#absolutely love it

incogni-art:Been thinking about Pokémon lately.incogni-art:Been thinking about Pokémon lately.


Been thinking about Pokémon lately.

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Fiances, Firebirds, Foxes and Fawns:13


Summary: A few weeks after Briallyn’s attempt at uniting with Koschei, Lucien opens the door of Lockhart Manor to find Elain, cold from the rain and holding a note from the High Lady of the Night Court demanding her to assist Lucien in building alliances with the human councils. Forced to work together by their exhausted High Lord and Lady, Elain is able to convince anyone to do anything, while Lucien has the acquaintances to go anywhere he likes. Together, they attempt to unite the fae and mortal lands and unravel the deal made between Koschei and Vassa, while Lucien remains haunted by his own promise to Elain’s father. ELUCIEN, POST-ACOSF

Pairings:Elain x Lucien, Elucien

Warnings: NSFW




Chapter Thirteen: Unreliable Heart

I don’t care, I’m not leaving you behind.

Her voice echoed around Lucien’s mind, and though that certainly wasn’t the only thing about yesterday that was haunting him, those words had clung to him the moment they left her mouth.

And whose duty is it to protect you?

No one, to answer her question. Once upon a time, he’d thought it was his mother who was to protect him, and then he had watched year after year as she had destroyed herself doing just that. Eris hadn’t protected him, not really. Lessons and a sword were not enough, and Lucien had learnt not to consider scraps more than their worth. Tamlin…

Tamlin. His oldest friend turned…political acquaintance? Everything had been so good for so long, until Feyre, and whilst it was a terrible thought, perhaps Lucien hadn’t minded the obvious holes in their friendship because, simply, Lucien had had a friend. For the first time in his life, he had someone other than his mother, an uncaring brother or a random lover backing him, willing to fight and kill for him. He’d felt protected in Spring Manor and the years of peaceful, oblivious existence was proof of that.

Sighing, Lucien got up and out of bed. Before the sunset this day he and Elain would be settling in Spring Manor. The idea of bringing his mate into those ruined halls awoke the base mate desires, though those had been singing in his blood ever since the kiss.

God, that kiss.

The rest of yesterday had passed in his room writing letters and tying up loose ends with the mortal men for the following week, they would be missing the next meeting after all. The entire time Lucien’s body had grown more and more taut with frustration, and as he’d moved around his room deep in the night, throwing his clothes into a bag, his mind had been elsewhere, out in the forest by that riverbed. It didn’t take long for him to throw himself in an armchair before the roaring fire only to find that he was uncomfortably and unavoidably aroused.

He’d tried distracting himself with business numbers and thoughts of how to engage productively with Tamlin, but every time he shut his eyes, he just saw her. Heard her sighs. Felt the soft curves of her body pushing against him, the taste of her mouth, her scent as it had turned musky and yet still floral, like dried tea leaves.

When he’d opened his eyes again it was to find that he’d yanked on the drawstring of his pants, pulled them down and had taken himself roughly in his hand and was now lazily stroking himself. Glaring down at his throbbing member Lucien allowed his mind to empty, his entire being zoning in on that point of delicate pleasure as his fingers half-heartedly explored himself. There was a decision being made as he ran his fingers along the underside of his aching cock before gently stroking the head.

After a shiver of pure, physical pleasure, Lucien sighed with tired resignation. This was not going anywhere any time soon, not when her hot touch was still burning on his skin, and leaning back in his armchair Lucien allowed his mind to fill once more with the concept of her. His fingers moved from stroking to gripping as he took a firmer hold of himself, his other hand moving his trousers further down as his head rolled back.

Gritting his teeth Lucien closed his eyes and was once more overwhelmed by the sensation of her. Now moving from everything they had done to everything he wanted to do. The noises he wanted to pull from her, the expressions he wanted to see as pushed into her for the very first time.

It wasn’t hard to imagine that it was her smooth, delicate hand gripping him, and as his thumb brushed over the buds of precum weeping from his head, he pictured placing each droplet on the tip of her pink tongue and watching as she lapped them up eagerly.

With his other hand, he now moved to lift his shirt, his fingers running luxuriously across the tight, lithe muscles of his abdomen which promptly fluttered into rigid tension. Again he imaged her fingers running across his skin, feeling him, getting a scope of his body – the body that was made specifically for her. Gripping himself even tighter his entire body turned taut and quivering, his thighs straining, his ass clenching as his hips abruptly jerked into his awaiting fist.

A breathy curse tore from his lips as the images flooded into his mind in a jumbled, desperate mess. Her thighs spilling out of stockings. The sloping curve of her ass as she bent in front of him. The swell of her stomach as he took her from the side. Hair and tits and teeth scraping down his throat. Her lips on him, around him – licking, tasting, teasing.

Taking her in his chambers for hours, putting ice in her mouth and not letting her cum till it melts. Running his hands along her thighs under the dinner table, his hand on her leg like a permanent accessory. Fucking her hard and fast in that raw, animalistic way the bond craved for – that he craved for too. Making her fucking scream, letting the world know how sinful her pleasured whimpers sounded and then reminding that same world that she was his.

Her body. Her mouth. Her cunt. Warm. Tight. Wet.

Lucien came with a jagged gasp. His entire body coiling in on itself as his hip raised off the chair before he collapsed with a shudder as wave after wave of pleasure tore through him. His orgasm barrelled into him with a raw intensity bestowed only by the bond, causing his entire body to tremble as his cum splattered on the awaiting bare skin of his abdomen.

It seemed to take several moments with his hand still lazily milking himself before Lucien felt his entire body give out, his muscles turning into something liquid and satiated as he collapsed back in the chair. Sitting there, he could only manage to heave several breaths, his entire body feeling damp and warm as a light sheen of sweat coated his skin, making strands of his ruby hair stick to his face. When it came to Elain, everything was so much more intense.

After several heaving breaths, he felt himself begin to soften in his hand and let himself go as he pushed his hair off his face.

Looking down, he glanced at the milky cum splattered across his torso, the pale colour making his skin look even richer in the flickering firelight. An unbidden image of Elain on her knees before him, tracing the pattern of his cum with her tongue flooded into his mind and he let out a distressed groan.

So not entirely satiated then.

Chest still heaving for breath, Lucien pull his shirt from his body and began to lazily clean himself up. Pulling his pants off quickly after, Lucien threw away both offending items of clothing. He would bathe in the morning but for now, for tonight, he would enjoy the satiated feeling of his body, the sponginess of his muscles, the lack of taut hardness between his legs.

With the fire slowly dying Lucien had crawled between the sheets of his bed, pulling them down to his waist so that his bare torso may be kissed by the soft summer’s breeze coming from the window.

He’d slept better than he had in months, perhaps even years, and when he’d woken up it was to find something at ease within him.

Yesterday had happened, he’d kissed Elain and today they were travelling to Spring together where it was just to be them – and Tamlin.

Lucien had bathed hurriedly, not allowing his hands to linger too long on any part of himself. Then he was out and dressing, making sure to throw on an outfit that had come from his days in Spring. He wasn’t going to make much progress if he showed up in Illyrian leathers, again. After checking his bag several times, Lucien took a deep breath and went to find Elain.

Keep reading



nico:…and that’s the moment when it all went wrong. It’s all been downhill ever since my sister died. yeah, some days are easier than others but most of the time I wish I was never even born

employee: sir, this is a mcdonald’s drive thru

i had to,,, it’s too funny lmfao




When a fandom with a silent protagonist decides they use sign language = god tier shit

Link, Doomguy, Chell, Gordon Freeman, Red, Frisk, Minecraft Steve, all sign language users now
