#a laugh in the void



The angler fish: can I have a cigarette?

Me, exhausted out of my mind, listening to the episode for lien the fifth time: I don’t know, can you?


similar to the feigned scepticism in s1, I absolutely think jonathan “english major” “the archivist” sims noticed the pattern in all his coworkers’ last names and simply said “I am looking away”





what the fuck jon

I don’t know where you are because this statement could apply to any part in the series

ceaseless watcher, turn your gaze upon this wretched thing

No I’m on Martin’s side here. Fuckin murder her.



Once again howling over @archivistbot quotes and am obsessed with Martin Gets Banned From A Bakery

[ID: A comic using dialogue cropped from Archivistbot posts. Jon looks up from some papers as someone asks, “Would you like a cookie?” The person is revealed to be Martin, who is holding a box of cookies. Someone reaches in from the side to take one as Martin, also eating a cookie, asks, “Do you want some?”

Jon looks surprised and then frowns as he says, “Yes, just… er… Didn’t you get banned from that bakery?” Martin laughs nervously and says, “Oh, uh… Yeah, well, yeah, I guess I did. I mean… I mean, it’s not, it’s not a big deal, I mean.” Tim looks intrigued on the side and asks, “Jeez martin, what’d you do to get banned from a bakery, I thought those were normally pretty lenient?”

Martin narrates over a flashback that starts with him waking up looking very stressed. Around him float the words “oh god,” “worms,” “why are the Archives so creepy.” He explains, “Well, I mean, you wake up one day and you’re like, “Oh, I’m going to get murdered”…” Martin is shown having a lightbulb moment while brushing his teeth. Next to him is the text “Don’t make plans while paranoid and sleep-deprived, kids.” Martin narrates: “and you’re like, “Thank god, I have a plan,” but that’s not the thing that’s socially acceptable at all…”

“… so when you go into the bakery and pull a butterknife on someone who bumps into you, you just get banned.” The scene of a wide-eyed Martin pulling a blunt knife on a shocked person who reels away in fright is shown. The view returns to the present as Martin stares down at the box and finishes, “you just get banned.” Jon raises a finger and says, “Uh.” Tim wheezes with laughter, repeating “butterknife”with tears in his eyes. End ID]


Jon in season 4 gives up all pretenses of trying to work on archiving and starts to make shitty memes of his past experiences as one

[ID: A collection of in-universe TMA memes.

1. An anime man labeled “Me (Jonathan Sims)” gestures to a butterfly labeled “Recording statements” while smiling naively. He asks: “Is this archiving? (Genuinely asking).”

2. Kermit, labeled “past me (Jonathan Sims)” looks at a hooded evil Kermit labeled “current me (Jonathan Sims) who says, “Don’t accept the promotion, for the love of god.”

3. A meme of rapper Xzibit smiling at the viewer with the top and bottom text: “Hello dog, I heard you like horror, / so we put horror statements in your already horror filled job so you can be scared while you are already scared.”

4. A doge meme. Doge smiles and is labeled with the rainbow words “Tea,” “So nice,” “Very fluffy,” “Martin blackwood,” and “Great assistant.”

5. Two pieces of paper labeled “Sasha” and “Not Sasha” are presented with the caption “Corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture and this picture.” The next panel shows Pam Beesly, labeled as “I’m sad (Jonathan Sims)” smiling and saying: “They’re the same picture.”

6. The old fist bump baby meme with a radial background. Top and bottom text reads: “I saw / Martin Blackwood today (It was from far away but it was still something).”

7. The “they don’t know” meme, which shows simplistically drawn people dancing in a room as a neutral-faced man wearing a party hat stands apart from them in the corner. The man is labeled “Me (Jonathan Sims)” and says: “They don’t know what’s happening here,” and the dancers are labeled “The rest of the Institute.”

8. A rage comic of a wrinkled face smiling with strain against a dark background. Top and bottom text reads: “This one is called forever alone. I feel as though this is very apt to my (and Martin’s) situation.”

9. A kid fist-pumping in front of a computer with the Impact text “When a statement records digitally.”

10. A picture of commentator Steven Crowder sitting at a table in a park. A sign taped to the front of the table is edited to read: “The Admiral is the best cat / Change my mind.” End ID]

ID by @princess-of-purple-prose

He might know what a meme is but he’s so bad at it


I think the funniest part of deciding to name the main character after himself is that Jonathan Sims isn’t even a self-insert for Jonathan Sims they’re like WILDLY different. Everyone else I’ve seen give a character their name has been like “it’s me but hotter”, INCLUDING JONNY IN A DIFFERENT PROJECT, but not here babey. Absolute mad lad absolute icon




[ID: A TMA comic. Jon is reading a book and Martin is walking up to him while holding a cup of tea. Martin says with a smile, “Jon, I brought your tea-” He notices a spider in front of him and says, “Oh, look a spider, let me-” Without looking up from his book or changing his expression, Jon’s hand slams out and crushes the spider against the wall. Martin looks outraged. Jon calmly takes the tea from Martin and says, “Thank you, Martin. What’s with the face?” Martin still looks utterly outraged. End ID]

#jons office door creaks open and a books flies out at the speed of light #hitting a single tiny spider w pinpoint accuracy #the door closes again #the assistants go back to talking (via @bigowlenergy​)
