#8 function model


8 function model explained with marvel heroes

1st function is iron man or thor or cap or many others. bold, showy but also very capable.

2nd function is prof xavier. also very capable but cautious and strategic and fatherly.

3rd function have to be a playful character who depend on chance and hope for the best. black cat maybe.

4th function is baby groot because of reasons.

great job groot! who is a smart baby? who is not the dumbest function?

5th function is nick fury. you don’t even realize how much he helped but he did. without his deep (subconscious) intel, iron man and other heroes wouldn’t have enough time to prepare.

6th function i imagine as a negative personality and maybe even a villain. and… well, since 2nd function is prof xavier then it would make sense to make this magneto. he can “demonstrate” some amazing power.

7th function is the easiest since john beebe called it “trickster” and that’s just directly loki. basically a more mischievous version of 3rd. this gif is perfect because in socionics this function called “vulnerable”. you defend your vulnerability here by denying you are vulnerable, lying even to yourself = tricking yourself and others.

8th function is hulk in the sense it over kills when we lose control but otherwise mystique. in socionics this is the “role” function which is pretty much the same thing with jung’s “persona” and persona is a social mask and mystique is a shapeshifter.
