#twst imagines


Incorrect Twisted Wonderland Quotes

After being bugged by Azul and Floyd to try ang get Jade to save their lives from him, take a break. The Prefect conceded with a free meal in place

Yuu/Mc tired from being mentally tug around by Azul and Floyd: Go touch some grass Jade. You’re probably high on caffeine, nerves and fumes from the psychedelic mushrooms- wherever you took that from.

Jade, messy hair, crazy smile and his right eye twitching : Prefect, I do appreciate such concern however I am not as fragile as your kind; I’ll last a bit more longer.


Yuu/Mc: Right. Merfolk.

Yuu/Mc turning around and leaving: Go touch some kelp then.


Jade: (ಠ⌣ಠ)?!?

Twisted wonderland Incorrect Quotes

Malleus: Child of man, why are you covering your right eye? Are you hurt?

Lilia smiling cheekily: This is that one trend I told you about Malleus. Youths have this, “Emo phase” where they are cynical and edgy. Concluding that living is meaningless

Mc: Humans are created to serve a supreme being and is predestined to die with the code embedded in their minds. A structure of “saving grace” that is said to bring transcendency is nothing but a lie crafted to enslave the people through a religious system.

Silver: They’re hiding their bruised eye from running into a lamp post

Mc, flustered and stuttering: YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO TELL THEM!

Lilia: HAHAHAHAHA I can’t believe you didn’t notice the lamp post

Malleus: ಠ_ಠ

Mc: I was too absorbed by my surroundings okay-

Silver: Grim hasn’t stopped laughing and Sebek is still screaming for Ice in the kitchen ever since you all walked in here


Twisted wonderland Incorrect Quotes

Mc: What do you call someone who you can’t figure out?

Riddle: Eccentric

Leona: Woman

Azul: Jade

Vil: Rook

Kalim: Sadoku

Idia: It’s sudoku, also a normie

Malleus: Lilia, How does this work again? Their lips are moving yet I can’t hear anything? Press the- what?

-Malleus left the call-

Twisted wonderland Incorrect Quotes

*During Book 4*

Jade: Presumably by this letter from Jamil, he might be despondent with you Kalim.

Kalim: That’s impossible! What makes you say that?

Floyd, reading out loud: “Dear Kalim, I hope this note finds you before I do.”

Twisted wonderland Incorrect Quotes

Rook: Bonne journée Trickster! Would you humour me for a slow dance? La vitalité de mon âme

Mc/Yuu: Sure. *Dances Macarena at 0.25 speed*

Twisted wonderland Incorrect Quotes

Mc: So, how many did you refrain from collaring today?

Riddle: Thirty two

Mc: Good for you

Mc: Here, have a strawberry

Riddle, expectantly: I’ve also refrained from fourteen severe maimings

Mc: *Hands him a second strawberry*


Mc: Positive reinforcement

Twisted wonderland Incorrect Quotes

Mc, haggard and sleep deprived: Forget it. It’s not about them having mental illnesses.

Mc looks at the NRC students and back at who knows where like in the office: They are the Mental illness

Twisted wonderland Incorrect Quotes

Mc trying to vent with the amount of bs they put with in NRC: It’s like, idk, it’s just like-Idk dude.. Idk… Ya know like-yeah.

Twisted wonderland Incorrect Quotes

Mc: Ignoring toxic people is also a form of self care

Idia: But if I ignore people, I’m Anti-social?

Idia: And if I ignore myself, I’m being irresponsible?

Idia: Mc-shii, everyone is toxic even I, if you’d align it to another’s moral code of society’s framework.

Ortho: He has a lose streak and won’t eat his vegetables.

Mc: No wonder.

Comfort Headcanons: Heartslabyul + Octavinelle

Summary: The second and third years are here for you, if you’d like the comfort I’ve only done two dorms for now, but might write the rest too if there’s interest!

Characters: Riddle, Trey, Cater, Azul, Jade, Floyd

CW:At the start of each section the reader’s worries/situation is described. If you’d rather not read contents related to said topics, feel free to scroll past!

Heartslabyul: feeling alone, like you don’t fit in

  • Trey is aware their dorm can be a rowdy bunch, but please know that whenever you’re feeling down, they’re more than happy to be there for you to lean on.
  • Riddle tells you about the history of the dorm, slowing down to appreciate the rose garden especially.
  • When he’s not angered, Riddle’s voice is very pleasant to listen to. Besides that, there’s a sense of delicate nostalgia in the way he introduces you to how roses came to be symbolic to the Queen of Hearts.
  • Riddle can be a little awkward about approaching emotions, but you realise he’s trying to keep you company in his own way. Perhaps listening to stories like these was how he passed the time when he was a child?
  • You can imagine a young Riddle, curious and wide-eyed at the wondrous campus you get to live on. Besides that, you can see the way he seems to find comfort in nature and animals - perhaps as a result of the strict childhood you heard of from Trey…
  • Riddle is a gentle person beneath his severity, and through today you feel a bit less intimidated by his perfection in academics. Trey places a plate of biscuits before you, telling you about the new blend he bought lately.
  • Whether or not you’re the type to appreciate the aroma of tea, there’s no doubt that having a warm drink soothes the senses. Trey checks up on you, asking how things have been going lately - he’s attentive and makes you feel listened to without the pressure of divulging things you’d rather not, and shares random stories he can think of to pass the time as well.
  • And of course, as a reliable third-year, Trey is happy to offer some advice if you have something on your mind. When you ask him if there was anything he wishes his past self knew, Trey was caught off-guard before settling into a thoughtful silence.
  • Finally, you’re told that he wishes he was a bit braver. He says this quietly right as Cater enters the room, flashing a smile and wink at you as he announces that he’s here to help his cute underclassman through their rough path.
  • You try to tell him that it’s not that serious, but Cater simply continues on and joins the conversation (something about how you shouldn’t take away his chance to support you).
  • When you offhandedly summarize that you were just feeling a little alone and isolated, Cater frowns - but not particularly at you, rather…
  • “Hey, we’re right here, aren’t we?” He tries to pout and lighten the mood, but it melts into a sadder, understanding smile. “So even if you feel like there’s nowhere to go, you can come to us.”
  • Despite all its rules, Wonderland is a place that accommodates all sorts no matter what cards you’ve been dealt. So when the roses have been painted red, and the white rabbit wanders across the green… won’t you humor them for a tea party or two?

Octavinelle: too many things to do, burnout/overwhelmed

  • Busy, busy, busy… That was your general impression of Octavinelle. Who could blame you when the lounge was always bustling with business and students, hurrying about for studies and clubs? 
  • Azul sympathizes with your desire to handle things alone, but doesn’t agree with the way you’re stretching yourself thin. He reminds you that a sustainable lifestyle would always be better in the long run, and even offers his help.
  • He knows how hard it can be to break out of a habit, so instead of simply convincing you to want to change, Azul gives you tips to cope with it for now. He respects your feelings to continue on, and tries to make it more forgiving on you with tips and knowledge.
  • Payment? Oh, don’t worry about it - he’ll collect that when you’re not as overwhelmed with life. Very benevolent of him, no?
  • Jade mentions that you seem frazzled these days, which surprises you since you didn’t realise he was paying attention. 
  • He asks if you’d like a drink (on the house!) And who are you to reject the offer when he gives you a slight smile and starts to work?
  • Little talks with Jade are nice, especially when there are no ulterior motives - and you find that he’s quite good at giving advice! Especially when what you needed was a strategic approach. His mind was as sharp as ever, always able to help you out of a conundrum - not without reasonable efforts on your part too, of course.
  • Floyd simply takes a look at you and says that prolonging your burnout doesn’t seem to be worth it - because the look in your eyes? You don’t seem like you’re having fun, and that’s reason enough to stop.
  • It’s touching enough that he doesn’t just leave you to suffer alone though. Floyd tags along with you on occasion (he does leave when he gets too bored, but it’s the thought that counts! And he does come back around later to check if you’re still slaving away.)
  • In a sense, he likes to look after you! Much like Jade, you don’t really realise this until he asks if you’re done with that project for Professor Trein, and halfway through your answer you trail away in surprise. Floyd doesn’t pay it any mind though, prompting you to continue.
  • Despite how ambitious your peers could be, you learn that when work hours dwindle to a stop, even the fishes go to rest. The sea and stars murmur, quiet as the moon watches over your tired forms.


Summary: You’ve found out Cater was a vampire, and try to express that you’re not leaving him anytime soon.

CW:Vampires, mentions of drinking your blood

Cater has always tried to suppress his desire for blood; if he was a terrying predator, it’d only drive people away. No one likes a vampire without self-control, after all. It was just uncivilised - no dignity at all!

Things were picture-perfect, right up until he met you.

See, you weren’t just any friend; you cared about Cater, perhaps a bit too much for your own good. He’d simply dub it as curiosity, but at the end of the day Cater knew it was instead worry that drove you to look into his lifestyle, and to eventually figure out what he was.

…and just to call it curiosity felt empty, didn’t it? As foolish as it was, Cater didn’t want to reduce your intentions into something as flimsy as that.

All the moments he let himself slip played in his mind as he buried his face into his pillow - a part of himself was relieved you finally knew his identity, yet another was afraid.

You weren’t disgusted by him at the moment. That much was clear from how you’re still by his side, daring to run your hand through his hair as if to calm him. Cater didn’t have to heart to tell you that your touch was just making him more nervous, and a little indignant - would you really smile at him so kindly once you saw what a monster he could be?

Cater pushed himself upright, sitting himself next to you. You were surprised by his sudden movement, but chose to watch his expression carefully instead.

Worried, curious, caring. Cater wanted to soak in your attention, and another part of him wanted to push you away.

Could he scare you if he tried? How much effort would it take?

“You’re oddly calm, Prefect.” His voice was smooth as honey. As he whispered into your ear, heat rushed to up your neck in a prickling sensation. “…Hey, since you know my secret now, can I ask you something?”

“Ask me…?” You weren’t sure what it was, but something about his tone made you tense. This wasn’t the usual Cater, he…

He sounded angry. And just a little afraid.

“Would you let me drink your blood?” As you struggled to answer, Cater drew away and laughed. “I promise it won’t hurt! But you don’t have to say yes of course, I can find other sources for food.”

He didn’t expect you to agree, nodding your head with a nervous gulp. Cater’s eyes widened for a moment, before he gave you yet another smile.

He brushed his hair out of his face as he leaned closer to you. Even if his instincts told him to bite down, Cater hesitated from piercing your flesh, instead grazing your neck with the tips of his fangs.

“Are you sure about this?”

“…I trust you, Cater.”

That was the moment all the energy seeped out of his body, and Cater surprised you by laying his head on your shoulder instead, nuzzling into you.

He hoped you wouldn’t shift to look at his face - he was sure it was burning red from how embarrassed he felt. Cater let himself rest some of his weight onto you for support. Your words played in his head like a haze, as did the warmth of your body so close to his.

How could he ever think of scaring you away?

Summary: a Tangled!AU with Malleus as Rapunzel, and reader as Flynn

This is also a collab with the talented @myuunji please do check out their blog if you haven’t already!!


“What are you doing?”

“What?” You looked at him as if he’d grown an extra head. “Of course it’s to…”

The world sets his senses ablaze. Malleus is revering at the way he’s lost in it: the sunlight that cast the town in a golden glow, the lanterns and flowers that’s blurring from how the dance spins, and steps, and brings him round and round again.

His partner changes once more, and Malleus hears a laugh that draws his eyes in its direction. Everything slows, it comes to focus on the crinkle at the corner of your eyes, your grin, and the way you looked as if the world couldn’t touch you.

He longs, for a moment, to reach out towards that light - and then the music clicks back into place as momentum draws him into a turn, pulling him away and leaving Malleus stunned by the sudden loss of that sight.

The melody picks up its tempo, building into a crescendo. The beat quickens, the smiles grow more giddy, and this time Malleus doesn’t stop himself from searching for you. A glance, a discreet turn, a tilt of the head–

His heart almost stops when you appear from behind him, switching partners and stepping around so fluidly as if you’ve known this dance all your life.

With how happy you look right now, Malleus hopes you really did.

The world starts to spin again.


“This is an improvement from the tavern,” Malleus glances at you out of the corner of his eye. “Are you familiar with this town?”

He can imagine you living here, free from the bounty on your head and friends with many. Perhaps he might see you during a celebration such as this again, and–

“I’ve visited a few times before, but never stuck around too long because of…” You gesture vaguely, bringing his attention to your deft hands. A stall is selling apples for a deal, and you smile as you give them the coin for it - from his pouch. “It’s a nice place though, right?”

You turn to him, returning the money and expecting an answer.

“I wouldn’t mind visiting again,” he manages to say.

There’s a tilt to your lips as you consider it. “So you like atmospheres like these, huh? The tower probably didn’t have much for entertainment with you all alone.”

“I didn’t mind being alone that much,” he admits. “But it would be nice to be invited to events once in a while.”

You said you’d keep that in mind, and Malleus can’t help but wonder what his life might’ve been like if only he’d met you earlier. He looks pointedly at the bouquet in your arms as you sit yourselves on a bench, raising a brow. “Do vendors normally give out cabbages to who they think are couples?”

You almost choke at his wording. “I– Uh, not exactly. I think it was just because he owned a vegetable stall.” You look down at the greens. “Generally it’d be a bouquet of flowers, but I suppose if you try hard enough they’d look like roses?”

“Would you prefer if they were something else?”

Malleus took your curious look as a go-ahead to show what he meant; he reaches out and touches the tip of his finger to the bouquet, and you watch in awe as a familiar green trail of magic envelops it. It tickles your hands as the cabbages glow and bloom into soft petals of yellows and blues and purples, like a meadow of wildflowers captured to rest in your arms.

He picks one to tuck behind your ear with a pleased smile. “…There.”

Your eyes widen as you feel your face heating up. In your indignation you avert your gaze and demand that Malleus turn around so that you aren’t the only one decorated with blooms (and so that he wouldn’t notice your movements growing flustered).

Yet even as you tuck flower after flower into his hair, you slowly come to the realization that they stood out vibrantly against his dark locks. Not to mention, it’s hard to embarrass a man who knows nothing of what your actions might imply.

It’s a blessing and a curse, for when he smiles at you after you’re done, you realize…


“How do I look?” He asks.

Beautiful, you think. (It’s bittersweet.) You look like a prince.

And princes have always been out of reach for commoners, and lie even further from a thief wanted by the kingdom.

“Great,” You reply weakly, folding your hands onto your lap and smiling back. “You look wonderful.”

art credits to @myuunji​ !!


How do sentient dorm leaders react when player wishes to uninstall the game because their favourite character, Idia refuses to greet them?

Characters - Dorm leaders, Rook.

gn! reader mentioned as player. (Sentient AU)

Player ( with a heavy sigh ) - Idia refuses to come greet me. I should probably uninstall the game if he doesn’t show up in the next few days…

Sentient characters panick.

Sentient Riddle ( knocking at Idia’s door like a madman ) - Come out Idia!

Sentient Vil ( arms crossed and glaring at the door ) - Idia you better have a good excuse when I get to you.

Sentient Kalim - Idia, Player is sad. Come out (。•́︿•̀。)

Sentient Malleus burns the door down by breathing fire.

Sentient Malleus ( in a frenzied voice ) - Shroud, come with me before Child of Man decides to leave us behind.

They’re surprised to see Idia in a maid outfit.

Keep reading




People keep saying my more recent Kalim drawings have looked like muppets so

Poor Jamil needs a day off

Jamil pls baby take a rest

*taps mic* AHEM!

Attention Twst community! I am on a mission! A mission to share this song with the community because it just works so well and it should have a twst fan lyric video with original art but unfortunately i am not very skilled!

So Enjoy!


scribbles and scratches and an incorrect quote thing hehe

little otp incorrect quote (?)

yuu;/on laptop in the middle of the floor/ why are you so faaaar?!

idia;/on laptop on couch/ the outlet is here and i’m more comfortable.

yuu;/long sad stare directly to idia/

yuu;/sniff/ fine then, be that away.

idia; don’t be so dramatic!

5 minutes later

idia; /moves to sit next to yuu/

idia;shut up. /to yuu’s smug little smile/
