

Abinary Veldian Pride Flag

Abinary: an umbrella term for genders completely unrelated to the gender binary.

Veldian: being gay for men; queer attraction to men; gay mlm/nlm.

[transcript: 5 stripes with golden, light yellow, white, teal, and violet. end id.]

Abinary Lesbian Pride Flag

Abinary: an umbrella term for genders completely unrelated to the gender binary.

Lesbian: experiencing queer attraction to women; being gay for women.

[transcript: 5 stripes with golden, yellow, white, orange, and hot pink. ID over.]



Moze (a neolingual noun parallel with mozaandmozo): a monolexical neolabel parallel with man and woman; the epicene/gender neutral of boy and girl; an abinary genderedness apart from male and female.

Cognate of moce/moçe (deriving moça/moço) and moscie (from moscio/moscia). Mocidade (mozeness/moceness) means youth. Since cedilla (ç) is often translated as zed/zee (z), as in Moçambique/Mozambique, because of its Visigothic origin (ꝣ).

In West Iberian the suffixes -o/-a do binarized gender inflection, so any other vowel/letter makes a neutralized declension. Just as in Latinx/Latine.

Alternate words: mozx, moz@, mozu, mozy, mozie, mozone, mozãe, mozane, mozæ/mozae, mozœ/mozoe, moz(s), muchache, muchachx.

Note this isn’t the same as enby, as enby is an abbreviation of nonbinary. Mozes could refer to generic people, such as in pals, however just as in folx, folks might use moze to be a specific non-binary identity. This identity is asynchronously and conceptually epin/nin/oin/abin/uin.

See also: menine,garote/gurie, xicx/xique, niñx/niñe, biche/bixe/beche. - Ap
