#5sos fic


Hey, I just met you… (mc)

You, again - Part 1

Pairing: Soulmate!Michael Clifford x Fem! Soulmate! Reader

Summary: Not so meet cute

Warnings: Mentions of accidents and Language. Also some grammatical errors (English is not my first language I’m sorry)

Word Count: 1K ish

Author’s Note: Hello! This was supposed to be a long fic but things happened. Please remember that Reblogs are incredibly important. Comments, likes and feedback as well. Support your writers! Hope you like it and happy reading

My masterlist // tag list on my bio // Series masterlist



“Cal, I already told you that the boss is not going to listen! I’ve tried everything already”

Calum mumbled out an answer that was barely understandable with the outside noise, but Michael heard it all already and just limited himself to rolling his eyes before making sure the road was empty so he could cross the street.

Saturday’s afternoons used to be relaxing until today; just hanging around his house, playing video games until it was time to take South for a walk, come back after a good 40 min in the park, order some takeout and go to sleep. But now, his Saturday has been filled with calls from his friends, urging him for details about his possible promotion in the office and how that might not happen after all.

Michael has been working at the company the longest. Ever since he was in college learning about programming, he took it upon himself to become the best there is in the field, landing a big opportunity working as an intern for one of the largest video game companies on the continent and then working his way up to the big leagues. There, he also found his best friends; Ashton, who worked in the creative department that originated all the best ideas; Calum, the youngest marketing manager of the state; and Luke, who started working as an intern a couple of years prior and was taken under Michael’s wing till he found his own.

The rumors about the new company manager started floating around a few weeks ago when Mr. Spellman casually announced the possibility of his early retirement and how he would need someone capable, intelligent, young, and hip. Someone like…

“Michael! Are you even listening?” Calum yelled from the other side of the phone.

“No, I’m sorry. It’s very hard to listen when you’re exercising your ego” Michael answered sarcastically as he pulled South away from a mysterious liquid on the floor.

“Haha, if anything I’m helping your ego!” Said Calum “We need to find out about this new hire that Mr. Spellman wants to replace you with”

Michael sighed. He knew that what Calum was saying was true. The rumor of a new hire coming to take the position Michael was fighting for his whole career was breathing down his neck. But they had no information about them nor did they know if it was true. And, to be honest, Michael didn’t want to know anything about them.

“There might not even be a new hire! Just because Ashton told Luke that he heard Nick tell Sandra…”

“But Nick knows everything!”

“Nick barely knows divisions!” Michael sighed “Look, even if Mr. Spellman were to hire someone new, who’s to say it would even be for the promotion? We are understaffed in the customer service department”

Calum scoffed, “Yeah, as if they are going to bring a newby from New York to work in customer service”

“Wait, from New York?!” Michael stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, lightly pulling South back with him “The new guy is coming from New York?! Wha-“

“Watch out!”

It all happened so fast that Michael only remembers opening his eyes and staring at the sky with a very pointing pain on his backside. South managed to get off the leash but stayed near him, barking at him as if it was his fault he was suddenly swooshed out off his feet and onto the ground.

Oh my god! I didn’t hit your dog, did I?” A panicked voice said.

That’s when Michael finally looked up to see a bike. A brand new bike that had literally crashed into him in the middle of the sidewalk. And the first thing this person asked was if the dog was okay?!

“Of course the dog is okay!” Michael said a bit too loud, giving the ringing in his ear and the immediate headache that came afterward “He wasn’t the one who just got run over!”

To be fair, if it were another circumstance Michael would most definitely ask if the animal was okay before making sure a human was. But given that he was the hurt human in this situation and Southy was looking up with a dumbfounded expression whilst moving its tail; he felt like he should be a little bit upset about it.

“Well only if you hadn’t stopped o abruptly in the middle of the sidewalk!” The voice said again with the audacity to actually sound mad about it.

Immediately, Michael looked up again, scrunching his eyes because of the sun contrasting against this person’s frame. And there he saw her: A young woman about his age, hair pulled out of her face, hand resting on the handles of the bike while it seemed angels sang songs around her as she looked at him with a frown. Michael has never seen such piercing eyes. But, then again, Michael has never been run over by a bike and then got yelled at while he was still on the floor.

“Oh,I’m sorry,” He said sarcastically “Should I get worried about a vehicle running me over while I’m walking on the sidewalk? Silly me thinking that bikes should be on their lane!”

“Thisis the lane!” The biker answered. And, oh shit, it really was the lane. Michael realized he must’ve stopped right as he was about to cross it.

“W-wellyou could’ve stopped!”

She opened her mouth to say something, but then she closed it as she shook her head and muttered a very angry “Un-fucking-believable” before she got up on her bike again.

Michael got up just in time before she rode off “I’m okay by the way! Thank you! He yelled after her. But she didn’t even look back, she just flipped him off and continue riding off to fucking knows where.

South watched her with a very happy tail until she was out of sight, and then turned to Michael and started barking at him again. Michael grumbled a curse word as he leaned down to pick up his cellphone and the leash, and that’s when he noticed it: A small dandelion tattooed on the inside of his wrist. Michael knew all of his tattoos, and he knows for sure that one wasn’t there before, so there was only one explanation for it.

“Fuck me”

Michael!” Calum called through the phone “Michael are you there? What happened?”

“I’m fine,” He answered as he placed the phone over his ear “Yeah, I- I guess I just met my soulmate”



Tags:@iknowyouthinkimbulletproof@mystic-232@talksoprettyjjx@theshyspy@hoodhoran @flaneurcth @villainorigincal @bubblegum18@irwin-fletcher-ash @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @1980holland @wiiildflowerrr@hoplessromantic727@in-a-world-of-fandoms@another-lonely-heart@aabc5sauce e @dudethisiswhyyoudonthavefriends @fakebetch9694 @5sos-imagine @SunflowerAngel2123 @perfectnouis @in-superbloom@lukeisstillapenguin@sadcupofcoffee@superstarmarvel@personalmuyverypersonal@cnco.angels@vtte@as-hs-blog@himbohood@sofiaaraee@irwindoll@lolzkye@weasleytwinscumslut@fairytrice@colourfulcal@nibin0912@hfkait@savagejane1 @the-ghost-of-cal @loverofmineashton @ashtonsunflower@nicebasscalum@calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @the-ghost-of-ash @alltimesos@wontlastimokwiththat @ttinahood @lukespitinmymouth @perfectnouis @cncoangelss @darrensos@whywontyoulovemecami@itwouldburnupintheatmosphere@theimpossiblehologramtree@perriexed@abiancajg@rewmuslupin@yeah-and69@leatherjacketcal@littledrummeraussie@hoodharlow

You, again (soulmate!Michael)

A series of blurbs - Ongoing

Summary: Soulmates, what a concept! Especially when your soulmate almost kills you and then threatens to take your job. But, at least they will love you… won’t they?

Warnings: Soulmate! Rivals to lovers! Enemies to lovers! Co-workers! Language, Smut, Angst, Sexual Harassment, Toxic relationships, Mentions of alcohol (more detailed on every chapter)

My masterlist // tag list on my bio!



Tags:@iknowyouthinkimbulletproof@mystic-232@talksoprettyjjx@theshyspy@hoodhoran @flaneurcth @villainorigincal @bubblegum18@irwin-fletcher-ash @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @1980holland @wiiildflowerrr@hoplessromantic727@in-a-world-of-fandoms@another-lonely-heart@aabc5sauce @dudethisiswhyyoudonthavefriends @fakebetch9694 @5sos-imagine @SunflowerAngel2123 @perfectnouis @in-superbloom@lukeisstillapenguin@sadcupofcoffee@superstarmarvel@personalmuyverypersonal@cnco.angels@vtte@as-hs-blog@himbohood@sofiaaraee@irwindoll@lolzkye@weasleytwinscumslut@fairytrice@colourfulcal@nibin0912@hfkait @savagejane1 @the-ghost-of-cal @loverofmineashton @ashtonsunflower@nicebasscalum@calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @the-ghost-of-ash @alltimesos@wontlastimokwiththat @ttinahood @lukespitinmymouth @perfectnouis @cncoangelss@darrensos@whywontyoulovemecami@itwouldburnupintheatmosphere@theimpossiblehologramtree@perriexed@abiancajg@rewmuslupin@yeah-and69@leatherjacketcal@hoodharlow@littledrummeraussie

Break my heart! (m.c)

You, again - Part 4

Pairing: soulmate! Michael Clifford x Fem! Soulmate! Reader

Summary: out of routine means we’re different people, right?

Warnings: Smut. Protected sex. Female receiving. Creeps in bars. Language. Mentions of alcohol. Some grammatical errors (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)

Word Count: 5K

Authors note: yeah so this ain’t a blurb. Remember that Reblogs are super important! They help me a lot and so do comments and feedbacks and tags and just any love you can show to the series Hope you like it and Happy Reading

My masterlist // taglist on bio! // series masterlist



The music was terrible and the floor smelled like piss. But it was the only bar close enough to his house and Michael’s only request was to get “as drunk as the fucking Dyonisus” so he didn’t even want to have another choice.

Calum sat next to him, nursing his beer as he took care of his heartbroken friend, patting his back as he swallowed his second shot of tequila of the night.

“Easy boy,” Calum said as Michael dropped his head onto the table with a loud ‘bang’ just in time for Ashton to come sit next to them “Ash, tell this man this isn’t the end of the world”

Ashton opened his mouth but Michael beat him to it “My soulmate hates me for some reason I don’t know and I’m going to die alone”

“Youwon’t die alone” The older man answered, “You can die with us! We still haven’t found the “one” yet”

But Ashton’s attempt to joke fell flat for everyone on the table. Michael raised his head from the table, ignoring the small crumbles of pretzels that got stuck into his forehead.

First, she ran over me with her bike;”

“That was kind of your fault-”

Then, she shows up at work and I find out that she’s my competition for the promotion that could change my life! And then she refuses to speak to me!”


“Andthen we kiss. We kissed and it was the most amazing feeling ever and I can’t get it out of my head. But now she would barely even look in my direction or even say a word to me! And you tell me that’s not the end of the world?!”


“It’s the end of my world!” He nearly cried “I have found my soulmate. The person who I’m supposed to fall in love with. And she’s fucking amazing! She’s funny, smart, and kind to all of you and you all love her… But she’s so fucking selfish as well! Such a stuck-up that can’t even look me in the face and give me at least one reason why she hates me so much!”

His two friends looked at him with pity glances. Not really knowing what to say at the sight of a broken heart.

Michael shook his head “You know what? Fuck her. Fuck her. Fuck you. Fuck me. Another!” He yelled as he tapped the shot glass on the table.

“Okay,” Ashton whispered as he took the glass from Michael’s hands “Mike, this is getting out of control”

“Yeah,” Calum added “We feel for you, we really do. But there must be a reason on why she’s acting like that” He shrugged “Maybe she’s not ready”

“Butwhy won’t she say something?” Michael asked as he covered his face with his hands “I- I get that there’s probably something there but… But she won’t even let me help or even talk to her about it” He sighed “We are supposed to be there for each other, but she has this… wall that divides us even further. Not to mention she’s probably going to get the promotion anyway so I’ll have to see her even more and-”

Suddenly he fell quiet, not really knowing what to say anymore. What was there to say? These past two weeks have been hell after their kiss. Michael felt everything all at once and it seemed like Y/N felt… nothing at all. She just continued to work as if nothing happened, only that this time she managed to avoid Michael at all costs.

Y/N would spend more time on meetings and working outside of her office, all because she didn’t even want to be facing Michael. He would hear her laugh somewhere around the building, catch glances of her talking to other co-workers, and just live her life as if he didn’t exist.

Michaelwished he didn’t kiss her. He said so a few times out loud to his friends and they all looked at him as if he was crazy. Why wouldn’t you want to kiss your soulmate? Well, for starters because this was the best kiss he’s ever had. He didn’t think it would be possible to fall for someone with just a kiss, but this wasn’t just someone, this was his soulmate. The person he was meant to kiss forever, and that kiss showed it. That kiss symbolized the beginning of the after for him. He was already gone before they even started the journey.

Because what can you do when you fall in love with someone who doesn’t want to love you?

“Mike,” Calum sighed “Listen, man. I know it is rough. And before you start with another “it’s more than rough” speech, just listen, okay? I know me and Ash cannot be of much help, hell I don’t even think Luke could be of much help either! But we are your friends and we want what’s best for you. We will help you in every way we can, and if that means getting you drunk on a Thursday, then so be it! But there are some things you have to do by yourself, and that means talking to Y/N”

“In all honesty,” Ashton chimed in “I do believe she feels the same way, but she’s just scared”

“Of me?” Michael asked in a small voice.

“Of all of this,” Ashton sighed “Remember what happened after Jo? Remember how you felt after they left?”

Michael sighed, “But I understoodwhy-”

“Understanding doesn’t mend a broken heart”

The half-drunk man hated the way his friends made sense “I don’t even know how to even begin a conversation with her”

Calum nodded with a sigh, leaning back on his chair as he looked around the bar, his eyes suddenly lingering toward a particular direction.

“Why don’t you just go and say hello?” He said casually.

“Yeah, right. I’ll just show up at her door like a creep and-”

“Or you can just walk to the bar and say “hey””

Michael started to choke on air and Ashton had to pat his back. Calum just sat there, arms crossed behind his head, amused.

“What the fuck?!” Michael asked, managing to finally breathe again. Then, his eyes followed where Calum had told him and yes, there she was.

Y/N had her back turned to them, but Michael would recognize her anywhere. Even in a bar, she looked tense, shoulders straight and in a perfect posture.

“Huh,” Michael scoffed, “Not even in a fucking bar can she relax”

“Uuuh,Mike?” Ashton commented, “I don’t think that’s the issue…”

Michael turned his eyes back at her. It was then that he realized that she wasn’t alone.

There was a man next to her, almost glued to the side of her body as he spoke. A horrible grin plastered on his face, completely ignoring Y/N’s clear discomfort as she nearly fell from the stool to try and get away from him.

It was instant the way Michael’s insides filled with rage. His eyes shot daggers at the creep as his cheeks turned red. Even Ashton and Calum flinched when he banged a fist onto the table and stood up, letting his chair fall to the ground as he marched with intent toward his soulmate.

“Aww, it’s so hard to talk with all these people around, don’t you think, princess?” He heard the man say as he approached, his hands already turning into pale fists “How about we get out of here? Hm? I promise I can show you a good time”

“I would rather die,” Y/N answered, not even looking at the man, keeping her eyes straight forward and her hand over her drink. Michael smirked at the sight, his girl knew how to handle herself.

“Don’t make me beg, sweetheart. I know you want to-.”

“The lady said no, you asshole!” Michael intervened, standing on the other side of her and placing his hand on her shoulder, letting her know he was there. Y/N immediately let out a small breath of relief the moment she heard his voice, shoulders relaxing all the tension she was holding.

The man stood straighter “Fuck off, man” He said, “I’m trying to have a conversation here”

“No, what you’re doing in harassment and I would appreciate it if you could kindly fuck off somewhere else,” Michael said, shooing the man with a gesture of his hand. This made the creep angrier.

“I don’t know who the fuck you think you are-”

“I’m her fuckingsoulmate, you asshole!” Michael said, raising his hand so he could see the dandelion mark on his wrist “Now get the fuck away from here before I make the bartender call the police”

The man grumbled a string of curses under his breath as he walked away, Michael never took his eyes off of him until he was sure he exited the building. Only then did he allow himself to relax and look at Y/N.

“Are you okay?” He asked, doing a quick check on her as his hand remained on her shoulder, squeezing it lightly “Did he try anything? Did-”

“I’m okay, Michael,” She said with a relieved sigh “He was just a lot of talk and no bark”

“Still, he shouldn’t have kept going when you already said no. He should’ve walked away the moment you told him so, not wait until another man came around. That’s just fucked”

Y/N stared at him for a moment, lips parted in a way in which it seemed she wanted to say something. But in the end, she cleared her throat and nodded.

“Thank you, Michael” She mumbled, looking back at him with a small smile.

“Of course,” He furrowed his brow, not really knowing why she should thank him when it was the right thing to do anyways “I- I’ll go, enjoy your night”

Wait,” Y/N said, and before she could stop herself, her hand was already grabbing Michael by the elbow of his shirt.

Michael looked at her hand, noticing for the first time that she was not wearing long sleeves. His eyes immediately went to the dandelion that was tattooed on her skin, how she didn’t hide it this time nor did she pull away from him. He couldn’t help but smile as he looked back at her, her eyes shining with shyness as she said:

“Would you- ehmm, can I buy you a drink?”

“Like a date?” He couldn’t help but tease. Y/N rolled her eyes.

“If you don’t want to, you can just say it, you know? I won’t-”

“Hey, no” Michael panicked, immediately pulling up a stool and sitting down next to her “Of course, I want to! It was a bad joke, I’m sorry”

Y/N seemed relieved at his answer, but there was still tension upon her brow, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Michael. Did his joke really hurt her? But before he could begin to find an answer, Y/N had already called the bartender and asked for their drinks.


“No way!” Michael laughed, covering his mouth with his hand, trying to keep it down.

Yes, way!” Y/N chuckled, her cheeks tinted pink at the memory “But you can’t tell anyone!”

A couple of hours had passed since Y/N first invited Michael for a drink. But those drinks were long forgotten at the bar once the conversation started to flow.

It took a few minutes and a few sips for her to finally feel at ease again, surprising Michael by asking him if he liked video games; the same question he asked her when they first met - or rather, met again - back at the office. Michael smiled when he realized she was finding common ground among them as if they were just some strangers that met at a bar.

But they weren’t strangers, not at all. In fact, the more they talked the more it seemed like they had known each other for ages. They found it easy to fall into conversation after conversation, topic after topic. They were more alike than they would like to admit.

They both slept with a small light on; they’re both night owls which makes their addiction to coffee ever the more obvious; they hate thunderstorms, and they both have similar tastes in movies and shows. They love animals, especially dogs although Y/N is thinking about getting a cat. She also mentioned she volunteers at an animal refuge every other weekend.

Michael found himself entranced by her. Evermore so when she would show actual interest in the things he had to say. She would listen carefully, resting her head upon her hand as she leaned over the bar, watching him with those eyes that he can’t look away from, smiling and nodding and even agreeing with him as he spoke. No one has ever paid him that much attention, and he knows that he has never been as enchanted by someone as he is by her.

The way her mouth moves as she speaks; how her eyes shine when she talks about the last book she read; how cute she looks when she tries to hide her laugh even when Michael told her that he loves the sound of it.

“Is this how it’s supposed to feel like?” He wondered, feeling utterly at peace with her.

Their laughter died down a little bit, just enough for them to breathe and look at each other with big, bright eyes and soft smiles. A moment that would seem to last forever and not enough before they started to laugh again.

“You did not tell your secretary that you loved her!” He laughed

Shhh!” She lightly pushed him on the arm “I told you! I was very tired and somehow I confused her with my mom. And in my defense, she was a very sweet lady that always called me sweetheart, so…”

Michael’s laughter was starting to calm down “She must’ve been very confused”

“She wasn’t,” Y/N shook her head and sighed “She knew I missed my mom so she just let it sly. But she did bring me cookies every Monday, though. I really miss her sometimes”

Michael nodded, noticing the way her smile turned nostalgic as she drew shapes on the bar with her fingers.

“Do you miss New York?”

“Sometimes,” She shrugged, “There’s nothing like the city… But even in a city full of people, one can feel just so-”

“Lonely?” Michael finished for her. Y/N nodded “That’s why you moved to L.A?”

“I had nothing left in New York and L. A seemed like a good, fresh start. So when Robert offered me the job then, well, what’s the worst that could happen?”

Y/N looked down at her mark. A small, sad smile played on her lips. It was the first time Michael had seen her even acknowledge it was there, and it didn’t go unnoticed for him the way she let out a small sigh and took her eyes away from it. Only this time it didn’t feel like a rejection to him. He felt for her, even if he didn’t know why.

Maybe his friends were right and there was more to it than what she leads on.

“Yeah,” Michael said, clearing his throat “I know what you mean. I- I considered leaving the city at one point as well”

This seemed to have brought back Y/N’s interest as she turned to him with a questionable look, prompting him to continue. Michael sighed.

“A couple of years ago the person I was dating found their soulmate,” He said, as Y/N widened her eyes at the confession “We knew it would happen eventually. One of us finding our soulmate, I mean. And even though we knew the risk, we still liked each other so we thought we might as well give it a try. We even moved in together at some point, and I found myself falling for them” He sighed “But one day they came with a small koi-fish mark on their wrist, there were tears and smiles and laughs… It broke my heart to see them so happy to break up with me, but I was so excited for them to experience something I wouldn’t have been able to give them anyway, so - So, I thought that maybe I should just go. Leave everything behind and go look for that someone who would make me feel…”

He trailed off. He needn’t finish the sentence. Not when suddenly Y/N’s hand was on top of his. Not when she was smiling at him, reassuringly. Not when he found himself smiling back.

“Anyway,” Michael cleared his throat “I stayed because my friends kinda begged me to? They would not survive without me”

Y/N laughed, “The same friends who cannot keep their eyes away from us since the moment you came?”

Michael closed his eyes and pressed his lips on a thin line before slowly turning around to where Calum and Ashton were sitting. They were smiling like idiots as they raised their drinks to salute him while Michael gave them the finger.

“Sorry bout that” He groaned

“It’s okay,” She laughed. “I think it’s cute. But, uhm, it’s getting kind of late, and we need to work tomorrow, so…”

“Oh shit,” Michael said, getting up from his stool the moment she did “Of course! Shit, sorry! I didn’t mean to take that long just-”

“Would you walk me to my car?” She asked, looking up at him. And how could Michael say no to that?


“You really parked very far from the bar, huh?” Michael asked, feeling the night breeze kiss his cheeks.

They’ve been walking for at least 10 blocks, the conversation never-dying between them as the busy streets of L. A provided them with background sounds.

Y/N’s cheeks tinted pink, suddenly shy again.

“That’s because I parked in front of my apartment, I took an Uber to the bar,” She said, barely meeting Michael’s gaze.

Oh,” Was all he said, feeling how his heart started pounding loudly inside his chest and his hands started to sweat.

They walked around in silence for one more block before she stopped.

“This is it,” She said with a sigh.

“This…Yeah, of course,” Why was he so awkward all of the sudden?!

“Thank you,” Y/N softly said, as she took a step closer to him “For walking me home, and for what happened in the bar…”

“Don’t mention it,” Michael whispered, taking another step closer to her, inches away from her chest as she looked up at him.

It was Y/N who closed the gap between them. Standing on her tiptoes, she launched forward to capture his lips for a tender, soft kiss. His hands immediately flew to her waist, kissing her back feverously.

And just like the first time: there were fireworks.

Y/N pulled away, pecking his lips one last time before she whispered against his mouth “I’m gonna go upstairs to my room. I’m going to take off my clothes and it’s you who’s going to decide if they’re staying off”

Michael nearly growled as she pulled away from him completely, walking back into her building and getting on the elevator. Eyes never leaving Michael until the doors closed. Michael stayed on the sidewalk, counting the seconds as the air around him got ten times hotter and heavier.

But as soon as the window light to the right on the third floor turned on, and the silhouette of a girl undressing appeared behind the curtain, he ran.

Fuck the elevator, as he went up the stairs two three steps at a time until he reached the third floor and walked to the only door on the right side, knocking on it as he tried to keep his cool. Until the door opened, of course.

Fuck me,” He breathed, eyes widening at the sight.

Y/N was standing there, completely bare except for her panties, looking up to Michael with doe eyes and parted lips.

“You took your time,”

“Sorry,” Michael panted, placing both hands on her hip and walking her back into her apartment “Not going to happen again”

In an instant, his lips were on her, kissing her with hunger as the door closed behind them. He turned her around, pressing her back against the wooden material. Y/N hissed at the coolness of the door on her back, biting back a moan as Michael’s hands traveled from her hips to her ass, cupping her cheeks and lifting her up enough so that his clothes crotch was aligned with her core.

Michael took that opportunity to deepen the kiss, swallowing her moans as his tongue explored every inch of her mouth, her cheeks, her jaw, her neck…

Fuck,” She whimpered, rocking her hips against his the moment he let his teeth sink onto the sweet spot between her neck and shoulder.

Michael’s grip on her ass tightened, moving her ever so slightly so that she would repeat that action again. His hard cock pressed against her covered entrance, making her moan with the friction it created.

“You like that, huh?” He asked with a grave voice, lips biting on her neck and tracing the marks with his tongue “You like to feel just how hard I am for you, don’t you, kitten?”

He thrust more harshly as his hands pushed her ass forward. Y/N yelped at the shock of pleasure that ran through her body as the outline of his cock perfectly thrust against her clit. Her hands gripped onto his hair, pulling it slightly with every strong move, making Michael groan.

“Bet you’re soaking those fucking panties right now, kitten,” He said, thrusting harder as her moans became louder and faster.

Fuck, Michael…” She whimpered, pulling on his hair “Please, don’t stop! Don’t- Ah!”

He silenced her with a kiss, swallowing down her moans as he kept a merciless pace against her pussy, feeling how she was starting to soak his own pants as her orgasm was quickly approaching.

“You’re gonna come for me, Y/N?” He teased, this time only moving her against his groin “My cock isn’t even out and you’re already cumming from it, are you seriously that desperate?” She gasped, letting her head fall against the door, chest arched as she let Michael do all of the work, moving her hips with more intent. She looked down at him, moaning desperately as her walls clenched around nothing “So fucking pretty, cum, baby, cum

Michael leaned down to take one of her nipples into his mouth, licking around the hard nub and biting into it as the sound of Y/N’s screams mixed with her release. Y/N pulled on his hair and brought him back to her, wasting no time as she kissed him, biting on his bottom lip.

He groaned into her mouth and squeezed her ass cheeks, picking her up without ever breaking the kiss until they ended up in the kitchen. Then, Michael put her down, feeling proud as her legs started to shake the moment they stood on the ground again. He held her by the waist and turned her around, making her lean over the kitchen island.

Spread,” He said, kicking her legs open as her chest fell upon the cold, marbled top.

“What are you-?” She asked, but before she could even finish the question, she felt a hand travel down her stomach, fingers playing with the hem of her panties.

Y/N moaned, her nails scratching on the marble as she felt three fingers graze over her swollen clit.

“Absolutely soaked” Michael whispered against her ear, cupping her still covered pussy with one hand “And all of that for me?”

“Yes,” She breathed as she felt him kiss on the back of her neck, leaving a trail of kisses down her spine “Michael…”

He kneeled down behind her, placing a kiss on each ass cheek before biting down on them. Fingers played with the hem of her panties, lowering them down slowly.

“I want to hear you say it, kitten,” He said, kissing the inside of her thighs “Who got you this wet?”

Goosebumps appeared along her skin the moment Michael kissed her clit, just a little peck, a little tease “Michael…”

“Say it,”

You,” She breathed “You made me this wet, baby”

He dived in. Y/N’s whole body jolted at the touch, moaning at the way his tongue licked at her clit, flicking his tongue with intent as he groaned at her taste.

“Fuck, you taste amazing” He murmured against her, practically making out with her pussy as she slowly started to grind her hips against his mouth.


“Fuck my face, baby” He nearly begged, placing both of his hands at each side of her hips.

Michael used the flat of his tongue to open up her slit, devouring every inch of her as if it were his last meal. His low hums made Y/N’s insides twist with every sound, every move as she desperately searched for her second release of the night.

Y/N pushed herself from the island, pushing her core against his mouth, feeling how her juices dripped down her thighs. It was too much and not enough, too drunk on each other to even think about what they were doing. It was instinct, almost, how she moved and how he found the right places that would make her almost scream his name in pleasure.

Michael, Michael, Michael!” She’d yell, moaning as his tongue thrust inside of her.

Her orgasm crashed into her without a warning. Her whole body shook as she banged her fists on the counter, all the air knocked out of her lungs as Michael relished in her taste; his mouth cleaning her mess like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do. He didn’t stop until Y/N reached down and pushed him away, the two of them panting and gasping for air.

Michael got up from the floor, putting his arm around her waist and pulling her up to his chest, leaving a bruising kiss on her lips and making her moan at her taste on his tongue.

“Got one more for me, kitten?” He asked, panting against her lips “Or is it too much?”

Y/N smiled as she kissed him, softly “Take me to bed, Michael”

And just like that, he was putty in her hands.

He picked her up again, bridal style, and hid his face on the crook of her neck, leaving a trail of small kisses he would trace back in the morning. They went up to her room and he placed her carefully on the bed, breaking the kiss just so she could take his shirt off.

Michael stood up, taking a condom from his wallet as Y/N unbuckled his belt. She kneeled up on her bed, searching for a kiss that he was more than eager to give as she took off his pants and boxers.

She took his aching, leaking cock into her hand and started to jerk him off; smiling into the kiss as he groaned.

“You drive me crazy,” He moaned against her lips, feeling how her hand spread the precum along his shaft “Absolutely crazy”

He helped her lay down on the bed; her legs immediately wrapped around his waist as he swiftly thrust into her. Y/N hissed at the stretch, feeling how ever so slowly he started to fill her up, taking up every inch until her walls were clenching and he bottomed out.

Michael, on the other hand, felt as if heaven could not be compared to the feeling of having her so close. To have her, his soulmate, laying on the bed in front of him, chest rising and falling with every breath as her teary eyes shined welcoming. A smile played on her lips as she cupped his face and brought him in for a kiss.

He moved his hips, thrusting slowly at first to let her adjust to his size. Gradually he gained momentum as her moans turned breathier, clawing his back with every rock of their bodies.

“Michael…harder,” She begged in a whimper “Harder, baby, please”

“Yeah?” He teased, hands already at either side of her hips, holding her with a grip that will leave marks “Does my baby want to be absolutely wrecked?”

She should’ve noticed the mischievous gleam in his eyes the moment he said those words. But she could only whine as he pulled out off her.

He turned her around with ease, still holding her by the hips as he aligned himself with her entrance once again, pushing in without warning and setting a merciless pace as he fucked her.

From this new angle, all Y/N could do was claw the sheets around her. Her thoughts weren’t even her own as the only thing that came out of her mouth were broken moans and cries of pleasure mixed with the sound of skin slapping against skin.


“C’mere,” He said, pulling her by the waist. Her back pressed against him as she bounced on his cock to the rhythm of his thrusts, turning her head to the side as their breathing became one.

Michael was close, he knew from the moment that her walls took him that he wasn’t going to last long. The way she clenched around him made him see stars, wondering how in the hell did he miss out on this type of bliss for so long?

One of his hands traveled to her neck, holding her with enough pressure to make her gasp, but not enough to hurt. While the other hand traveled down, pressing against her swollen clit and rubbing on it. Y/N could only groan at the oversensitivity, feeling the burning sensation of another orgasm come over her.

Fuck, that’s it” Michael moaned in her ear, kissing her temple as she squeezed around him “Taking my cock so well, shit

“Cum with me, Michael” She cried “Fucking me so good. Cum, baby. Fucking cum. Yes, yes, yes, yes!”

Fuck, Y/N!” He groaned as he emptied himself inside the condom, milking both of their orgasms until they were both a panting mess.

They stayed like that for a couple more minutes, just taking in everything that happened. Michael kissed her cheek softly as he pulled out, helping her lay back on the bed as he went to find something to clean her up.

Once they were both clean, neither of them had the energy to do anything but lay down under a new set of sheets. Holding each other close as sleep was about to come over them.

“What happens now?” Asked Michael while running a finger through her hair.

Y/N sighed, “Now, we wait until tomorrow”

“And tomorrow we’ll talk about it?”

She nodded, nuzzling into his chest and kissing it lightly before falling asleep between his arms.

I don’t regret it,” Michael whispered when he knew she couldn’t hear “l don’t regret anything with you. I would let you break my heart a thousand times over just for a moment like this”



Tags:@iknowyouthinkimbulletproof@mystic-232@talksoprettyjjx@theshyspy@hoodhoran@flaneurcth@hoodharlow@littledrummeraussie@bubblegum18@irwin-fletcher-ash @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @1980holland @wiiildflowerrr@hoplessromantic727@in-a-world-of-fandoms@another-lonely-heart@aabc5sauce@dudethisiswhyyoudonthavefriends@channelxt @5sos-imagine @SunflowerAngel2123 @perfectnouis @in-superbloom@lukeisstillapenguin@sadcupofcoffee@superstarmarvel @personalmuyverypersonal @cnco.angels @vtte@as-hs-blog@himbohood@sofiaaraee@irwindoll@lolzkye@weasleytwinscumslut@fairytrice@colourfulcal@nibin0912@hfkait@savagejane1 @the-ghost-of-cal @loverofmineashton @ashtonsunflower@nicebasscalum@calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @the-ghost-of-ash @alltimesos@wontlastimokwiththat @ttinahood @lukespitinmymouth @perfectnouis @cncoangelss s @darrensos @whywontyoulovemecami@itwouldburnupintheatmosphere@theimpossiblehologramtree@perriexed@abiancajg@rewmuslupin@yeah-and69@leatherjacketcal

Forgotten Memories3. Asleep In My BedHere I sit, on the floor of my bedroom, trying not to freak out
Forgotten Memories
3. Asleep In My Bed

Here I sit, on the floor of my bedroom, trying not to freak out, while Michael Clifford lays snoring lightly in between my sheets. Never in my whole life, would I have thought that anything like this would ever happen. I keep having to pinch myself, so I know it’s not a dream.

I’m sitting on my floor, with my legs crossed, and my Mac on my lap. I keep searching things about Amnesia, and on every website it says to go to a doctor immediately.

I completely understand why Michael doesn’t want to go, hospitals are creepy and stuff, but if he can’t rememberanything, he really needs to go to the hospital.

I look up at him again, still amazed at how quickly he fell asleep. Basically the second that his head hit the pillow he was out. He must have been exhausted.

All to come and see me.

I pinch myself again, and see that Michael is still there, in my bed.


Calm down Andy, or you might start actuallyyelling.

“I’m calm, I’m calm.” I whisper to myself, even though it’s a complete lie.

I log onto Twitter, and see if the boys know that Michael’s missing, I mean of course they have to, he’s their bandmate!

They’ve been tweeting the regular stuff about writing with other celebrities, or being excited for the next show. I guess that they’re hiding it, so that the fans don’t freak out.

I hurry and type out a DM to Ashton, him being the only member that follows me. When he did first follow me, I was freaking out, and having the worst ‘seizure’ Brandon’s ever experienced.

I quickly type it up,

'Hey, Ashton, if you didn’t know this, Micheal’s not with you. He showed up at my doorstep today, and can’t remember, please reply.’

I send it, hoping that he might see it, even though I know deep down that he won’t.

Glancing at the time, I start to freak out, because Brandon will be home in less than an hour. Tiffany won’t be long after him, then the parent’s and Ruth will get home a little while after them. If they see him, or even know that he was here, they’ll definitely freak out, and I don’t even want to think of what they’ll do to me.

I jump to my feet, and put my Mac on my dresser. And scribble a note out to Michael.

'My famliy is going to be home soon, if I’m not in my room, don’t look for me,



I place it on my dresser, so he will definitely see it if he does wake up and I’m not in my room. The only think I know about this whole situation, is that no one can know that he’s here.

Taking two stairs at a time, I make my way upstairs to our kitchen. Food is out everywhere, along with dirty dishes, and my school work. I quickly shove the food into their containers and back into the fridge. Placing the dishes into the dishwasher without even rinsing them, one of my moms biggest pet peeves, but I don’t care at the moment.

I shove all of my schoolwork into my bag, not caring if stuff gets crumpled. The kitchen is spotless, so I make my way downstairs. I put my backpack in my room, before heading into my bathroom to see how dirty it is.

There’s a few towels out of place, and the shower curtain is wide open. My tooth brush and tooth paste are strewn across the counter. Letting out a breath, I clean everything up, making sure that mom wouldn’t bug me about it. Calling her a neat freak would be an insult to neat freaks. She’s a cleaning Nazzi, and if it’s not perfect, she’ll go off lecturing me about being lazy and sloppy, for an hour. It’s happened before, and believe me, it’s not a pleasant experience.

I check on the washer, to see if Michaels clothes are nearly clean. They are clean, so I throw them in the drier, along with some of my clean clothes, so it doesn’t look like I’m just cleaning guys clothes, because that wouldn’t go down well.

I hear the back door open, and my eyes go wide, how can be home already?

“Why are you home so early?” I question as I make my way upstairs.

“Your mom wants us to have a family talk or some shit.” He rolls his eyes, and walks into his room.

A groan escapes my lips, “And she didn’t bother to tell me?”

He comes back into the kitchen, and shrugs. Brandon opens the fridge, grabbing the box of left over pizza. My eyes go wide as he opens it.

“Holy shit Andy, were you hungry much?” He scoffs, taking a huge bite of a piece of pizza.

“Schools lunch is shit you know that.” I quickly make up a lie.

“Yeah, but there were four more pieces in there last night, you cow.” He contradicts himself, because a huge piece of food comes flying out of his mouth as he insults me.

“Whatever you say.” I pat his back, pulling out a glass to get a drink. Who knew that hiding a famous guitar player in your bedroom would be so much work? Not me, that’s for sure.

“Water’s not the only thing you’re thirsty for.” Brandon sniggers.

“Yeah, you and Mr. Hall seemed to be getting pretty cozy.” Tiffany joins in as she walks in the back door.

I roll my eyes, and start to sing the nonsense of what sounds like the part of Lion King where they’re rising Simba into the air. I continue singing, and rise both of my middle fingers, flipping both of them off.

Tiffany huffs, and tosses her hair over her shoulder, bumping into me as she struts into her bedroom. She’s always such a heinous bitch to me, but I understand why. Her and Brandon’s mom died of cancer a few years ago, and out of the blue their dad marries my mom. They can’t take it out on their dad, or my mom, so why not take it out on me?

Still, it sucks, massively. I gulp down another drink of water, wondering if Michael’s still asleep or not. I mean he should be, he looked like he could sleep for a month.

The sound of the garage interrupts my thoughts on the sleeping guitarist in my room. My mom’s car pulls in first, followed by Phillips. I fill up my water, knowing that I’ll most likely need something to help me buy time to think.

Mom enters the back door, with Ruth in her car seat.

“Ruthie!” I squeal, and run over to her, taking her from mom.

“Well hello to you too Andrea.” Phillip jokes, making me cringe when he uses my full name.

“Phil.” I nod at him, and return my attention to Ruth. Phillip lets out a sigh, because I used his nickname, that no one but me calls him. He’s told me numerous times that he hates the nickname, but I only use it when he calls me by my full name.

“Everyone be at the kitchen table in five minutes.” Mom’s voice calls from their bedroom.

Some serious shit is about to go down.

I hear my phone vibrate, and look around for it. I must have forgot about it when Michael showed up, because I find it on the counter, where I set it after Adam called me. Speak of the devil.

Adam’s Apple

'Good luck tonight ;)’

I’m confused by the text, so I don’t bother to reply to it. Ruth squeals in my arms, and turns to face me. She starts tuggig on my pony tail, causing my head to ache. Her face when she see’s me in pain is so adorable, that it’s worth it.

“Tiffany, get out here!” Phillip calls. I look up to see that everyone’s at the table, but Tiffany.

She stomps out of her room in leggings and a Nike t shirt. She always wheres her cheerleading uniform to school, which confuses me because, man those things look tight and very uncomfortable. She slumps down in her usual seat, which is as far away from me as she can get, with an irritated huff.

“I’ve heard that you three aren’t getting along too well.” Mom laces her fingers together, staring seriously at Tiffany, Brandon, and I.

I snort, “That’s an understatement.” Which earns a glare from everyone at the table over the age of two.

“Andy’s just kidding, we get a long great! Can I go back to my room now?” Tiffany uses her fake voice, like she always does when she’s talking to my mom.

“Nice try, but no.” Phillip gives Tiffany a stern look.

“Brandon?” Mom asks him, to get his opinion.

“Everything’s fine.” He crosses his arms across his chest, and looks extremely bored.

Mom sighs, rubbing her temples, “I got a call from Adam today, saying that Andy thinks everyone here hates her, well besides Ruth of course. Is that true Andy?”

Now is when my glass of water comes in handy. I press it to my lips, taking very slow sips, whilst plotting how to murder Adam in my head.

Mom’s still looking at me expectantly when I swallow.

“Yup.” I pop the 'p’, as if it’s no big deal that I think everyone hates me. Which it isn’t that big of a deal, I understand why, I kinda hate me too.

“Well, that could not be farther from the truth. Everyone here loves one another, and no onehateseach other, understand?” She says, as if it’s a rule, and we have to love each other, and we’re not allowed to hate each other.

“Yes ma'am.” The three of us reply in sync.

“And to make sure that everyone believes that, from now on, every other weekend we’re going to do something as a family. No friends, electronics, or whining is allowed. It’s just going to be us spending time together.”

What?” Tiffany screeches at the same time that Brandon and I ask, “No electronics?”

“This is the rule from now on, and there’s no if’s and’s, or but’s about it. I do not want to hear any whining either.”

We’re all left speechless, with our mouths wide open.

“This will commence next weekend, because frankly I’m too tired to do anything this weekend.” She announces.

I squeeze my eyes shut, wishing that today never happened.

“You’re excused.” Phillip says after a few seconds. I immediately get up, and take Ruth to her room. After placing a quick kiss on her forehead I hurry down to my room, trying to hold back the tears, but I fail.

They’re streaking down my face by the time I’ve shut my door. I glance over and see that Michael is still asleep, and a wave of relief washes over me. If he was awake, I don’t even know what I’d do.

I collapse onto the ground, leaning my back against my dresser. Small sobs escape my lips, along with a wave of ugly crying. I haven’t cried this hard in a while, but everything’s crashing down, and now I’m left to deal with my problems.

My entire family hates me, my father’s in jail, school is hell, I have no friends, and no one to talk to, I can never sleep, I’m constantly getting called hurtful names by everyone, and I pretend that I don’t care, but I do, deep down I do, and I hate it. Adam tried to make things better, but he only made it worse. Every other weekend is going to be hell, and there’s nothing I can do about it. And to top it all of Michael fucking Clifford showed up at my front door, asking for me, saying that he can’t remember anything.

“Andrea, are you okay?” Michael’s sleepy voice, and his hand touching my shoulder makes me jump.

I scoot away from him, and shove my palm across my cheeks, wiping away the tears.

“I’m fine.” my voice betrays me and cracks.

“You sure?” He looks concerned, but I look away quickly, refusing to meet his eyes.

I nod, and stand up, “I’ll be right back, stay here and be quiet.”

He doesn’t say anything, so I quickly leave, making sure to close the door behind me. I head straight for my bathroom. My knuckles turn white from the grip I have on the counter as I stare at my reflection.

I’ve got bright red eyes, and tear tracks on my cheeks. I look as crappy as I did all day, but I’ve given up caring about how I look a long time ago. I splash some water on my face, and dry it quickly. As I exit the bathroom, mom’s walking out of the laundry room.

“Honey, take care of your laundry.” She says the seconds she see’s me. When she looks at me closer, I look away, and walk past her. I know that she saw that I was crying, but of course she doesn’t say anything.

The sound of her footsteps become quieter as she walks up the stairs. I let out a breath, and lazily take all of my clothes out of the drier. I shove them into a basket, and walk back into my room.

Michael’s looking at the posters on my wall, of bands and musicians that I like. I’ve also hung up some of my drawings or paintings that I really liked. He’s staring at one of my darkest drawings. It’s of a cell, and a man sits in it. A little girl stands on the outside, gripping on the bars. The man had tears streaming down his face, but the little girl looks angry.

I drew it when I was in my stage of hating my father, and myself. One reason I hated him was because he was drunk, and killed someone. My mother was the main reason I hated him though. She hated him with all of the hatred in her body, and she only pushed me into hating him. She convinced me that he was a disgusting, pathetic excuse for a man and a father.

I believed her, but eventually I matured, and saw it how it was. One huge accident. My dad didn’t mean to kill the girl. He shouldn’t have been driving in the first place, but that was poor judgment, because of the alcohol. Him and mom had been arguing a lot, which caused him to drink.

It was all a big mess that I can’t forget about.

“Your clothes are clean.” I clear my throat, shoving the memories to the back of my head.

Michael turns around swiftly, holding a hand to his heart, “Shit, you scared me.”

“Did you not hear the door open and close?”

He shakes his head, “I guess not.”

“Well, here they are. You can wear Adam’s clothes if you want though. Speaking of the bastard.” I hand Michael his clothes, and pull out my phone, sending him an angry text.

'Thanks a lot asshole.’

“Adam’s your..?” Michael looks at me confused.

“Dumbass of an older brother. He’s in college now.” I explain, as I read my new text.


'Well I wasn’t just going to say nothing, and let you be miserable. What happened?’

I roll my eyes, and quickly type,

'Your good deed backfired. We have to spend every other weekend as a family, no friends, or electronics. It’s going to be hell.’


'It won’t be that bad. It’s every other weekend.’

My cheeks puff out in anger

'Yeah well when I’m getting murdered by them I won’t have my phone to call you and tell you how bad it is.’

He doesn’t reply, so I shove my phone into my pocket. I look up to see Michael staring at me, and jump, because I momentarily forgot that he was there.

“Oh! Yeah, about you…” I trail off, blushing lightly.

He smiles, then his face turns concerned, “What are we going to do?”

“That’s a great question.” I laugh, but it’s the wrong time to use my terrible sense of humor, “To be completely honest, I have no fucking clue. But I do know, that no one in this house, but me, can know that you’re here. So you have to be completely silent when they’re here, got it?”

Michael nods, “Got it.”


Authors note:

Chapter 3!

For some reason the last chapter didn’t post all the way on wattpad but I fixed it, so It’s complete now :D

So I write the chapter on wattpad, as a draft, then when I’m ready to post it, I copy it all, and paste it to a draft on tumblr, and for some reason, it doesn’t bold or italicize anything, which is a real big pain my ass so I have to go back and redo everything that’s bolded or italicized, which I do a lotof ;) do you guys know why it does that/ have a way to make it not do that? 

What do you think about Andy’s family? I think they’re terrible (aside from Adam, and Ruth, I love them) , but they have a reason to be.

Speaking of Adam, I chose Dylan O’ Brien (heart eyes to the max) to play him, and there’s a picture of him on the side/top! He’s a smart college student, and he has a hobby that you guys don’t know about yet ;)

Give it some notes, and message me if you enjoyed this chapter!

have a great day/night/life

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY if you don’t have a Valentine, then be your own Valentine, because you’re amazing and you have a cute butt ;)

love ya


p.s. the next chapter of Dollhouse is coming soon, and shit’s about to go down, I’m excited, are you?

Post link


El 13 de agosto se lanzará el resto del álbum, hoy Luke nos dio un adelanto de su increíble álbum.

Espero que todos aprecien este increíble álbum que está en camino y recuerden que luke trabajó duro para hacer este álbum.

On August 13 the rest of the album will be released, today Luke gave us a preview of his incredible album

I hope everyone appreciates this incredible album that is on the way and remember that luke worked hard to make this album!


sorry I haven’t been active, I’m gonna try and write more. my mental health has been bad but I think it’ll be good for me to do something creative like writing, and you guys always cheer me up. if you have any requests or prompts feel free to fill my inbox too.



me: *disappears for almost 2 years*

my mostly calum fanfic blog: *hits 2k followers*

YALL I love you so much!! thanks for 2k and for continuing to send me things (I read them and feel inspired I promise) i’m just not very good at work/life balance and focusing on things I like when i’m not depressed with something to procrastinate on (and that’s on finally graduating )

and on that note!!! TIME TO CELEBRATE!!!

my asks are completely open to your minds and wants!! whoever (within limits so pls ask) and whatever (again within limits) for until y’all get tired of me!! though please be aware that I do work two jobs and play around in disney world on the reg so i’m not the speediest in response!



me: *disappears for almost 2 years*

my mostly calum fanfic blog: *hits 2k followers*

YALL I love you so much!! thanks for 2k and for continuing to send me things (I read them and feel inspired I promise) i’m just not very good at work/life balance and focusing on things I like when i’m not depressed with something to procrastinate on (and that’s on finally graduating )

and on that note!!! TIME TO CELEBRATE!!!

my asks are completely open to your minds and wants!! whoever (within limits so pls ask) and whatever (again within limits) for until y’all get tired of me!! though please be aware that I do work two jobs and play around in disney world on the reg so i’m not the speediest in response!


me: *disappears for almost 2 years*

my mostly calum fanfic blog: *hits 2k followers*

YALL I love you so much!! thanks for 2k and for continuing to send me things (I read them and feel inspired I promise) i’m just not very good at work/life balance and focusing on things I like when i’m not depressed with something to procrastinate on (and that’s on finally graduating )

and on that note!!! TIME TO CELEBRATE!!!

my asks are completely open to your minds and wants!! whoever (within limits so pls ask) and whatever (again within limits) for until y’all get tired of me!! though please be aware that I do work two jobs and play around in disney world on the reg so i’m not the speediest in response!

it’s been a hot minute since i’ve been here. let me share something i wrote and never finished three years ago :) p.s. this is about calum

He brought the fresh cigarette to his lips while his other hand fumbled for the lighter in the right pocket of his leather jacket. It was his favorite lighter, a Bic adorning a sad shade of blue. He didn’t have an explanation for why he liked it. He inhaled after lighting, allowing his stress and anxiety to lift from his chest as if it had never been there at all.

Calum missed his old life sometimes. He missed the idea of a promising career. He missed his happiness. College hadn’t fit, and after that, it felt as though nothing would fit. He couldn’t keep a single relationship without fucking something up, so when the tables were turned, he spiraled. His feet took him to the city by his hometown. Even home didn’t feel like home.

His ears were deceiving him—he hoped they were. Soft sniffs sounded from down the sidewalk, and he noticed the hunched figure through the frosted glass of the bus stop shelter. He would have ignored it if it weren’t for the fact that it was his bus stop too.

“Sorry,” Calum mumbled as he joined the figure. He didn’t even give them a quick glance, nor another apology for smoking around them when they were clearly upset. He didn’t care about anyone else’s feelings except for his own. At least not yet.

“’S’fine, don’t—” The person cut themselves off, and for a second, he didn’t want to figure out why. “Calum?”

He gazed over for a second, then away, and then back over again. Your name fell from his lips.

You were hugging yourself, your arms covered in a thin sweater while your bare legs were crossed over each other to hide from the cold. While a weak smile had stretched on your lips, your cheeks were flushed, chapped, and slick from tears.

“Crazy,” he breathed out. “I just—um, I just saw Chris tonight.”

You furrowed your eyebrows together, lips falling into a frown.

“From History.”

“From History!” you exclaimed, your voice dry and hoarse. “How’s he?”

Calum nodded and flicked some ash from his cigarette. “Good. Engaged.”

Your eyes had locked onto his cigarette, and you had lost your smile once again. “You smoke?”

He smoked. He smoked every damn day, and he knew you wouldn’t have suspected. Looking down at the nearly finished cigarette, he muttered out, “I’m a social smoker.”

“It’s—” You chuckled softly. “It’s just us, Calum.”

“Yeah,” he replied with a nod. Caught red-handed. “Just—"

You turned your body towards him, eager and happy to see him after all those years.

“Why are you out here?” he asked suddenly. “Alone?” He was tired of seeing your grin rise and fall, but he wanted to know. He remembered the bubbly spirit you were in high school, and now, you were no longer recognizable. And he wondered if you felt the same.

You shrugged, steadily breathing in, shakily breathing out. “Partner kicked me out,” you whispered. You were trying to smile again but failed. “Two years of my life. Wasted.” The tears had long since dried, and your voice no longer wavered.

Calum already felt like he understood you. After many years, you were sitting together under a random bus shelter, a mess of emotions fluttering around in your brains. But, then it hit him. “You—do you not have anywhere to stay?”

“I mean—” you began, once again trying to calm your breath. “I can call a friend.”

He nodded.

“But I don’t really have many friends.”

“Jesus,” Calum muttered. He had forgotten about his cigarette for a little too long. With a sigh, he tossed it to the ground and ground it into the cement. He believed in fate, and he often followed whatever gut intuition called him at the time. Now, all he could think about was you being homeless for the night. He wanted to help you; he used to practically be in love with you. “I have a couch. It’s not the prettiest couch, but it’s decent.”

“Are you offering me to stay with you?” you asked. Your teeth were starting to chatter, and your lips were a dark purple.

He nodded. He needed you to agree faster. He needed you to agree now.

“That’s very nice of you.” Your voice was hushed, almost as if you were trying to tiptoe around your own words. “If it’s not t-too much.”  

Calum cracked a smile. “Not too much for you.”


It was dark in his apartment. The only light that emitted through the pitch darkness was the clock on his stove, which could be seen from the entrance. In fact, everything in his place but the bathroom could be seen from the front door.

“S’not much,” he grumbled sleepily, “but I s’pose it’s home f’now.” The lights turned on and it took both of you a moment to adjust.

You wandered in after him, your eyes gazing curiously around the room, taking in its entirety. His metal bed frame in the corner housed a mattress, one pillow, and a dark comforter. A cardboard box with the words “books and shoes” written on the side made a nice alternative for a bedside table. A plastic candle sat beside a stray phone charger that dangled over the edge of the cardboard. And finally, aside from the messy kitchen with bowls and plates stacked to the rafters in the sink, you took a glance at your bed.

It wasn’t a pretty couch, just like he said, but it was a couch nevertheless. The material appeared scratchy, and the arms were blocks of scratched-up wood. The throw pillow by the window would suffice, and the lack of a blanket did not deter you. It was better than the streets, so you were thankful.

“Thank you,” you said through the silence, “for letting me stay here. You have no idea how—”

“I’ve been in your shoes before,” he spoke. “Least I could do. Few rules though.”

“Of course.”

He smiled at you, and it was the most genuine smile he had given anyone in a long time. “Never, ever apologize for anything.”


“And,” he continued, tossing his jacket and keys on the counter of the kitchen before making his way over to the small television by the couch, “never think you’re overstaying your welcome.” He pressed the power button, but the screen turned to fuzz for a solid minute before it was brought to life on the Discovery Channel.

“Why are you treating me like this?” The question seemed accusatory, defensive even, but it was harmless all the while.

Calum decided that transparency, for the night, was his only solution. “I liked you once,” he said, desperately craving another cigarette to help him through this. “It was nice. And then, I hit you in the head with a football in gym class. Consider this repayment.”

“Repayment,” you whispered to yourself. “We were like, eighteen.”

He nodded. He was somewhat relieved you chose not to mention his confession. “I know. But I thought I killed you.”

You laughed.

“Didn’t know what I would do without ya,” Calum admitted with a shrug. He began to gather a few items of clothing from the bottom drawer of the dresser that held the TV.

It took you a few moments to answer, so when the silence crept back in, he handed you the articles of clothing he assembled. “What’s this?” you asked.

“Ya might feel comfortable sleeping in something more… comfortable,” he said. “Sweats and a shirt. Need underwear, too?”

You were amused, he could tell. “I have a feeling you’ve done this before.”

But that was where you were wrong. Calum had never done this before. He hardly had anyone over to his apartment in the first place. It was a dumpster fire, and he hated people knowing how rough he had it. Around you, he felt hospitable. Around you, he felt the need to make up for the years he never tried.

He didn’t say any of that. Really, he didn’t say anything at all. He showed you the workings of the shower, gave you the spare toothbrush that the dentist gave him for free six months ago, and even let you snack on his favorite popcorn when your stomach grumbled. He was being nicer than he had ever been in his whole life.

It felt natural, especially when you asked him if he still played soccer.

“What?” His brows furrowed.

“Did you actually not hear the question, or—”

He hummed, shaking his head. “I just—” Calum laughed at himself. “Don’t play football anymore.”

“Football,” you mumbled and imitated his accent. “Fuck. Why not?”

He shrugged. He wanted to be honest, like really honest, but not just yet. Not after the years gone by. You were still strangers.

“You were so good,” you whispered. “Even though you clonked me in the head.”    

He beamed. “Thanks, darling. I appreciate it.” He wanted to say that he appreciated you.


Three weeks. Three weeks of you in his life again. Three weeks of coming home to find you curled up on your makeshift bed while watching reruns of Seinfeld. Three weeks of cute notes on the fridge to let him know you ran out to get more milk even though he was the only one that drank it. Three weeks of getting to see you smile again.

Calum had gotten your belongings a few days after the first night. Truly, the night was a blur. He had to restrain himself from putting his ringed knuckles into the eyes of your ex. Somehow, he managed to leave with your things, him and your fucking ex unharmed. You sat a mile away in Calum’s car crying.

After that, things were looking up. The two of you had wage jobs, and your schedules never matched up most of the time. That was when the notes began, and Calum couldn’t stop his heart from beating out of his chest. He was letting himself go down the same path he had in high school. He was letting himself get lost in every little thing you did.

But, similar to before, he had no way of showing it. All he could do was stare at your hands and wonder what the butterflies in his stomach would do if he slid his fingers in between yours. It was all he knew how to do.

“I never really understood soccer,” you said, taking a sip of your glass of water, and meanwhile, beside you, Calum was trying to decide on whether or not he wanted a beer. “Maybe I would’ve if I had been able to play in the tournament our class had.”

He rolled his eyes as he slung his arm around the back of the couch. His hand brushed your hair slightly. “Yeah, yeah,” he said. “Don’t bring it up every damn second or I’ll never forgive myself.”

“Sorry,” you replied, bashfully at that.

“No apologizing.” He caught your eye out of the corner of his, so he looked back towards the television. A match between Man City and Watford was playing.

“You know that just makes me want to apologize even more.”

He shrugged. “Not sorry ‘bout it.”

“God,” you muttered, but he could see your smile.

“And…” he continued, sliding a tiny bit closer to you on the couch. His hand was now centimeters away from your shoulder. “It’s football.”

“Shut up,” you groaned. You laughed anyway. “Soccer.”


“Soccer, dummy.”

“I still think it’s football.”

“Sorry, but—”

He raised an eyebrow at you.

“Fine,” you said. “Not sorry, but it’s soccer.”

“Football, and you’re impossible.” He inched closer, and somehow, you didn’t notice. He could count your freckles if he wanted to.

You winked. “Soccer, and you snore.”

“Don’t care.” Calum could see the many colors in your eyes now. “Football.”




Calum leaned in, pressing his lips to yours before pulling away as quickly as he went in. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears, and it wouldn’t surprise him if the entire neighborhood could hear it as well.

“—cer,” you finished, your voice coming out as a barely coherent whisper. Your eyes fell wide, and your lips parted.

“Sorry,” he croaked, standing abruptly before reaching for his jacket. He could feel his lighter in its usual place. He didn’t say anything else as he grabbed his keys and shut the front door behind him.

job well done (l.r.h)

a/n: hi!! long time no post. so i’m finally back posting again, i’ve been really busy with work recently and haven’t been feeling as motivated to write when i’m off but I was finally able to get this one ready to post. so this is part two of “don’t mind the heat” with assistant!y/n, it’s mostly smut so if that’s not your favorite i’m gonna be posting a childhood bff!luke piece soon. anyway I hope you’re all doing well, comments and criticisms are always appreciated. if you have any suggestions or ideas, while my requests are closed, there’s a form further down on my blog called “what’s next” where you can give me a suggestion of what you’d like to see and vote for which of my wips i’ll be posting next. with that all being said, I hope you enjoy - emmy <333

pairing: luke hemmings x assistant!y/n 

summary: it’s finally time for you and luke’s first date and you were promised a night of movies, and popcorn. but how much watching will you really be doing?

warning(s): swearing, smut, oral sex (female receiving) 

word count: 3.4k 



“Don’t psych yourself out, it’s just Luke.” your friend said from where she sat on your bed watching you obsessively tuck and untuck your hair behind your ear, unsure which way suits you best. 

It’s just Luke. 

Only it’s not just Luke, it’s Luke your boss. Luke who somehow manages to awaken slews of butterflies in your tummy from just entering the room. Luke who writes your paychecks. Luke who gave you the best night of your life. It’s Lukeand that’s a big deal. 

“I feel like I have a giant pit in my stomach.” you admitted, finally deciding on tucking behind your ears. 

“Eat something babe.” she suggested. 

You swallowed thickly, scrunching up your face in disgust. 

“I can’t, I’ll throw up.” you responded, the idea of mixing food with your colossal nerves making you slightly nauseous. 

Your friend stood to her feet, walking up to where you sat at your vanity and placing both hands on your shoulders. 

“There’s no reason to be worried, okay? From what you’ve told me the kid’s essentially obsessed with you.” 

You smiled down to your lap at her words. 

“I really like him.” you mumbled, not looking up. “What if I get all awkward and fidgety like I normally get on dates?” 

“You won’t.” she assured. 

“Oh my god, I totally will.” you groaned. “I’ll get all choked up, and I won’t even know what to say when I see him.” 

“y/n, you see him literally everyday.” 

“This is different.” you argued. 

Things were different now. 

Some things had remained the same since you had returned from the trip about a week and a half ago. You still went to work each day, completed your tasks, spent copious amounts of time walking in the harsh California heat with Petunia, and then made your way back to your apartment to binge watch tacky rom-coms in the privacy of your bedroom. But there were some small changes since the trip, like Luke no longer greeting you each morning with a casual wave but instead by pressing a quick kiss to your lips, followed by a heartfelt mumble of, “G’morning, missed you.” 

Other than your quick interactions in the morning you hadn’t been seeing much of him, the album process was moving along quickly and he’d been at the studio almost all the time, normally returning after you had already gone home for the night. Due to his newly busy schedule the anticipated first date had to wait, but that morning as you arrived, bright and early to take Petunia to the groomers, Luke had mentioned he wouldn’t be working late. 

“Up for a movie tonight?” he had questioned casually before heading out. 

“Like a date?” 

“Our first date.” he said, grinning ear to ear. “If I’m remembering correctly, I promised you a Marvel movie, and Petunia.” 

“And popcorn.” you interrupted, making him laugh. 

“And popcorn.” he repeated to assure you. “Anyway, I managed to convince Mike to let me borrow some of  his DVDs, so if you’re free?”

“I’m free.” you blurted out, so eagerly you were almost embarrassed. 

“Great. I have to head to the studio right now, but I’ll text you the time.” he said, crossing the room to leave a peck on your cheek. “Can’t wait.” he continued as he pulled away. 

As you went about your day, the date approaching quickly, a bundle of nerves had started to build in your stomach causing you to panic by the time you had gotten back to your apartment. In need of moral support you called over your friend who essentially held your hand through the entire getting ready process, giving her input on possible outfits, and making the final call on what lipgloss you’d later be leaving traces of on Luke’s lips. Now as you sat in your room putting your shoes on, 20 minutes until you had to go to Luke’s she was providing you with words of encouragement, and, annoyingly, stressing the importance of condom use. 

“I promise I’ll be safe.” you guaranteed, crossing the room to smack a kiss to her cheek. “You were a huge help tonight, thank you. I’ve gotta head out but you can stay as long as you want, just lock the door when you leave?” 

“You got it.” she nodded. “Just don’t drive yourself crazy, you’ll do great.” 

You swallowed a lump in your throat and thanked her once more before heading out to your car. 

As you put your keys in the ignition your phone dinged from where it sat in your cup holder. When you picked it up it revealed a text from Luke with a picture of Petunia sprawled across the couch, the message underneath read, “Patiently awaiting your arrival.” and it made you wonder why you were so nervous in the first place. There’s no way you could embarrass yourself, Luke wouldn’t let you. 

The drive was quick and easy, you took the same route everyday to work so it was essentially muscle memory at this point. As you pulled into the driveway you gave yourself one more internal pep talk and reapplied a thin layer of cherry flavored gloss onto your lips before heading to the door. Luke swung it open before you even had the chance to knock, Petunia sitting by his feet panting excitedly. 

“Hi.” he chirped, his body falling slack against the doorway as he took in your near ethereal state. 

“Hi.” you returned, snaking your arms around his torso as you entered. 

“Y’look gorgeous.” he praised, pressing his lips to the top of your head. 

“Not so bad yourself.” you returned, nuzzling further into his side.

You wandered through the kitchen, Luke’s hands trailing further down your skin as you walked towards the living room. 

He explained how his day was as you walked, grabbing a bag of popcorn on the way. You nodded along and offered words of praise when he explained that they had a very productive day in the studio. 

“How ‘bout you?” he asked after finishing his recount of the day. 

At this point you had made it into the living room, and had -unfortunately- detached from one another. You dropped to the couch and Luke stood by the tv, fiddling with the dvd player. 

“Well,” you started. “First I took Pig to the groomers, but you already knew that.” 

As if on cue Petunia clambered into the room, nearly knocking Luke off his feet as she made her way to you. 

You laughed and reached out a hand to rub her head affectionately. 

“Did you hear us talking about you, pretty girl?

“I need to put some distance between the two of you.” Luke teased. “It’s like I don’t even exist when you’re around.” 

“We have a connection.” you threw back. “It’s a girl thing, you wouldn’t understand.”

Luke laughed and gathered a few DVDs in his hand, muttering, “Snubbed again.” 

“Movie time?” you asked.

“Infinity war?” he responded, holding up the disc. 

“Not unless you want to deal with the aftermath of Peter disappearing, and it involves a lot of tears.” 

Luke raised an eyebrow at you. 

“I have a soft spot for Tom Holland.” you added, pressing a hand to your heart.

“Right then,” he laughed. “Iron Man?” 

“Excellent choice.” 

As the intro played Luke settled beside you, hip to hip, and close enough that he could lean his head on your shoulder comfortably when the opportunity presented itself. 

You watched intently, grateful for the distraction from his mind muddling proximity, only getting interrupted by Luke’s repetitive yawning. 

“Are you tired?” you asked when he yawned for the third time within the span of ten minutes. 

“Hm?” he quipped, straightening his posture. “Not really.” 

You raised an eyebrow at him. 

“A little bit,” he admitted. “It was just a busy day in the studio today. I’m really more mentally drained than tired.” 

“Here,” you said, scooting a bit further down the couch. You patted your lap as an indication for him to lay his head down. “When I was in highschool and I’d be super stressed or had a really long day my mom would play with my hair for hours and it would really help me to relax.” you explained. “It works like a charm, promise.” 

“Are you sure this isn’t an excuse for you to touch my hair?” he teased, already moving towards you. 

“Caught me.” you shot back. 

As Luke settled, curling his legs up in an effort to keep them from hanging off the couch, your hand  found its way into his hair, stroking lightly from the root. 

He hummed in content as your movements found a steady rhythm. 

“Feels nice.” 

“Happy to help.” you muttered, turning your attention back to Robert Downey Jr. 

Only five minutes or so had passed before your focus on the movie was stolen once again, this time by the feeling of Luke’s hand, which had been resting on your knee, inching further up your skin, pausing sporadically to run his fingers across the smooth surface.

“Luke, what’re you doing?” you asked through shallow breaths. 

“Nothing.” he returned, feigning innocence. 

You huffed quietly in frustration, but attempted to continue watching, as his hand had become stationary again. 

 That lasted all of 2 minutes.

“Luke,” you sighed. 


“I thought you were tired.”

“M’not anymore.” he mumbled, pinching the skin of your upper thigh.

You jerked a bit but remained relatively unfazed.             

 “Good, we’ve got a movie to watch.” 

“Or we could do something else.” he preened quietly, turning his head so he could nudge the spot he had pinched with his nose, as if soothing his previous actions. 

Only there was nothing soothing about it, and you were anything but relaxed. You could practically feel your arousal spreading in the light blue lace panties you had selected earlier that night.

“They match his eyes.” you had teased, flinging them across the room to your friend, who dodged them easily and gave you a disapproving look. 

“You’re odd.” she laughed, shaking her head.

It was hard to laugh about them now as your mind turned to mush and the only thing it could conjure up was vivid images of Luke ripping them off of you. 

Luke’s voice broke you from your thoughts, “Missed you.” he hummed sweetly. 

Your fingers unconsciously tightened on his hair eliciting a subtle groan. 

“Missed you too.”  

As you spoke your eyes drifted down his features, cataloguing them in your brain. 

Luke could feel your eyes on him, practically burning into his head, making it exponentially harder for him to keep his hands to himself for much longer. 

He darted his gaze up to you, slyly muttering, “You’re missing the movie baby.” 

You sighed lightly at the pet name, your breath catching as Luke sat up abruptly, capturing your face in his hands.

His lips slotted effortlessly against yours. 

Your brief kisses over the past week had no comparison to what you were experiencing now, fireworks erupting in your brain, and nerves buzzing in your stomach. 

The kiss was nowhere near perfect, in fact it was needy and a bit sloppy but each time your tongue collided with his you felt dizzy and desperate, for his hands, his mouth, him. 

As his kisses traveled down your jaw to your neck your head dropped to the side, making your eye catch on the tv. 

“Luke, the movie.” you reminded, your voice taut. 

“We’ll finish it in the morning.” he breathed, clicking it off in one swift motion. 

“Bit presumptuous to assume I’ll be staying the night.” 

“Bit presumptuous to assume there’s anyway I’m letting you out of my bed after I’m done with you.” he threw back before smacking a quick kiss to your neck and pulling you to your feet. 

The walk to Luke’s bedroom was a blur of explorative hands and teasing words, your need for him taking you there in record time. 

When your back eventually knocked against his bedroom door, pressing him against you snugly, he tugged greedily on the clothes covering your burning skin. 

“Lu” you mewled, your hand searching aimlessly for the doorknob. 

By the time you found it, both of you stumbling clumsily into the room, you were almost completely naked. 

Luke’s eyes, completely fogged with lust, wracked over the vast expanse of skin in front of him, his hands itching with need beside him. 

After seamlessly guiding you over to the bed he pulled his shirt over his head, allowing you a chance to admire the tensing of his muscles as he stretched his arms into the air.

You dropped to the mattress, making it bounce a bit beneath you. 

“So pretty.” Luke said, running a knuckle lightly across your collarbone. You shivered under the touch, making him grin smugly. 

“Lay back back for me, baby?” 

You compliantly laid flat, Luke’s hands tight on your hips. 

His fingers traced slowly down your thighs causing you to languidly throw your head back.

“Need to taste you” he announced, voice gruff, fingers running across your hips lightly. 

You agreed with a breathy moan, bucking your hips up in the process. 

His hands gripped tightly on either side of you, fingers marking your hips in light purple bruises that looked nearly too pretty for him to handle. 

When his tongue finally met the sensitive area of nerves just above the place where you needed him most you jerked upwards, clenching around nothing as his tongue explored the new area. 

He had been fantasizing about tasting you since the night at the vacation house, wanting nothing more than his tongue relentlessly flicking over the tightly wound bud until you had that hazy, fucked look in your eyes that turned him into putty in your hand.

His hands remained tightly secured to your hips which were thrusting up eagerly, despite his hold.

“So fucking soaked f’me” he groaned, fingers lazily running over the sopping area beneath him.

“I could take you so easily baby”  he continued, lightly tracing his tongue over your opening, making you clench. “Slip in so nicely,” 

“Please,” you breathed, tightly. 

“D’ya need me, love?” he teased, cruelly. 

You nodded repeatedly, body lying exhausted on the mattress. 

“Need you, Lu.” you begged. 

In between strategically placing kisses across your hips and thighs, he spoke, “Been needing you all week, I could hardly get any work done knowing you were sitting at my house all by yourself.” 

The hazy image of your body pressed so tightly against his made getting anything done nearly impossible. Every strum on his guitar reminded him of  how flawlessly your fingers had played him. Every grueling harmony at the very top of his register echoed one of your sweet and haunting sighs of pleasure.

 So, for his time spent at the studio Luke was left wondering how he was supposed to focus on making new music when the the music the two of you had created together was on a constant loop in his mind. 

And he desperately needed more. 

He continued to run his tongue across your heat, his movements being the exact opposite of how he was feeling. He moved slowly against you, unrushed, and thorough. 

Your tear filled eyes locked on the ceiling, squeezing shut each time the tip of his nose bumped your clit. 

“Oh,” you choked when you felt two fingers begin a gentle prod at your needy opening. 

Luke groaned at your sounds of pleasure while circling your entrance teasingly. 

“Need something, Luke. Please.” you begged, as his fingers continued their mocking assault. 

He mouthed eagerly at your bare chest and slipped a finger in seamlessly, making you yelp in need. 

When you clenched around his single digit he spoke, “Feels good?” 

Your head bobbed up and down enthusiastically, hips pushing onto him for a deeper thrust. 

“Good, baby.” he praised, teasing another finger. 

You whined desperately as a heat traveled down your body, swirling in a flustering pit at the bottom of your stomach. 

“Nice and tight f’me, love.” he preened, slipping in another finger and speeding up his thrusts. 

When his fingers curled up, brushing against your g-spot you whined loudly. 

“Does that feel good, gorgeous? Show me how good you feel. C’mon, come around my fingers.” he commanded, the pacing of his thrusts speeding up significantly. 

He loved seeing you blissed out, completely at his mercy, pleasure overtaking you. 

You bucked defenselessly against him, chasing your release as satisfied moans and whines passed your lips, only encouraging Luke in his ravenous exploration of your heat.

Reaching your climax, your walls fluttered around his fingers, causing his cock to grow painfully hard in the constrictions of his pants. He offered heartfelt praises of, “good girl” with each spasm of your body while sliding a condom down his tender length. 

As you came down from your high, your head feeling lighter, and your body feeling heavier, seemingly sinking further into the mattress, Luke adjusted himself, complimenting your dazed expression as he aligned his aching member with your, now, leaking entrance. 

Before pushing into you he leaned down to attach his lips to yours, his tongue running against yours with a heavy sigh. 

A high pitched grunt rang through the room as he ran his head through your folds, slowly sliding his lips lazily from your mouth down your jaw. 

Breaking apart from you, he spoke through a gruff voice, “Please say you’re ready for me, baby.” you could feel his hot breath against your neck and you unconsciously pushed off the mattress, causing his head to dip into the slippery heat of your cunt. 

His breath hitched at the feeling and a quiet cry of approval gave him all the reassurance he needed to bury himself into you, eliciting a throaty yelp. 

His forehead fell against yours, the thin sheen of sweat covering the both of you creating a humid atmosphere, completely silent other than the saturated sounds of your bodies crashing together. 

“Baby,” he sighed brokenly, the feeling of you so close overwhelming him in record time. 

You clenched around him at the pet name, making his eyebrows pull together, his thrusts slowing in an effort to prolong your intimacy. 

“You gonna give me one more, angel?” he quipped confidently, the head of his cock nudging overwhelmingly against your most sensitive spot. Each nudge sent a wave of pleasure over your body from the very top of your head to the tips of your toes. The unrelenting pace and force soon left your body numb with it, making you incapable of doing anything but chanting Luke’s name, soft and breathy, and so fucking pretty he would do basically anything to ensure you didn’t stop. 

With a particularly forceful prod of your sensitivity your vision went blurry, the fuzzy image of stars overtaking you as your strained cry, accompanied by a throbbing grip on his length brought him to his own climax. 

His right hand slammed against the bed frame with a loud smack as you unwinded around him, while his left held your hip tightly, squeezing with each spasm of your hips. 

When he pulled out of you, with a hiss, he soothed the empty sting it left behind with a sincere kiss to your hairline. 

“So perfect.” he hailed, a hand rubbing soothingly on the sensitive smoothness of your thigh, as he took his spot beside you. 

Your bare chest heaved beside him, your head dropping to the side to admire the soft flutter of his eyelids as exhaustion carried across his face. 

You felt a fizzle of heat down your legs, carrying all the way to your toes, uncurling as you settled into a comfortable buzz of pleasure. 

The feeling of a soft kiss against your shoulder broke you from your cloud of pleasure to see Luke peering up at you in awe. 

“Hi, sweet girl.” he spoke softly. 

Unsure you had the strength to respond in words you squeaked quietly  in response, your shaky hand intertwining with his longingly. The second they clasped his thumb began running faintly across the back of your hand. 

He looked towards the ceiling, as if overtaken by the overwhelming reality of your connection. 

“M’so gone for you.” he admitted under his breath, as you watched him in admiration. 

“Me too.” you agreed in an exhale, turning on your side to snuggle against his warm skin. 

His head turned only enough to rest his lips lightly on your hairline, “Stay the night please?” 

You nodded against his mouth in agreement, too tired to respond verbally. 

“Good, I’m not planning on letting you go anytime soon.”
