#ac raymond

 A flowery commission for @wildwolf227 featuring their wolf town-rep! Commission Info II Ko-Fi II Re A flowery commission for @wildwolf227 featuring their wolf town-rep! Commission Info II Ko-Fi II Re A flowery commission for @wildwolf227 featuring their wolf town-rep! Commission Info II Ko-Fi II Re

A flowery commission for @wildwolf227 featuring their wolf town-rep!

Commission InfoIIKo-FiII Re-blogs Appreciated!

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So, as I’ve sort of voiced before, I’m not super crazy about how almost none of the villager houses match their preferences. Since Tom Nook gave me the option, I’m going to redesign everyone’s place!

Let’s start with main girl Ketchup!


Ketchup’s favorite colors are Aqua and White and her favorite style is cute. Now, unfortunately, there aren’t very many house designs including aqua, so I went with minty blue.


Again, not a lot of “aqua” stuff but I stuck with blue and white. I have a few items from the cute line in her house but over all tried to have a cute vibe. I gave her a circle light for her selfies (because you know she’s on tiktok or some shit). Since she likes tomato based stuff, I also gave her a tomato based dish.

Next we have my in-game husband, Lobo.


Lobo’s favorite colors are black and beige. I always kind of felt like beige was a sort of wishy-washy answer in animal crossing, since it’s not really brown and only is really present in wood items. His favorite style is cool and active.


I leaned pretty heavily onto the cool end. More or less I kept the previous layout that he had, just changing the items. So the bed is where the bed was, the couch was where the couch was, etc. Since his hobby is “education”, I figure he’s definitely investing in those museum posters.

Now Lolly, what my cat would look like in game.


Lolly’s favorite colors are grey and pink, which is actually a very pleasing to look at; especially if the grey is dark. Her favorite style is simple, and while it says her hobby is music, she seems to like cooking as well.


Somehow I made her place look bigger than before??? I just went with the vibes that she gave me along with liking simple stuff. It’s very homey and sweet looking.

Next is our second Ride or Die, Sprinkle


Much like Ketchup, her favorite colors are Aqua and White and her hobby is play. But along with the cute style, she also likes elegant!


For whatever reason, Animal Crossing decided that all penguins needed an ice theme. I’m not crazy about this idea, so I decided to do something else. As I mentioned earlier, Sprinkle likes cute and elegant; and being a penguin it’s safe to assume that she likes swimming. What do you get when you combine those three things? Mermaid.

Next we have Pecan


Pecan’s favorite colors are purple and beige, which actually looks very nice together. She likes elegant and gorgeous stuff and her hobby is fashion.


Why does her place look like every rich person’s house in movies? Whatever, it’s really elegant looking (duh) and I tried to throw some fashion related stuff into her house. Though I don’t have a good DIY workbench that matches the style, but it’s a place holder.

Now the fabulous Julian!


His favorite colors are purple and blue and he loves Gorgeous and Cool styles. It says his hobby is music bt, let’s be real, he’s all about that zodiac stuff.


So I went hard on the zodiac stuff! :D It always bugged me that he didn’t have a bed, so I gave him one! He’s the only villager that doesn’t have a DIY workbench, but again, I only have so many and none fit this style.

Now we got Pekoe!


Her favorite colors are red and beige, which sounded like it would be easy to find this combination in the Asian style houses, BUT NOPE. So I went with this.


Honestly, I didn’t change too too much. Since her hobby is nature, I figured some bonzai would be fun for her to have. Since she likes elegant and cute, I think I did a pretty good job. Not the best, but still better than what is was.

Let’s work with the good boy Lucky!


I will say that I combined his favorite things and his vibe. I don’t know what I expected when I first went into his place, but it definitely wasn’t a grave. If we were going that route, we were going to apply what he likes; beige, white and simple!


LET’S GO PHAROH LUCKY!!!! I wanted it to look like a tomb, but also somewhere he can… like… live. But if he’s gonna be wrapped like a mummy, I’m gonna run with the vibe. (Also, he has bug heads because of the bugs in the walls).

Now it’s time for the mind of the Bubblegum Sisters, Francine!


While she kinda radiates the “I’m not like other girls” vibe, especially with her favorite colors being black and blue, I forwent the elegant/gorgeous route so she could be the opposite of Chrissy.


This room sits nicely between “hello darkness, my old friend” and “I can be soft sometimes!”, which is what I wanted to portray. I would have added more fashion related stuff, but I didn’t have enough shelves. But! In the default layout of her house, she has a photo of Chrissy next to her bed! So I kept that and added the heart shine!

Now for the heart of the Bubblegum Sisters, Chrissy!


If Francine is the edgy goth friend, Chrissy is the soft UwU friend. She likes pink and white, fashion and the cute style! Also (assuming they’re born within the same year), Chrissy is the younger of the two. So I wanted to add that sort of “just like my big sis” vibe.


Soft? Check. Cute? Check. Pink and white? Check. Picture of Francine? Check! Honestly, I’m not sure why something like this wasn’t the default. It just seems like this set was made for Chrissy.

I will add more as I switch out villagers and decide that some of them need and update!


Let’s start with our demon deer babe, Shino!

Shino’s favorite colors are red and black, her hobby is education, and her favorite styles are elegant and gorgeous. Since she was based off of the hannya mask from Noh theatre (a type of kabuki theatre that relies more on the use of masks rather than having several different actors), I wanted to put emphasis on the idea of an elegant but dangerous woman.

The hannya mask is to represent a jealous female demon, and every jealous woman I know of is more than she appears to be. So by the first glance, this is just the home of an educated and elegant woman. But between the hannya mask on the wall and a lot of breakable furniture, Shino is very well armed. She can (and will) mess you up if you cross her.

Next we have the gender stereotype defying bunny, Sasha!

Sasha’s favorite colors are blue and white, his hobby is fashion, and his favorite styles are simple and cute! Fun fact about Sasha, in every language he has a name that is gender ambiguous, so I’ve decided that Sasha is gender neutral and I will refer to them with they/them pronouns from this point of the post onward. I tried to put an emphasis on the BLUE versus aqua since I already have two villager’s who have that theme. But… Sasha had other plans…

For a big chunk of it, I kept the majority of their furniture the same and just changed some colors from teal to blue. But something that hurt my soul was that originally he had everything sort of crowded to the south west of the house (bottom left if you don’t understand.) So I made it more spacious. While it says his hobby is fashion, the plushy board game going on suggests it might actually be play.

Next we have the dreamy Ione!

So, to my great surprise, Ione’s favorite colors are white and black! Less surprising, her hobby is fashion and her favorite styles are cool and cute. But she is one of the only villagers that glow in the dark, and the second non-robot villager that glows in the dark (Lucky is the other one). At first I had a totally different idea of what to do for her house, but then I saw her interior and… well…

She had a nice set up. So why fix what ain’t broke? For the most part. I changed out some of the furniture so it was black and white and customized some of the already present furniture so it could also match. There wasn’t a whole lot that needed changing though!

Last but not least, our Lisa Frank inspired cub; Judy!

Much like Chrissy, Judy’s favorite colors are pink and white! (I tried not to make them match too much, but what can you do?) Her hobby is music and her favorite styles are cute and elegant. I knew I didn’t want it to look like Chrissy’s place, but I also wanted to respect her style. And I refuse to let her have a childish style that her wood-block furniture implied.

Since she reminds me of Lisa Frank, I ran with that vibe! And the dreamy set really helps with that! I was worried that the lips would clash with the heart wallpaper, but they look pretty nice. And I ended up giving her a music box because K.K. Lullaby has a part that sounds like nightmare fuel and the music box can’t replicate that. Judy’s not sinister, she’s fabulous.

Alright! I’ve got the last three villagers swapped out! (Ketchup, Sprinkle, and Lobo are permanent residents, so they are still there).

Let’s start with everyone’s favorite hipster cat, Raymond!

Raymond’s favorite colors are Black and Grey! Which already makes him feel more like a goth than a hipster, but whatever. His hobby is nature and his favorite styles are Elegant and Cool! Fun fact, Raymond is the first villager to have heterochromia, which means each eye is a different color!

The fact that Raymond’s initial decor was just an office really bugged me. I’m a firm believer that work stays at work. Though some of us are just workaholics, so I permitted him a desk, a computer, an office chair and some forms. But I really wanted to lean in on the nature aspect and have his hobby take over rather than his work. So we got plants, and plants, and even more plants! I also went for the iron-wood furniture to blend natural and industrial, since he seems like the type to be into that look!

Next we got a strongest boi, Dom!

Dom’s favorite colors are Red and “Colorful”, which is my least favorite color in Animal Crossing because it’s vague. His favorite style is active and cute, and his hobby is play! Since, as I just said, colorful is vague and his hobby is play, I went for a sort of toybox look while also respecting the fact that he is a jock personality.

And I went hard on it! He seems like the type to dabble in a little of everything when it comes to sports, so I just grabbed a lot of stuff that could fit into fitness and play! I tried to make sure that red was sprinkled through out, but when your favorite color is “COLORFUL”, I imagine rainbow; so red is included!

Last but not least, everyone’s big sis Reneigh!

Reneigh’s favorite colors are black and purple! (Seriously, what’s with all these goths???) Her favorite styles are cool and gorgeous, and her hobby is… play?! Really?! Play. Okay, let’s figure this stuff out. And since I don’t know her well yet, let’s go with some trivia. Reneigh’s name is a combination of the name Rene, and the onomatopoeia for the sound a horse makes, which is “neigh”.

So I really struggled with this one, and while I’m super proud of what I managed, I feel like it could have been better? There just aren’t a lot of pieces that can have purple on them and I’m not super crazy about the purple options that they have for the patterns. But I do love the black music note one that they added! And the dream set really came through for me, so I’m glad I could have some elements of play! (Plus Pop Team Epic, which is a playful show.)

Extra! We got Ketchup again!

The way I decorated her home kinda bugged me a bit. As I mentioned before, her favorite colors are aqua and white, but there really isn’t a whole lot of aqua stuff. So I went into the custom designs to find something aqua and I found something that worked So using that, I tried to figure out how to make it all work, and I’m happy to say that I’m happier with this result.

I cant get more then 2 stars, that famous dog is never gonna come

ALSO I had no idea people were so jazzed about this fancy business cat.

hes just been living in a tent for weeks, i had no idea i had a celebrity visiting, i guess i need to actually build his house now.

anyway if any of you are playing and want to be friends DM me!



Thanks everyone! i put all my shit out on the lawn and now the dog is COMING!

thank you for the advice!

Halloween Bi Raymond Icons
