Lonely?” Michael finished for her. Y/N nodded “That’s why you moved to L.A?”

“I had nothing left in New York and L. A seemed like a good, fresh start. So when Robert offered me the job then, well, what’s the worst that could happen?”

Y/N looked down at her mark. A small, sad smile played on her lips. It was the first time Michael had seen her even acknowledge it was there, and it didn’t go unnoticed for him the way she let out a small sigh and took her eyes away from it. Only this time it didn’t feel like a rejection to him. He felt for her, even if he didn’t know why.

Maybe his friends were right and there was more to it than what she leads on.

“Yeah,” Michael said, clearing his throat “I know what you mean. I- I considered leaving the city at one point as well”

This seemed to have brought back Y/N’s interest as she turned to him with a questionable look, prompting him to continue. Michael sighed.

“A couple of years ago the person I was dating found their soulmate,” He said, as Y/N widened her eyes at the confession “We knew it would happen eventually. One of us finding our soulmate, I mean. And even though we knew the risk, we still liked each other so we thought we might as well give it a try. We even moved in together at some point, and I found myself falling for them” He sighed “But one day they came with a small koi-fish mark on their wrist, there were tears and smiles and laughs… It broke my heart to see them so happy to break up with me, but I was so excited for them to experience something I wouldn’t have been able to give them anyway, so - So, I thought that maybe I should just go. Leave everything behind and go look for that someone who would make me feel…”

He trailed off. He needn’t finish the sentence. Not when suddenly Y/N’s hand was on top of his. Not when she was smiling at him, reassuringly. Not when he found himself smiling back.

“Anyway,” Michael cleared his throat “I stayed because my friends kinda begged me to? They would not survive without me”

Y/N laughed, “The same friends who cannot keep their eyes away from us since the moment you came?”

Michael closed his eyes and pressed his lips on a thin line before slowly turning around to where Calum and Ashton were sitting. They were smiling like idiots as they raised their drinks to salute him while Michael gave them the finger.

“Sorry bout that” He groaned

“It’s okay,” She laughed. “I think it’s cute. But, uhm, it’s getting kind of late, and we need to work tomorrow, so…”

“Oh shit,” Michael said, getting up from his stool the moment she did “Of course! Shit, sorry! I didn’t mean to take that long just-”

“Would you walk me to my car?” She asked, looking up at him. And how could Michael say no to that?


“You really parked very far from the bar, huh?” Michael asked, feeling the night breeze kiss his cheeks.

They’ve been walking for at least 10 blocks, the conversation never-dying between them as the busy streets of L. A provided them with background sounds.

Y/N’s cheeks tinted pink, suddenly shy again.

“That’s because I parked in front of my apartment, I took an Uber to the bar,” She said, barely meeting Michael’s gaze.

Oh,” Was all he said, feeling how his heart started pounding loudly inside his chest and his hands started to sweat.

They walked around in silence for one more block before she stopped.

“This is it,” She said with a sigh.

“This…Yeah, of course,” Why was he so awkward all of the sudden?!

“Thank you,” Y/N softly said, as she took a step closer to him “For walking me home, and for what happened in the bar…”

“Don’t mention it,” Michael whispered, taking another step closer to her, inches away from her chest as she looked up at him.

It was Y/N who closed the gap between them. Standing on her tiptoes, she launched forward to capture his lips for a tender, soft kiss. His hands immediately flew to her waist, kissing her back feverously.

And just like the first time: there were fireworks.

Y/N pulled away, pecking his lips one last time before she whispered against his mouth “I’m gonna go upstairs to my room. I’m going to take off my clothes and it’s you who’s going to decide if they’re staying off”

Michael nearly growled as she pulled away from him completely, walking back into her building and getting on the elevator. Eyes never leaving Michael until the doors closed. Michael stayed on the sidewalk, counting the seconds as the air around him got ten times hotter and heavier.

But as soon as the window light to the right on the third floor turned on, and the silhouette of a girl undressing appeared behind the curtain, he ran.

Fuck the elevator, as he went up the stairs two three steps at a time until he reached the third floor and walked to the only door on the right side, knocking on it as he tried to keep his cool. Until the door opened, of course.

Fuck me,” He breathed, eyes widening at the sight.

Y/N was standing there, completely bare except for her panties, looking up to Michael with doe eyes and parted lips.

“You took your time,”

“Sorry,” Michael panted, placing both hands on her hip and walking her back into her apartment “Not going to happen again”

In an instant, his lips were on her, kissing her with hunger as the door closed behind them. He turned her around, pressing her back against the wooden material. Y/N hissed at the coolness of the door on her back, biting back a moan as Michael’s hands traveled from her hips to her ass, cupping her cheeks and lifting her up enough so that his clothes crotch was aligned with her core.

Michael took that opportunity to deepen the kiss, swallowing her moans as his tongue explored every inch of her mouth, her cheeks, her jaw, her neck…

Fuck,” She whimpered, rocking her hips against his the moment he let his teeth sink onto the sweet spot between her neck and shoulder.

Michael’s grip on her ass tightened, moving her ever so slightly so that she would repeat that action again. His hard cock pressed against her covered entrance, making her moan with the friction it created.

“You like that, huh?” He asked with a grave voice, lips biting on her neck and tracing the marks with his tongue “You like to feel just how hard I am for you, don’t you, kitten?”

He thrust more harshly as his hands pushed her ass forward. Y/N yelped at the shock of pleasure that ran through her body as the outline of his cock perfectly thrust against her clit. Her hands gripped onto his hair, pulling it slightly with every strong move, making Michael groan.

“Bet you’re soaking those fucking panties right now, kitten,” He said, thrusting harder as her moans became louder and faster.

Fuck, Michael…” She whimpered, pulling on his hair “Please, don’t stop! Don’t- Ah!”

He silenced her with a kiss, swallowing down her moans as he kept a merciless pace against her pussy, feeling how she was starting to soak his own pants as her orgasm was quickly approaching.

“You’re gonna come for me, Y/N?” He teased, this time only moving her against his groin “My cock isn’t even out and you’re already cumming from it, are you seriously that desperate?” She gasped, letting her head fall against the door, chest arched as she let Michael do all of the work, moving her hips with more intent. She looked down at him, moaning desperately as her walls clenched around nothing “So fucking pretty, cum, baby, cum

Michael leaned down to take one of her nipples into his mouth, licking around the hard nub and biting into it as the sound of Y/N’s screams mixed with her release. Y/N pulled on his hair and brought him back to her, wasting no time as she kissed him, biting on his bottom lip.

He groaned into her mouth and squeezed her ass cheeks, picking her up without ever breaking the kiss until they ended up in the kitchen. Then, Michael put her down, feeling proud as her legs started to shake the moment they stood on the ground again. He held her by the waist and turned her around, making her lean over the kitchen island.

Spread,” He said, kicking her legs open as her chest fell upon the cold, marbled top.

“What are you-?” She asked, but before she could even finish the question, she felt a hand travel down her stomach, fingers playing with the hem of her panties.

Y/N moaned, her nails scratching on the marble as she felt three fingers graze over her swollen clit.

“Absolutely soaked” Michael whispered against her ear, cupping her still covered pussy with one hand “And all of that for me?”

“Yes,” She breathed as she felt him kiss on the back of her neck, leaving a trail of kisses down her spine “Michael…”

He kneeled down behind her, placing a kiss on each ass cheek before biting down on them. Fingers played with the hem of her panties, lowering them down slowly.

“I want to hear you say it, kitten,” He said, kissing the inside of her thighs “Who got you this wet?”

Goosebumps appeared along her skin the moment Michael kissed her clit, just a little peck, a little tease “Michael…”

“Say it,”

You,” She breathed “You made me this wet, baby”

He dived in. Y/N’s whole body jolted at the touch, moaning at the way his tongue licked at her clit, flicking his tongue with intent as he groaned at her taste.

“Fuck, you taste amazing” He murmured against her, practically making out with her pussy as she slowly started to grind her hips against his mouth.


“Fuck my face, baby” He nearly begged, placing both of his hands at each side of her hips.

Michael used the flat of his tongue to open up her slit, devouring every inch of her as if it were his last meal. His low hums made Y/N’s insides twist with every sound, every move as she desperately searched for her second release of the night.

Y/N pushed herself from the island, pushing her core against his mouth, feeling how her juices dripped down her thighs. It was too much and not enough, too drunk on each other to even think about what they were doing. It was instinct, almost, how she moved and how he found the right places that would make her almost scream his name in pleasure.

Michael, Michael, Michael!” She’d yell, moaning as his tongue thrust inside of her.

Her orgasm crashed into her without a warning. Her whole body shook as she banged her fists on the counter, all the air knocked out of her lungs as Michael relished in her taste; his mouth cleaning her mess like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do. He didn’t stop until Y/N reached down and pushed him away, the two of them panting and gasping for air.

Michael got up from the floor, putting his arm around her waist and pulling her up to his chest, leaving a bruising kiss on her lips and making her moan at her taste on his tongue.

“Got one more for me, kitten?” He asked, panting against her lips “Or is it too much?”

Y/N smiled as she kissed him, softly “Take me to bed, Michael”

And just like that, he was putty in her hands.

He picked her up again, bridal style, and hid his face on the crook of her neck, leaving a trail of small kisses he would trace back in the morning. They went up to her room and he placed her carefully on the bed, breaking the kiss just so she could take his shirt off.

Michael stood up, taking a condom from his wallet as Y/N unbuckled his belt. She kneeled up on her bed, searching for a kiss that he was more than eager to give as she took off his pants and boxers.

She took his aching, leaking cock into her hand and started to jerk him off; smiling into the kiss as he groaned.

“You drive me crazy,” He moaned against her lips, feeling how her hand spread the precum along his shaft “Absolutely crazy”

He helped her lay down on the bed; her legs immediately wrapped around his waist as he swiftly thrust into her. Y/N hissed at the stretch, feeling how ever so slowly he started to fill her up, taking up every inch until her walls were clenching and he bottomed out.

Michael, on the other hand, felt as if heaven could not be compared to the feeling of having her so close. To have her, his soulmate, laying on the bed in front of him, chest rising and falling with every breath as her teary eyes shined welcoming. A smile played on her lips as she cupped his face and brought him in for a kiss.

He moved his hips, thrusting slowly at first to let her adjust to his size. Gradually he gained momentum as her moans turned breathier, clawing his back with every rock of their bodies.

“Michael…harder,” She begged in a whimper “Harder, baby, please”

“Yeah?” He teased, hands already at either side of her hips, holding her with a grip that will leave marks “Does my baby want to be absolutely wrecked?”

She should’ve noticed the mischievous gleam in his eyes the moment he said those words. But she could only whine as he pulled out off her.

He turned her around with ease, still holding her by the hips as he aligned himself with her entrance once again, pushing in without warning and setting a merciless pace as he fucked her.

From this new angle, all Y/N could do was claw the sheets around her. Her thoughts weren’t even her own as the only thing that came out of her mouth were broken moans and cries of pleasure mixed with the sound of skin slapping against skin.


“C’mere,” He said, pulling her by the waist. Her back pressed against him as she bounced on his cock to the rhythm of his thrusts, turning her head to the side as their breathing became one.

Michael was close, he knew from the moment that her walls took him that he wasn’t going to last long. The way she clenched around him made him see stars, wondering how in the hell did he miss out on this type of bliss for so long?

One of his hands traveled to her neck, holding her with enough pressure to make her gasp, but not enough to hurt. While the other hand traveled down, pressing against her swollen clit and rubbing on it. Y/N could only groan at the oversensitivity, feeling the burning sensation of another orgasm come over her.

Fuck, that’s it” Michael moaned in her ear, kissing her temple as she squeezed around him “Taking my cock so well, shit

“Cum with me, Michael” She cried “Fucking me so good. Cum, baby. Fucking cum. Yes, yes, yes, yes!”

Fuck, Y/N!” He groaned as he emptied himself inside the condom, milking both of their orgasms until they were both a panting mess.

They stayed like that for a couple more minutes, just taking in everything that happened. Michael kissed her cheek softly as he pulled out, helping her lay back on the bed as he went to find something to clean her up.

Once they were both clean, neither of them had the energy to do anything but lay down under a new set of sheets. Holding each other close as sleep was about to come over them.

“What happens now?” Asked Michael while running a finger through her hair.

Y/N sighed, “Now, we wait until tomorrow”

“And tomorrow we’ll talk about it?”

She nodded, nuzzling into his chest and kissing it lightly before falling asleep between his arms.

I don’t regret it,” Michael whispered when he knew she couldn’t hear “l don’t regret anything with you. I would let you break my heart a thousand times over just for a moment like this”



Tags:@iknowyouthinkimbulletproof@mystic-232@talksoprettyjjx@theshyspy@hoodhoran@flaneurcth@hoodharlow@littledrummeraussie@bubblegum18@irwin-fletcher-ash @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @1980holland @wiiildflowerrr@hoplessromantic727@in-a-world-of-fandoms@another-lonely-heart@aabc5sauce@dudethisiswhyyoudonthavefriends@channelxt @5sos-imagine @SunflowerAngel2123 @perfectnouis @in-superbloom@lukeisstillapenguin@sadcupofcoffee@superstarmarvel @personalmuyverypersonal @cnco.angels @vtte@as-hs-blog@himbohood@sofiaaraee@irwindoll@lolzkye@weasleytwinscumslut@fairytrice@colourfulcal@nibin0912@hfkait@savagejane1 @the-ghost-of-cal @loverofmineashton @ashtonsunflower@nicebasscalum@calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @the-ghost-of-ash @alltimesos@wontlastimokwiththat @ttinahood @lukespitinmymouth @perfectnouis @cncoangelss s @darrensos @whywontyoulovemecami@itwouldburnupintheatmosphere@theimpossiblehologramtree@perriexed@abiancajg@rewmuslupin@yeah-and69@leatherjacketcal

How can you be so…? (m.c)

You, again - Part 3

Pairing: Soulmate! Michael Clifford x Fem! Soulmate! Reader

Summary: tensions are high when the person you’re supposed to love doesn’t love you back

Warnings: panic attack, language, some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)

Words Count: 3 k

Author’s Note: Remember that Reblogs are super important!! Feedback and comments help a lot and it means the world to me that you support your writers Hope you like it and Happy Reading

My masterlist // taglist on my bio! // Series masterlist



HR didn’t let him put curtains on his wall. So every day Michael had to endure seeing how Y/N thrived in her new job. He had to admit was charming, with everyone but him, of course. She would bring breakfast to the break-out room every Tuesday; she would say hello to every living creature, especially to the therapy animals; she would smile and laugh and even hum without even acknowledging his presence unless she had to.

Although to be fair, Michael didn’t try to reach out either. Every time he thought about it the mark upon his wrist seemed to burn with her words “I don’t believe in soulmates

He was not going to push it if she was not even willing to try. He was not going to put himself out there for her to just break his heart because he knew she would. As the weeks went by he realized just how easy it would be for him to fall in love with a person like her. She was clearly his type, she was funny - according to his friends, at least - she was smart, beautiful, good with animals… It scared him that he could easily name all the things he liked about her but he would rather eat up his own arm before going and trying to be friends with her.

And it seems like she thought the same thing. It was almost as if she was doing everything she could to annoy him. For example, last Wednesday, Y/N did an amazing presentation on several surveys she did by herself, Mr. Spellman was so impressed with her that he couldn’t even stop talking about it during Michael’s presentation “Oh, and how can this work with Y/N’s project… bla, bla, bla”

Two weeks ago, she came into the kitchen while he was having mini-pretzels with peanut butter as a snack, she crooked an eyebrow at him as she poured her third mug of coffee of the day “Didn’t know we could be so casual in our place of work” She said, making Michael feel self-conscious about his choice of snack - and the fact that he came to work in only a T-shirt and jeans didn’t help either.

“Maybeyou should try and loosen up a little bit” He mumbled to her “That way you wouldn’t be such an uptight-”

“Don’t say anything that might include HR, Clifford” Y/N answered dryly “It’s not me who’s going to get in trouble for following the rules”

He turned to say something to her, but she was already having a conversation with Nick, planning the next surprise birthday party of the department.

Every day it was something new with her. She would bring Mr. Spellman an extra cup of coffee every meeting and then give a spectacular speech. She would make friends with everyone in the office, follow every single rule and look down on him when he didn’t. She would talk so eloquently, making Michael subconsciously mock her “Is this okay, Robert?” “How about we all go out next week to celebrate Lucia’s baby shower?” “That was so funny! But did it have to include the kittens?” Even the sound of her pretty voice upset him.

She’s winning them all over, and, even though he hates to admit it, maybe she was winning over him, too… a little bit. A very tiny bit. I mean, how could she not when she-?

Stop it. No. No, he couldn’t be friends with her. One does not make friends with the enemy, just ask any hero in any video game or movie. And right now, Michael has never encountered such a rival as in the likes of Y/N.

The rumors about Mr. Spellman’s retirement were even stronger now that Y/N was here. Everyone in the office already made bets on who out of the two of them would get the precious spot. Michael had been in the office the longest, but Y/N made better numbers in New York. They both had a great relationship with the boss, and they may or may not have been trying to get a few brownie points by bringing him coffee or enduring long talks about golf. They would both take on different projects for the company, creating the best presentations the board has ever seen and sealing deals left and right - even if he admits she was doing a better job than he was - The company has never seen such profit before but for Y/N and Michael it seemed easier than breathing.

They were head to head, the best of the best and they knew it. Neither of them bothered to bring that up, though. In fact, neither of them has even spoken to each other in at least a week. They just opted to stare at each other from a distance, challenging each other with their gazes as they completely ignored the tension that was rising between them. A tension that could very much be noticed by literally everyone else.

Like today, for example, Michael’s glare burned holes in the back of Luke’s neck as he and a group of people gathered in Y/N’s office. He couldn’t hear what they were talking but he could see them laughing over something she said.

When Luke came around his office after his little visit to the enemy’s lair. Michael was already blasting Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo on his speaker.

“Very funny, ” Luke said as he rolled his eyes, but Michael just cranked up the volume as the younger man sat down in front of him “Oh, grow upMichael!”

He stretched out over the desk to press the pause button, Michael just sat in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest.

“You’re fraternizing with the enemy, Hemmings”

“The “enemy” is your soulmate-“

“Does she know that?”

“-And she’s really cool if you get to know her” Michael sighed “Don’t be like that, mate. I know this situation is…”

“Shitty? Horrible? Disasterous? Terrible? A complete mess?”

“Hard,” Luke finished. “But you haven’t even talked to her yet. Y/N is a really great person and I can totally see why fate put the two of you together”

Michael hid his face in his hands “I’m afraid that if I do she’ll hate me more!” He groaned, looking up at his friends with tired eyes “It feels… it feels as if I’m going against the current, you know? I’m drawn to everything she does, like a magnet that I can’t quite get rid of. I feel the need to get to know her and let fate do the rest. But it seems like fate has been messing us up since the beginning. She doesn’t want to be my soulmate and I’m not going to force that on her. And, honestly? It kinda pisses me off because it’s not like I can’t let go of her. Not yet. And I don’t even know her! Imagine what it would be like if I do and she still wants nothing to do with me… I even feel like a creep for saying all of this! This is just so fucked!”

He let his face fall onto the desk with a loud thud. Luke cringed at the broken man in front of him.

“And on top of that, I’m going to lose the promotion!” He mumbled against the wooden surface

“C'mon that’s not true” But even Luke didn’t fully believe his words “Everything will work out as it’s supposed to”

“Highly doubt it”

“It worked out for me,” He said “When I met my soulmate we were only fourteen and fresh into high school. We were inseparable until their dad got a job here in the states the following year and they moved. Long-distance ended up being more damaging for us than we initially thought, so we decided to go our separate ways until fate let us meet again. So I finished up my studies and moved here, not really knowing where to find them or if I was even going to find them. I was just living my life like we promised we would, so imagine my surprise when we ran into each other at the supermarket just months after I settled here”

Michael hated the little green monster that settled in his heart when he saw the smile on Luke’s face as he told the story, unconsciously playing with his engagement band on his left hand. He was happy for the younger man, he truly was. But everyone’s story is different…

“But your soulmate actually wanted to be your soulmate” He mumbled sadly “Y/N doesn’t even believe in them,”

Luke hummed “Have you ever asked her why?” Michael didn’t answer and somehow, that was the answer “Try talking to her about it, I promise you there must be more of that story than what she presents”

The younger man patted his best friend’s back before getting up from his chair and walking toward the door, but before he went back, he turned and said:

“I promise you she doesn’t hate you. She could never hate you, Mike”

And with that, he left, leaving Michael alone to think while Olivia still played slowly on his speakers.

Almost instantly, his green eyes shot up to glance at the glass wall, looking over at Y/N who seemed to be writing something in a notebook. He couldn’t help but think of how pretty she looked even though she might be plotting his demise on this company right this second.

He sighed, how could someone bring such conflicting feelings all at once? He knows they are competing for the promotion and that only one of them is going to get it, and that makes him nervous as fuck. But at the same time, she makes him nervous as fuck just by being her. The insufferable, beautiful, know-it-all, stuck-up…

Michael didn’t even realize he started writing all of it on a piece of paper until it was half-filled with his thoughts on her: How mad she drives him and how she only meant trouble as the days went by and he realized she was going to make him lose his mind. It was almost therapeutic how his shoulders relaxed the more he wrote all the things he couldn’t say out loud.

He used to do that a lot in high school, actually. Always carrying some sort of notebook that would help him sort out his feelings before reaching a conclusion. He might’ve seen that trick on tv once, he doesn’t remember. But he remembers the feeling of lightness that came afterward. After all, no one was going to read it but him.

He was almost done with his inner monologue when one of the department secretaries came knocking at the door.

“Michael?” He said “You’re needed in Mr. Spellman’s office”

He looked up to see that Y/N was already walking out of her office, so he wasted no time in grabbing his things, anything really since he saw Y/N take with her a bunch of folders and papers, and rush out the door as well.

Hold it!” He said to her as soon as she entered the elevator, and was actually surprised to see that she did “Thank you,” He breathed.

“No problem,” Y/N mentioned in a whisper, standing awkwardly to the side to give him more space.

Michael took this moment to look at her as he was catching his breath. She was still wearing long sleeves to cover her mark; arms holding the folders against her chest as her eyes traveled nervously to the numbers that symbolized the floors they were leaving behind. He noticed that she was mumbling something as her lips moved ever so slowly, but he couldn’t make out the words. And when she moved one step to the other side of the elevator, he tried not to be offended by it.

What is it with her that she cannot be in the same place as he was? Did he smell? Did she smell? Was she scared of him? Michael hoped not. He might not like the girl very much but the last thing he wanted to do was give her any reason to be scared of him. And with that in mind, he tried to break the ice once again.

“Do you know why he’s calling us?” He said, shyly.

Y/N took a quick glance at him before looking back at the numbers, clearing her throat as she offered him a small “No,”

Michael nodded, not even trying to hide his disappointment in the failed attempt to have a conversation with her. Well, at least he was trying. What has she been doing all this time? Just ignore him and pretend that nothing ever happened. He just… he can’t understand her.

“Have I done something wrong?” He bluntly asked, not meaning to say that out loud.

“What?” She asked in response, snapping her head at him just in time for the lights to start flickering.

In a matter of seconds, the entire elevator started to shake as the numbered lights got caught between the 5th and 4th floor, leaving them suspended in the in-between. All the lights turned off as a small, green emergency light illuminated them.

Michael didn’t remember the moment he went up to her and held her between his arms, shielding her from any possible danger. Maybe it was as soon as the lights went off or when the elevator shook. He doesn’t know. But what he couldn’t deny was the familiarity of having her pressed against his chest, hearts beating in sync as a warm, fuzzy feeling ran through his body; especially when he felt her hug him back, tightly as she hid her face on his shirt.

“It’s okay,” He whispered, as the elevator shook once again, making her whimper. His hand carefully caressed the back of her head, fingers tangling softly on her hair “Shh, it’s okay. You’re okay”

All their papers were soon forgotten on the ground, making a mess around them as they lingered on to the sudden contact. Afraid to move but at the same time afraid of what it meant to find shelter in the other’s embrace.

“What happened?” Y/N asked with a shaky voice, breaking Michael’s heart.

He looked up at the emergency light and the way the numbers stopped between the fifth and fourth. He let out a sigh.

“The power must’ve gone out. But I find that unlikely since we have a generator” He said, slowly breaking the embrace as he inspected the fuse box, shaking his head “It’s most likely that one of the power cables finally snapped. The connection here is cold so it means this happened at the central- Hey, you okay?”

Michael turned around just to find Y/N shaking her head adamantly, one hand pressed to her chest as her breathing became more elaborate and loud, a mix of sobs and gasps as her eyes widened and filled with tears.

“I- I- I-“ She stuttered, finding it impossible to mutter any sentence as her legs gave out, falling harshly against the floor “I can’t- I can’t breathe!”

Michael rushed to her, falling to his knees in front of the panicked woman. Her eyes were puffy red, completely terrified as the warm tears ran down her cheeks. She opened her mouth, almost as if she were to scream but not a sound came from her. Michael tried to remain calm at the clear panic attack his soulmate was having, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel as scared and hopeless as she grasps onto his shirt for some type of leverage.

“Y/N! Hey, look at me! Look at me!” He said over her cries. His hands immediately went to her blazer, taking it off of her so she could feel freer. She gasped as the cold air hit her skin, but it wasn’t enough.

How could he not notice before? The quiet mumbling of the numbers of the floors, the anxious pacing, the pleading eyes… She was terrified to even before the elevator even stopped.

“Y/N, I need you to look at me, please?” He begged, feeling how her whole body tensed up before him “Please, baby, look at me!” His cold hands cupped each side of her face and she closed her eyes at the contact, still unable to breathe properly as her terrified eyes met his “I need you to breathe with me, okay? Just follow my lead. You’re okay, you’re okay”

Michael started counting to three, inhaling and exhaling at a peaceful pace. But as much as Y/N tried to follow him, the sheer fear of their confinements got to her.

“I- I can’t!” She cried, looking pleadingly at Michael, feeling as if she was taking her last breath “Michael, I- I can’t!”

“Yes, you can!” He said as gently as he could, searching for her eyes “You’re doing so good, Y/N, please. You’re okay, just- just follow my lead”

“No, no, no, no I can’t!” She yelled, gasping for air and shaking her head “This- this is all wrong! It shouldn’t- I can’t! I-”

Suddenly, everything went quiet as Michael’s lips pressed against hers.

‘This is new’ was the first thing Michael thought at the sudden contact. The kiss wasn’t rushed, nor filled with need. It was soft, lips barely pressing against one another before he captured her bottom lip on his. He was about to pull away, thinking he might’ve gone too far. But when he felt her start to kiss him back, the only thing he could think of was ‘This feels right’

All his life he’s been told that your first kiss with your soulmate would feel as if the skies opened up and showed you the end of the rainbow. But he disagreed. No, this kiss did not feel like a rainbow; it was an explosion of colors he didn’t even know could exist. It was fireworks, orchestra music, earth-shattering, people cheering, flying through the sky… It was everything that he could feel and more.

His hands caressed her cheeks as she pulled him closer by the shirt, parting her lips on a soft sigh, permitting him to relish in the feeling he soon became addicted to. It was her, all he could feel was her. It was her all over him and vice versa. He was flooded by her scent, her touch, her taste.

Michael was drunk on Y/N, and he wanted to feel like that forever. He wanted this forever.

Alas, there came the point where one of them had to pull away.

Y/N pressed her forehead against his, eyes closed as she lightly bit her lip. Michael chased the kiss, green eyes opening with completely new sight on the person in front of him. His chest felt warm, stars were shining on his pupils as his fingers lightly traced from her temple to her jaw.

“So…” She whispered, slowly looking up at him, clearing her throat as she sat back “Wh- Why did you do that?”

“I- uh,” Michael stuttered, suddenly shy “I read somewhere that a kiss can stop a panic attack”

Y/N crooked an eyebrow at him, chucking. Michael felt like heaven all of the sudden, just at the thought of him being the one that caused that sound.

“That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard” Michael smiled

“But it worked,”

Yeah,” She said softly, looking at him as if it were the first time “Yeah, it did”

It was quiet for a moment after that. But not the kind of quiet that says “I don’t want to be here” No, this quiet was “I like to be here with you”

Michael sat back down next to her, placing his hand next to hers on the elevator floor. He looked over at her arm, more specifically, he looked at the mark that adorned the inside of her wrist, the same one that he carried with him. Now there was no doubt. Y/N was his soulmate, and maybe, maybe that wasn’t so bad.

It was unconscious how his fingers traveled to her mark, barely gracing it just to make sure it was real. But he didn’t expect for her to pull her hand away in a quick and aggressive movement.

Don’t,” She whispered, covering her hand and shielding herself from him.

“But…” Michael hated how hurt he sounded. But the sting on his heart pulled stronger “Y/N, I-”

The elevator shook once again, but this time when they both moved to reach for the other, they stopped. Y/N looking at the floor and Michael looking defeatedly at her. How come after that moment..? Didn’t she feel it too?

“Y/N we have to talk about this,” He said as soon as the elevator started to move normally between floors again.

She shook her head, pulling herself together and transforming into the person Michael utterly disliked.

“I already told you, Michael. There’s nothing to talk about” She said, coldly “Thank you, for what you did. But we don’t have to talk about it anymore”

“But what if I want to talk about it?!” Michael got up from the floor, ready to fight it.


“No!” He said, walking up to her as she leaned on the wall, avoiding his eyes at all cost “You don’t get to do this. You don’t get to ignore me when I’m just as part of this as you. If I can’t ignore the mark upon my skin… I can’t believe you’re willing to do so! How can you be so fucking-?”

Heartless?” She asked, finally looking straight at him with a coldness almost challenging.

Michael swallowed hard, challenging her just the same.

“Tell me you didn’t feel the same thing I did,” He said “Say it. Lie to me right now and I’ll believe it”

The little bell announcing they’ve reached the floor reverberated all through the elevator, just in time for Michael to step back before the doors opened, revealing a very worried and at the same time relief Mr. Spellman and a crowd gathered around him.

“Oh, thank goodness you’re okay!” He said “I’m so terribly sorry! This shouldn’t have happened”

Yeah,” Michael answered, no emotion insight “It shouldn’t”

Y/N just stood straighter, ignoring the man completely and the message that was directed at her.

“Well, I promise I’ll make it up to you!” Mr. Spellman said “I’ll just tell you why I wanted to have the meeting and you can take the rest of the day off” He looked around at the people gathered to make sure Michael and Y/N were okay “And now that everyone is here… Screw it! Yes, I am retiring soon. In less than a month, actually. And I want one of you to be my successor!” The crowd cheered and applauded as Mr. Spellman turned to the two broken souls with a smile. “I’ll make my decision by the end of next week” He announced “Congrats to you both!”

Y/N smiled politely, Michael just nodded. But neither of them was in the mood to celebrate.



Tags:@iknowyouthinkimbulletproof@mystic-232@talksoprettyjjx@theshyspy@hoodhoran@flaneurcth@hoodharlow@littledrummeraussie@bubblegum18@irwin-fletcher-ash @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @1980holland @wiiildflowerrr @hoplessromantic727 @in-a-world-of-fandoms @another-lonely-heart@aabc5sauce @dudethisiswhyyoudonthavefriends @fakebetch9694 @5sos-imagines-preferences @SunflowerAngel212 @perfectnouis @in-superbloom@lukeisstillapenguin@sadcupofcoffee@superstarmarvel@personalmuyverypersonal@cnco.angels@vtte@as-hs-blog@himbohood@sofiaaraee@irwindoll@lolzkye@weasleytwinscumslut@fairytrice@colourfulcall@nibin0912@hfkait@savagejane1 @the-ghost-of-cal @loverofmineashton @ashtonsunflower@nicebasscalum@calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @the-ghost-of-ash @alltimesos@wontlastimokwiththat @ttinahood @lukespitinmymouth @perfectnouis @cncoangelss@darrensos@whywontyoulovemecami@itwouldburnupintheatmosphere@theimpossiblehologramtree@perriexed@abiancajg@rewmuslupin@yeah-and69@leatherjacketcal

A Nightmare Dressed Like a Daydream (m.c)

You, again - Part 2

Pairing: Soulmate! Michael Clifford x Fem! Soulmate! Reader

Summary: first impressions should not be that important… right?

Warnings: Language. Some grammatical errors (English is not my first language I’m sorry)

Word Count: 2K

Author’s Note: here is when I first thought of making this a series so… Remember that Reblogs are incredibly important! Feedback and comments help a lot! SUPPORT YOUR WRITERS Hope you like it and happy reading

My masterlist // taglist on my bio! // Series masterlist



The moment Michael stepped into the building, he wished he could just go back to bed. Ashton was already waiting for him, leaning over one of the lobby’s sofas with his arms crossed over his chest and a shit-eating grin. He started to walk over to the younger man, but Michael carefully dodged him.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” He said, gripping his coffee cup a little tighter and subconsciously looking at the new mark that adorned his skin.

Aww c’mon!” Ashton insisted as he wrapped an arm around Michael’s shoulders and brought him closer “You’re the first one in the group to have their mark! This is an exciting moment! Let me see it!”

He tried to take Michael’s arm but he was faster and moved away.

Technically, Luke was the first-”

“He found his before we met him, so that doesn’t count,” The oldest said while pressing the button of the elevator and getting in with Mike by his side “I need to know how this happened”

Michael rolled his eyes “I thought Calum would’ve told you everything by now”

“Calum’s shit at telling stories” Ashton smiled “Tell me everything!”

Seeing as there was no way out of this conversation - literally given that they were in the elevator - Michael sighed.

“She ran me over with her bike as I was walking South and she flipped me off”

Ashton smiled widely, raising his brows as a cue for Mike to continue, but the more he kept quiet, the sooner Ash realized…

“Wait, that’s it?!”

Saved by the bell that indicated they reached Michael’s floor, Michael stepped out with a simple “Yeap”

“B-but did you at least get her number or something?” Ashton asked, getting off the elevator as well.

“Nope.” He blinked “This isn’t your floor”

“You have to at least give me her name! You got her name, right?”

“I have a meeting with Mr. Spellman in two minutes, you can’t be here” But that grumbled excuse was not enough for Ashton who kept chasing him through the floor.

“Oh my god! You don’t even know her name, do you?” He laughed in surprise “Ho-ly shit, Mike! You found your soulmate and you don’t know anything about her!”

Michael started walking faster, trying to lose his meddling friend, but that didn’t seem to work. “I do know a few things!”

“Like what?”

“Like… she knows how to ride a bike,”


“She-she seems to like animals as much as I do” He sighed “She has a sweet voice even when she’s angry, cause I did mention she was angry with me, right?” Ashton nodded “She has really pretty eyes, like the ones you don’t want to stop looking at them for even a second. And she’s right in front of me- Oh shit she’s right there!

In a matter of seconds, Ashton was walking alongside Michael, and in the next, he was being pulled by the shirt behind one of the cubicles of Mr. Spellman’s assistants. Michael crouched down immediately, so it was only fair for him to do the same.

“What the fuck is she doing here?!” Ashton raised his head a little bit, but Michael pulled him back down “Don’t look!”

Ashton shot him an are-you-serious? look, and carefully raised his head again. Inside the glass-covered office, Mr.Spellman sat on his desk, laughing at something the woman sitting opposite him said. The woman was wearing a very professional outfit, a pencil skirt, and a lilac shirt, while her hair was carefully combed.

“Damn, Mike” Ashton whispered “She is very pretty”

“I know that!” Michael shouted-whispered in desperation “But what in the frickityfrackityfuck is she doing here?! I have a meeting with the boss in 30 seconds!”

“Then it’s time for you to find out!” Ashton said, pulling Michael up by the shirt and shoving him toward the office. And if Michael shot him a deadly glare, he ignored it and gave him a thumbs up.

Michael grumbled under his breath all the curses of the dictionary, thinking over and over again that he needs to find new friends. But before he could manifest those thoughts out loud, he heard Mr. Spellman’s voice from the other side of the door.

“Ah, there he is! Just in time, as usual, my boy. Come on in!” And before he could think it better, Michael was already being rushed inside by his boss “I was just talking about you. Here, I want to introduce you to someone…”

Shitshitshitshitshit,” Michael thought as his eyes landed on his soulmate who seemed to be thinking the same thing the moment she turned around to face him.

“Michael, this is Y/N L/N. Y/N, this is Michael Clifford, the man I was telling you about” Mr. Spellman smiled.

Y/N…so that’s her name, huh.

If the girl was upset about this meeting as much as he was, she didn’t let it show as she offered him a polite smile and offered her hand for him to shake.

“Nice to meet you,” She said, not once hinting at their previous meeting. Maybe she had a twin?

“L-likewise,” Michael stuttered as his eyes darted towards her wrist, trying to confirm it was in fact her. But Y/N hid her hand behind her back way too quickly for his liking.

Mr. Spellman, unaware of all the tension in the room, just smiled and said “I’m glad you’re getting along! You know that first impressions are always important”

They both laughed awkwardly. Michael leaned back a little bit, trying to catch a glimpse of her wrist. But Y/N was holding her sleeve down, covering it completely.

“Y/N here comes from our New York house,” Mr. Spellman continued to tell Michael “She’s actually the head of her department, just like you, son!”

“Ohno,” Michael thought “No, no, no, no, no…”

“She transferred here to start working with us! I’m sure you two will get along great and work perfectly as a team! I’ve never met two youngsters so passionate about this company since… well, me!” He laughed “But things are not what they used to be and things do need to change and decisions need to be made… I know neither of you will disappoint me on that, right?”

“Of course, sir” Y/N smiled, and Michael had the unconscious need to mock her tone. Does she not understand what this implies?!

“Good!” Mr. Spellman chuckled as he looked at his watch “Oh my, would you look at that? I’m sorry dear, I have a meeting with my lawyers on the second floor, so I won’t be able to show you around. But I’m sure Michael is available to give you a tour!”

“I- I actually, I don’t-” He stuttered.

“Wonderful!” The old boss said as he started to walk out “I’ll leave you two to it!” And with that, he left.

If the definition of awkward could have a picture next to it, it would be this scene. With Michael looking at anything but her while she’s pulling down her sleeve nervously. No one said anything for a good minute as the sounds of the office served as their soundtrack while they gathered their thoughts.

“So…” Michael started to break the ice “Y/N?”


“Nothing I was just… remembering your name” If he could slap himself, it would be now.

Y/N rolled her eyes as she sighed, grabbing her things from the chair where she left them.

“You don’t have to, you know?” She said “Give a tour, I mean. If it’s too much for you”

“Who said it was too much for me?” Asked Michael defensively. Y/N crooked an eyebrow at him.

“That coffee cup you’re holding must be out of breath by now,” She said as she started to walk out of the door. Michael, reluctantly, followed “I can find my own office, thank you. Robert told me is on the fourth floor”

Robert? You know Mr. Spellman by name?!”

“You don’t?” She asked, shrugging condescendingly as she pressed the button of the elevator “I thought you were close”

An annoyed expression passed by Michael’s face as he grumbled “We are”

“Oh,” The elevator dinged and they both got in “So he told you about the promotion then,”

“Yes,” Michael lied and Y/N nodded, understanding.

The elevator ride never seemed so long until now and Michael hated every single second of it. Why couldn’t his soulmate be a little bit more… I don’t know, fun? Less condescending? Not a know-it-all? At least she could’ve worked somewhere else! Not exactly at Michael’s company, in his department, and going after the same promotion he’s been dreaming about since he graduated.

This could not be happening to him. Anything but this.

He didn’t know what was going through her head at that same exact moment. And he doubted he wanted to know at all. But at the same time, this was his soulmate for crying out loud! He should want to know everything about her and be eager to talk to her. Yet, somehow, it’s all awkward.

She acted all mighty, almost as if she didn’t want to be in a room with him. She wouldn’t even look him in the eyes or even start a conversation that’s longer than a few phrases. Not only that, but she’s most likely going to cost him his job!

Finding your soulmate should be exciting and fun and a beautiful moment to remember forever. But now it seems both of them just want to crawl into a ditch and stay there.

“So…” Michael started after a few seconds, looking over at her but she didn’t look back. She was busy playing with the end of her sleeve as she anxiously looked over at the glowing numbers of the elevator “Do you like video games?”

It was a desperate attempt to try and find some common ground. And Y/N seemed to notice as the question threw her off guard, making her look at him with a frown on her face.

“I’m sorry?”

“Oh, so you do know that word” And as soon as Michael said it, he wanted to slap himself in the face.

Luckily, the bell saved him again as the doors of the elevator opened and Y/N muttered a very angry “Unbelievable” while she stepped off. Michael felt as if he could finally breathe again now that she was gone… until he noticed they were on his floor.

Cursing under his breath, Michael started to walk toward his office; his favorite place in the whole building. It wasn’t the best office in the world, hell, not even the best in the building - that was Mr. Spellman’s - but it was a space he created for himself over the years. There were traces of him all over it, from small figurines to pictures with his family, dog, and friends; a small drawer filled with candy; his headphones, charger, and water bottle; and even vintage games that somehow still worked. It was his small piece of the world and he loved it. So imagine his disappointment when he saw Y/N go into the office next to his.

“You have got to be kidding me,” He said out loud, almost dropping everything he was holding to the floor.

“What?” Luke asked as he approached him, carrying a few folders himself “What is it?” He followed Michael’s gaze until he found her “Oh, it’s that your soulmate?” He asked, and before Michael could even shoot him a deadly glare, he said “Ashton already updated the group chat”

Fucking fantastic” Michael groaned, pushing past Luke to get into his office. For the first time, Michael hated the walls-made-out-of-glass concept.

He could perfectly see how Y/N inspected the office that was assigned to her. It wasn’t an office two days prior, it was only a storage room the department used, and now it’s perfectly decorated with new furniture, clean and it even looked bigger than Michael’s.

Y/N smiled and Michael hated it. Not because he didn’t like her smile, given this is the first time he saw her do anything but frown, but because none of this was fair. It’s not fair that his soulmate might ruin his life and it’s not fair that she would look beautiful doing it.

He left his things on the desk and tried to gather himself before he went out there again. There has to be something good about all of this, right?

With a sigh, he walked over to her office and knocked on the glass door, something he didn’t feel like he needed to do given it was open, but he didn’t want to seem like more of an idiot. Y/N sat down at her - new - desk and looked up at him, her eyes widened as she pressed her lips on a thin line before nodding for him to come in.

“Hey,” Michael started with an awkward wave that soon got hidden in the depth of his pockets “Look, I think we started on the wrong foot”

Her expression softened a little bit “Yeah, I think so, too”

“I just wanted to say-”

“I accept your apology”

“That- Wait, WHAT?”

Y/N shrugged “I thought that’s what you came to do?” Michael got visibly offended “I mean, why else would you want to talk to me?”

“Because we’re freaking soulmates, perhaps?!” He said, showing off his mark. Y/N sighed as she instinctively looked at her wrist.

“There’s nothing to talk about,” She whispered, taking out her laptop from her bag even though the office provided her with a new computer. What an entitled little…

“Oh, there is plenty to talk about!”

No, actually. There isn’t” She said, more exasperated this time “We are just co-workers for the time being and that’s it”

“How can you say that?” He asked, walking closer to her desk and leaning over it, searching for her eyes “You know you have the same mark as me and-”

“And that means nothing,” Y/N said, looking directly into his eyes “I don’t believe in soulmates, Michael. This mark doesn’t mean anything to me and it shouldn’t mean anything to you either”

Maybe it was the coldness in her eyes or her tone; maybe it was the hint of sadness laced within her words, or maybe it was the unexpected shattering of his heart that made him take a step back from the desk and looked at her incredulously as she continued.

“Look,” She sighed “I’m here to work, okay? So that’s what I’m going to do. And I truly hope we can maybe become friends in the future if that’s what you want. But, please, don’t talk to me about soulmates”

She looked down at her laptop again, typing away something as she ignored him again. Somehow, this made him mad “So you’re just here to steal my promotion, then?”

“If anything I’m going to earn it,” She said, gazing up at him again “Don’t diminish my work just because you got your feelings hurt, Clifford”

Anger boiled inside Michael as his hands turned into fists, and turning around before he could say anything he might truly regret, although he’s pretty sure nothing he could utter would be even close to what he’s thinking.

“Michael?” He heard her say, but before he could look back at her she said “Close the door on your way out”

He walked back to his office with heavy steps, breathing heavily as he sat down on his chair and his eyes went directly toward the dandelion mark on his wrist. He wondered how much it would hurt to just rub it out with sandpaper or something. His soulmate rejected him like it was nothing like it meant nothing!

And maybe it did mean nothing after all if she was going to act like that. There is no way in hell fate would have put her and Michael together as the perfect couple. Maybe there was a specific soulmate mark for your perfect enemy, the one who was meant to make your life hell until both shall die. Or maybe she was right and soulmates did not exist. Maybe it was a mistake! Something that would explain why oh why did he have to put up with her!

Michael looked back at the wall that showcased her office. She was still typing away on her laptop, unaware or simply not caring about his presence at all. They are soulmates for crying out loud! There must be something they could feel rather than pure hatred.

But then, Y/N smiled at something on her computer. And for a second, just for one second, Michael felt the need to smile as well.

That’s it. Tomorrow, he’s buying curtains.



Tags:@iknowyouthinkimbulletproof@mystic-232@talksoprettyjjx@theshyspy@hoodhoran@flaneurcth@hoodharlow@bubblegum18@irwin-fletcher-ash @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @1980holland @wiiildflowerrr@hoplessromantic727@in-a-world-of-fandoms@another-lonely-heart@aabc5sauce @dudethisiswhyyoudonthavefriends @fakebetch9694 @5sos-imagine @SunflowerAngel2123 @perfectnouis @in-superbloom@lukeisstillapenguin@sadcupofcoffee@superstarmarvel@personalmuyverypersonal@cnco.angels@vtte@as-hs-blog@himbohood@sofiaaraee@irwindoll@lolzkye@weasleytwinscumslut@fairytrice@colourfulcal@nibin0912@hfkait@savagejane1 @the-ghost-of-cal @loverofmineashton @ashtonsunflower@nicebasscalum@calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @the-ghost-of-ash @alltimesos@wontlastimokwiththat @ttinahood @lukespitinmymouth @perfectnouis @cncoangelss@darrensos@whywontyoulovemecami@itwouldburnupintheatmosphere@theimpossiblehologramtree@perriexed@abiancajg@rewmuslupin@yeah-and69@leatherjacketcal@littledrummeraussie
