

I’m already thinking about my next photo project and I’m so stoked for it already and so excited for the time when I’ll be able to show it to you. It’s something that is close to my heart and my whole identity is based on it. Deep, beautiful, meaningful and so accurate. I hope that you’re as excited as I am!

So I’ve been getting a lot of questions regarding the meaning of the F*CK NORMS photo project and I thought that I’d share it with you:

One of my biggest passions is photography. Not only taking pictures, but to plan and style up the picture and model (in the case of this photo project) and to reach out with the photographs.

I did this project because I’m sick and tired of the norm in society to always have this need to put people in categories: gay/straight and boy/girl. Not only are these categories so excluding for so many people, but also wrong. You don’t have to feel for one or the other category, you just feel like yourself and then society will follow. We all have the norms inprented in our heads and for some of us, that is what makes us stay the norm - we’re afraid. I don’t want anyone to feel afraid about their gender or sexuality and that is the main focus of this photo project. The best part about it is that I get to do what I love at the same time as I (hopefully) inspire you to really be YOU. 

Simply F*CK NORMS and come as you are. 

Follow my Instagram to keep up with nextcoming projects: @ab_photograph
