#mun juni




Hey guys! So it’s almost Halloween, and I have some great news for you all! 
I may not be a party-college-girl, but I still love Halloween. As such, I’ll be in my dorm watching movies and eating candy corn every night for the next few days - including Halloween night. In light of the holiday, I wanted to do something for the occasion.

While I’m excited for the holiday and a possible event, I have no idea what to do. So I want to know what you guys want! 

I made a survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/G7TZ3PB
(I left an option where you can leave your own idea, if you’d like!)

Anyway, please fill it out or message me. I’ll be online for the weekend, and reallywant to do something Halloween-themed. Thanks! :)

(Just a quick reminder! I’ll be making a final decision tomorrow night, so be sure to participate before then if you want to vote on what we do)

(Last call until tonight!)


Hey guys! So it’s almost Halloween, and I have some great news for you all! 
I may not be a party-college-girl, but I still love Halloween. As such, I’ll be in my dorm watching movies and eating candy corn every night for the next few days - including Halloween night. In light of the holiday, I wanted to do something for the occasion.

While I’m excited for the holiday and a possible event, I have no idea what to do. So I want to know what you guys want! 

I made a survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/G7TZ3PB
(I left an option where you can leave your own idea, if you’d like!)

Anyway, please fill it out or message me. I’ll be online for the weekend, and reallywant to do something Halloween-themed. Thanks! :)

(Just a quick reminder! I’ll be making a final decision tomorrow night, so be sure to participate before then if you want to vote on what we do)

Hey guys! So it’s almost Halloween, and I have some great news for you all! 
I may not be a party-college-girl, but I still love Halloween. As such, I’ll be in my dorm watching movies and eating candy corn every night for the next few days - including Halloween night. In light of the holiday, I wanted to do something for the occasion.

While I’m excited for the holiday and a possible event, I have no idea what to do. So I want to know what you guys want! 

I made a survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/G7TZ3PB
(I left an option where you can leave your own idea, if you’d like!)

Anyway, please fill it out or message me. I’ll be online for the weekend, and reallywant to do something Halloween-themed. Thanks! :)


Just a quick notice!

I’mFINALLYheading home for summer break this Friday (May 11th) after a freaking long and eventful semester! I’m not complaining though, I’m just ready to be in a bed at home with my little chihuahua cuddled up beside me.

The only thing about going home is that I won’t have Wi-Fi. I’ll only have the internet on my phone (and goodness knows how good that’ll be - this phone is kind of poopy). I may be stopping by the library every once in a while - in fact I plan on taking walks when I can - but still. I just don’t know how active I’ll be. Add that to adulting and working towards my career - I’ll probably be pretty busy

So, long story short, I’m going to be on/off active on here starting Friday night. I never know how active I’ll be, but that may change based on my job (I work at a McDonald’s, for goodness’ sake! Hopefully this thing can pick up some internet!). So if I disappear for a long while, everything is ok! I’m probably working, volunteering, researching some field of social work, or having some family time. I’ll try to at least queue up some positive posts to fill the blog.

Anyway, enough rambling, I’ll see you guys later! ✨☀

I know I said that I’d come back before long, but this semester really kicked my butt. I’ll try to at least queue up some posts before I leave, but I don’t know. I’ll be back when I can!

I go to my poor, neglected blog and I see:


Wh…where did you all come from??? Thank you!!! I appreciate every single one of you guys that has come here and stuck around. Seriously, thank you all so much! I hope that you guys continue to enjoy the content that I have posted here. 


Unfortunately, I can’t fully come back quite yet. I recently learned some difficult news and I will be making some major decisions soon. I just need some time to think and make these choices with a totally focused mind.  

If you need me, I’ll be over on my main and writing blogs for the most part. I need to just get through these next two months, then I should be good to come back here. 

But seriously, thank you all for sticking around through my random tangents and inactive moments. I appreciate and care about each one of you. I hope that you guys have a great day. 

Until next time, I’ll see you all later!~ :)


Stuck on bed rest at home BUT I’m getting better! Turns out I have another strain of the flu, which is gross, but at least I’m getting taken care of (my mom is caring for me - getting medicines, putting on old tv shows, freezing popsicles, I love her to pieces ❤). Unfortunately though, that means I’m quarantined away from everyone so that they don’t get sick. On the positive side I’m mainly playing around on Tumblr and watching tv. So I’m here, I’m just bored :/ Luckily the medicines are REALLY helping and I already feel SO much better (I might be moving from crackers to soup tomorrow!).

So anyway, I hope this wasn’t a weird post, I get fuzzy-brained when I’m sick. Just letting you guys know that while activity will still be slow, I’m alive and improving.

Pma! ❤


Guess who’s sick again?

Urgh, it’s this girl. I’m probably going to be heading home in the next few days to rest and see a good doctor. I can’t really think straight, so I probably won’t be on here posting while I’m still at school. Just an fyi in case people get worried!

I’m sorry for not posting, I just can’t think straight enough to. I’ll be back as soon as I can.

The accent challenge will hopefully be posted here with the hour - I’m just stuck waiting for it to convert to an mp3 file now.  :/

Just a quick note:

I’m not trying to worry anyone but I probably won’t be on here for the next few days. I had what I thought was the flu last week and was just getting over it. Now I can’t breathe - laying down or sitting upright (and as an asthmatic that definitely spells bad news). I’m taking an antibiotic and am on two inhalers (one of them is a rescue inhaler), nothing is cutting it. So I’m going home tonight to see a doctor. (Don’t ask me why I went into detail about what’s going on, I just have a bad feeling about this visit.)

I’ll be back as soon as I can and I’ll let you all know how it goes!


Tumblr Accent Challenge!

So I did the accent challenge last night, and decided I was going to make a new one, since the challenge I did (which you can find here,) is five years old. So here’s the one I made, have fun! 

Bonus: If you’re comfortable with it, do it as a video! 

  • What’s your name & username?
  • Where are you from?
  • What’s the time where you are?
  • Pronounce the following words: Meme, Pepe, Doge, Sudoku, Espresso, Celtic, Açaí, Dr. Seuss.
  • What’s your favourite pizza place? Favourite pizza topping?
  • What’s your favourite dessert?
  • What’s your favourite food? What food do you hate?
  • What’s your favourite TV show? Which show were you into, but then got out of?
  • What brand is your phone?
  • Do you speak a second language?
  • How do you define a group of people when you’re talking to them? Do you say ‘guys,’ or ‘dudes’ or?
  • What Harry Potter house do you most identify with? If sorted by Pottermore, did you agree with the one you got?
  • Is there something you should be doing right now but are procrastinating?
  • Now that you’ve talked about what you need to be doing, go do it! 

(We’re only two shy now!!! Don’t be afraid to ask me questions!)


Tumblr Accent Challenge!

So I did the accent challenge last night, and decided I was going to make a new one, since the challenge I did (which you can find here,) is five years old. So here’s the one I made, have fun! 

Bonus: If you’re comfortable with it, do it as a video! 

  • What’s your name & username?
  • Where are you from?
  • What’s the time where you are?
  • Pronounce the following words: Meme, Pepe, Doge, Sudoku, Espresso, Celtic, Açaí, Dr. Seuss.
  • What’s your favourite pizza place? Favourite pizza topping?
  • What’s your favourite dessert?
  • What’s your favourite food? What food do you hate?
  • What’s your favourite TV show? Which show were you into, but then got out of?
  • What brand is your phone?
  • Do you speak a second language?
  • How do you define a group of people when you’re talking to them? Do you say ‘guys,’ or ‘dudes’ or?
  • What Harry Potter house do you most identify with? If sorted by Pottermore, did you agree with the one you got?
  • Is there something you should be doing right now but are procrastinating?
  • Now that you’ve talked about what you need to be doing, go do it! 

(I’m sorry if this is getting annoying. We’re currently sitting at 6 requests for this - just 4 shy of what we need! Remember that you can also ask me questions that you guys think of! :)


Tumblr Accent Challenge!

So I did the accent challenge last night, and decided I was going to make a new one, since the challenge I did (which you can find here,) is five years old. So here’s the one I made, have fun! 

Bonus: If you’re comfortable with it, do it as a video! 

  • What’s your name & username?
  • Where are you from?
  • What’s the time where you are?
  • Pronounce the following words: Meme, Pepe, Doge, Sudoku, Espresso, Celtic, Açaí, Dr. Seuss.
  • What’s your favourite pizza place? Favourite pizza topping?
  • What’s your favourite dessert?
  • What’s your favourite food? What food do you hate?
  • What’s your favourite TV show? Which show were you into, but then got out of?
  • What brand is your phone?
  • Do you speak a second language?
  • How do you define a group of people when you’re talking to them? Do you say ‘guys,’ or ‘dudes’ or?
  • What Harry Potter house do you most identify with? If sorted by Pottermore, did you agree with the one you got?
  • Is there something you should be doing right now but are procrastinating?
  • Now that you’ve talked about what you need to be doing, go do it! 

((I’m not trying to be annoying, I swear, I just reallywant to do this. We’re still plenty short of ten, so please send your questions for me and/or a simple ‘accent’ to the inbox! I promise not to record my voice while I’m sick!))

Thank you for 20 followers!

Since we officially just hit 20 followers (I still can’t believe it, btw), I’m going to let you guys ask me some questions! Tomorrow, the inbox will be open for any questions you guys have for me or any aph nordic head canons I might have (you can send them now, but I won’t answer any until tomorrow). I just ask that we keep it sfw, that’s all!

Alright, thank you again guys! It means a heckuva lot!
