#ace attorney mia fey


I am being self indulgent again :,0) but I missed drawing miego very much,,,

[Image Description: A digital drawing of Diego Armando and Mia Fey. In the bottom left of the image, Diego and Mia are laying on their sides together. Diego has his arm wrapped around Mia’s shoulder from behind. He is kissing her cheek with closed eyes and a happy expression. His nails are painted in the trans flag colors and he is wearing a red tank top. Mia’s eyes are closed and she is smiling. Her right hand is visible and painted in the same trans pride colors. She is wearing a light purple tank top and a warm orange colored blanket is covering them from the waist down. Behind them is a window with a sunrise beaming in. In the top right is a shoulders-up drawing of Diego and Mia from a side view. They are leaning their foreheads against each other with smiles. Mia has her right hand rested on Diego’s chest and he is holding it with both his hands. In the top left of the image is dialogue between them that reads:

Mia: Diego…

Diego: Mm?

Mia: Have you made coffee yet?

Diego: Yes, ma’am. It’s waiting for you along with your estrogen.

Mia: And your t-shot?

Diego: All you, kitten. End Description]
