
this is the most disney thing ever uhmm hi i love drawing dragons

this is the most disney thing ever uhmm hi i love drawing dragons

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[ID: a tiny drawing of Zolf Smith from RQG, a white dwarf man wearing a grey cloak over a blue sweater, dark pants, and golden winged boots. He’s holding the straps of the brain backpack as he looks forwards, white stars scattered behind him. End ID.]

Have a tiny little Zolf since the image of him turning around with the brain backpack from RQG 211 lives in my head rent free

A digital drawing of Sumutnyerl, Azu, Zolf, Cel, and Hamid from RQG, at the center of the Garden of Yerlik. Three huge flowerbuds loom into mist while a crowd of petrified dwarves flee from one.ALT

Garden of Yerlik unlocked shrimp emotions in me


sup! Very excited to show my previews for @rqgzine, for which I got to work on location pics for the Japan arc. All of the work for the zine is beautiful and it was a blast to participate in, make sure to grab a copy once it’s out!

[First ID: A cropped digital drawing of several vehicles from the version of Hiroshima in the Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast. At the top left, a yellow boat carrying a pile of packages floats, suspended by a partially-obscured balloon shaped like a blue koinobori (carp streamer). Red pencil writing reads “RED FOR VISIBILITY,” with an arrow pointing to ared stripe on the fin keel, and “TILLER TURNS BOTH RUDDER + TAIL.” On the right, the front of a grey monorail with red stripes and gold accents is visible, including a rounded door with a golden wheel-shaped handle. The monorail track is supported by wooden pillars with curved wooden cantilever supports, and beneath it is an illuminated green sign reading 空港駅 / Airport Station. The drawing is on yellowed paper with faint graph lines.

Second ID: A cropped digital drawing of the Shōin Institute from the Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast. Glass half-domes and metal chambers are connected by long tubes to form rings around a large center glass spheres with intricate metalwork. The domes to the left are obscured by seaweed and multicolored coral, and a toroidal chamber on the bottom glows orange and holds a fishlike creature with long arms. A freshly-dead whale with bloody injuries rests atop a cracked glass pathway on the bottom right. The complex rests on the ocean floor and fades away into the teal water.]

De-stressing with a lazy Sir Bertrand “Bertie” Macguffingham sketch on my day off. Ended up as kind De-stressing with a lazy Sir Bertrand “Bertie” Macguffingham sketch on my day off. Ended up as kind

De-stressing with a lazy Sir Bertrand “Bertie” Macguffingham sketch on my day off. 

Ended up as kind of a synthesis of how I imagine the character and how he’s actually described. Hard to get that balance of “Acts Like an Old Man But Is Canonically, Like 24.”

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Wow, Episode 134 of the Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast really said, ‘Yeet the Hobbit’.

Sasha Racket is the only valid person to ever say, ‘Innit’.

I am not one for flights of teenage fancy.

That being said, I kin Sasha Racket so hard: because, I, too, am debilitatingly awkward, have bad family relations, and love stabbing things.

045 | Makeup[ID: A digital sketch of Hamid Saleh Haroun Al-Tahan from Rusty Quill Gaming. Hamid is s
045 | Makeup

[ID: A digital sketch of Hamid Saleh Haroun Al-Tahan from Rusty Quill Gaming. Hamid is sitting at a vanity with a hand mirror he is applying lipstick. /End ID]

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evieebun125: 044 | Occupy my mind[ID: A digital drawing of Hamid Saleh Haroun Al-Tahan day dreaming


044 | Occupy my mind

[ID: A digital drawing of Hamid Saleh Haroun Al-Tahan day dreaming about Azu from Rusty Quill Gaming. Hamid is a Egyptian Halfling with short curly brown hair and brassy scales, he is wearing a beige shirt with a pink cravat that matches his nails. /End ID]

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044 | Occupy my mind[ID: A digital drawing of Hamid Saleh Haroun Al-Tahan day dreaming about Azu fro

044 | Occupy my mind

[ID: A digital drawing of Hamid Saleh Haroun Al-Tahan day dreaming about Azu from Rusty Quill Gaming. Hamid is a Egyptian Halfling with short curly brown hair and brassy scales, he is wearing a beige shirt with a pink cravat that matches his nails. /End ID]

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Knight of the Flowers (details) with Azu!

[ID: Digital painting of Azu from RQG based on the painting Le Chevalier aux Fleurs (The Knight of the Flowers) by Georges Rochegrosse. The art is a close up featuring the bottom half of her face to her hips, with focus on the reflections of the people around her in her pink chest plate. Flowers and leaves climb up and cover parts of her pink armour. Several people are touching and adjusting her armour, only their arms visible. The background is indistinct, mostly being tones of yellow-green, pink and blue. End ID]

evieebun125: 043 | Zamid Wedding <3hoo boy this was an undertaking :D i drew a Wedding Zolf/Hamidevieebun125: 043 | Zamid Wedding <3hoo boy this was an undertaking :D i drew a Wedding Zolf/Hamid


043 | Zamid Wedding <3

hoo boy this was an undertaking :D i drew a Wedding Zolf/Hamid comic for my dear friend @lovefourtydown​ for @fandomtrumpshate​!!

The prompt was a bright wholesome magically wedding and im happy to deliver it <3

[ID: A two paged digital comic featuring the wedding of Zolf Smith and Hamid Saleh Haroun Al-Tahan from Rusty Quill Gaming. Oscar Wilde is officiating the wedding with Azu, Kiko, James Barnes, Howard Carter, Sasha Rackett, Grizzop Drik Acht Amsterdam and Cel Sidebottom as witnesses.

Hamid is a brown-skinned Egyptian Halfling with short curly brown hair and scaly skin, he is wearing a purple patterned suit with a brass button up shirt and a plaid cravat. Zolf is a white dwarven man with short white hair and a intricately braided beard, he is wearing a blue suit with plaid accents and kilt with a purple and brass sash.

On the first page Hamid and Zolf stand facing each other, each of them have one hand outstretched holding each other. Oscar a white man in a blue suit stands in front of them with his eyes closed and his hands wide open casting an illusion of their history, both the good and the bad. From top to bottom the scenes are: Zolf embracing Hamid in Japan, Hamid sitting outside Zolfs door in Paris, Zolf and Hamid writing their book together, and Zolf and Hamid arguing in the last Londan arc.

On the second page there are 3 panels. The larger scene is Hamid and Zolf  exchanging rings; the first panel is of their hands, hamid holding Zolf’s hand, his ring already slid into place. The middle is of them closing in on a kiss, hamids eyes are open slightly as he smiles. The last panel shows them kissing just off screen, there hands clasped and both of their rings visible. In the background from left to right is Kiko, a japanese women with dark hair and a purple and pink dress. Azu a black Kenyan women wearing a similar dress as kiko but with brass flowers adorning the dress. Sasha a white women with a burn scar and a brown jacket. Cel a white hald-elf wearing a blue suit with brass accents, Barnes a white man with brown hair with a blue suit. Cater a white man with white hair and a blue suit, his arm is thrown over barnes shoulder. Grizzop a gray goblin wearing blue artemis armor. / End ID]

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043 | Zamid Wedding <3hoo boy this was an undertaking :D i drew a Wedding Zolf/Hamid comic for my043 | Zamid Wedding <3hoo boy this was an undertaking :D i drew a Wedding Zolf/Hamid comic for my

043 | Zamid Wedding <3

hoo boy this was an undertaking :D i drew a Wedding Zolf/Hamid comic for my dear friend @lovefourtydown​ for @fandomtrumpshate​!!

The prompt was a bright wholesome magically wedding and im happy to deliver it <3

[ID: A two paged digital comic featuring the wedding of Zolf Smith and Hamid Saleh Haroun Al-Tahan from Rusty Quill Gaming. Oscar Wilde is officiating the wedding with Azu, Kiko, James Barnes, Howard Carter, Sasha Rackett, Grizzop Drik Acht Amsterdam and Cel Sidebottom as witnesses.

Hamid is a brown-skinned Egyptian Halfling with short curly brown hair and scaly skin, he is wearing a purple patterned suit with a brass button up shirt and a plaid cravat. Zolf is a white dwarven man with short white hair and a intricately braided beard, he is wearing a blue suit with plaid accents and kilt with a purple and brass sash.

On the first page Hamid and Zolf stand facing each other, each of them have one hand outstretched holding each other. Oscar a white man in a blue suit stands in front of them with his eyes closed and his hands wide open casting an illusion of their history, both the good and the bad. From top to bottom the scenes are: Zolf embracing Hamid in Japan, Hamid sitting outside Zolfs door in Paris, Zolf and Hamid writing their book together, and Zolf and Hamid arguing in the last Londan arc.

On the second page there are 3 panels. The larger scene is Hamid and Zolf  exchanging rings; the first panel is of their hands, hamid holding Zolf’s hand, his ring already slid into place. The middle is of them closing in on a kiss, hamids eyes are open slightly as he smiles. The last panel shows them kissing just off screen, there hands clasped and both of their rings visible. In the background from left to right is Kiko, a japanese women with dark hair and a purple and pink dress. Azu a black Kenyan women wearing a similar dress as kiko but with brass flowers adorning the dress. Sasha a white women with a burn scar and a brown jacket. Cel a white hald-elf wearing a blue suit with brass accents, Barnes a white man with brown hair with a blue suit. Cater a white man with white hair and a blue suit, his arm is thrown over barnes shoulder. Grizzop a gray goblin wearing blue artemis armor. / End ID]

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Back to the usual.

Time for some bow…. Whatever the English word is. Yknow what I mean. String your bow or something like that.


“Die Sonne scheint aus meinen Augen

Sie wird heut Nacht nicht untergehen

Und die Welt zählt laut bis 10”

- Sonne (Rammstein)

I did a big drawing y'all.

REALLY wanted to do something with Kobolds and Dragons and then I was like mhhh Skraak and then I went MHHHHH Guivres and here we are.

Some extras:

040 |Candle light [ID: A digital drawing of Hamid Saleh Haroun Al-Tahan and Oscar Wilde from Rusty Q

040 |Candle light

[ID: A digital drawing of Hamid Saleh Haroun Al-Tahan and Oscar Wilde from Rusty Quill Gaming cuddling on a couch. Hamid is asleep and curled into Oscars side, his tail tucked between his legs. Oscar is reading a book in his left hand while is right curls around Hamid.

Hamid is a Egyptian Halfling with short curly brown hair and brassy scales,he is wearing a purple shirt and tan pajama pants. Wilde is a tall white Irish man with white hair, cut in a bob, and blue eyes. He is wearing silver globe earrings,a blue rolled up long sleeve button up, and gray slacks. /End ID]

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mmmmmback on my bullshit

RQG playing MacGuffin & Co’s microsetting Duskhollow PD was a riot, and while I understand that it’s a ~spooky gritty noir setting~ I would like to propose instead: what if, but Scooby Doo

[image ID:

Four small town British cops stand in a line facing the viewer, pointing a brilliantly yellow/green torch at a dead body lying on the ground in a pool of blood. The body is only visible from the shins down, wearing a pinstripe suit, Oxfords, and pink & purple spotted socks.

From the left: Emma Walensky, a white woman with a squint in a neon yellow rain jacket, holding a small jar of ‘goo’. Next to her is Archie Murdock, with a constable’s helmet, holding the torch, and recoiling from the dead body. His face is in an exaggerated state of shock. Beside him is Detective Sergeant Carl Husselback, a Black man, with his head in one hand in a gesture of defeat and resignation. He’s Terry Crews big, based on how Frank described his muscles. On the far right, is Gabrielle Schreiber, another white woman with red hair and freckles, holding a 1920’s revolver, braced for trouble.

A line of bloody footprints lead from the body to Archie, because he failed his dexterity roll.

Above them all are word bubbles.

Emma and Archie: IT’S AN ALIEN!

Husselback: It’s not an alien.

Schreiber: It was definitely the husband.

Husselback: He’s not married.

end ID]

mmmmmback on my bullshit

RQG playing MacGuffin & Co’s microsetting Duskhollow PD was a riot, and while I understand that it’s a ~spooky gritty noir setting~ I would like to propose instead: what if, but Scooby Doo
