#91st division



My friend and I are currently setting up a discord server for Star Wars TCW role-playing games (RPG).

So far we’ve got a clone “commanders com-link” channel (much more will develop) and we’re looking for other commanders/CTs to join. ^^

If you’re interested in spontaneous and lighthearted RPG, please contact me.
It can be just role-playing, but were going to develop themes and arcs together.

Two main characters are already chosen (Fox and Neyo) - so there’s plenty of room for your development. We’re fine if you want to play your OCs.

The server will be a very safe place for Star Wars fans and it will be focused on our ongoing SW:TCW RPG. You don’t need any experience in RPG.

We welcome everyone who loves the Clone Wars series and the prequels, the clones, and decent and respectful contact to other fans and enthusiastic SW role-players. It will be strictly SFW. Your age should be 18+ nevertheless, since we’ll have adult content but nothing explicit.

If you are interested or if you want more information, you can contact me.

MTFBY, always

