#5th house


astrology and humor

-havingsaturn to moon aspects makes you much more calculated and serious.

-sun to jupiter aspects make for constant joking and general loudness

-pisces in the 3rd/5th makes for random or sometimes depressing humor. a lot of people may not really understand their jokes

-mars to jupiter/mercury aspects can have a more agressive way of expressive their humor. they are very teasing and are definitely the type of people to watch ‘fail compiliation’ videos

-jupiter in the 3rd/5th makes you incredibly silly or you may express your humor in an immature way

-jupiter in gemini thinks it’s hilarious when things go wrong

-cancer placement humor is dramatic and crazy in a good way. they sometimes have the best comedic timing

-mercury square jupiter makes for somebody who tries really hard to be funny, but never really hits the punchline right

-moon square jupiter creates an oversharer with self-deprecating humor

-jupiter in the 10th laughs about themselves and almost self-sabotages in order to crack a joke

astrologicalSynastry notes ♡

Based on my personal experiences and things I’ve read and heard.

■ someone’s Mars in your 7th house makes them want to rush into relationships w you. They might see you as an their ideal partner.

□ venus&mars conjunction: the Mars person is the one that approaches/makes the first move but venus is the one seducing all the way.

■ mars&moon trine/conjunction: is a baby maker aspect! Mars could even dream about having a baby with the moon person.

□ your 5th house is the you in the beginning of relationships and dating style (first dates, first kisses) while your 8th house shows the you when feeling the real connection, it shows your kinks, what you like sexually and how you like it.

■ someone’s moon in your 8th house can be felt as too much for the moon person. It’s an intimidating aspect because there’s always something frightening about opening up to the house person. This could also indicate obsession from the house person (mostly).

□ the house that your venus and mars are in says a lot about who are you attracted to (ex. Your venus is in the 11th house, your crush has a venus or mars in aquarius, and so on.)

■ moon&ascendant conjunction: these people have an undeniable attraction. You may not know why you like that person but you do…

□ you can look at a man’s moon and venus to know what type of gal he likes. And for women is mostly moon and mars.

■ someone’s mars in your 2nd house might really like your voice. Also, they can be very blunt when commenting on your appearance, this could either be in a positive or negative way.

□ venus&mars opposition: creates a sexual attraction between these two. Mars could even daydream about having sex w venus. But venus feels it just as much.

■ pluto&venus square: can be a little scary. It brings obsession and possessiveness from Pluto. Lots of jealousy!!!

□ someone’s venus in your 3rd house shares info about their love life with you so easily. They might enjoy you giving them advice.

■ moon&moon conjunction is beautiful♡ these two understand each other on an emotional level. This aspect can even make these people like each other right away. There’s something about them that makes you feel comfortable.


in case you forgot. hi.

this is what a Venus ruled 5th house profection year looks like

astrolocherry: Birthday Moon in the 5th House - The No Sleep Love Clubwritten by astrolocherryShe is


Birthday Moon in the 5th House - The No Sleep Love Club

written by astrolocherry

She is the inner child’s recital of magic on the night sky stage,
Emotions set the scene for life’s play,
and when she doesn’t want to perform - the audience knows all along…

The inner child turns emotions into characters and the world is a stage made to act them out. The moon is astrological conception and creation, and this muse is called to her by the winds of the night, placing the lunar crown across her crescent brow and filling her with unfinished visions and inspiration until they burst through her in a grand full moon. Solar honey mixes with the moon and plays with the universe like a glowing orb, it gives her a nature that is both young and old at the same time. When this spirit has waned, creativity and lustre paralyses into emptiness and insecurity. People with Moon in the 5th long to feel special and cherished, but rather by the partner and loved ones because the moon is quite intimate. She may not be comfortable in the glare of notoriety, and prefer to conduct her talents from the shadows in the night like a ghostwriter with an ambiguous or alter ego. The muse can play with the emotional senses and exaggerate the experience so she goes deeper inside herself into raw spirit. This is where the songbird hides and the great composer writes. There is a consuming desire to be recognised and praised, but she may be too shy or self-conscious to share her gifts and expose her insides. Her mother may have been quite emotionally expressive and dramatic in tone. This may have suffocated the availability of validation, as an adult it can result in her amplifying her emotional demonstration until she acquires the response she longs for. This may be a difficult habit to break, because she is comforted by the security and safety of the past. She may spend a lot of time recollecting and recapturing her ideal childhood, and source genuine pleasure through reliving the pleasures that bought her joy as a child. She likely produces the art that reflects her mood or the painful memories that have been left unresolved. This can make her production erratic, and contrary to what she may believe, lack of sleep, sorrow, or instability often impair her best work. Emotional regularity, a settled and nurtured inner child, and peaceful relationships open the milky flow of creative inspiration in a way that utilises and soothes the emotions, and comforts her like an old friend has come to visit. 

Moon in the 5th people have theatrical moods that run away with the imagination. A low mood can cause a downpour, but emotional ascent can feel like a cloud’s silver halo is dancing above her head. She is highly responsive to exile or criticism, and routinely question if she is wanted or visible. The emotional experience is regressive and activates the primitive, impulsive, and attention seeking traits. The heart performs grand and marvellous gestures and her style of romance is enacted by the inner artist. She loves unconditionally like a mother, she loves courageously like a romantic, she loves affectionately like a child. The heart is also quite battered and bruised here, every ache or betrayal burns a fragile scar with a memory inside that replays like scratched record. She is a storyteller, a dreamer, and a Princess who longs for Prince Charming’s kiss. She can contour her ideal dream into her life and live between enchantment and reality. One of her greatest longings and exquisite creations is a child of her own to nurture, raise, and love. She likely develops close and supportive bonds with her children and identifies closely with the role of being a mother. Her creative talents may also flourish in this realm, she may be a children’s performer, author, teacher, or early childhood educator. The moon sculpts a silver carriage to carry her across the sky, a ritualistic ode that celebrates her presence, her natural gifts, and royal inner child.


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Astrological Households

People with 1st Houseplanets need the freedom to be the author/authority of their lives

People with 2nd House planets prefer a small/trusted circle so not to be used for their resources

People with 3rd House planets were often the teachers of younger siblings

People with 4th House planets need a strong connection to their cultural/ancestral origins to feel belonging

People with 5th House planets are inner child healers

People with 6th House planets confront multiple superiors who are less qualified/competent 

People with 7th House planets must to participate in their own self-development; or risk the cycle of a relationship repeating itself indefinitely

People with 8th House planets confront multiple scenarios in life that force the choice between their integrity, or making money

People with 9th House planets need to source a deeper meaning, Divinity, & mythology in life,or risk catching feverish ideologies

People with 10th House planets are subject to a lot of self-annihilating comparison to the lives and successes of others against their own

People with 11th House planets have to wait for the rest of the world to catch up with their ideas, visions, & theories

People with 12th House planets deal with a lethargy caused by physical energy being dispensed in unseen/invisible/dream realms

- Cherry


1st house: This is who I am.
Keyword: Identity

2nd house: This is what is mine.
Keyword: Personal

3rd house: This is how I share.
Keyword: Communication

4th house: This is where I came from.
Keyword: Support

5th house: This is what I make.
Keyword: Pleasure

6th house: This is how I struggle.
Keyword: Service

7th house: This is how I give.
Keyword: Sacrifice

8th house: This is how I progress.
Keyword: Transformation

9th house: This is how I learn.
Keyword(s): Separation of self

10th house: This is what will optimize my potential
Keyword: Goals

11th house: This is where I integrate myself to a population
Keyword: community

12th house: These are the difficulties which have been molded through each of my lifetimes.
Keyword: Expose

Moon Transiting through the houses

*Check your transit chart to see what houses your natal planets are in right now and bear in mind that aspects and signs will affect this.

Moon transiting through the 1st House - You will feel and appear more emotional than usual. Emotions may be slightly harder to control and you could be feeling more confident during this transit. Be careful not to act on impulse during this time and make sure you think before you act. This is a great time to get a lot off your chest and this transit will also give you the motivation to get things done, especially anything you feel strongly about. If you have harsh aspects to your transit moon, be careful that you don’t lose control of your emotions and act in ways that you will later regret.

Moon transiting through the 2nd House - You will be thinking more about your income and job, shopping for materialistic items and anything that could comfort you in some way. This is a great time to buy some new items, practice your talents and focus on your job. Be aware that harsh aspects could make you more impulsive with spending right now so make sure you won’t regret your spending spree later. Singing and delving deep into your talents will be a great way to balance your emotions right now. You may be more emotional about your job and income right now so take it easy. Taking a bubble bath with some scented candles might be a good idea right now. Anything that stimulates the senses or that comforts you may be of interest to you right now and is a great way to relieve emotional stress.

Moon transiting through the 3rd House - Your mind will be quicker than usual. You may find yourself thinking about different topics or you may have a thirst for knowledge during this transit. This is a great time to learn something new and do some research. Taking short trips might help you to relieve any emotional buildup you might be experiencing. This is a good time to connect with siblings and you might feel closer to your siblings and maybe cousins during this time.

Moon transiting through the 4th house - You will want to stay at home during this transit. Emotions could be heightened and you could find yourself thinking more about your family. You might feel closer with your mother right now and you will feel more empathetic and sensitive to the needs of her, as well as your family. You might feel more emotional in family settings. This is a great time to spend time with your mother and your family as it is a great time to strengthen your bond with them. This is also a great time to complete any plans associated with the home as you feel closer to matters of the home during this time. You may feel like exploring your heritage and roots during this time, and feel more emotionally connected to your ancestors. Harsh aspects to transit moon can cause problems within the home and emotions towards the family and mother.

Moon transiting through the 5th house - You will feel more creative during this transit. You will be more involved in your hobbies and possibly even children. You could be thinking about having children especially if you are in a relationship and you may be more emotionally involved in your love interests during this time. This is a great time to get started on a creative project, start a new hobby or do something fun. You be a little bit more dramatic in your emotional displays, especially if you have natal moon in leo or have aspects to natal 5th house planets, so be careful not to overdo it.

Moon transiting the 6th house - You will want to get stuff done and work will be something that you will be thinking about more during this transit. You will be feeling closer towards your pets during this time as well as co-workers. You will be thinking more about your health during this time and problems with your emotional health are more likely. Health problems are also more likely to come to the surface. You could be more health conscious right now, sensitive to anything that may be affecting it. Meditation, exercise and healthy eating is a great way to keep your mental and physical health in check and make sure you pace yourself! This is also a great time to get work done.

Moon transiting the 7th House - You will be thinking and feeling more in your one-on-one relationships with others. You will be more sensitive to any problems in your relationships. You may feel the need to be in a relationship or find yourself starting to feel emotionally involved in any new relationships. Confrontations with enemies may come up.

Moon transiting the 8th House - You may feel more emotional and sensitive during this time. You may find yourself being more interested in taboo subjects such as sex and death, or you may even be more sensitive about these topics. You may feel even closer to the people you have strong emotional ties to and this is a great time to be intimate with others right now. This may be a time where you’re more likely to be given an inheritance or if you aren’t careful debts (check for harsh aspects). This may be a time where you can borrow money from somebody, even if this isn’t the case shared-finances may come up more. You may feel more psychic during this time and have the ability to enter parts of your mind that you can’t usually. You may feel slightly moodier and more solitary, or you may come across this way to others and even though sex and deep connection and intimacy is more likely it’s not always the case.

Moon Transiting the 9th House - You are more likely to be more interested or involved in politics and religion. You may be more interested in travelling and you may feel like booking a holiday during this time. Interactions with foreigners are more likely and you may find yourself more interested in different cultures or spiritual practises. You may feel closer to your religion, or maybe you will find yourself more active in this area during this time.

Moon in the 10th House - You will start to care more about your public image and career during this transit. Expect interactions with your father, or anything associated with your father to come to light, especially when it comes your emotions. You may start to be more interested in others with a good career or public image or maybe your public image and career may cause you some emotional issues. You will be able to focus more on improving your public image or career during this time, although harsh aspects could cause your emotions to get in the way of this.

Moon In the 11th House - You may be thinking about your friends more than usual. You may think about being a part of a group or organisation. You may feel really strongly about a certain cause and you may feel the need to speak up about certain problems in the world. Hopes, wishes and dreams may be intensified and your emotions may help you to be more motivated to achieve your goals. This is a great time to speak up about something that you feel strongly about and to make a change in the world.

Moon in the 12th House - This tends to be a time when any emotional problems you’ve been facing will hit you like a truck, especially with harsh aspects. You will be more likely to try and keep your emotions hidden during this time and you may be more creative. For some you may feel more fearful and scared during this transit and others will feel like they are stronger emotionally. You will feel a lot more sensitive to the feelings of others and you may also feel more sensitive emotionally during this time. This is a great time to write your thoughts and feelings down in a diary, spend some quality time to yourself, play music, practise self love and one of the best of all with this transit is to delve into your creativity. You may find ways to explore the subconscious mind, delving deep into your emotions.

Tips with coping with the pandemic at home ~ using astrology

*Part 1 - randomised order of water, fire, earth and air signs + houses

*Somenon-professional advice to those who are struggling to cope with staying at home using astrology

Planets in the 4th House/Cancer

*Explore your roots*

- Tap into your role of the mother/nurturer whether that is online or in your home. You might have the ability to help people who are struggling emotionally during this time.

- update and improve your living environment

- Rearrange your furniture and items at home

- Contact family members over phone, video call or social media. You could even start a family group chat.

- Start exploring your family history/ancestry online

- Create a Photo album full of photos of your memories, whether that is photos of memorable times with your family, parents or anything that makes you smile

- Be mindful and appreciative of anything that makes you smile in your present environment, it could be a sentimental item, just being appreciative of your home or someone you live with.

Planets in the 5th House/Leo

~ Get Creative ~

- Blast some music and throw yourself a party at home alone or whilst facetiming friends/get involved with an online party (video chat).

- create mini creative movies, dance videos or fun, silly videos

- Watch creative videos on youtube

- Start a youtube channel showing off your creative talents

- binge watch netflix or throw yourself a movie night

- Choreograph your own dance routine

- Try and fit in your hobbies at home, find creative ways of taking part in hobbies at home

- Learn how to play a musical instrument or a creative skill at home by researching or watching videos online

Planets in the 6th House/Virgo

*Be of service*

- Be of service somehow, to yourself and others. Volunteering to help out in the pandemic or helping your friends and people online or over phone who are struggling to cope with it all. Make sure you are practising self care too.

- Work from home

- Write a to-do list or create a planner to start a healthy routine and work-schedule

- Work out, meditate and practice yoga or pilates at home / watch videos online to help you do this

- Watch health videos and read about how to stay healthy at home

- Find some books to read (this could be online) of your interest.

- Look after your pets

- Research accurate information online and post advice online for others to stay healthy and well during this time.

Planets in the 11th House/Aquarius

~ be a part of an online community~

- Join an online chat room

- Join an online community, meet people online that share similar interests to you

- call and facetime friends / video chat more than one person

- start writing down your positive hopes and wishes for the future in a notebook

- spread awareness on how to help others suffering from the pandemic or maybe even get involved in helping people suffering from the pandemic through being a part of an online community helping others who are struggling.

- Keep up to date and conscious with what’s going on around the world and let your voice be heard

- Research and look up charities and organisations to be a part of online or in the future.

We will get through this together

bless you all i hope this has helped

5th house✨

  • the 5th house is not what you attract, it’s how you are in the dating world/casual dating, what dates you may like, how you are in the beginning stages of a relationship and flirting. it’s also about your passion, and what you may like to do in your spare time. then lastly, children. feminine signs-more likely to have a female or child with feminine energy. masculine signs-more likely to have a male or child with masculine energy. do not plagiarize.


likes the chase(being chased or vice versa). gets bored fast, so needs somebody that keeps them guessing. bold/upfront, will probably tell you if they like you, or how they feel in general. may do things too fast(say “i love you” early, get over excited easily, etc). daring in the dating scene/at the beginning of a relationship. flirting style may be physical(confident/not rlly awkward, and makes flirting obvious), or playful(play fight, tickles lmao, laughs more, etc). might prefer dates full of thrills(amusement park, hiking, skydiving, rock climbing, sports, party, etc). hobbies may be sports, karate, working out, violent or sporty video games, etc. indicates a liking for vigorous/explicit music lmao. children may also be into sports, karate, exercising, etc. most likely one of your children will have mars/aries in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be rude, full of energy, bratty/spoiled, passionate, bossy, etc, since these are traits of aries. a LOT of ppl with these placements get a c-section, atleast once, and most likely w/the first child. unexpected pregnancy is also seen here. oldest is most likely going to be a boy. since aries is fast, your kids may try to be born early, or are born earlier than due date.


“slow and steady wins the race” types. sensual. conventional. very romantic. stable. likes to touch/skin to skin. not complicated, some may find you “boring”. warm in the dating world/at the beginning of a relationship. flirting style is most likely polite(not perverted, well mannered, may come off as reserved even though they’re interested, etc). dates shall be lavish or romantic lol. candles, dinners, beautiful park, etc. hobbies may be baking/cooking, napping, binge watching tv, beauty(makeup, hair), shopping, tending to a garden, etc. you may like love songs, pop, rnb, jazz, slowed + reverb, etc. most likely makes sure their kids are dressed up/styled. kids are most likely beautiful, and in great condition. kids may like to watch you cook/bake, or do it with you. most likely one of your children will have taurus/venus in their chart, probably the oldest. children will most likely be patient, stubborn, well mannered, cold, practical, lazy, etc, since these are traits of taurus. pregnancy is usually smooth. oldest is most likely going to be a girl. i’ve known quite a few ppl w/this that actually like being pregnant. it makes so much sense that kylie jenner has this, literally all this applies.


another placement that gets bored quickly, so keep them guessing. probably has a new crush every week or multiple at once. intelligent, and talkative. daydreams/thinks abt crush a lot. most likely tells their friends abt their crush too. happy-go-lucky in the dating world/at the beginning of a relationship. flirting style is most likely playful(calling eachother names, play fighting, etc). dates may be at a fair, library, etc. hobbies usually are social media, reading, trivia, writing, socializing, etc. honestly most likely likes all genres of music, but esp hyper music(edm, rap, pop, etc). most likely one of your children will have gemini/mercury in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be sneaky, curious, smart mouthed, witty, moody, etc, since these are the traits of gemini. adoption is indicated here. twins, or many kids in one pregnancy are also indicated here, and if that’s the cause then they’re most likely going to be male(s). pregnancy may seem quick.


loving, and affectionate. try to avoid being obsessive, and easily jealous. you may get attached too early in a relationship. they might be shy at first, gotta get them out their shell. tender in the dating scene/at the beginning of a relationship. flirting style may be traditional(man asks first/initiate, gazing/eye contact, etc) or sincere(blushing/makes it obvious, laughing a lot, etc). may prefer dates at home, museum, or park. hobbies may be mainly at home(cooking/baking, knitting, listening to music, watching tv, sleeping, watching little kids/younger relatives, etc). listens to certain music genres based off of mood, likes music that’s relatable, and in depth. most likely one of your children will have cancer/moon in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be caring, moody, emotional, clingy, kind, jealous, etc, since these are the traits of cancer. usually very fertile, and may have many kids. oldest is most likely gonna be a girl. try not to be obsessive w/your kids or too protective. i recommend using more than one source of protection.


confident, and friendly. usually social butterflies. selfish with their partners lol, wants all their attention. jolly in the dating world/at the beginning of the relationship. flirting style is physical(confident) or playful(joking around/calling eachother names playfully, etc). shows their partner off. for dates, they seem like they’re down for anything. hobbies may be acting, singing, socializing, partying, painting, taking selfies, social media, etc. probably one of those assholesthat play music so loudly/on speakers lmaoo. their music taste is in ✨good taste✨. most likely one of your children will have leo/sun in their chart, probably the oldest. confident, overdramatic, energetic, bossy, friendly, etc, since these are the traits of leo. you will shove your kids good traits in other parents faces, or just show them off in general. oldest is most likely going to be a boy. kids will most likely have great health.


  • (im gonna say “we”, since this is my placement lol)

if we really like you, you can do no wrong in our eyes. we should try not to put our interest on a high pedestal, as we get disappointed easily sometimes. we have to learn that nobody is perfect, and make sacrifices. intelligent and chatty also. selfless in love/server love. another placement that most likely daydreams/thinks abt crush a lot. also talks abt crush a lot to friends. cautious in the dating scene/at the beginning of a relationship. flirting style is traditional(smiley, if a women/someone attracted to men expects the man to initiate lol or atleast wants him to, shy) or polite(pleasant, good manners, non sexual, etc). i admit, some of us send mixed signals. likes dates where you can talk/get to know eachother, so a library, coffee shop, etc. hobbies may be social media, hanging out, cleaning, shopping, making plans, debating, etc. another placement that likes all/most music genres. most likely one of your children will have virgo/mercury in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be clever, critical, fast learners, complainer, pragmatic, etc since these are the traits of virgo. we will worry/stress out abt our kids a lot. may also adopt or foster. twins/multiple births at once is indicated, and they’re most likely gonna be female(s). another placement that makes pregnancy seem like it goes quick.


loves compliments. probably shallow tbh. easy going with partners. charming in the dating scene/beginning of a relationship. flirting style is sincere(makes eye contact, plays w/hair, etc). likes “beautiful” dates(beach, park, garden, etc) or dinners, it just needs to be romantic lol. hobbies are socializing, social media, taking pics, beauty(makeup, hair, skincare, etc), shopping, etc. may like love songs, rnb, jazz, pop, or multiple genres in general. most likely one of yours children will have libra/venus in their chart, probably the oldest. oldest is most likely going to be a girl. children may be social/popular, shallow, easygoing, etc since these are the traits of libra. makes sure their kids dress nicely.


likes to keep details of relationships private, but that doesn’t mean they’re gonna keep YOU private/hidden as a whole. probably falls hard. tries to hide vulnerability in love. don’t be neurotic in love lol. intense in the dating scene/beginning of a relationship. flirting style is sincere(mysterious, good eye contact, genuine interest, etc). might like “dark” dates (abandoned places, cemeteries, horror movies, etc.) hobbies are astrology, conspiracy theories, anything taboo, witch craft, watching videos abt crime, being alone, etc. likes “dark” music, maybe even like satanic shit. music abt scorpio themes(death, sex, etc). explicit songs. rap, rock, things like that. most likely one of your children will have scorpio/pluto in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be secretive, clever, possessive, intense, emotional, etc since these are the traits of scorpio. try not to be over controlling or possessive of children, and be open to change. usually fertile.


generous in relationships, gives, and gives. might not take things seriously when they should. spirited, and optimistic in the dating scene/the beginning of a relationship. flirting style is playful (inside jokes, more giggly around “them”, etc). carnivals, short traveling, anything wild(skydiving, bungee jumping, etc), are ideal dates for these ppl. hobbies consist of hanging out, learning(esp of other cultures, and religions), sports, reading, etc. probably likes religious music lmao, or music in languages they don’t even understand, if not then pop or rap. most likely one of your children will have sagittarius/jupiter in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be loud, rude, honest, selfish, curious, etc since these are the traits of sagittarius. ppl with this placement have/want a whole gang(like a lot of kids lmao), “the more the merrier”. probably gets pregnant without trying/the first try lmao.


doesn’t have time for games. a reliable, and loyal partner. serious in the dating scene/at the beginning of a relationship. flirting style is traditional(man speaks up first, clever, etc). dinner, museums, wine tasting, etc are good date ideas for you. hobbies may range from reading, working, shopping, learning abt history, collecting, etc. might like classical music, chill music/slowed + reverb, music from back in the day, etc. most likely one of your children will have capricorn/saturn in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be responsible, “boring”, caring, standoffish, reliable, etc since these are the traits of capricorn. you’re might not even want kids, or might have them in your 30s or even 40s, and if you do have kids it’s likely not that many(1 or 2 lol).


some will be turned off by your distantness, some won’t mind. open minded in the dating scene/in a beginning of a relationship. flirting style is polite(aloof, might be awkward, honest, etc). painting, video games, go donating blood together, etc are probably ideal dates for you lol(also anything eccentric). hobbies are technology, social media, helping others, astrology, unusual sports, theories, etc. music taste may not be mainstream. might like unusual music genres like vapor wave, nintendocore, etc lmao. may also like alt, edm, etc. most likely one of your children will have aquarius/uranus in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be unique, cold, thinks outside the box, arrogant, etc since these are the traits of aquarius. you might adopt, or get unexpectedly pregnant. if you want kids of your own, you’re gonna need to know when you’re ovulating, since your fertility is likely all over the place.


selfless, and dreamy partner. another placement that may ignore red flags, when feelings are involved. wholesome in the dating scene/beginning of a relationship. flirting style is sincere(blushes easily, stares, more smiley, makes it obvious, etc). painting, cuddling, listening to music with each other, etc are ideal dates for these ppl, but honestly i feel like they’d be down for anything. hobbies may be painting, singing, listening to music, sleeping, having friends over, drugs, and alcohol, etc. probably has many playlists, and listens to everything. “stoner” music lmao. most likely one of your children will have pisces/neptune in their chart, probably the oldest. children may be bashful, over sensitive, imaginative, lazy, sweet, etc since these are the traits of pisces. children’s birth may have hidden details(ancestry, hereditary, etc).

Signs in the Fifth HouseThis is the part of our chart where our heart’s desires lie and the inner ch

Signs in the Fifth House

This is the part of our chart where our heart’s desires lie and the inner child lives on. Leo rules this house and with the sign of Leo we associate the sun and The Sun Gods, Titan Helios and Olympian Apollo. Both are also associated with oaths, prophecies and being true to one’s self. Helios, rides the sun as his chariot and brings the day, while Apollo (the son of Zeus and Leto, and twin brother of Artemis) is the God of Light, music, poetry and healing. His mother Leto, first delivered Artemis, the Goddess of the Moon and the guardian of innocence, and Artemis helped her mother deliver his brother after she was born - for this we can call Apollo the embodiment of “innocence”. In astrology, the 5th house tells us about what we were like as a child, our creative energy, our hobbies and what type of children we will have.

♈︎Aries / Mars in the 5th House:

As a child, the native was very active and felt like they were on the top of the world. There might have been some anger management issues but if the fire inside was directed into sports or some activity they were passionate about it was easier to manage. As a grown-up, the inner child within is the first thing the native consults to. They are very good at initiating creativity in other people as well as themselves. Seeing things not go their way can make them angry and almost violent - in that case, they should once again express their frustrations in a healthy way. Their hobbies might involve any type of sports, martial arts, playing music (that is more aggressive), video games in the same fields of sports and violence. They also love to give advice to people and teach them to be more open to new experiences as they do so themselves. At least one of their children might have Aries placements in their chart or a lot of aspects to Mars. They will also be interested in sports but there might be a sense of competition between their children and the native. The owner of the chart might take the things their children choose to do way too personally and have a desire to control them.  

♉︎Taurus / Venus in the 5th House:

As a child, the native was very artistic and comfortable with who they were. They might have had a fear of growing up and there was a desire to slow down the time if the childhood environment was peaceful. They might have had been very stubborn children, who only did what they wanted to do which might have had caused some friction when interacting with other people. They loved to indulge in pleasurable things like there were no consequences which they had to learn in the hard way in their later years. As a child, they loved to sing, paint, eat, cook and sleep a lot. To this day they pursue these things as a hobby and if they don’t they should… even allow themselves to sleep a couple of extra hours every now and then as it increases their creativity. They have to be patient with themselves when they feel creatively stuck because taking things slow and relaxing works wonders for them. Surrounding themselves with art will keep the happy child within alive. At least one of their children might have Taurus placements in their chart or a lot of aspects to Venus. The children will be interested in the arts or perhaps cooking. Cooking together or indulging in simple pleasures with their children will bring them closer. The children will be as stubborn as the native themselves - they will have a taste of their medicine. The chart owner will have the desire to have beautiful children and might become too possessive towards them which might slow the kids down. They have to watch out with their tendency to be too attached to their children.

♊︎Gemini / Mercury in the 5th House:

As a child, the native was very curious and intelligent. People around them might have viewed them as a genius-child. They just seem to have a talent in every field which might have caused people around them to be kind of jealous or gossip about them in their youth. They were equally interested in other people as other people were with them. Since they were very talented in a lot of things it is hard to say what is one specific hobby the native is interested in. What can be said though is that they will keep the child within alive if they never stop being curious and learning about new things. Making new discoveries and telling people about all of it what makes them the happiest. They like seeing the good and the bad in everything make logical decisions for themselves and others. At least one of their children might have Gemini placements in their chart or a lot of aspects to Mercury. They will encourage their children to be curious and will love to answer their questions. They have to be careful with not forgetting that their kids are just kids and telling them much more than they can handle. Their children will also be tricksters and might cause minor troubles for the native.

♋︎Cancer / Moon in the 5th House:

As a child, the native was very emotional and creative but probably prefer to hide it away. Feeling secure was their priority and since they were very sensitive they wouldn’t share much of their creativity with the outer world. But the mother probably was very supportive of their creativity and it was encouraged by them. To this day their hobbies involve things that remind them of their childhood selves but now they are ready to show it off. They are at their happiest when they feel safe to share their feelings with other people. Bonding with other people on a deeper level increases their happiness and creativity, also diving deep into their memories. They like children a lot and even if they don’t they can’t deny that they have a special connection with them. At least one of their children might have Cancer placements in their chart or a lot of aspects to the Moon. A deep bond will bless the native and their children. Like their own mother, the native will encourage their children to be creative and artistic. Their children will be open to them emotionally but the native might be too protective of their kids. Being so sensitive about anything bad happening to their kids will not be for the benefit of the child.

♌︎Leo / Sun in the 5th House:

As a child, the native was very creative and confident in themselves. They were courageous about showing themselves and their talents off. They loved to play games and were probably pretty bossy to other children. Despite this, they were very well-liked by their friends. As a child, they felt like they were in a movie and they were in the leading role. Their hobbies as an adult have deep roots reaching out to their childhood. They are very talented and creative when it comes to music, poetry and acting as well. They still shine when they do the things they truly love. They are very supportive of others who follow their heart’s true desires bravely. When they find the same braveness in themselves and pursue what they truly want in life also, there is nothing stopping them. At least one of their children might have Leo placements in their chart or a lot of aspects to the Sun. The native will be delighted with their children even though their kids will have a flair of drama, like their parent. The kids will likely be better than the parent in what they do, and of course, the native of the chart has no problem with that. Their kids might be the answer to understand their soul’s purpose.    

♍︎Virgo / Ceres in the 5th House:

As a child, the native was very well behaved and smart. Clever and mature for their age, from a young age they knew what they wanted to do as a job. They were realistic about what they can achieve and what they cannot. For these people, it is important to have a job that is satisfying for their creative sides. They probably will not pursue any other profession outside of their interest which pretty much stayed the same throughout their lives. As a child, they might have had been a little anxious about socializing with people they viewed as strangers but with practice, they learned to be better at it. Now as an adult they are so curious about childhood and creativity. They are eager to have those creativity sparks children tend to have at all times but they have to learn to be more relaxed about it. Inspiration will come when you least expect it.  At least one of their children might have Virgo placements in their chart or a lot of aspects to the Ceres or Mercury. They will be very fussy about them. They might have a tendency to try to be a perfect parent making them vulnerable to any criticism from their children.

♎︎Libra / Venus in the 5th House:

As a child, the native was very romantic and charming. They loved to indulge in romantic stories and listen to love songs. They learned from a very early age how to charm people. They might have had tendencies to be a human pleaser, always seeking other people’s approval. They also always had a thing for debate. The native is very good at defending their points of view that they could be great lawyers. Other than that they enjoy anything that is beautiful. Beauty inspires them like no other thing. They are also good at styling themselves and other people since they have got an eye for knowing what looks good and what does not. At least one of their children might have Libra placements in their chart or a lot of aspects to Venus. The kids will be beautiful and even if they are not they will be dolled up beautifully thanks to the influence of the parent. The relationship they will have with their children might be a little more on the surface level but no matter what the native will treat them all equally. Maybe even treat them like any other person they would come across to in their lives. There is no place for bias for this person. Well… maybe themselves occasionally.

♏︎Scorpio / Pluto in the 5th House:

As a child the native might have felt like the whole world was against them. They felt everything intensely but the darkness blessed them with a very creative mind. Art and music touch them on a deeper level than most people. They are very intrigued by occult things and their hobbies involve a lot of mysterious and perhaps dark things that most people would stay away from. They like to solve mysteries and be the “mystery” themselves. They might have been affected deeply after a death of someone as a child. This death might have been a very extreme change in some they were close to. They really wanted to understand what had happened. They are magnified by the unknown and the things they can not really explain. The native’s creative energy is sparked by losing something significant to them. They might subconsciously attract a lot of unstable relationships for this reason. At least one of their children might have Scorpio placements in their chart or a lot of aspects to Pluto. They have to be careful not to be obsessed with their children. They might want to hide them away from the cruel World and keep them untouched but as they know very well change is growth for the soul. Other than that, their children will be people who are very powerful in whatever field they are interested in.  

♐︎Sagittarius / Jupiter in the 5th House:

As a child, the native might have felt very joyful and like they were the boss of the world. In some cases, the chart owners have always felt like a stranger to the place they were present at. But there is always a feeling of superiority on their part. They like to feel like they are strange in some ways. They always attracted a lot of attention to them. The native is confident in themselves and thinks they can do anything they set their minds into but over-confidence might have had to lead them to fail big time and taught them to stay humble. Once they get their confidence back their child-hood creativity will revive. They enjoy traveling and learning about philosophy. Deep and philosophic conversations and talking about their adventures is the best idea of a pass time for them. They also enjoy humor more than anything. At least one of their children might have Sagittarius placements in their chart or a lot of aspects to Jupiter. Their children might live abroad or enjoy traveling with the parent as the bond will grow closer. The children will be as funny as the chart owner but will have a tendency to not take them seriously. The children will have a desire to feel superior to their parents.

♑︎Capricorn / Saturn in the 5th House:

As a child, the native might have felt like they did not get to live their childhood as they wished. They might have had to grow up faster than their peers due to circumstances or it was just rooted in their characters. Their own father might have had come across too childish for them and they just gave up the role to him. In a different scenario, the native might feel like they can allow themselves to be a child in the presence of the father only. The chart owner was very ambitious as a child and this still continues. They have a desire to be known for what they do, and whatever they do they want to be so good at it that no one else can outdo them. This amount of ambition can turn out badly for them and when they discover it will take more time for them to get better at it, they will be greatly disappointing. Once they learn to pace and have the patience to slowly build themselves they will achieve their goals. At least one of their children might have Capricorn placements in their chart or a lot of aspects to Saturn. They might not want to have children ideally because they tend to have high expectations and are afraid of being a disappointment once again. But once they do, the children will be successful, perhaps fulfilling the desires of the parent themselves. However, this can play out more like the parent forcing their own desires onto the children which will cause friction naturally.

♒︎Aquarius / Uranus in the 5th House:

As a child, the native felt very different from the people they were surrounded by. They were an oddball who also had a rebellious streak. They loved and still love anything that is labeled weird by society. From a young age, they have always been interested in technology as well. The like to spend their time on the internet more than anything and they are very creative when they are online. They will also be lucky when it comes to being popular on the net. These people spread big nerdy vibes and they love it! Creativity comes to them out of nowhere and they are quick to respond to their sudden urges. With this placement, there might have some unexpected things that happened to them in their childhood which affected the family’s plans for the future. The same kind of surprise will happen when they’ll have children of their own. At least one of their children might have Aquarius placements in their chart or a lot of aspects to Uranus. They will be very interesting people who are very open to new opportunities. The native with this chart might be one of those “I’m a cool mom/dad” attitude towards their parenting. They will be good friends with their children but when it comes to “parenting” at least their partner has to be more disciplined.

♓︎Pisces / Neptune in the 5th House:

As a child, the native was easily influenced by other people. They might not have a clear image in their mind of what they were like as a child or might have a hard time understanding their actions. But they were very imaginative children as well who most likely lived in another world than the one they were actually present at. This has allowed them to be a very peculiar child. As an adult, they might have very insightful dreams or visions which spark their creativity. They might be prone to being addicted to anything that increases their imagination. This is a strong placement which when is taken care of will work wonders for the native. They have the potential to create beautiful things that will influence a generation. They just seem to be one those people who seem to be good at anything they do - they just have got to believe in themselves which is a challenge sometimes. They are afraid of being disappointed by themselves which is the reason why they prefer to allow other people to tell them what to do. It is easier on their ego that way when they are not that good at it - they can blame it on others.  At least one of their children might have Pisces placements in their chart or a lot of aspects to Neptune. The children will be as imaginative and idealistic as their parents. There might be some confusion when it comes to the dynamic between them though. The children might blame the parent for any mishaps which will be very hard for the native of the chart. But on the contrary, they have the power of giving birth to the child of their dreams.

(Art:“Apollo”by Briton Rivière)

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✨Astro note:

Pay attention to the opposite house of your Sun’s house, it may be what you unconsciously are trying to personally accomplish in your life.

For example: Having the Sun in the 7th house points you to look for individuality, to look for your true identity, since this one points to the 1st house.

Now, the good aspects that go from the sun, closer to that house (the opposite), help you to achieve the goal easier; the hard aspects make things a little harder but not impossible.

Tip: if you wanna see what are your advantages and disadvantages when trying to accomplish them, just hold your chart from below the sun house, having the opposite house as a “Midheaven”, you will see what takes you there the closest.


5th House: All things creative, creation, pregnancy, children/offspring, self-expression, self-discovery, play, celebrations, romance, love affairs/romantic relationships, dating, pleasure, recreation, speculation, drama, inner child, bravery, relating, flamboyance, lovemaking, scandals, overindulgence, luxury, gifts, hobbies, sports, extroverted energy, parties, good fortune, gambling, holidays, and conquest.

5th house romance is all about being in love but it’s not about commitment like the 7th house is. the 7th house represents relationships where you’re both constantly doing things for each other and showing your love for each other whereas the 5th house type of love is just you being in love which could be without both of you committing

this is why often the 5th house can represent short term relationships + hookup/fling energy and relationships where you both didn’t put enough effort and the 7th house is about long term relationships + marriage and actual parterships where you both put in effort

the 5th house is about loving and the 7th house is about being IN love

(you can love each other and not fully commit yourself to each other but to be IN love there has to be commitment on both ends)

© factsrological 2022 all rights reserved

The stellium in the 5th house is one of the most impactful. A house stellium in the 5th indicates heavy activity concerning matters of the 5th. The 5th house is primarily important in creating a distinct sense of self.  A stellium of multiple planets in the 5th house creates ample potential for dynamic individuality.

The 5th house is connected with the need to express self in creative ways. Forms of creative expression take a prominent role with many planets in the 5th house. A packed 5th house offers dynamic interest in music, drawing, writing, poetry, drama, or acting as means of self-expression. Usually, there is so much passion and focus on creativity, that a 5th house stellium can’t help but be interested in at least one of these forms of self-expression. Often many forms of self-expression are pursued with multiple planets in the 5th.

The 5th house in Astrology is known as the house of leisure and hobbies. A stellium within this house creates the potential for a variety of hobbies and interests. Those with many planets in the 5th house loved to be entertained. A great deal of time is spent enjoying acts and scripts from a variety of sources. They could enjoy passions like sports, tv, video games, and theater.

With such diverse leisure energy playing out through the 5th, there is always the potential for struggle with real-life practicalities. Responsibility can take a back seat to make way for pleasure and fun. Such a stellium may create one who takes less of a job to pursue pleasure and interests. There may be that intricate nature to avoid conflict and enjoy fun and leisure to the fullest.

This is not to say the 5th house stellium is particularly damaging to adult responsibilities such as career and work. In actuality, the reverse can be true. A 5th house stellium individual is apt to be pushed toward work that inspires them. After all, the 5th is the house of inspiration in of its many primary functions. As long as there is inspiration, there is a doorway to making money. It’s just that a routine service job may feel particularly boring and uninspiring.

One of the most hidden secrets of modern astrology is the 5th house being a house of education. A stellium of planets in the 5th pushes a desire to be educated in matters of the planets within the house. Such creates the potential for a very broad education creating career and work opportunities. Since all planets in the 5th house look straight at the 11th house opposite themselves, a doorway is open for these planets to work toward society’s function. Thus education received through the many planets of the stellium is the foundation for making money through society in the 11t house.

Creative and inspiring energy in the 5th house stellium will often create a love of script writing. This happens because the 5th house is 3rd from the 3rd, such the 5th is the highest potential of the 3rd house (of writing and communication.) Many planets in the 5th can focus intensely on not only script writing, but also on media in general. The 5th house planetary stellium ramps up a desire to create media to be enjoyed by others

Love, Romance, and dating are other key factors of intense focus with a 5th house stellium. Multiple planets in the 5th create not only a heavy interest in dating but most likely many opportunities with potential partners. The 5th house is also associated with sex which falls in the realm of dating.  Here it is not uncommon to see a love of sexual activity go along with the dating focus.

The youthful energy of the 5th house stellium often creates a love of children. Children are great for the 5th house stellium to relate with. Young kids are full of creative energy which mesh well with how the stellium expresses through the chart hold holder. It would not be uncommon to be friends with children or younger types in general.  Working and relating with children can also be integrated heavily into the life scheme.

Certainly, many planets in the 5th can bring about a desire for birthing children.  The 5th house stellium can indicate many children may be had throughout life. The number of planets can potentially indicate how many children may be had. Each of the planets tends to represent some prominent nature of each child. A stellium of Mars, Saturn, and Uranus, for example, can show three children. One child can show Aries traits, another shows a Capricornian nature, and the final a prominent Aquarius flavor.

Aside from having children alone, the 5th house can show a parenting style of raising children. Many planets in this house naturally incline many dynamics to the parenting style. Depending on the nature of each planet shows how the parenting plays out. This is why judging the planets in the stellium is important. Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn in the 5th can bring a warm and generous parent. They can also love to educate and may promote religion, but also believe in structure, order, and teaching values of ambition.  The sign of the planets makes a major difference too.

The 5th house is the house of risk-taking. Many Planets in the 5th house offer potential for taking risks more than the average. Risk taking by its nature is a double-edged sword. More risks more potential for success.  Yet, too many risks can leave you high and dry draining resources (and such) in the process. The 5th stellium can also bring a desire for gambling and such addictions are not uncommon here.

The 5th house is also associated with speculative trade.  Here we see stocks, share-markets, currencies, and commodity trading. The 5th house is the foundation of the 11th house of society. Multiple planets in the 5th pave way for heavy investment into markets to try and benefit from society. The nature of the planets certainly creates the interest in speculative trade, but the nature of the planets may show what someone invests in. For example, Mars and Saturn in the 5th together may create interest in investing in weapons and oil.

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Most likely time to enter a relationship in 2022

Look at your Rising sign (The sign of your 1st House Cusp).

The predictions are based on the months in which Transit Venus will be over your 7th House (of relationships, partnership, commitment) and the 5th House (romance, casual dating).

Note: For Transits I use whole sign system.

The month in which Venus is over your 5th House will be the month when you’re most likely to focus on casual dating and relationships, romantic endeavours and affairs. It will be a time you spend doing enjoyable activities and having fun - it will bring goof fortune and accomplishments, especially in creative activities and hobbies. For many, it can be a time good for conception. It can also show a time where you have a more active social life, go out more and meet new people, find entertainment.

ForAries Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 5th House is August.

ForTaurus Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 5th House is September.

ForGemini Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 5th House is October.

ForCancer Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 5th House is November.

ForLeo Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 5th House is December.

ForVirgo Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 5th House is January.

ForLibra Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 5th House is March.

ForScorpio Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 5th House is April.

For Sagittarius Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 5th House is May.

ForCapricorn Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 5th House is June.

ForAquarius Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 5th House is July (end of June-mid July).

ForPisces Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 5th House is August (end of July-mid August).

Themonth in which Venus is over your 7th House will be the month of the year you’re most likely to enter a committed relationship or make a commitment or a bigger step in a current relationship. It can also be a great time for starting a business, signing contracts, building relationships with others whether they are platonic or romantic. It can also show a time where an opportunity may be brought by another person or through forming a union with another person.

ForAries Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 7th House is October.

ForTaurus Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 7th House is November (end of October until mid-November).

ForGemini Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 7th House is December(end of Nov - December).

ForCancer Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 7th House is January, February and end of December.

ForLeo Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 7th House is March.

ForVirgo Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 7th House is April.

ForLibra Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 7th House is May.

ForScorpio Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 7th House is June.

For Sagittarius Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 7th House is July.

ForCapricorn Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 5th House is August (end July until mid-August).

ForAquarius Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 5th House is September (end of August until mid-September).

ForPisces Rising, the month in which Venus will be over their 5th House is October (end of September-mid October).

If you want to know more about what 2022 has to offer to you, I offer Transit Readings (1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 1 year) and Solar Return charts. For any questions or orders, message me here on Tumblr or send me an email ([email protected])

composite sun sign houses <3

composite sun sign in the 1st house

you both identify with your relationship. it’s the main focus of each other’s lives, be careful and make sure this doesn’t cause anything detrimental. focus on yourselves as well. but to add on, you guys love to do impulsive activities together.

composite sun sign in the 2nd house

values are similar and important to both of you, you guys are possessive of each other. you both find comfort in each other and can have cozy days easily without doing anything.

composite sun sign in the 3rd house

your connection is strong through the mind. communication can come easily, or be a problem. you guys are open to each other and love new ideas.

composite sun sign in the 4th house

very strong emotional connection, clingy energy. comfortable with each other, this placement can often build families and foundations easily.

composite sun sign in the 5th house

share hobbies together, fun romance, able to express yourselves freely throughout the relationship. easily give eachother a ton of attention and admiration

composite sun sign in the 6th house

service to each other, enjoy helping each other. if this relationship is healthy it can feel very equal. you guys are cautious about the choices you make together.

joe goldbergs big 3.

scorpio sun in the 5th house

this one is entirely obvious. scorpios can become obsessive, secretive, and way overly passionate. joe was also very creative, which is a hidden trait of scorpio people often override. joe’s need to protect others by involving revenge also plays a huge role into why i believe he’s a scorpio sun. 5th house suns feel the need to live their life for passion. he is always carried away when he feels passion towards another person.

virgo moon in the 3rd house

joe is so so methodical when planning out whatever he is up to next. he doesn’t take criticism very well, hes quite sensitive to it. he’s analytical, like super super analytical. he problem solves well, and he enjoys being in service of the people he loves. he can also come off as an anxious type of person as well. he also had a need for control in his plans. 3rd house moons have scattered minds. sometimes he can let his emotions get the better of him, especially when excited about a new idea/concept. they often keep in contact with the people around them aswell.

cancer rising

he usually gets the people he loves to open up and feel comfortable around him when he wants them to. if he tries hard enough. he’s weary of the people he first meets, but kind. he can be sensitive to the littlest things as well. this would make his chart ruler his virgo moon, which makes incredible sense. but to be honest, im not sure if i can stick with this rising sign because im not entirely sure. when he notices someone in need he will always help, if he cares enough though.

Part of Fortune in Houses

The Part, or Lot, of Fortune is a point that is calculated from the longitudes of the Sun, Moon, and ascendant. The part of fortune shows where you may find your luck and how easliy you find abundance or wealth. In which house will you gain something.

Signs represent through what you can gain something andhousesin what way. The signs and the houses are usually different.

1st house- you have a strong desire to create your life according to your needs and wants. It also represents that you are that you are unique in some way. The most you can gain here is that no matter what others tell you, you will always stand behind what you are and believe in yourself.

2ndhouse-you enjoy discovering what is true value to you as you become more sure of your principles, building a wealth that gives meaning and richness to your life.You can gain a lot by finding your value in the things you love to do. No matter how bad the money situation is, you will always get money in some way. And self-value will come easier to you.

3rd house - you are happy to communicate with others. You enjoy being understood. You try to understand how others think and how they see things, so you can develop a greater perspective in your thinking. You can gain a lot by speaking and communicating. You can gain a lot of knowledge from friends, at school. You can get something new out of every bad trip.

4th house- your greatest fulfillment and satisfaction will come through starting new things, be it human life, ideas, or projects. Even if the relationship with your family is not always good, you will still somehow get the best out of it. Your joy is based on starting everything that will give you stability and inner security. It will also give you great joy to stay close to your family.

5th house- good luck can bring you creativity, talents, a lot of love affairs(u always gain something from them and learn something new about yourself). You can also be noticed without doing anything. You have the great ability to realize your dreams. You get to know yourself through everything you do. You will only know yourself through what you do, not what you think. Your talents can be spotted quickly.

6th house- you can gain a lot through work, lifestyle, routine, health. It can bring you a lot of health here. Your greatest satisfaction will come from work and being always active. It gives you an immense joy to know that you can help heal another person. It helps that you are not so critical of yourself and that you are not a perfectionist in every thing you do.

❤️7th house-you can gain a lot through relationships, it helps you maintain relationships and get the best out of them.Your greatest fulfillment comes through giving to others and enjoying the harmonious company of other people. You know better than others what is their happiness. Your gift is in getting others to realize it for themselves. Since all your good luck comes from that outside world and from pleasing the person you love, that’s why your soul feels incomplete and disharmonious in the absence of a personal union.

8th house- you will achieve your greatest satisfaction and fulfillment through depth, emotions, transformation. Others always teach you another way, another path, or another value. You will see and experience new things, very different from those you already know. You will understand a depth that others will not. Part of Fortune it helps you to let go of people that no longer serve you. To move on, even when you think you can’t. You achieve happiness and success through transformation guided by the values of others. You can also find joy in deep, mysterious and dark things.

9th house-you experience your greatest fulfillment discovering truth, expanding your consciousness and your understanding of the Universe. You transcend the inner understanding of mundane reality. You can find optimism, meaning in everything if you want. You have a great need for identification with a deity, study, contemplation, meditation and spiritual search, the truth. It helps you find wisdom.

10th house- you feel better when you do what gives you self-respect. You also inspire this behavior in others. It helps you find respect for others, reputation, visibility, goal, vision, enthusiasm for career. You gain a great sense of integrity to understand and respond to life’s experiences. Your greatest happiness comes from feeling that you are capable of taking responsibility, carrying out social obligations, and possessing a force to create trust and respect from others.

‍♀️11th house- It can help you be more sociable and social. Finding friends can be easier for you. You show that is it the common ideas or projects that give the necessary confidence to others so that things are carried out with the greatest possible harmony and in an atmosphere of mutual trust and assistance. You attract people to your life who think the same way you do.

12th house- This helps you cope more easily with spirituality, the subconscious.You can figure out a lot of things sooner than others. It helps you isolate yourself more easily from others. You can spend a lot of time alone and you don’t care. You can do a lot on your own and it relaxes you. For ex.: go for coffee alone, go to the shopping alone. Your greatest fulfillment will come when you are attentive to your inner being.

