#abortion rights


Just to be clear, as of today (May 3, 2022) abortion is still legal in the United States. But just in case, the link above has information on how to get abortion pills (medical abortion) sent to all 50 states.


in case it hasn’t been clear, this blog is firmly and unwaveringly pro-choice.

US abortion rights are under threat

The Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito.

Here is where to donate now


Breaking News: US ready to sink further into right wing theocracy

“The Supreme Court has voted to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito circulated inside the court and obtained by POLITICO.

The draft opinion is a full-throated, unflinching repudiation of the 1973 decision which guaranteed federal constitutional protections of abortion rights and a subsequent 1992 decision – Planned Parenthood v. Casey – that largely maintained the right. “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito writes.

“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” he writes in the document, labeled as the “Opinion of the Court.” “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

Read the full piece here: https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/02/supreme-court-abortion-draft-opinion-00029473


"Every reporter picking up this Politico scoop needs to be very clear — this is a leak of a DRAFT. No ruling has been made public. If a patient has an appointment, they can continue to receive care. Those draconian anti-choice trigger laws in certain states DO NOT APPLY yet.”


“Supreme Court lawyer Neal Katyal: "My thoughts on politico story saying the Court voted to say Roe v. Wade is fully overruled. I’ve quickly scanned the draft opinion and it appears legitimate. This means there was a preliminary vote to fully overrule Roe V Wade and that a majority of the Court agreed.

This opinion says states can criminalize abortion, with no rape or incest exception. It is exactly the hardline position I’ve been saying the Court is going to impose for the last 3 years. It will set women back in profound ways. Congress must act ASAP.”


The Supreme Court may toss Roe. But Congress can still preserve abortion rights.

A simple majority vote in the Senate would nullify the threat to reproductive health posed by the Mississippi case.

Readers, I’ll post “what do we do now” info soon. In the meanwhile here’s my post on the 100% hypocrisy of the so-called “Pro Life” movement


Original thread:


Note, I am finding these threads on the twitter feeds of ICU nurses who are now dreading the horrors that Roe falling will bring to their hospitals. This, on top of the horrors that they’ve seen and continue to see because of the pandemic. They were already exhausted and hanging by a thread.





the best thing that we can do right now to fight for abortion rights is donating to your local abortion fund, especially in states with “trigger laws” or laws that will immediately take harsh measures to shut down abortion rights as soon as roe is overturned. If you don’t know your local abortion fund or states with trigger laws, here’s one in Texas,one in Louisiana,one in Georgia,one in West Virginiaandone in Mississippi (all states with such “trigger laws”). There’s so many more beyond the handful i just listed here but times like these are the time to donate and support the incredible work that these organizations do for their communities. 

sorry, better version of this post: here is the national abortion fund archive where you can find your local abortion fundandhere’s an article from the cut about abortion funds explaining which states are trigger law states and the specific regulations around abortion they have (also links abortion funds themselves at the bottom) 

Copypasted from the article:

Hostile (states with lawmakers who will likely try to prohibit abortion):

Mississippi:Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund
Mississippi has just one abortion clinic left, and 91 percent of women in the state live in counties with no provider. The state has a pre-Roe ban, a post-Roe trigger ban, and a six-week abortion ban that’s currently blocked from taking effect.

Texas:Fund Texas Choice,West Fund,Texas Equal Access Fund,Stigma Relief Fund,Clinic Access Support Network,Lilith Fund,SYS (Support your Sistah),The Bridge Collective,Jane’s Due Process
Texas will likely try to prohibit abortion. In 2021, Texas enacted a trigger ban, intended to prohibit abortion in almost all situations, and a six-week ban with a private right of action, which allows private individuals to sue abortion providers or helpers in Texas courts.

West Virginia: West Virginia FREE Choice Fund,Holler Health Justice
West Virginia has just one abortion clinic, and 90 percent of women in the state live in counties with no provider. An amendment to the West Virginia Constitution, passed in 2018, states that there is no right to abortion under the state constitution.

Kentucky:Kentucky Health Justice Network,A Fund, Inc
Kentucky has just one abortion provider, and 82 percent of women in the state live in counties with no provider. In 2019, it enacted a tigger ban that would prohibit abortion if Roe were overturned.

Missouri:Missouri Abortion Fund
Missouri has just one abortion provider, and 78 percent of Missouri women live in counties with no abortion clinic. Missouri has a trigger ban intended to prohibit all abortion as well as an eight-week abortion ban that’s currently blocked from taking effect.

Arkansas:Arkansas Abortion Support Network
77 percent of Arkansas women live in counties with no abortion clinic. Arkansas passed a trigger ban intended to prohibit abortion in 2019.

South Dakota:South Dakota Access for Every Woman
South Dakota has one open abortion provider, and 76 percent of South Dakota women live in counties with no abortion clinic. The state enacted a near-total trigger ban in 2005.

Louisiana:New Orleans Abortion Fund
72 percent of women live in counties with no access to an abortion provider. Louisiana has a trigger law banning abortion as well as a six-week abortion ban that would take effect if Roe was overturned.

North Dakota:North Dakota Women in Need Abortion Access Fund
North Dakota has one open abortion provider, and 72 percent of North Dakota women live in counties with no abortion clinic. It enacted a near-total trigger ban in 2007.

Wisconsin:Women’s Medical Fund
70 percent of Wisconsin women live in counties with no abortion clinic. Wisconsin has an unenforced pre-Roe ban.

Indiana:All-Options Hoosier Abortion Fund
70% of Indiana women live in counties with no abortion clinic. Indiana has numerous restrictions that make abortion inaccessible.

Idaho:Northwest Abortion Access Fund
67 percent of Idaho women live in counties with no abortion clinic. Idaho enacted a trigger ban in 2019.

Utah:Utah Abortion Fund
63 percent of Utah women live in counties with no abortion clinic. The state enacted a trigger ban in 2020.

Alabama:Yellowhammer Fund
59 percent of Alabama women live in counties with no access to an abortion provider. In 2019, Alabama enacted a total ban on abortion — currently blocked from taking effect — that would criminalize providing abortion care.

Georgia:Access Reproductive Care-Southeast
55 percent of Georgia women live in counties with no abortion clinic. Georgia enacted a six-week abortion ban that, if allowed to be enforced, would effectively prohibit all abortion.

Ohio:Preterm Access Fund,Women Have Options - Ohio
55 percent of Ohio women live in counties with no abortion clinic. In 2019, Ohio enacted a six-week ban on abortion that’s currently blocked from taking effect. In 2020, the House legislature introduced a bill that would sue anyone who “knowingly engages in conduct that aids or abets the performance or inducement of an abortion” for a minimum of $10,000.

Oklahoma:Roe Fund
53 percent of Oklahoma women live in counties with no abortion clinic. Oklahoma has two pre-Roe abortion bans on the books.

Nebraska:Abortion Access Fund - Bellevue, NE
40 percent of Nebraska women live in counties with no abortion clinic. Nebraska has a ban on abortions after 20 weeks.

Michigan:Fountain Street Church Choice Fund,Reclaim MI WIN Fund
35 percent of Michigan women live in counties with no abortion clinic. Michigan has a pre-Roe abortion ban. The current governor supports abortion rights but access in the state is incredibly restricted.

Arizona:Abortion Fund of Arizona,Tuscon Abortion Support Collective
18 percent of women live in counties with no access to an abortion provider. Arizona has a pre-Roe abortion ban, as well as severe restrictions already in place.

Wyoming:Chelsea’s Fund
96 percent of Wyoming women live in counties with no abortion clinic. Wyoming recently passed a trigger ban that would outlaw abortion 5 days after the Supreme Court overturns Roe.

Not protected (states in which abortion will remain without legal protection):

Virginia:Richmond Reproductive Freedom Project,Blue Ridge Abortion Fund,DC Abortion Fund – VA,Stigma Relief Fund – VA
80 percent of Virginia women live in counties with no abortion clinic. Democratic governor Ralph Northam eased abortion restrictions in 2020, but it remains uncodified in the state constitution.

Pennsylvania:Women’s Medical Fund,Western Pennsylvania Fund for Choice
48 percent of Pennsylvania women live in counties with no abortion clinic. Abortion access is extremely restricted. The state does not have a trigger ban but abortion would be without legal protection if Roe were overturned, leaving patients and providers vulnerable to criminalization.

New Mexico:New Mexico Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice,West Fund NM,Mariposa Fund,Indigenous Women Rising
48 percent of New Mexico women live in counties with no abortion clinic. The state has an unenforced pre-Roe ban.

New Hampshire:Reproductive Freedom Fund of New Hampshire
30 percent of New Hampshire women live in counties with no abortion clinic. New Hampshire outlaws a safe second-trimester abortion procedure with no exception to protect a woman’s health.

Colorado:Cobalt Fund,Reproductive Equality Fund of the Boulder Valley Women’s Health Center
27 percent of Colorado women live in counties with no abortion clinic. The state has not enacted any bans but abortion is not protected in the state constitution.

Also a link to the NNAF Abortion Funds tweet about their site status with an additional ActBlue link to mass-donate to 80+ abortion funds within it.




the best thing that we can do right now to fight for abortion rights is donating to your local abortion fund, especially in states with “trigger laws” or laws that will immediately take harsh measures to shut down abortion rights as soon as roe is overturned. If you don’t know your local abortion fund or states with trigger laws, here’s one in Texas,one in Louisiana,one in Georgia,one in West Virginiaandone in Mississippi (all states with such “trigger laws”). There’s so many more beyond the handful i just listed here but times like these are the time to donate and support the incredible work that these organizations do for their communities. 

sorry, better version of this post: here is the national abortion fund archive where you can find your local abortion fundandhere’s an article from the cut about abortion funds explaining which states are trigger law states and the specific regulations around abortion they have (also links abortion funds themselves at the bottom) 

I’m in the UK but am reblogging this to boost it.


in case it hasn’t been clear, this blog is firmly and unwaveringly pro-choice.

Digital illustration of a devil fem wearing a red fringe dress. There’s a ribbon banner wrapping around her body that reads ‘raise hell for abortion rights.’ At her boots are flames and along with little devil spirits with fireballs.

Raisehell for abortion rights.

Digital illustration of a devil fem wearing a red fringe dress. There’s a ribbon banner wrapping around her body that reads ‘raise hell for abortion rights.’ At her boots are flames and along with little devil spirits with fireballs.

Oh, they didn’t mean YOUR body, YOUR choice, silly.

Oh, they didn’t mean YOUR body, YOUR choice, silly.

Post link





In the wake of roe being overturned let’s not forget that the leading cause of death of pregnant women is homicide. Not miscarriage, not pregnancy complications, not birth, MEN. Men who would rather kill their partners than take responsibility for their actions.

Now imagine how many women are going to be murdered because of pregnancies they can’t escape from. Pro life is bullshit.

You really had to make this about how “evil men are” didn’t you. This is not a good look for you or the pro-choice side.

Stats don’t lie and they don’t care about your feelings.

Take your “not all men” rhetoric and fuck off.

“i-if you criticize men for killing their pregnant wives and girlfriends, they’ll be less sympathetic to pro-choice feminism” good news! i don’t care. bad news! neither do they. if men get defensive about an accurate statistic about them, that’s their problem. maybe if they kill themselves over it, they’ll stop killing pregnant women. by the by, if you get defensive about the fact that the leading cause of death in pregnant women is homicide by males, you have no right to an anti-choice/“”“pro-life”“” argument.

Like I don’t understand this dudes point. Even without bringing up the homicide fact, this whole thing is literally already about evil men. Evil men who want to deny the rights or creators to not create, evil men who will suppress and oppress women into lives of servitude, into motherhood, into death because they feel entitled to control women’s bodies, even if doing so risks that woman’s life. Like, yes, this is about evil men, and pointing it out doesn’t make it less true.


In the wake of roe being overturned let’s not forget that the leading cause of death of pregnant women is homicide. Not miscarriage, not pregnancy complications, not birth, MEN. Men who would rather kill their partners than take responsibility for their actions.

Now imagine how many women are going to be murdered because of pregnancies they can’t escape from. Pro life is bullshit.

This is exactly what I was saying to my mother last night. Women will die from pregnancy compilation, childbirth, ect. But so many women will be killed for this, not just during pregnancy, but femicide is very common in the postpartum period, in fact less than six months after my mother gave birth to her youngest, her abusive POS baby daddy tried to kill us all, made threats all throughout the pregnancy then finally burnt the house down with everyone inside. And that was a male who WANTED the baby, don’t want to imagine how quick the ones who don’t will run to killing the mother.





To those saying abortion is a human right; it seems you may need a refresher on what exactly human rights are:

yes, pregnant women should have the right to not risk their life giving birth, the liberty to have an abortion, and be free from the torture that is an unwanted pregnancy. glad you agree!

forced pregnancy is slavery and torture. nowhere on that page does it say humans have the right to use women and girls as incubators.

your right to life does not entitle you to the organs of non-consenting others. if you will die without a kidney transplant, you still do not have the right to forcibly take a matching kidney from someone, not even the kidney of a dead person who didn’t consent. a fetus does not have a right to use a non-consenting woman’s body for its survival. op wilfully misunderstands the limitations on one’s right to life.

Lol I’m sorry but doesn’t the UN also define forced pregnancy/forced birth as torture and reproductive slavery. Like…. The very thing your sourcing doesn’t agree with you, just because you decide that by “people” they mean fetuses, doesn’t mean it helps ur case.


In light of fuckery ongoing on the highest levels of the law in the USA: if you find yourself in need of an abortion or contraception no matter where you live, connect to Women on Web.

Women on Web is an international online abortion service, providing access to safe abortion services. Contact them: [email protected]

Founded in 2005 by Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, Women on Web is a team of medical doctors, researchers, activists, and help desk members. Women on Web advocates for and facilitates access to contraception and safe abortion services to protect women’s health and lives.

The mission of Women on Web is to provide safe, accessible and affordable online abortion care to women and people around the world. We work to catalyze procedural and legal change in abortion access through telemedicine, research, community outreach, and advocacy. We strive for a world where safe abortion care is accessible for all women and pregnant people, with respect and dignity. 

People who need safe abortion or contraception can make an online consultation at Women on Web website. After being reviewed by medical doctors, medical abortion pills or contraceptives are provided via mail. Our help desk team accompanies women and pregnant people during all stages of the process and responds to any questions that may arise within 24 hours. Supervised by medical doctors, our help desk operates in 16 languages, including Arabic, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Thai, and Turkish. 

Women on Web is available to all people who need help with preventing and ending unwanted pregnancies. We are committed to ensuring that everyone, including trans, non-binary, genderqueer, and gender non-conforming people can safely access abortion and contraception without discrimination or alienation.

The WHO classifies safe abortion as  accessing “the pills through a telemedicine service such as Women on Web which gives them information and support.” (Guardian, 2017)

The Women on Web website is a source of reliable information and collects personal abortion experiences to allow and encourage women and pregnant people to openly explore and discuss their reproductive choices. Our online consultation is translated in 22 languages and we work to ensure that all women and pregnant people have access to scientific and evidence-based information on safe abortion and contraception.  


Original thread:


Note, I am finding these threads on the twitter feeds of ICU nurses who are now dreading the horrors that Roe falling will bring to their hospitals. This, on top of the horrors that they’ve seen and continue to see because of the pandemic. They were already exhausted and hanging by a thread.
