


now y'all watch me loop Polaroid love for 2 months straight



me ??????? obsessed ??????? with the moon ?????????????? yes


one thing i never get tired of in songs is when they include some sounds from the recording booth like a laugh at the end, a ‘was that good?’ or like, the sounds of the guitar being put down, a chair creaking. it’s nice how music can be used as an escape but also something that ties you right back down to earth. it will affect you so deeply & then ur like wow… you just played that. it’s grounding & magical & just one of my fave things ever!


yk something i genuinely learned last year— people always talk about loving yourself before you love someone else and i don’t necessarily agree with that. because i don’t love myself. i barely even like me. but the way i love others? beyond anything i’ve ever felt for myself. i thought for a long time that i could never fully love someone without loving who i am, but what happens when loving someone teaches you that you can like yourself too. i don’t know, i just learned that, even if i don’t love me, i can love you, and i can love you with everything i have and it will be enough.


i feel like everyone at some point in life has bought an article of clothing because it is/reminds them of something a fictional character wears or something they may wear, and i’m extremely curious what that others have bought. i have one of the exact green jackets will wears in hannibal


it’s6:57 pm and iwaizumi’s room is scattered with papers. a mixture of you, iwaizumi’s, and oikawa’s names cover them along with dozens of red marks indicating incorrect answers. the debate between the three of you as to whether or not x equals 2 or 17 is cut short when the door swings open, revealing a small woman holding a plate of fruit and crackers.

“hajime, i brought you and- oh tooru you’re here too!” her eyes flicker as a mischievous grin takes over her lips. “i thought it was just you two… i’ll be going now!” her giggle fills the room as she wiggles her eyebrows at her son, which earns her an infamous iwaizumi glare.

oikawa interrupts the silence that follows the absence of iwaizumi’s mother, stuffing his face with grapes and muttering a barely comprehensible, “what was that about?” 

papers crinkle when iwaizumi begins busying himself to avoid your gaze. he crushes used sheets, scribbles on new ones as if he’s actually working, and rearranges his pencils before grumbling. “she thinks we’re dating.” you don’t miss the way his eyes quickly widen and cheeks flush when he changes the subject. what he doesn’t know is his fumbling distracted oikawa, not you. but second year finals are more important than what just happened, and you return to your studies.

Keep reading


,21 • this post is finally going up! so I have been spending my time studying (ik I’m saying this for the 855724th bare w me) but I took some tests and I’m doing really good so yay for that! I just feel like I have been living the same day over and over and as much as I like to sticking to a routine and just doing my thing it does gets boring sometimes ;-; am I the only one feeling like it?

:_ (smone un-obsessed me from this song)



“let’s move in together. let’s finally do it,” he whispered — or at least attempted. it was more of a quiet shout, one that only you two could hear. not that it was secretive, but it was intimate, something he wanted for only you. 


a grin stretched across his face, red from the crisp winter air. “you heard me. i think we’re at a point that we could,” his voice wavered as he became bashful. his knuckles whitened, clutching the railing surrounding the frozen pond you were both standing at. suddenly he was not the bulky, 20-something year old man that you were used to, but instead his old teenage self — shy, and ridiculously in love.

“you really think so?” you breathed out, a small cloud forming in the cold night air as you spoke. the sound of the festival behind you drowned out as you focused on him, soft yellow lights becoming a blur as they illuminated the softest parts of his face.

“yeah. i really think so,” he smiled down sweetly, eyes softening. “i know so.”

kita, osamu, iwaizumi, oikawa, sakusa, atsumu, kuroo, akaashi, matsukawa, hanamaki
