#activity notice



Just a quick notice!

I’mFINALLYheading home for summer break this Friday (May 11th) after a freaking long and eventful semester! I’m not complaining though, I’m just ready to be in a bed at home with my little chihuahua cuddled up beside me.

The only thing about going home is that I won’t have Wi-Fi. I’ll only have the internet on my phone (and goodness knows how good that’ll be - this phone is kind of poopy). I may be stopping by the library every once in a while - in fact I plan on taking walks when I can - but still. I just don’t know how active I’ll be. Add that to adulting and working towards my career - I’ll probably be pretty busy

So, long story short, I’m going to be on/off active on here starting Friday night. I never know how active I’ll be, but that may change based on my job (I work at a McDonald’s, for goodness’ sake! Hopefully this thing can pick up some internet!). So if I disappear for a long while, everything is ok! I’m probably working, volunteering, researching some field of social work, or having some family time. I’ll try to at least queue up some positive posts to fill the blog.

Anyway, enough rambling, I’ll see you guys later! ✨☀

I know I said that I’d come back before long, but this semester really kicked my butt. I’ll try to at least queue up some posts before I leave, but I don’t know. I’ll be back when I can!

If you guys haven’t noticed, I haven’t been on this blog much. I’m sorry. I think I need to take a break.

I won’t go into details, but life has been hectic and I’m an emotional mess. I think it’s best that I take some time to regroup and gather myself. I’ll still be on tumblr, just not here on this blog (I’ll probably stick to my main, writing, and positivity ones).

I’ll be back soon guys, I love you all! ❤
