#ace trappola x you


About: Day 2 of valentwst with Ace! Using prompts Rain + “You look good in my colors.” 

Where you got caught in some bad weather while playing with the hedgehogs in Heartslabyul.


Sheesh, did one of the Diasomnia students lose their temper or something?” You muttered, glancing out the windows as lightning flashed. The rain was thundering against the glass, and you’d just escaped said rain just a few minutes ago as you were rushed indoors by Ace.

Ace threw a towel at you, saying something about how you’d catch a cold if you stayed a mess like that. Letting out an offended huff, you made your way to his side and peeked over to see what he was searching for in his closet.

“What the– Why are you still here?!”

“What?” You looked at him like he’d grown two heads. “Where else would I go? You’re the one that dragged me to your room!”

“Just,” Ace stopped himself, turning to hastily fish out a coat and shirt and shoving them into your arms. Before you could protest otherwise, he was already pushing you back out and giving you directions to the showers. “You’ll get sick if you stay like that, and I don’t need Trey or Cater on my ass for not being hospitable or whatever.”

He quickly shut the door on you before burying his face in his hands. When he noticed that someone was still with the hedgehogs while the storm was brewing, Ace simply thought they were an idiot and was going to continue on with his day.

Then you stepped out of the roofed area and straight into the rain, and it hit him that it was his idiot out there, doing Seven knows what in the worst weather they’ve had this term.

Imagine his dumbfoundedness when the first thing you said to him was not a greeting nor a thank you, but rather a concern about a hedgehog that you spotted escaping into the wilderness. Ace almost felt his sanity slipping as you blatantly disregarded your safety and continued to search for the animal, insisting that you couldn’t leave it to fend for itself.

He found it admirable that you were such a caring person, but at times like these Ace really wished you could be more self-centered.  He’s going to age twice as fast like this – he can feel it in his bones. Finally regaining his strength, Ace picked a random set of clothes and set off to the showers himself. Seeing as he was roped into the rescue of one hedgehog, he too was drenched from the rain earlier.

A quick spell was used to dry off your clothes to prevent trekking water into the dorm, but that was far from enough to properly freshen up. Hopefully Riddle wouldn’t put up a fuss about this, seeing as it was for an animal’s sake. 

By the time he was done, Ace assumed you’d either returned to his room or was somewhere else in the dorm, seeing as the storm hadn’t let up yet. When he turned the doorknob to his room and pushed open the door, Ace was greeted by the sight of you drying your hair.

What he wasn’t mentally prepared for was seeing you in his clothes – he wasn’t paying attention to what he grabbed at first, but it seemed that it was just another version of his uniform. The blazer was pretty comfortable though, so he wasn’t too concerned about that. Rather, a ridiculous part of him was both embarrassed and proud of the sight.

Clearly, in reaction to said emotions, Ace did what came easiest – which was putting on a mask of calm as he entered and sat on the other end of his bed. 

“You know, this actually isn’t so bad.” He started talking before his brain could catch up. “You look good in my colors.”

It took him a second too late to realize exactly what he said.
