#venus x kunzite

leondaltons:@lyrhia gifted me this BEAUTIFUL and Hilarious art she draw of Kunzite and Minako (Sailo


@lyrhia gifted me this BEAUTIFUL and Hilarious art she draw of Kunzite and Minako (Sailor Venus) from Sailor Moon inspired in the date scene from The Wayhaven Chronicles

It is beautiful and I’m so so grateful for this stunning surprise  Thank you so much my friend 

Post link


He couldn’t get free.

He couldn’t get free, and if he couldn’t get free, he couldn’t protect Mina, the very thing that had brought him here to begin with. Kain groaned, vision blurring slightly with how quickly he was being drained - it was always easier to drain someone who’s energy was close to the surface, someone who’d been actively using it. He tried to speak, to tell Minako to get out of there, even though in his gut he knew she wasn’t going anywhere. She wouldn’t leave him.

Would they die together, this time?

She shouted something, hard to hear more than STOP! through the roaring in his ears, but there was a glow. Familiar, a comforting shade. Hercolor.


He didn’t even mind his sword vanishing, a tiny, tired smirk curling his lips as gray eyes pried themselves open. He looked up at the monster as it squinted, blinded by her transformation. “…you’re… about to be… in a world of hurt…”

Gathering his strength, he summoned an energy attack at the distracted monster, blasting it in the chest hard enough to get it to let him go. Staggering backwards, he waved to it. So long as he could keep conscious, he would fight - beside her, this time. “Shall we, m’lady?”

Venus smiled proudly at him and walked closer, taking his hands into hers. “Im sorry it took so long.” she tip toed up to him and planted a soft and short kiss on his lips, giving him some of her new energy to heal. 

“Let’s end this now.” she nodded at him then turned her attention back to the creature that was getting back up on it’s feet after getting blasted in the chest by Kain. “I will never forgive you for draining the life energy of innocent people! I am Sailor Venus, the soldier of Love and Beauty and in the name of Venus, I will punish you!” 

The monster growled and once again launched at her. “How dare you try to hurt such a cute girl like me. VENUS, LOVE AND BEAUTY CHAIN!” she called out, using her Love Whip to send a blast of light energy towards her target, making it turn to a shadow and disappear into the ground releasing the energies it had drained before. 

“We did it!” she smiled brightly and turned to the taller male. “And I look so cute in my new form!” 


Kain’s smile fell away as he heard Minako get cut off by a scream. Where was she again? The Hikawa Shrine, wasn’t it? He was almost certain that was where she was. How quickly could he make it there? And more importantly, what could he do?

Kain closed his eyes, focusing inward. He had been reborn, gifted this second chance… surely, surely it was not going to end like this. With her taken away before they’d even had a chance at life in peace.


No, he refused to accept that. He was sorely out of practice, but not powerless. While he didn’t trust his stamina for energy attacks necessarily, he could, at least, teleport. He could be at her side in an instant, he just needed a weapon.

Smiling grimly, he crossed his apartment for the study and the decorative blade that had been placed against the wall. It was light in his hand, more comfortable than it ought to be. A simple sword, but it would do the job. He brought the phone back up to his face. “Minako? Mina, I need to know where you are. Any landmark will do.”

Minako stared at the shadow-like creature, how he drained all the energy of the woman and slowly but surely turned to have a solid body. She gasped in shock at the hideous monster before her and took a step back as it growled at her- thats when she heard Kain’s voice coming from her phone, right.. she totally forgot to hang up before. Holding her phone back to her ear, she wondered why he wanted to know where she was.. even if he wanted to come there was no way he would make it in time. 

“H-Hikawa Shrine.. further down the street there is a park.” 

Thats all she could bring herself to say before she saw the monster launch for her. No Rod.. she couldn’t transform, what was she supposed to do now? It felt as if she was frozen on the spot, she couldn’t even move. 



Kain was aware, of course, that Minako was meeting with the girls and Mamoru. Which meant that his usual laser concentration was shot. He had to have “read” the same page in his novel a half dozen times before giving up in exasperation and rising to pace.

How long would such a meeting take? You couldn’t rush such things, shouldn’t, but he ached to know. His chest ached, though whether it was just the sheer emotional stress or more specific anxiety he wasn’t familiar enough to guess. In both lives, he had been the level headed one, the one who - while not emotionless - was still able to control himself when necessary.

Where was that now? Pacing and fretting, he hardly felt like himself. He felt dizzy with anticipation, eager and unsure like he hadn’t felt since he was a child.

His phone rang, and he snatched it up from the table at once, swiping the moment he saw who it was. “Minako?” Too many questions laid heavy on his tongue, far too many to know where to begin.

Thankfully, Minako had never needed help carrying a conversation.

To her surprise he picked up faster than she thought he would, and she could tell from his voice that he was anxious and curious to know how the meeting went. She smiled to herself as she walked down the street. “Hey, it’s good to hear you again.” she slid a strand of her blond locks behind her ear then stopped at a bus station for her manager to pick her up. 

“So uh- I just met everyone.” she started saying, trying her best to not sound too happy, she wanted to tease him a little bit. “I honestly don’t know how to tell you this, i don’t want you to get a heart attack or anything, Kain..” she took a dramatically deep breath and hesitated purposely. “So uhm.. well..” she bit her lower lip but couldn’t keep her teasing going anymore, she burst into a loud and cheerful laughter. “Everyone is so happy, Kain.. and Mamoru is going to call you very soon. They can’t wait to see all of you again.. we can’t wait for this big reunion.” 

She bit her lower lip gently, waiting for his response.. wondering what was going through his head at this moment. 


Mamoru sighed, smile a little nervous and a lot pleased. “Yes… I can’t wait to see them again.” He unfolded the paper, taking in the precise penmanship that was so very Kunzite to his restored memories.Kain, now, he’d have to remember. “I’ll let you talk with him first, tonight, and contact him tomorrow morning myself, if that works for you?”

It was hard to imagine he wouldn’t still be an unrepentant morning person, no matter what else may have changed. He knew the girls were wondering the same - what had changed, what had stayed the same? Would they be recognizable as the men they all had loved before?

He could only hope.

Minako nodded her head at Mamoru. It was for the best to contact Kain first and to let him know that things went well and that Mamoru was going to call him the next day. Everything just went so smoothly, she really hoped that their meeting would go just as perfectly. “Great, then i guess its set. I will talk to Kain in a bit and..” she looked over to Usagi and Mamoru. “And you two will decide the next meeting with them, yeah? I will let you guys handle that then.. i know you are busy with the whole wedding thing so if you need any help let me know.” she smiled then got up after checking the time.

The blonde idol looked at her friends for a moment. “I have to go, i’m meeting my manager in a bit, i will call Kain too so.. I will see you guys again soon.” she waved at everyone and walked out with a huge smile on her lips. 

While walking down the stairs of Rei’s temple, she fished out her phone and started dialing Kains number, hoping he wouldnt be busy to talk.


“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Kain assured her with a small, fond smile. She wasn’t wrong, he hadgotten hurt, and it was uncomfortable at best at this point. More than that, really, was just exhaustion. So, he allowed her to walk him home.

He gave himself time to get a shower and something to eat as well as a full glass of juice to try and boost his energy levels a bit. From there, it was a long conversation with Mamoru, and he was grateful it was early enough in the day that he still had time to contact the others.

How they had come to find each other again - how they had been irresistibly drawn to each other, before Beryl and then after, the only ones who could even begin to understand - had to be the work of whatever power had brought them back to life (the Princess, he would bet, and he was not a betting man.)

It was enough that they had known each other for some time, learned to trust each other again. Because saying there was “hesitation” on their part to meet the reincarnations of the women they had once loved was beyond an understatement.

Jaden was, perhaps not entirely incorrectly, convinced he’d take a fireball to the face on arrival. There would definitely be a burn between he and Rei, of that he was certain. All that was in question was the nature of it.

Zane took immediate refuge in the fact that they had a goal. This was more than just a meeting, more than even just trying to make nice before their prince’s wedding. There was a new threat, and they were - Minako aside as Venus - the only ones with powers left.

Nathan was ominously silent for such a usually emotional man. But he agreed to meet, and that would have to be enough.

They talked late into the night, and it was indeed early morning when Kain was finally able to catch a few scarce hours of sleep.

It was early in the morning when the blond idol arrived at the studio, getting ready to record a song or two. The girl was exhausted, couldn’t sleep much and thought about the reunion and Reis’ words all night. She really wanted everything to go well, after all this wasn’t just a normal reunion, their enemies were back too and they had to figure out what to do now that only she was able to transform. 

It still felt so surreal to her that she reached her eternal form, the warmth she felt, that power.. it was so overwhelming but nice and it was all because of him

Looking at the time her eyes widened, it was already noon. She had been at the studio for too long and decided to take a break to give Kain a call and ask how things went with the guys. She was curious after all.

Dialing his number, she got a small cup of coffee from the vending machine. “Kain..” she smiled when he finally picked up. “I didn’t just wake you up, did i?”


Kain appreciated the contact after all this; he didn’t blame Rei, not in the slightest, but the reminder of what damages they had wrought hurt.

As it should, a dark voice whispered in the back of his mind. It sounded uncomfortably like his past self. He wasn’t going to examine it too closely.

He took a slow, steadying breath, squeezing Minako’s hand gently. “I… would appreciate time to talk to Mamoru, yes. But I don’t intend to overstay my welcome here. We’ll find somewhere else to speak with each other.”

Mamoru didn’t catch the whispers, didn’t even try, but was having thoughts similar to both Minako and Kain. “Let me see Usako home, and then… if you’re up for it, Kain, I’d really like to talk.”

Kain didn’t bristle, exactly, but he held himself with more care, determined not to show weakness to his prince. Mamoru or Endymion, he would always be his prince. “Of course. I’ll give you a text so you have my number and you can call at your convenience.”

Mamoru nodded, content with this arrangement. “Alright, thanks… maybe I can help iron things out a little, with the others, before tomorrow.”

Kain hummed noncommittally. “It may be best to let me speak with them. This will take some care…. For now, I suppose I ought to see myself out.”

Minako listened to Kain and Mamoru’s little conversation then fully turned her attention to the silver haired mail when he mentioned he would leave now. She got up on her feet almost immediately and looked at him. “I will go with you..” she told him, not wanting to let him walk all the way home when his energy got drained only a few moments ago. She wasn’t going to risk him getting hurt.

“I will see you guys tomorrow, take care you two. Oh and Kain?” Usagi looked at the taller male and smiled softly. “It was good to see you again.” 

The idol smiled at her friend and nodded at the others, excusing herself as she took her partners hand and walked out of the Shrine with him. “Are you okay? I know today was a lot.. and you got hurt because of me. Im so sorry..” she sighed softly and gave his hand a soft squeeze. “I will walk you home, thats the least i can do and before you try to stop me- don’t.” a soft smile formed on her lips, letting him know that she was still her stubborn self after all and she wouldn’t leave him alone in a situation like this. 


Princess Mars loved Jadeite,” Kain corrected gently. “Rei - if I may use the name, I’m sorry I didn’t catch your last - she isn’t Princess Mars, not really. She’s lived a whole other life, with new experiences that have shaped a new person. And the same goes for Jaden. Much of who he is now reminds me of Jadeite… but they’re not the same person, not now. Not anymore than any of the rest of us are who we were back then. And it’s not fair to assume the same bonds will automatically be there, just because two out of six pairs were drawn to each other immediately.”

He cleared his throat, looking away to gather his thoughts. “I had to get to know them twice. Once, when we drew together before…” a subtle pause of discomfort “she came back into our lives, and brainwashed us. And then again after that, as we tried to come to terms with our memories of the past, and what we had just done in the Dark Kingdom’s service.”

He looked up, first to Mamoru, then to Usagi, dark eyes earnest and praying for understanding. “We hurt them, in ways you two never hurt each other, not really. Bonds were tested, and if some of them broke… that’s no more than we deserve. Regardless, new ones need formed.”

Only then did he look to Rei. “I’ll be honest, none of us expected to be forgiven, let alone even have the chance to find out if we were. He’s not expecting you to love him. But… I do think that perhaps it would be best to at least meet each other again. If it’s intolerable, then that’s that. If it’s tolerable, it still only need be for group events. No one is saying any of you ever have to be alone with any of us, or like us.”

Mamoru hummed quietly, drawing Kain’s attention immediately. “I think, perhaps, we need to be more practical. While I appreciate how gentle you’re trying to be with this, Kain… the fact is that Mina is now the only one here who can transform and we have a new enemy. For the sake of protecting our home, we need you four. Especially if any of you can fight while we can’t.”

Rei turned her attention to Kain as he spoke and she had to admit she was surprised about his words and how understanding he sounded and she appreciated that he knew how she felt, she just feared to fall for the same guy again and then in the end get hurt. She didn’t want the past to repeat itself.. it was painful once, she wasn’t sure if she could do it all again. But this wasn’t just about her, both Mamoru and Kain were right, this meeting was necessary to protect their home. 

“I understand and I’m okay with meeting him. I will be there tomorrow evening.” the raven haired girl nodded at her friends, assuring that she would do her best and not let her feelings get in the way. 

Usagi watched Rei with a worried expression. She understood how Rei felt, Mamoru too had fallen for the darkness more than once and it pained her to see him like that, to have to fight against him but at the end she knew that their love was stronger than that and she hoped her friend would realise that soon too. 

Minako sat there, a little confused about the deep conversation they just had. It looked like both groups had to still get used to everything, heal from the past and maybe make new memories. “Well, i guess the reunion is going to be tomorrow evening at Makoto-chan’s Cake Shop.” she spoke the words but didn’t sound as excited as she was before, she was worried now. What if it really was just her and Kain that got lucky.. she didn’t want her friends or even the other men to get their feelings hurt.  

She faked a smile then leaned closer to Kain, whispering to him. “Don’t you.. want some alone time with Mamoru? You two should maybe talk a little.. and not just about this matter.” 

She reached for his hand and gave it a soft squeeze, nodding at him. 

more or less

Back with another ficlet. Another mod gift, this one for @galaxylily over at @ssminibang❤️

title: more or less

fandom: Sailor Moon

characters/ships: Venus x Kunzite


Sometimes after he’s touched her there lingers a taste in his mouth like hot metal. How he imagines the taste of the earth’s ancient core, or of stones that sometimes fall from the sky.

more or less

The sun lays a heavy palm on their heads, pressing their eyes closed, but even so the cloudless sky throbs painful blue behind his eyelids. Beside him she lies dozing, or daydreaming. The air smells strongly of salt and cypress; green sea glimmers around them. He hears murmurs of others on the barge, the creak and groan of sun-frayed rope.

“Is this the water you were born on?”

Daydreaming, then. Kunzite doesn’t open his eyes.

“Yes. On a barge like this.” Her bare arm grazing along his, the fine cut of muscle, sweat-damp. “The priests said it was an auspicious birth. This sea is holy.”

“Of course they did.” She sounds amused. “They probably weren’t thinking of your mother. Surrounded by men mouthing incantations, laboring on a rickety old boat.”

He can feel her breathing down along his side where they are pressed together shoulder to knee, the light quick blooming and closing of her ribcage. He imagines her expression, serene with only a single marring thread of tension sewing together her fair high brows as she thinks about this, this thing to which Kunzite himself truthfully has never given a single thought.

“My father expected it.” A breeze moves over his face as he speaks, pulling the words up and away from him, thinning them apart. “Here that is a woman’s duty.”

A hum, flutter of tension from her bicep through her calf like a current, and then nothing more. The linen of her gown scratches his side. She wears the loose drape and few jewels of this place, and probably the men on the barge think she is a mistress, highborn and languid, kept for pleasure. She could be that, her skin is smooth, limbs long, feet dainty; she looks like a lady his mother might have chosen, a vessel to carry his seed to sea. She yawns when tired, perspires in heat, eats and drinks and swims the waves. Hard to sense it unless you get close: the lambent rushing of power off of her, as though her blood is pressed from stars.

Sometimes after he’s touched her there lingers a taste in his mouth like hot metal. How he imagines the taste of the earth’s ancient core, or of stones that sometimes fall from the sky.

When darkness traverses his eyes he knows she has lifted her arms to the sun, is perhaps shading her face, or examining her hands. On her thumb always there is a soft beaten metal ring she had pulled off his finger, sometime and somewhere after they first met, in the gardens of starry jasmine or in a camp tent or in her bed, Kunzite can’t recall. It was his father’s ring until he died and then his mother’s, and then his after that for a long, long time. He doesn’t know why she took it. Why he’s never asked for it back. The backs of his eyelids slowly pulse a deep, fleshly red. One side of his body cools, bereft of her strange heat.

“I don’t think I could be a woman.”

When Venus speaks the wind seems to stop. His imagination, of course, and yet, her words - resound.

“I don’t expect you to be less than you are,” Kunzite replies, honestly.

He senses her gaze swinging onto him then, the cut glint of her golden eyes. He keeps his own eyes closed, body loose and prone; he feels her curious, predatory attention as the tip of a claw. She doesn’t speak. Overhead the gulls scream. After some moments, her small, cool hand closes over his, and he feels the dig of his own ring into his knuckle. It’s not gentle.

“Or more,” she murmurs.

Kunzite doesn’t know what he hears in her voice, then: if it’s the sound of warning, or only regret.


another day, another gift! this one’s for the marvelous @leondaltons, one of the hardworking mods at @ssminibang and truly one of the loveliest people in this little corner of fandom. enjoy!

fandom: Sailor Moon
characters/ships: Minako/Venus x reincarnated!Kunzite, with a side of reincarnated!Nephrite 
rating: R for some slightly limey content

Khaleid knows better than to try and keep her to himself when she’s in this state; it would be like trying to put a mountain lion to bed, or swallow the sun.


At night they go to a bar Nacio recommends. Dark, cramped, and dirty, just like all the places Nacio likes, “run by Argentines,” he says dismissively, “so the asado’s not bad.” He comes along, too, “to get them a seat” but Khaleid suspects it’s for dinner on their dime. He orders expansively: ribeyes, chorizo, morcilla, salad to share. Two bottles of Salta red. The three squeeze into a table for two on the sidewalk, where it smells smoky from the grill out back. Nacio and Mina’s knees bump under the table; Khaleid turns his outward, facing the curb. He lights a cigarette, watches the crowds on the street thicken curdlike, chattering and laughing. He feels out of place and terribly old. It’s past midnight. Music - music everywhere.

“I like this wine,” says Mina, a bottle and some later, a little drunk or pretending to be. Not easy for Khaleid to tell, even among friends. Her eyes are bright, hectic. “A lot. What is it?”

Nacio grins. “This, madame, is a noble Bordeaux varietal made in the Argentinean style.” Across the street, a busker sends a pointedly hopeful twang of his guitar in their direction. “Tobacco, vanilla bean, ripe black cherries.” Their friend looks thoughtful. “A little horse shit.”

When Mina laughs her head tips all the way back and it sounds like two glasses striking each other on the edge of excessive force, ringing and anticipatory. It’s how she laughs when she wants you to know what a good time she’s having, and very likely she is, snatching bites of beef and vinegared tomatoes out of their pink juices, washing them down with mouthfuls of wine. Khaleid knows better than to try and keep her to himself when she’s in this state; it would be like trying to put a mountain lion to bed, or swallow the sun. She has innumerable moods, some even tending to tranquility. Later he’ll have her, in the turmeric light staining the dark hotel window. She’ll come down slow, arms wound about his neck, her gaze warming. She’ll touch the hair escaping his tail, his temple, her thumb on his cheekbone; sighing, soft.

Or perhaps she’ll kick open the door and yank him inside, press him to the wall and slide her hand down his trousers. She’ll be insistent, combative, the slim knife of her heel grazing a warning along his calf and her teeth at his ear; always knowing the exact mileage between where he is and the dark precipice to which she can drive him. Her hands are small but not soft. They’ll close around his collar and pull, backing them up to the nearest flat surface, and anyone looking in from the outside would think he was the one walking her to it. She is ardent but precise: desire has its cadence, its thrums and pauses, and like any player, even when in its throes, she can’t help but play. The knowledge that she goes further with him than with anyone is more than enough. Khaleid knows better than to ask her to be who she can’t be.

After they’ve done she’ll stretch herself out along his side and fall deeply asleep, instantaneous. Like a light being flicked off, throaty little snores emptied between his shoulder and neck. Or she’ll stare up at the dark ceiling a moment, eyes flaring wide, then fling herself resolutely into the shower, the room billowing with the steam off her skin. Neither of these options leaves him colder than the other. When he’ll press his nose into her discarded clothes they’ll smell like the must of her body and her floral, indolic perfume. Breathing in he thinks he smells it even now, through the waft of charred meat and warm asphalt, and he can draw a direct line between the selves occupying this table, in this moment, and the selves they’ll occupy tonight, later tonight, this morning. He thinks of her as the changeable one but perhaps that’s not entirely true. Within himself there are so many ways to want her.


Nacio’s voice brings him back. Khaleid blinks, just once.

“What do you think?” Mina rests her elbows on the rickety table. Her thin gold chain slips out from the bodice of her black dress, flickering palely. “We’ve only asked you twice already.”

The cigarette between his fingers is half ash; the rest of it has fallen on his trousers. On his plate the meat has gone cold and purple and the wine in his glass is hardly much different. When he looks at Nacio he finds his old friend’s gaze traveling over him. Glittering, dark.

“Well, shit,” he murmurs. “Guess I’ve overstayed.” He stands, hands in pockets. “Enjoy what’s left of dinner.” He nods at Khaleid. “And the rest of the night. Hope I left enough for you both.”

“There’s still plenty of food,” Mina says. “And Mako’s probably asleep with the girls already.”

“Not what I meant,” says Nacio cryptically. “Anyway, it’s late. Time I got back to my pornographically beautiful wife and perfect, angelic offspring. Boring family man, you know.” He pats his pocket, where Khaleid can see the bulge of his wallet. “Buenas noches, friends.”

“Did you say this would be our treat,” Mina begins, moments after he’s left earshot. She frowns as she watches him round the crowded corner. “And what happened to dancing?”

Her hand small in his, not soft. She shifts her cool gaze to him, electric eyes questioning.

“Never mind.” Khaleid leans forward, stubs his cigarette in the bowl. “We have other options.”

versailles-fairytale:“  The silent understanding between them intensified, bringing meaning behind


“  The silent understanding between them intensified, bringing meaning behind her previous words that did little to sway how she tormented him blissfully enough that he never wanted to let go. Never wanted to look at another woman, and his stomach bottomed out at the realization that this was a losing battle. Kunzite appeared all too eager to fall prey to its madness when he should have been fighting it, and Gods knew he had to find the strength. “Take off your gloves…"“


Snippet written by @venuscrescent . Thank you so much for commissioning me for your vision!!! ^^

Commission Info Here

Gorgeous as always (both the snippet and the art)!

Post link
x-red-string-of-fate-x:Instagram Aesthetics | Kunzite & Minako Aino/Sailor Venus x-red-string-of-fate-x:Instagram Aesthetics | Kunzite & Minako Aino/Sailor Venus


Instagram Aesthetics | Kunzite & Minako Aino/Sailor Venus

Post link

I know I shouldn’t beat myself up over it. I mean I am writing and I did have issues with mental exhaustion this year. THAT being said I do find it annoying my productivity has been inconstant this year. The like ONE thing I wanted to do was be have more consistency with my writing and I found myself having a very uncertain release schedule.

I don’t know if I’ll get another chapter done before the end of the year. I am trying my best to get Ghosts of Yesterday done before 2021 thought. Again, TRYING. Just stay tuned and give reviews as they keep me going. 



This chapter helps me remember my new rule of “try for shorter chapters.” I originally was going to have a lot more happen but instead I ended up breaking up the chapter and having more things happen in the next chapter. I’m beginning to think this story is going to take a while to tell to the fullest. 



September. Yikes. Just when I thought I’d get more writing done, something new would happen and I found myself exhausted and barely able to get anything down on paper. That being said, I would like to introduce my new multiple chapter story entitled Choker of Love. It will focus on Sailor Venus and Kunzite and have elements of Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics to it. 

Also, I am still working on Ghosts of Yesterday. It was actually while working on this story I realized, “DANG! I need to write shorter chapters. That way I can post more often.” I actually split up the second chapter of Choker of Love because my original stopping point would have made the chapter double the length. So, relax and know I’m always working on getting more writing done. 

Choker of Love: 

Thanks to reincarnation, Minako is an Omega and finds out Kunzite is an Alpha but is her father’s best friend. Will she be able to win the heart of her beloved Alpha?

AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34335874/chapters/85435645

FF: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13968242/1/Choker-of-Love

Choker of Love Chapter 5

I wanted to have the GIF of Minako frantically running back and forth between her two dates in the one episode of SuperS but I just couldn’t seem to put in the right words to have it come up. Oh well. I

’ve been getting a lot done on my end. Also, I should probably let everyone know I’m experiencing less mental exhaustion. Yeah, trying to take more breaks and everything. Unfortunately, Physical exhaustion is still present. The day job is still making me super tired at times and I’m even crashing in bed early. The joys of being employed.

For now, everyone enjoys the new chapter and expect more from me by the end of the month.



venuscrescent:These Secrets We Hide- A gift for a dear, dear friend @adriannasharp Part of a *very*


These Secrets We Hide- A gift for a dear, dear friend @adriannasharp 

Part of a *very* nsfw project that I got a little carried away with (but I’m not sorry) 

Please don’t repost! 

Post link
crystaldream-art:【Sailor Moon Super Live】Kunzite X Sailor Venus スーパーライブのクンヴィがあまりにも美しすぎて、自分なりに描いてみました


【Sailor Moon Super Live】
Kunzite X Sailor Venus


Post link



crystaldream-art:夢を見ていた 銀と金の世界で


夢を見ていた 銀と金の世界で

Post link


It’s not perfect but here we are

Please do not repost!



I don’t know what it is like to love someone, who the world tells me I am not supposed to love.

I can’t imagine how hard it must be to love someone I am afraid to kiss on the street.

But I do know what it is like to love someone who I cannot be with.

I know how it feels to have my brain tell me one thing, and my heart another.

To live with the knowledge that if circumstances had been different, I would be with the one I love.

I do know there re all kinds of barriers to love.

I do believe the world needs less of them.

~Lang Leav


Details! I didn’t mean for this to become *a thing* but here we are (again.) Hope you enjoy ☺️ as always please don’t repost without my permission! Reblogs are love


Permission to upload this was given by the artist (©). **Please, rate and/or bookmark her works on Pixiv/FB too**[Please do not repost, edit or remove credits]


***Please do not repost or use my art without my permission rebloggers are welcome!***

bowldeepfannish:Ta-da! Our Senshi Shitennou Bang @ssminibang mods are the loveliest. Hence they get


Ta-da! Our Senshi Shitennou Bang @ssminibang mods are the loveliest. Hence they get gifts from their grateful minions ^3^

Suggested by @venuscrescent (bless thee lovely!), a fanart for MinakosAino’s Venus/Kunzite Silver Millennium oneshot The Night Of Sevens, with a touch of mythology remix and (artistically licensy not too messy ) dribbling down of pomegranate juice XD.

Art and fic are linked at AO3 here https://archiveofourown.org/works/29102457 

Dear MinakosAino/Flor aka  @leondaltons ( a rose by any other name… ;p ) muchas gracias for steering our ship(s) year after year and securing a lively yet comfortable journey and safe yet naughty haven in the wide and occasionally tumultuous Sailor Moon fandom seas!

Art tweethere

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by DracheaRannakyou can find the wip of this art here

by DracheaRannak

you can find the wip of this art here

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crystaldream-art:愛と美の女神からのキスKunzite X Sailor Venus“Kiss from the Goddess of Love and Beauty”



Kunzite X Sailor Venus

“Kiss from the Goddess of Love and Beauty”

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crystaldream-art:My most favorite pairing in Sailor Moon : Kunzite X Venus I really enjoyed drawing


My most favorite pairing in Sailor Moon : Kunzite X Venus

I really enjoyed drawing this couple

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