#absolutely gorgeous noss



It’s art time for chapter 2 of Il Re di Ladri, a Rusty Quill Gaming fic by @franzis-frantic-thoughts, made as part of the Fiction Podcast Big Bang by @podcastbigbang, with art by @evieebun125 and me!

Will Sasha and Amelia escape from a pursuing Zolf? Find out here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38309803/chapters/95729170#workskin

[ID: A full colour digital drawing of Zolf chasing a young Sasha and Amelia Earhart over a canal in Venice, a scene from Il Re di Ladri, a fanfiction of the Rusty Quill Gaming podcast. Sasha and Amelia are in the back of a wooden boat with a lifebuoy hanging against the back between them. Amelia is a teenaged gnome with brown skin and chin-length, spiky red hair, wearing a muted blue coat. They’re looking at their pursuer over the edge of the boat, with their hands resting on the edge. Sasha is an adolescent white human with long dark hair, wearing dark greys. She’s half crouched with her body turned towards Amelia and her hands in fists. Her head is turned towards Zolf. Zolf is a white adult dwarf with short blond hair and a beard in two braids. He’s wearing a long brown coat, a white shirt and blue trousers, and has a peg leg. He’s walking over the river after them by use of magic. A small patch of water below and in front of him is frozen solid. He’s holding one hand down and forward to keep solidifying the water in front of him as he goes, while his other hand is held up in a “stop” gesture. On the bank of the canal stands a temple of Aphrodite, a large white building with engraved pillars, and steps leading up to a door with an engraved heart above it. There’s a wooden dock in front of the temple. Further back, a large metal bridge spans the canal with a small wooden boat beneath it. End ID]
(Thank you so much to @guinevere01 for the image description!)
