


I’m drawing the dream team and I still don’t have a consistent design for Jacob smh


“let’s move in together. let’s finally do it,” he whispered — or at least attempted. it was more of a quiet shout, one that only you two could hear. not that it was secretive, but it was intimate, something he wanted for only you. 


a grin stretched across his face, red from the crisp winter air. “you heard me. i think we’re at a point that we could,” his voice wavered as he became bashful. his knuckles whitened, clutching the railing surrounding the frozen pond you were both standing at. suddenly he was not the bulky, 20-something year old man that you were used to, but instead his old teenage self — shy, and ridiculously in love.

“you really think so?” you breathed out, a small cloud forming in the cold night air as you spoke. the sound of the festival behind you drowned out as you focused on him, soft yellow lights becoming a blur as they illuminated the softest parts of his face.

“yeah. i really think so,” he smiled down sweetly, eyes softening. “i know so.”

kita, osamu, iwaizumi, oikawa, sakusa, atsumu, kuroo, akaashi, matsukawa, hanamaki

godliath: belovedgodliath: beloved



a regular monday morning, a regular start to the week.

student government starts an hour earlier than the actual school day, so here you are. 6:56 AM exactly, arriving at school with enough time to slip your weekly love letter into his locker on the way to the student government office.

until it wasn’t a regular start.

“good morning vice prez.” his voice rings in your ear as you freeze in your spot, the letter just leaving your fingertips and you hear it hit the bottom of his locker.

maybe you’re hallucinating.

but it’s always good to check.

you turn around and you see jungwon’s figure standing in front of you.

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“Why did Wei Ying, the most promising apprentice, betray the Jedi Order?”

“They say he didn’t betray the Order, rather the Order betrayed him.”

much to no one’s surprise, I made a star wars au

animepopheart:★ もたこくん | 犬桔 ☆ ⊳ inuyasha / kikyo✔ republished w/permission ⊳ visit my insta / twitt


⊳ inuyasha / kikyo
✔ republished w/permission
visit my insta/twitter/blog

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materassassino: A commission I did for Ksenia on Twitter! (if you’re here let me know so I can tag y


A commission I did for Ksenia on Twitter! (if you’re here let me know so I can tag you I do not remember). I missed them.

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I’ve got to be direct, it’s like a big train wreck




We are happy to present you the first complete Telephone Chain for the Tales from Verania fandom!!!

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