#a dramatic one xd



Kain’s smile fell away as he heard Minako get cut off by a scream. Where was she again? The Hikawa Shrine, wasn’t it? He was almost certain that was where she was. How quickly could he make it there? And more importantly, what could he do?

Kain closed his eyes, focusing inward. He had been reborn, gifted this second chance… surely, surely it was not going to end like this. With her taken away before they’d even had a chance at life in peace.


No, he refused to accept that. He was sorely out of practice, but not powerless. While he didn’t trust his stamina for energy attacks necessarily, he could, at least, teleport. He could be at her side in an instant, he just needed a weapon.

Smiling grimly, he crossed his apartment for the study and the decorative blade that had been placed against the wall. It was light in his hand, more comfortable than it ought to be. A simple sword, but it would do the job. He brought the phone back up to his face. “Minako? Mina, I need to know where you are. Any landmark will do.”

Minako stared at the shadow-like creature, how he drained all the energy of the woman and slowly but surely turned to have a solid body. She gasped in shock at the hideous monster before her and took a step back as it growled at her- thats when she heard Kain’s voice coming from her phone, right.. she totally forgot to hang up before. Holding her phone back to her ear, she wondered why he wanted to know where she was.. even if he wanted to come there was no way he would make it in time. 

“H-Hikawa Shrine.. further down the street there is a park.” 

Thats all she could bring herself to say before she saw the monster launch for her. No Rod.. she couldn’t transform, what was she supposed to do now? It felt as if she was frozen on the spot, she couldn’t even move. 

