#8th house



Sun in water houses is creative, visionary, a trendsetter. Is limitless, deep, sometimes even extravagant, this individual ignores trends and social expectations, they live in their own reality, acting on their own self-created concepts.

✨Astro Note:

  • Aries sun usually doesn’t get along with Aries ascendant.
  • People with hard Saturn-Sun aspects tend to take things too serious.
  • Moon in Aquarius people have a Sad/Nostalgic/Indie playlist that they listen when alone.
  • Capricorn has the best dad jokes ever.
  • Sagittarius has the best puns ever.
  • Cancer moons are easy to influence or manipulate.
  • Capricorn ascendant sits like a king/queen.
  • Jupiter in the 1st, 8th or 5th are indicators of BDE.
  • Virgo asc. could be the best actors and actresses, since they are really good with the facial expressions.
  • Mercury square Neptune uses the hardest way to express themselves, it’s like they are reciting a really complicated poetry.
  • Having your Sun in your partner’s 4th house makes them have daddy/mommy issues for you.

✨Astro note:

Pay attention to the opposite house of your Sun’s house, it may be what you unconsciously are trying to personally accomplish in your life.

For example: Having the Sun in the 7th house points you to look for individuality, to look for your true identity, since this one points to the 1st house.

Now, the good aspects that go from the sun, closer to that house (the opposite), help you to achieve the goal easier; the hard aspects make things a little harder but not impossible.

Tip: if you wanna see what are your advantages and disadvantages when trying to accomplish them, just hold your chart from below the sun house, having the opposite house as a “Midheaven”, you will see what takes you there the closest.


Moon in 1sthouse: Expression of emotions and feelings is quite open and loud here. Maybe even while developing and growing as a person it is the loudest placement to be around. But, what is admirable is how these people are not afraid of expressing their emotions, which is the ultimate form of bravery and courage. Also, another thing with them is that they are people who carry their own path, they have created their own thing, they might need to learn to listen more and be more controlled around people they disagree with. They really adore and love their closest ones with everything they got. Very intense personalities with a lot of character, intensity, strength but also moodiness. Protective of their loved ones and their emotions, opinions and views. They might need to be more gentle with their loved ones and more tactful but I believe they develop that through life. Honest, real and curious, out there and expressive, not afraid and very into their own head and rules.

Moon in 2ndhouse: People who are completely comfortable with themselves and their emotions and emotional state, the comfort and beauty is in their home and they always try to make it even more secure that it is. They might struggle with having that material security as they have their emotional one done. These are people who should surround themselves with people who are worth it, worth opening up to, worth tearing their strong persona in front of. These are people who hold so much back in order to have a cemented image of themselves, but while they are doing that they might actually lose their real sense of self. Having a strong support and loving system around them is definitely something important, because these are people who are generous and giving.

Moon in 3rdhouse: With the 3rd house here, we have people battling between completing their hunger for information, their rational approach and intellect with unpredictable emotions and emotional outbursts. With it comes anxiety, anxious energy, nerves and lots of over-thinking whether about a new subject they’ve come across or their emotions and how to comfort people, without the people sensing how anxious and insecure they can sometimes be. Unmeasurable curiousity, they ask the right questions and get to the core of each matter they’re interested in. Finding balance between the rational and emotional is really their biggest challenge. Very enthusiastic, responsive and interactive. They’re all ears and joy accompanied by their energy and restlessness.

Moon in 4thhouse: A placement where they are already emotionally fulfilled but also very emotionally insecure, complex beings without the fear of expression but also accompanied with emotional tantrums. So they are not really sure what to do with their emotional growth which the Moon carries, because they are already very aware about their emotions but are not aware of the way they can channel them positively, not quite aware. They are really fixated on emotions, memories, people, what they’ve created with their loved ones, so nostalgia is one of their best friends. But it is also kind of an obstacle, because change is very needed for them but also feared. Being restless can also confuse themselves into thoughts and create problems that are actually non-existent  most of the time. Being in tune with their intuition, which is a learning process can help them get to a more calm state. They also need to learn how to more easily move on, learn from the past not resent/cling to it, let themselves blossom into something else, into what they are meant to become.  

Moon in 5thhouse: Quite dynamic with natural leadership abilities. People who feel at a different rate and intensity from others, which can sometimes lead them to showcase dramatic flairs also people who do not understand this intensity consider them extra dramatic. They are always looking for the new thing, because of how creative, energetic with their dynamic personalities they attract people around them. Very lovable, they have so much love flowing through their being and want to share it, blessed with an endless ocean of imagination makes them able to create a lot of things, think of lots of ideas constantly. Staying productive and organizing their priorities will help them succeed faster. They value honesty and integrity which they give and expect to be given in return. They attach themselves easily, but with the depth of their emotions and active personality they can sometimes be seen as impulsive by following their heart and instincts.

Moon in 6thhouse: People who are always focused on helping, on being useful whether it’d be at school/work or just emotionally present with lots of love to offer their loved ones, but that can take a tool on their health, something they should focus more on. They are blessed with imagination and intuition, by being so helpful and useful it always helps them grow spiritually. If they are able to get organized (which they will advance to that in time) they become very productive. Very affectionate and always able to sympathize with people, they ‘run’ after their loved ones constantly like puppy dogs. Not afraid of listening to their intuition and acting up on their instincts. But as the 6th house is Virgo house, their hobbies and communication must include a lot of stimulation, their mind needs to be busy with curious subjects for them to investigate. In reality, they are pretty aware of taking care of others and knowing to do so, they need to give themselves more credit, love and dedicate some time to themselves in order to give 100% to others always, just like they want to.

Moon in 7thhouse: It is a house all about balance, about 2’s, it is most commonly said that the second person is a love interest, but I just think these people need a strong support system, which they can find in a best friend, lover & family. That is their balance, two people In one, being dependent on them and vice versa. The Moon is all about nurturing and mothering, which with the 7th house here is necessary to do so with an other person, in order to grow in feeling and thought. Extremely loving and kind people. People who are also a bit scared, anxious and skeptical of a lot because of the paranoia followed, this is all when their inner peace is disrupted and paranoia kicks in, when chaos kicks in, when there is no absolute balance which is what they are longing for. But as life goes on and they gain experience and wisdom they can learn to be way more independent and grow as individuals, which will be easily for them to form their own opinions, views and perspectives, creating a strong little individual person. Which can also help them be less scared and skeptic and more encouraged to look for what they want, what they desire and listen to their intuition. Gaining that self-love, self-respect and realizing how worth they are will show them that they should allow themselves to be with people who know how to nurture and take care of them as they will for them.

Moon in 8thhouse: People who are very decisive thanks to their intensity, because with that much depth you are pretty aware of loving; you either do or you do not. It is either all or nothing, there are no grey areas. Which makes them wholehearted and also people who give their all to people, all of it. This is not just with people and romantic love, they do this with anything that peaks their interest, which can make them obsess over it, but they want to master it, know about it in depth not just brush off the surface like the majority of people do, they are not in the majority. When it comes to people and falling in love, not do they only become obsessed with their people, but also jealous and possessive, it is harder to understand for people who are a bit more flexible and free-spirited, because Moon in 8th people love so deeply and intensely, as the depths of any ocean, as the infinity of space. Fiercely loyal and protective, but they need to take care of their jealousy and possessiveness, communicate more and allow a little freedom because with that much of those negative emotions they can become toxic to be around. Very sexual as well and not afraid of their sexuality; wanting to maintain deep intimacy with their closest ones (remember not just physical).

Moon in 9th: Satisfied and emotionally fulfilled when constantly learning about new backgrounds, cultures, philosophies. They look for answers in the questions that philosophy holds, in the mean time they are creating and forming their own philosophy they go by, until they get curious and learn new information that can help them add up or change up their philosophy. Their restless energy keeps them pushing through these subjects, learning but also passing knowledge. With learning so much, they become wandering souls without much of a structured plan or a clear vision of what they want, which with growth and experience can change and make themselves a bit more organized in order to keep achieving their goals one by one. At least knowing where to go next and why, that can help them a lot, because they are very free spirited and you cannot hold them down. Knowing which route to take next will help them grow spiritually. Very intellectual.

Moon in 10thhouse: Hard-workers and constantly pushing themselves to do better. The emotional fulfillment is found once their closest ones praise them and appreciate how hard-working they are. Not just in life, but with maintaining their bonds with people. That also makes them dedicated and extremely loyal & reliable. Productive and organized as well, which is so helpful to get their goals in check. Extremely charismatic. Responsible in life, they make promises and keep them, they are there for people at the right place and time, but giving them even half of the dedication they give will be enough for them to keep on going and going. They worry but care at the same time. They just need to be careful not to become obsessed and hungry for people’s opinions and critics, that can really hurt them and downgrade them. They should focus on the encouragement, praise and love they get from the important people, also learn how to support and encourage themselves, because it can get hard to do that.

Moon in 11thhouse: Very sharp and on point with their thought-process and ideas, wants to be stimulated constantly by ideas, thoughts and knowledge. Knowledge and learning inspires them. These are people who want to feel like they belong with people, that they belong with a fellow group so the value of friends and family is really huge to them, they really put their friends on a high pedestal. They need to make sure they are with the right people around them, because that wish and desire to belong somewhere can sometimes lead them to a wrong crowd, but I believe them knowing what they want can easily help them get out of that and gain a strong support system and encouraging people. That is needed because these are people with so many hobbies, so many things they want to achieve and they cannot do it all at once and that can make them feel a little defeated. They should take it a goal at a time, prioritize their time and dedication because sometimes they put people’s needs in front of theirs, and that is how they can achieve their spiritual enlightenment and emotional growth. Friendly idealists.

Moon in 12thhouse:Incredible intuition, empathy and compassion. These are people who understand everyone else’s emotions, everyone else’s struggles but their own. Their emotions are that special of intensity which go from one spectrum to another quickly, from feeling every emotion ever to feeling numb. Which is hard to follow even for themselves let alone others, so they often feel misunderstood. But there is that wisdom the 12th house is always carrying, which is why they are so understanding and compassionate, feel everyone’s emotions, they are in tune with the Universe and very awake and aware. They become attached to the people they love and care about. Because of how much they feel others they need to take time and re-charge but not let that become an excuse for everything, or even running away from the problems and let them pile up. They have that kind of laziness with dealing with their problems at once, once they take that stand, things will flow even better and they will get a better understanding of themselves. Dealing with negative emotions and coming to an understanding or even resolving can easily open and pave more doors for them.
