

I have a typology insta page! My @ is tiredwasp

kareem abdul-jabbar: infp or isfj?

youtube video below first make me think infp. here are some timestamps for the impatient:

  1. trevor asks “you were around when martin luther king was assasinated, how do you prevent yourself from ONLY being angry?” 5:44
  2. kareem’s sublime but also funny reaction to the note he get from donald trump 7:15
  3. trevor noah’s describing kareem’s ethics at 9:00 and the way he answer that question.

but then maybe he is a really positive isfj… because after all, his hooks from far away one of the hardest shots to master. that’s a very measured shot with one hand, after a spin. like, how much force you apply to the ball when you take a shot from there vs. few inches away? for those who weren’t paying attention his “skyhooks” looked like this:

jung’s crazy si description

this video is from an infj. i wanted to point that out because following comment of mine will be more clear then.

if you use your common sense though, and that would be your te polr, and there’s a chance jung also had the same problem… THEN, you will realize ALL THIS is extremely exaggerated and dramatized. both this animation AND jung’s description is extreme.

si doms live in a mythical world? locomotives looks like malevolent demons to all si doms? no. something like that would apply to only very few. maybe jung’s si dom mega ocd patients mislead him to believe such things. but i WANT to believe that jung is being poetic here instead. i WANT to believe this is a HIGHLY EXAGGERATED analogy of sorts.

will si doms interprete the sensory and associate the sensory with other stuff? then over time, will they feel too strongly about x and y and z? sure. but they are always wrong? NO! they are in fact gonna be mostly right. they will feel so strongly about certain food because that food will actually give them the best nourishment. they will feel very strongly about their own bed maybe, because they chose that bed specifically, they have their own specific pillow and sheets and you name whatever else so it’s the most comfortable to them INDEED. they are not being crazy, that bed is indeed SUPER comfortable etc.

Why Socionics is NOT wrong about Duality

duals are not complete opposites. they are in the same quadra. what does that mean? they share “all” the valued functions. not only that, duals help each other where they are the most lazy or stubborn or unmotivated. oh yeah, do tell me how important orderliness is as an entp, how should i eat properly, sleep in time, plan my stuff etc. i will only tell you shut up b1dch. so an isfj who does all those things with “zero effort”, naturally, is NOT even working FOR entp. they are just being themselves like usual and entp benefits. the same way, tell isfj how she should be positive and try new things and take it easy, relax, adapt to new situations. tell isfj, oh, it’s gonna be ok, just try, just learn from your errors. but entp does all those things just normally.

isfj the caretaker. entp the mischievous peter pan personality. nobody can take entp bullshzt easier than isfj. nobody has more buffer for entp. and nobody can take isfj bull easier than entp either. duality requires no work. entp being entp just autmatically compatible with isfj with all his antics and vice versa.

now at this point you can argue: but are “no work” relationships good for you? maybe not. you think you can adapt to an infp or intj as an entp? go right ahead. improve your other functions, don’t be lazy. but most won’t do that and what socionics says is this: there’s a natural compatibility between duals. even before a ton of personal development. otherwise, if you develop your mind, body and soul… then you can also do a “true opposite” like entp & isfp. that’s relations of conflict. fi dom AND se aux AND ne polr, etc.

learning about cognitive functions can be that development itself. understanding how different other types are wired, wherein lies their “don’t press me” buttons. when you know those things suddenly things are much more easier to control. for example an xntp will bust your balls each time you make a logical error. but if xntp likes his xnfp and knows how cruel it would be to hurt the cute unicorn hearts of them, then xntp can control himself.

ALSO NEVER FORGET: socionics’s duality is just jung’s anima/animus renamed.

why so many people tend to get infj result in online tests?

it makes sense people to get infj result because people would like to believe they are infj like, especially females. what’s infj-like? ni refined and delicate and measured + fe respectful and understanding and proper and classy.

i think when people answer a question, they don’t choose the option they historically chose irl. they choose the “ideal” option, which produce the infj result.

infj & infp couple! shippage factor 100000 but they are already married so you don’t have to.

i approve their self typings. i also definitely agree with her about everything.

the most anti fe and anti ti show ever

fe users watch this to train your mind agaist the awkward.

one of the best infp examples: fred rogers

“We speak with more than our mouths. We listen with more than our ears.”

“Forgiveness is a strange thing. It can sometimes be easier to forgive our enemies than our friends. It can be hardest of all to forgive people we love. Like all of life’s important coping skills, the ability to forgive and the capacity to let go of resentments most likely take root very early in our lives.”

“In a way, you’ve already won in this world because you’re the only one who can be you.”

“We get so wrapped up in numbers in our society. The most important thing is that we are able to be one-to-one, you and I with each other at the moment. If we can be present to the moment with the person that we happen to be with, that’s what’s important.”

“Who we are in the present includes who we were in the past.”

“Love isn’t a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.”

“Often out of periods of losing come the greatest strivings toward a new winning streak.”

“If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.”

“It’s good to be curious about many things.”

“It’s the people we love the most who can make us feel the gladdest…and the maddest! Love and anger are such a puzzle!”

“Our society is much more interested in information than wonder, in noise rather than silence…And I feel that we need a lot more wonder and a lot more silence in our lives”

“How many times have you noticed that it’s the little quiet moments in the midst of life that seem to give the rest extra-special meaning?”

“When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting and less scary.”

“It’s not the honors and the prizes and the fancy outsides of life which ultimately nourish our souls. It’s the knowing that we can be trusted, that we never have to fear the truth, that the bedrock of our very being is good stuff.”

“There are times when explanations, no matter how reasonable, just don’t seem to help.”

“Discovering the truth about ourselves is a lifetime’s work, but it’s worth the effort.”

“There is no normal life that is free of pain. It’s the very wrestling with our problems that can be the impetus for our growth.”

“There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.”

8 function model explained with marvel heroes

1st function is iron man or thor or cap or many others. bold, showy but also very capable.

2nd function is prof xavier. also very capable but cautious and strategic and fatherly.

3rd function have to be a playful character who depend on chance and hope for the best. black cat maybe.

4th function is baby groot because of reasons.

great job groot! who is a smart baby? who is not the dumbest function?

5th function is nick fury. you don’t even realize how much he helped but he did. without his deep (subconscious) intel, iron man and other heroes wouldn’t have enough time to prepare.

6th function i imagine as a negative personality and maybe even a villain. and… well, since 2nd function is prof xavier then it would make sense to make this magneto. he can “demonstrate” some amazing power.

7th function is the easiest since john beebe called it “trickster” and that’s just directly loki. basically a more mischievous version of 3rd. this gif is perfect because in socionics this function called “vulnerable”. you defend your vulnerability here by denying you are vulnerable, lying even to yourself = tricking yourself and others.

8th function is hulk in the sense it over kills when we lose control but otherwise mystique. in socionics this is the “role” function which is pretty much the same thing with jung’s “persona” and persona is a social mask and mystique is a shapeshifter.

ili (intj) vs lii (intp) difference

“If you have information about the difference of LII and ILI i would love to read that”

lii is intp. they got inferior fe aka fe dual seeking. they know their fe is bad and they accept their fe is bad but they wish their fe was better all their life. that’s generally how it goes for all types when it comes to their inferior functions.

ili is fe blindspot aka polr. they can sit there, look elitistic and can not care less about being a bad mood or whatever. they can EASILY go against the group. they pretty much value one on one relationships only. they want to connect with cool or smart or whatever people. group can go fuck itself.

liis look up to fe doms and find their fe skills fascinating, no less. how effortlessly this ese (esfj) or eie (enfj) fe-ing around and maneuvering themselves! ah, i wish i was like that too.

ilis can not care less about fe doms. in fact, in socionics, conflictor of ili would be ese (esfj).

let me see… there was this one intj video that showed great fe blindspot… here:

intjs will be totally disagree with that alpha quadra “lightheartedness”. they are much, much more edgier than intps.

infp estj duality

so infps are te inferiors and they really can’t order people what to do. they are too nice and they want to make sure your feelings are not hurt in the process. they are way too polite because they themselves being so sensitive they treat everyone with such sensitivity. NOW, this is such a big psychic burden, there’s always these ethical emoji question-birds flying around their heads and they can’t even begin to detach themselves from other individual’s perspectives (empathy) and focus on “doing the thang” let alone being creative or heroic or bold about it. (too much interpersonal ethics represses objective logics.)

(isfps are the same EXCEPT when they had enough of your bullshit. THEN, they can tell you what to do like “go fuck yourself” because they actually has se. disappoint an isfp once, disappoint an isfp twice and they decide you are an asshole with their ni child and ne blindspot whereas infps and their creative ne can generate a million excuses for others’ bad behaviour.)

thus, estj being a te dom takes so much burden off infp’s shoulders. they naturally ignore interpersonal ethics and apply objective logic all day. x must be done, you are not doing anything, you also gonna eat this x, so get your butt over here and get to work!

HERE IS THE TRICKY AND KEY PART: everything i said about infps doesn’t mean they dislike te at all. they totally see how that’s the thing they should do. imagine you are swimming in an ocean of feelings, feeling waves keep coming at you, your own and others’ and then there’s a goal ahead and you swim and swim against the current and it slows and tire you down. estj in this analogy is a motorboat infp can ride.

what estj gets out of this? love, loyalty, gratefulness, intimacy, sacred personal deep connection that they don’t have with anybody else… basically this one infp provides estj all the emotional juice he never knew he always wanted. now infp can teach him how to be more positive with the fi and not expect the worst from people, maybe. imagine infp snuggling estj and saying how much she loves him etc. which encourages estj to actually drop the defenses down and let himself feel too.

a bit like entp and isfj, there’s a caretaker / infant aspect to this duality too. but this time infp is the infant and estj is caretaker. infp brings joy, estj brings order.

jung’s type part 2

somebody asked, after they see my typing of lii for him: Jung’s type is a very interesting topic. Have you read 7 sermons of the dead or the red book by Carl Jung? Do you see that sort of content as more Ti than Ni? Btw jung identified very much with Nietzsche. Jung felt that he Almost lost his mind the same way Nietzsche did. He understood and related very much. Btw he cheated on his wife for Se women that he saw being more like his anima. His anima figure in his dreams was an Se woman holding a chopped off head. Se polr?

my answer:

  1. inxps are ni demonstrative and they will demonstrate that in their writings or artistic creations the most. this is where mbti-four-functions-centric thinking will lead you to failure. an lii or eii writing ni stuff just expected. what’s not expected though, them to actually follow that ni in real life. they will still be into ne type of what if experimentation. this suits jung %100.
  2. i don’t type people based on dreams. i think results will be even less accurate than vultology. the moment you see an amazon woman in your dreams your anima is se? what’s your difference from freud with this type of thinking?
  3. jung also identified with kant. he constantly talks about him. like i said, in reality (not dreams), we do not see anything like fi child OR fe polr from him. freud one time said something along the lines how everyone was attracted to jung right away and liked him instantly. you can see that, freud does not need to tell you. jung is likeable like that intp from high school you used to know. completely and utterly harmless and making interesting points and smart and stuff. that suits se polr indeed.
  4. a man of jung’s position will find many women throwing themselves at him. the older your wife gets, and the younger and prettier these women trying to be with you, harder to resist.

fe, fi, te and se as trickster functions

fi trickster: extps will trick themselves and others that they are not sensitive like other humans, they don’t feel, they don’t care and everything is a joke with their edgy fe. after all, if you FIRST troll others and make fun of their feelings, they would be too busy protecting themselves against you… best defense is offense. you got tricked! one thing you have to remember that is VERY IMPORTANT is the fact this happens %95 subconsciously. they don’t actually plan this but it happens like an instinct so they trick themselves too.

se trickster: inxps will trick themselves they don’t care about se anyways, they don’t want to directly and impactfully compete with you like a brute, like a gorilla anyways. it’s just they like their comfort and they want to do things in their own pace! there’s no way se direct competition gives them se anxiety, it’s not that they doubt themselves when it comes to se “blasting”. pffff… of course not.

fe trickster: ixtjs will trick themselves and other that they are not sensitive to social norms like other humans with their edgy fi. after all, if you FIRST judge others and call them attention whores or gossips or dumb shits who keep laughing to anything and everything, they would be too busy thinking you are elitistic and narcissistic and stuff like that instead of thinking you feel socially awkward.

te trickster: pragmatism is evil! we shouldn’t worship facts! we should work toward our ideals or they will never come true! slavery was a fact once as well. like gandhi once said ““Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.” it is important because even if your contribution gonna be insignifact, yours + mine + many other people contributing to the same ideal won’t be insignicant! like buddha once said "Drop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise, the wise man, gathering it little by little, fills himself with good.” let me give you more deep mystical advices on the edge of the wishful thinking, let me paint you more theoretical utopias while suggesting no tangible mechanistic way of how to implement any of that. ommmmmm.

fe in each slot

— in the first slot fe is perfection. it is inviting, it’s beyond being understanding and agreeable.

—- in the second slot fe is proper and classy and controlled at the beginning but if you get closer they start “demonstrating” that fi.

— in the third slot fe is bastardish, mischevious, edgy, too much or too little and playful in a daring way and almost always a bit sarcastic. one day you think wow this guy has great fe and the most other days you think the same guy is a troll. the reason because this fe is not supported by fi from the blindspot so it’s unbalanced.

—- fe pretty much always contradicts ti a bit so ti doms’ fe usage would be minimal in the fourt slot. when they try to use fe forcefully their ti says: “that’s not exactly true though.” exactly being the keyword.

— in the fifth slot fe pretty much does not exist. we can only talk about their fi dominance and perfect fi which focuses on individuals as opposed to people. they will be GREAT when it comes to one on one communication and they will always turn fe to fi that way so they will never use fe.

– i can only describe fe in the sixth slot as sassy. they will believe they can do better with their fi than fe and they are mostly right. btw, stop typing jlaw enfj. are you nuts?

— you see in the fifth slot fe was just ignored because infp and isfp were using fi instead. here in the seventh slot fe is not just ignored it is disliked too. even in the sixth slot, esfp and enfp were using fi to do “better” than fe. so fe was inferior to their fi but fe wasn’t necessarily bad or something. here, it’s bad. don’t tell ixtj what’s the proper way to behave, especially as a stranger! who the fuck are you anyway? who asked your opinion?

—– here in the last slot fe is basically fake. you will see this type of fe in most politicians. look at those robot eyes.

entp and sleep and program function

  1. entp wakes up only after 5 hours of sleep
  2. a big part of his brain would say okay, we need 2 hours more, we don’t feel truly charged up, we feel funny.
  3. but some other part of the brain keep suggesting things: you could go eat something, you could continue watching those series you were on, you could wake up the gf by biting her nips, you could do this, you could do that, wakey, wakey, dopamine bitch.
  4. consciously, i actually want to do 2. but 3. is more instinct like and i can’t make it go away. i try to repress it, i think other things, i focus on my breathing i just can’t convince %100 of my brain to sleep. other part fights.
  5. i interpret this as ne vs ti. ti from second slot suggests the reasonable thing but ne WANTS other things. it is an irrational function after all. it doesn’t care.

your personality type determined by nurture or nature explained forever so you won’t need any other.

sometimes it’s determined by nurture mostly and sometimes totally nature.

if you born as a very introverted baby, nurture have to be really intensely in the other direction to turn you into an extravert and that’s still in theory. you will probably stay an introvert.

but not all babies born very “introverted” or very “extraverted”. in fact, most babies will born with normal values so for these babies nurture going to play a very important role.

okay but how and why babies born as an introvert? or as a feeler? hormones and neurotransmitters can explain a ton.

for example a high dopamine baby will be more energetic, then they will explore more and cry harder and be restless. naturally, for this baby to become an extravert will be much more likely.

then, if a baby has more testosterone than usual this will further make them more direct, brave and masculine-like what else to expect?

but if a baby has low testo as a boy or high estrogen as a girl, then chances of these to become feelers gonna increase too.

see, i just talk about two hormones and so many stuff explained already. there are many other hormones:

and neurotransmitters:

  • low noradrenaline maybe contributes to xxxp personality type development and high noreadrenaline to xxxj?
  • high serotonin / gaba maybe increase the chances of high si and makes you chill?
  • read this about acetylcholine / dopamine. which is all about introversion vs extraversion.
  • and the things endorphins does can be read as a very stereotypical se definition.

so yeah, once again: the more normalized your values on these, the more nurture will affect you, the more open are you as a system to change. the more anomalies there are the more nature will determine things.

istj craftsman or inspector?

ignore fictional characters and how they are typed. ignore the way typology systems “nickname” certain types.

INREALITY, if we use our common sense, if we don’t just take what typology systems says word by word, we will realize the fact that both si/te and ti/se can be inspectors and craftsmans.

there’s nothing more natural than an si dominant person to sit down and craft something with his hands. you know, getting into the zone, ignoring everything else, finding that inner si peace within.

but at the same time, the same si dominant, te auxiliary person can use te more and inspect things just like an education inspector visiting a school, checking if shit around here is up to standards or not.

the same way, an istp would love to craft something using ti and see if this principle he learned or deducted will work or not. but at the same time, this ti dom can use his se more and check if things in actuality are dependable and strong and tough and has inner and outer integrity or not. slam the door of the car and see if it breaks. press all the buttons and SEE if shit works in actuality etc. but other than this obvious se methods, they can also use more ti to for example question the guy who is selling this car. see if they can detect contradictory information. istps can be therefore great inspectors and craftsman.

there’s of course a difference between the two though. i would say as craftsmen, istp will be more inventive because of ti deep questioning but istj will produce higher quality because of si patience and te more established methods.

difference between extps and extjs

entps and estps will reject to do fi. they “won’t” emotionally connect with you in a deep way. in fact, they will keep a certain superficial smartasness barrier between you and themselves. they will make fun of your quirks and stuff. they will verbally taunt and tease you. that’s a big part of their sense of “humor”. so as you can see, as fi polrs, they do the opposite of fi.

extjs will at least won’t do that. sure, they can order you around ignoring ethics as thinking doms, they can scold you because you are being illogical or unpragmatic but they wouldn’t have an inner mischievous voice like this: “kahkahkah, stupid owned.” it’s just, you are not doing what you are supposed to do and wasting their time or something. they don’t mean to hurt you.

so an extj criticize you based on objective wrongs you do. you should be criticized for that, you deserved that, it’s not personal. sure, if they could criticize you softer it would be much better but that’s inferior fi for you.

an extp on the other hand criticizes your face, criticizes the shit you wear and anything they can make fun of, really. for example listen here to joe rogan talking shit about johnny depp. an extj won’t go that low. won’t criticize you that superficially. none of their “business” quite literally.

difference between ixtjs and ixtps

intjs and istjs will reject to do fe. they “won’t” small talk to create a positive atmosphere.

now, you can say i am an ixtp and i also won’t ever do that. but you wish you could, right? you wish you didn’t feel awkward and fit right in? at the very least, you won’t do the opposite which is creating a tense atmosphere with harsh talk or body language.

an intp or istp in a gathering might sit in the corner by themselves but at least they wouldn’t frown, they wouldn’t look at the dancing people or out loud laughing people in a judging way.

so basically ixtp is more like can’t do fe while ixtj is won’t do fe.

note: this applies to women less. they won’t be in your face judging but there still will be an unnecessary general seriousness to them.

what is this? a smile? an anti-smile? geometrically it shouldn’t be a smile but it still is. wtf?

when you are an actor and have to smile but your face rejects it.

cute kid… had many friends i’m sure.

wss is much better than twfp of course

car salesman entp’s ti performance can not be as good as philosopher entp’s ti performance, let alone janitor entp’s ti performance. believing all these entps share the same exact performance level is ridiculous.

ti is not conditional logic. ti is prefering logic over ethics. ti is also preferring to solve problems by really understanding every element of that problem as opposed to trusting an authority.

quality or speed of ti do not have to be very high in every entp.

ti is doing the reasonable thing, given what you know, ignoring ethics. for example pulling the lever in trolley dilemma, thinking “huh? where’s the dilemma here? kill 1 instead of 2 of course.” but a person who use fi will think “if i pull the lever, i kill that one guy who was not going to die under normal circumstances, i am absolutely responsible for his death therefore.”

it doesn’t matter HOW FAST you reach one of those conclusions.

if ne can come up with super tangential associations, se can come up with directly related associations. synonyms of a word for example has NOTHING to do with ne. NOTHING! because synonyms are DIRECTLY the same thing with the base word.

or, if you give a word like rabbit to se user, he can come up with a word like carrot because it’s directly what rabbit eats. you don’t need INTUITION for that association.

and once again, everybody can automatically say who is your mother’s son. no logic required. therefore, further steps you add to that question only challenges your working memory, not logic.
