#a useful thing



psa; Don’t make other people feel like crap for how they roleplay ever. For some roleplayers, this stopped being fun because they’re always getting crap. People have real lives. People make mistakes. It’s why we are human. Every single roleplayer I have come in contact with have been the sweetest people in the world so don’t ever make them feel like crap for how they chose to roleplay. They don’t tag their verses? That’s fine. They don’t answer your reply right away? That’s also fine. They use gifs instead of icons or vise versa? That’s just as fine. They don’t like fancy formatting? That’s cool. Just don’t ever make someone else feel like they don’t belong or shouldn’t be on simply because of how they chose to run their blog. It’s not your blog. It’s theirs. They can use it however they can. So do not ever make them feel like complete and utter crap for the way they’re running their blog. We’re supposed to be a community and sometimes, others can make people feel like they don’t belong. Please, just stop making people feel bad for what they chose to do. We’re all human, and we all do this because we want to have fun.
