#storm writings



Summary: You’ve found out Cater was a vampire, and try to express that you’re not leaving him anytime soon.

CW:Vampires, mentions of drinking your blood

Cater has always tried to suppress his desire for blood; if he was a terrying predator, it’d only drive people away. No one likes a vampire without self-control, after all. It was just uncivilised - no dignity at all!

Things were picture-perfect, right up until he met you.

See, you weren’t just any friend; you cared about Cater, perhaps a bit too much for your own good. He’d simply dub it as curiosity, but at the end of the day Cater knew it was instead worry that drove you to look into his lifestyle, and to eventually figure out what he was.

…and just to call it curiosity felt empty, didn’t it? As foolish as it was, Cater didn’t want to reduce your intentions into something as flimsy as that.

All the moments he let himself slip played in his mind as he buried his face into his pillow - a part of himself was relieved you finally knew his identity, yet another was afraid.

You weren’t disgusted by him at the moment. That much was clear from how you’re still by his side, daring to run your hand through his hair as if to calm him. Cater didn’t have to heart to tell you that your touch was just making him more nervous, and a little indignant - would you really smile at him so kindly once you saw what a monster he could be?

Cater pushed himself upright, sitting himself next to you. You were surprised by his sudden movement, but chose to watch his expression carefully instead.

Worried, curious, caring. Cater wanted to soak in your attention, and another part of him wanted to push you away.

Could he scare you if he tried? How much effort would it take?

“You’re oddly calm, Prefect.” His voice was smooth as honey. As he whispered into your ear, heat rushed to up your neck in a prickling sensation. “…Hey, since you know my secret now, can I ask you something?”

“Ask me…?” You weren’t sure what it was, but something about his tone made you tense. This wasn’t the usual Cater, he…

He sounded angry. And just a little afraid.

“Would you let me drink your blood?” As you struggled to answer, Cater drew away and laughed. “I promise it won’t hurt! But you don’t have to say yes of course, I can find other sources for food.”

He didn’t expect you to agree, nodding your head with a nervous gulp. Cater’s eyes widened for a moment, before he gave you yet another smile.

He brushed his hair out of his face as he leaned closer to you. Even if his instincts told him to bite down, Cater hesitated from piercing your flesh, instead grazing your neck with the tips of his fangs.

“Are you sure about this?”

“…I trust you, Cater.”

That was the moment all the energy seeped out of his body, and Cater surprised you by laying his head on your shoulder instead, nuzzling into you.

He hoped you wouldn’t shift to look at his face - he was sure it was burning red from how embarrassed he felt. Cater let himself rest some of his weight onto you for support. Your words played in his head like a haze, as did the warmth of your body so close to his.

How could he ever think of scaring you away?

Summary: a Tangled!AU with Malleus as Rapunzel, and reader as Flynn

This is also a collab with the talented @myuunji please do check out their blog if you haven’t already!!


“What are you doing?”

“What?” You looked at him as if he’d grown an extra head. “Of course it’s to…”

The world sets his senses ablaze. Malleus is revering at the way he’s lost in it: the sunlight that cast the town in a golden glow, the lanterns and flowers that’s blurring from how the dance spins, and steps, and brings him round and round again.

His partner changes once more, and Malleus hears a laugh that draws his eyes in its direction. Everything slows, it comes to focus on the crinkle at the corner of your eyes, your grin, and the way you looked as if the world couldn’t touch you.

He longs, for a moment, to reach out towards that light - and then the music clicks back into place as momentum draws him into a turn, pulling him away and leaving Malleus stunned by the sudden loss of that sight.

The melody picks up its tempo, building into a crescendo. The beat quickens, the smiles grow more giddy, and this time Malleus doesn’t stop himself from searching for you. A glance, a discreet turn, a tilt of the head–

His heart almost stops when you appear from behind him, switching partners and stepping around so fluidly as if you’ve known this dance all your life.

With how happy you look right now, Malleus hopes you really did.

The world starts to spin again.


“This is an improvement from the tavern,” Malleus glances at you out of the corner of his eye. “Are you familiar with this town?”

He can imagine you living here, free from the bounty on your head and friends with many. Perhaps he might see you during a celebration such as this again, and–

“I’ve visited a few times before, but never stuck around too long because of…” You gesture vaguely, bringing his attention to your deft hands. A stall is selling apples for a deal, and you smile as you give them the coin for it - from his pouch. “It’s a nice place though, right?”

You turn to him, returning the money and expecting an answer.

“I wouldn’t mind visiting again,” he manages to say.

There’s a tilt to your lips as you consider it. “So you like atmospheres like these, huh? The tower probably didn’t have much for entertainment with you all alone.”

“I didn’t mind being alone that much,” he admits. “But it would be nice to be invited to events once in a while.”

You said you’d keep that in mind, and Malleus can’t help but wonder what his life might’ve been like if only he’d met you earlier. He looks pointedly at the bouquet in your arms as you sit yourselves on a bench, raising a brow. “Do vendors normally give out cabbages to who they think are couples?”

You almost choke at his wording. “I– Uh, not exactly. I think it was just because he owned a vegetable stall.” You look down at the greens. “Generally it’d be a bouquet of flowers, but I suppose if you try hard enough they’d look like roses?”

“Would you prefer if they were something else?”

Malleus took your curious look as a go-ahead to show what he meant; he reaches out and touches the tip of his finger to the bouquet, and you watch in awe as a familiar green trail of magic envelops it. It tickles your hands as the cabbages glow and bloom into soft petals of yellows and blues and purples, like a meadow of wildflowers captured to rest in your arms.

He picks one to tuck behind your ear with a pleased smile. “…There.”

Your eyes widen as you feel your face heating up. In your indignation you avert your gaze and demand that Malleus turn around so that you aren’t the only one decorated with blooms (and so that he wouldn’t notice your movements growing flustered).

Yet even as you tuck flower after flower into his hair, you slowly come to the realization that they stood out vibrantly against his dark locks. Not to mention, it’s hard to embarrass a man who knows nothing of what your actions might imply.

It’s a blessing and a curse, for when he smiles at you after you’re done, you realize…


“How do I look?” He asks.

Beautiful, you think. (It’s bittersweet.) You look like a prince.

And princes have always been out of reach for commoners, and lie even further from a thief wanted by the kingdom.

“Great,” You reply weakly, folding your hands onto your lap and smiling back. “You look wonderful.”

art credits to @myuunji​ !!

Vampire!Ace Trappola

CW:Vampires, Ace drinks your blood, mentions of a wound from that.

Just a little bit yabai, please read at your own discretion!

“Are you dumb or something?” Ace mutters. His gaze is conflicted as it rests on you. “Why aren’t you running off?”

You’re the dumb one here.” You scoff, crossing your arms. For someone volunteering to be a bloodbag, you didn’t seem very concerned at all. “Why would I run from you? It’s not like you’re going to kill me from just a meal.”

No - but Ace would’ve preferred if you were more worried for yourself. He sighs, staying in place. “I’m not drinking from you. You should take this more seriously, you know? I could take too much, and then-”

“-and if I pass out, you better nurse me back to health.” You say it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. You place your hands on Ace’s shoulders, forcing him to look at you. “I know you’re worried about somehow messing this up, but I trust you. You need blood to live, right? And you haven’t fed in a while.”

Ah, this isn’t good - with you so close, the urge to bite grew stronger. You were dangling a dessert right before his face.

“…Just a little.” Ace bit his lip. “Don’t go complaining later on if it hurts more than you expected.”

He contemplated where to drink from, running his thumb over the side of your neck. You tensed. He could feel your pulse more clearly now - it skipped in anticipation, and…

Ace couldn’t help but smile to himself: you acted all high and mighty, but you’re kind of scared too, aren’t you?

He didn’t hate that. It was good that you still had some sense in front of a predator.

As he leaned closer to your neck, you held your breath - only to let out a noise of confusion as he took your wrist instead, drawing your palm to his lips, and bit.

It stung a little, but you were too distracted by the way it tickled afterwards, and how Ace’s eyes were still on you: half-lidded and not completely focused, glowing just slightly as he drank. Your body felt warm, as if he was drawing blood from all over.

Your mind grew a bit fuzzy - perhaps an ability of his to placate his victims - before the warmth of him drew away. Your palm was throbbing slightly where the skin was punctured, but not enough to really hurt. Ace placed a gentle kiss on the wound, and you watched in awe as he muttered in a language you didn’t understand, commanding the wound to heal before your very eyes.

“You feeling okay?” His words were tentative, as if he was still tasting the blood - your blood, on his tongue. Ace licked his lips absentmindedly as he examined your complexion, placing his hands on your face to get a read of your temperature.

“I… I’m fine,” you croaked.

Ace smiled despite himself, chuckling lightly as he brushed his thumb over your cheek - savoring you. “Yeah… You are. Just don’t go offering yourself to some other vampire, alright? Not all of them are as gentle as me.”

Cat Day!

Summary: They become catboys due to a potions mishap

Characters: Ace, Epel, Idia, Floyd

Commissions are Open!


  • It’s funny instead of infuriating now whenever Ace gets proud, because you can clearly see it even when he’s not outwardly bragging about something.
  • His tail would wave around contentedly when he got an answer right in class, which you and Deuce can’t help but find amusing because of how often Ace teases you guys for being “teacher’s pets”
  • You pet his ears without thinking and Ace instinctively leans into your touch. His eyes almost flutter close when he realizes what’s happening and jolts out of his seat, swearing at his slip-up.
  • He glares at your disappointed expression, avoiding you with a one-meter radius for the rest of the day. But when you try one last time to ask to pet his ears with a pleading look, Ace feels his resolve crippling away.
  • “…Just a little bit, okay?! Don’t go overboard!”


  • Gives you a deadpan look whenever you coo over how cute he is, reminding you that these features aren’t actually real, you know. It doesn’t help that ever since the incident he seems to have been attracting the cats on campus (much to your delight)
  • Epel wonders if this is a blessing or a curse sometimes, because while he doesn’t want your entire impression of him to just be ‘adorable’, he can’t help but think that in turn, your behavior is very cute when it comes to reacting to these things.
  • …That is, until you went and had the nerve to scratch under his chin. Epel freezes in surprise before he flinches away, losing his cool as his ears start to burn with a flustered blush.
  • “What the–? You–” Epel struggles to control his outburst, lest his seniors hear of it. “Could you not do that?? I’m not a pet!”


  • When you enter his room to see how he’s doing, his ears press down against his head in protest. Normally Idia would let you in to game together, but you can’t possibly expect him to do that now, right??
  • Wrong. To be his friend in the first place requires stubbornness, and that stands true today as you end up seated next to Idia with a console in hand. You can’t help but tease Idia about cosplaying some anime characters while he has these features ‘naturally’.
  • He only grumbles in response, tail methodically flicking as his hands work on beating the level on the screen. Sometimes said tail would brush against your side whilst you played, though you weren’t sure if he was aware of that or not.
  • “You’d look better than me dressing up like that. I’m not the cutesy-cosplayer type, you know?” …Not the kind he has in mind, at least.


  • He was certainly annoyed at first and tried to go after the students that were part of the incident, but Crewel quickly brought order back to the class; Floyd would just have to live with it, and it just so happens that he’s in the mood for your company, hence how you end up trying to study in the lounge while Floyd almost drapes himself against your side.
  • You vaguely wonder if this was just Floyd being himself or an effect of the potion, for he reminds you of a cat that liked to disturb its owner and look for affection at the most inconvenient times.
  • Floyd’s ears flick as you sort through your notes, almost nodding off from not getting enough sleep yesterday. He sighs and stands up from his seat to ask you to follow him. Floyd snakes his tail around your wrist to pull you along, humming as he considers relaxing with you on the couches in the dorm’s living quarters.
  • Though one thing does occur to him: cat tails are pretty weak, huh? How was he supposed to squeeze anyone with this?

Day 5: Rook + Royalty AU (“I can’t”)

CW:Arranged marriage/proposal (which doesn’t go to plan )

“Rook.” You whispered harshly, trying to tug your hands away to no avail. “What do you think you’re doing? Everyone’s staring!”

“I’m dancing with the one I love, of course!” The reply fell off his lips like it was the most natural thing in the world. Instead of letting you change partners, Rook kept his hands secured around your waist, daring to pull you closer with a smile. 

You felt your face begin to heat up; not that he hadn’t said such things to you before, but today was different! You were at a party, and…

…you were meant to be proposed to in a few minutes, by another man.

For a moment you shut out the music and chatter, focusing on Rook and his twinkling gaze. He had always been intelligent, playful, and held a mystery that always dragged you back for more. You once witnessed him without his grandesque air, with an expression so plainly in love that it made your heart ache.

He made you wish you were brave enough to love. His patience made you wish you could grasp the entire world, cradle it, and offer it to him like a candle in the dark.

But Rook was never one to wait for too long. Once a love that bloomed in the moonlight and with careful, fleeting steps, he now bounded into the gaze of a dozen chandeliers and spun you under his arm, movements flourishing along with the melody in the air.

Oh, how cruel was he to dare and taste freedom in the court of nobles.

Rook’s lips quirked in a little way that made your heart skip: “Do you understand now, mon amour?

“I do, but I–”

I can’t, how many times have you said that to him?

“I can’t just ruin the plan,” you amended, breathless. “Can you imagine the uproar it would cause?”

“But it’d be beautiful, wouldn’t it?” Rook adopted a smile so carefree that you couldn’t bear to admonish him. Sensing your lingering doubts, he leaned closer to whisper the rest, strands of his hair tickling your cheek.

“I love you too much to simply let that happen,” Those emerald eyes burned into you. “Your planned fiancé knows that, and was kind enough to plot out a show with me. So if you will…” He finally stepped back with a gentle smile, offering you his hand. “Would you allow me to whisk you away?”

Day 4: Ace + The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?

After which your journey in twst has ended…

You wake up to a scroll tied with a red ribbon by your bedside. As you flatten the parchment to read, a single playing card falls out of its folds. 

Hey, you.

‘It’s been a while, right?’ Is what I’d like to say, but really it’s only been a few days since we said goodbye. Pathetic, right? I was talking so big the other day about how we’d be fine without you, but here I am writing you a letter like some princess in a tower.

It’s Ace: your buddy, your friend. Don’t go forgetting that now, alright? I’m not going to introduce myself twice.

I’m writing this because I can’t sleep, if you’re wondering. Maybe that’s why I’m feeling sappy right now… The moon in your world should look the same - do you ever glance up and wonder how it almost looks like a mirror? 

Glowing in the night like that, I wonder if it leads to somewhere else.

…it looks beautiful tonight, if you know what I mean. Obviously I’m not with you now, so I can’t see your reaction, but at the very least I’ve gotten this off my chest. I don’t even know if this letter will reach you, but if it does you’d better write me a reply back! It’s proper etiquette, or whatever it is that Riddle likes to say.

Well… I should probably stop rambling before this gets longer than it should. You’d complain if I gave you an entire essay to read, right? So for now I’ll just wish you luck, and hope that you’ll stay safe and happy wherever you are •~♡

From your one and only,

Ace Trappola

I’ll be waiting for you through the looking-glass, wherever you may be.

(There’s a dot of ink next to the heart on last paragraph, as if Ace was about to write more. It looks decorative enough though - he was always good at covering things up.)

About: Day 2 of valentwst with Ace! Using prompts Rain + “You look good in my colors.” 

Where you got caught in some bad weather while playing with the hedgehogs in Heartslabyul.


Sheesh, did one of the Diasomnia students lose their temper or something?” You muttered, glancing out the windows as lightning flashed. The rain was thundering against the glass, and you’d just escaped said rain just a few minutes ago as you were rushed indoors by Ace.

Ace threw a towel at you, saying something about how you’d catch a cold if you stayed a mess like that. Letting out an offended huff, you made your way to his side and peeked over to see what he was searching for in his closet.

“What the– Why are you still here?!”

“What?” You looked at him like he’d grown two heads. “Where else would I go? You’re the one that dragged me to your room!”

“Just,” Ace stopped himself, turning to hastily fish out a coat and shirt and shoving them into your arms. Before you could protest otherwise, he was already pushing you back out and giving you directions to the showers. “You’ll get sick if you stay like that, and I don’t need Trey or Cater on my ass for not being hospitable or whatever.”

He quickly shut the door on you before burying his face in his hands. When he noticed that someone was still with the hedgehogs while the storm was brewing, Ace simply thought they were an idiot and was going to continue on with his day.

Then you stepped out of the roofed area and straight into the rain, and it hit him that it was his idiot out there, doing Seven knows what in the worst weather they’ve had this term.

Imagine his dumbfoundedness when the first thing you said to him was not a greeting nor a thank you, but rather a concern about a hedgehog that you spotted escaping into the wilderness. Ace almost felt his sanity slipping as you blatantly disregarded your safety and continued to search for the animal, insisting that you couldn’t leave it to fend for itself.

He found it admirable that you were such a caring person, but at times like these Ace really wished you could be more self-centered.  He’s going to age twice as fast like this – he can feel it in his bones. Finally regaining his strength, Ace picked a random set of clothes and set off to the showers himself. Seeing as he was roped into the rescue of one hedgehog, he too was drenched from the rain earlier.

A quick spell was used to dry off your clothes to prevent trekking water into the dorm, but that was far from enough to properly freshen up. Hopefully Riddle wouldn’t put up a fuss about this, seeing as it was for an animal’s sake. 

By the time he was done, Ace assumed you’d either returned to his room or was somewhere else in the dorm, seeing as the storm hadn’t let up yet. When he turned the doorknob to his room and pushed open the door, Ace was greeted by the sight of you drying your hair.

What he wasn’t mentally prepared for was seeing you in his clothes – he wasn’t paying attention to what he grabbed at first, but it seemed that it was just another version of his uniform. The blazer was pretty comfortable though, so he wasn’t too concerned about that. Rather, a ridiculous part of him was both embarrassed and proud of the sight.

Clearly, in reaction to said emotions, Ace did what came easiest – which was putting on a mask of calm as he entered and sat on the other end of his bed. 

“You know, this actually isn’t so bad.” He started talking before his brain could catch up. “You look good in my colors.”

It took him a second too late to realize exactly what he said.

About: Starting off day 1 of valentwst with an Azul drabble! It’s your summer holidays, where he may or may not have tricked you into needing his assistance. 

CW: Reader is implied to have an interesting unique-magic (not specified), and is quite frustrated with the merman in question.


Azul Ashengrotto.” You said the name slowly. “What are you playing at?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Azul replied, eyes on the cauldron before him as his tentacles added and measured ingredients. Something off the shelf, another from the cupboard… What was the last one again?

Swimming closer, you swiped one of the bottles floating in the water before he could reach for it. His eyes flicked up to meet yours with a raised brow; you resisted the urge to topple his cauldron right there and then.

“You’re not expecting me to live the rest of my life with a tail, are you?” You demanded.

At the memory of your contract, Azul smiled. “As far as I recall, I’ve held up my end of the deal. You only have yourself– well, your friend, to blame. Your wish was to visit the Coral Sea for the weekend, was it not?”

“Yes. The weekend.” Your patience wore thin. “I admit it was an oversight on their part for trusting you,” His lips twitched amusedly, sharpening your gaze into a glare. “But what do you even hope to gain from this?”

“You don’t have to look at me so suspiciously.” Azul all but shrugged. He fished out a blank contract from the drawers, turning it around to confirm that it was indeed empty. “Forgive me for being so roundabout, but I thought you wouldn’t have come in-person if it were not for such a complication.”

When your friend said they could help you find a potion to turn your legs into a tail, you hadn’t thought they were foolish enough to go to Azul for it. After your first mishap with their dorm (a mishap on your part, but a convenient occurrence for them,) you’d done your best to avoid Octavinelle during your studies at the college. It wasn’t simply out of principle, either - Azul seemed to have taken an interest in your unique-magic, which was something you absolutely refused to use as a trading chip.

“…A contract to resolve an oversight?”

“An honest oversight, I assure you~”

If it wasn’t for the clear disadvantage you had, you might’ve tried to leave and find another solution. You sighed, crossing your arms. “Azul, I’d like a potion that returns my legs. A permanent one to reverse the effects of your last product.” Watching him scribble down the terms, you continued. “You aren’t after madol, are you?”

“Of course not. I only have a simple request.” He gave you a charming smile as he cast It’s a Deal, turning the dark ink into tantalizing gold. “I’m well-aware that you don’t plan to part with your unique-magic, thus I’ll simply settle for a demonstration of sorts.” He unraveled another roll of parchment, one that detailed a map of the Coral Sea. “Now… Shall we play a little game?”
