



It really irks me when reading if and I see the phrase, “my cheeks redden”… they do not, I’m black

I saw some people had a few questions about alternatives, so I thought I would throw a few out there! In my opinion, here are some ways to portray shyness, attraction, and being flustered without using terms like “turning red” or blushing, as these indicate having light skin or being pale.

  • Averting eyes, or looking askance
  • Feeling your face heat up
  • The term “Visibly flustered”, which can imply a whole lot!
  • Chest thumping, heart fluttering
  • Butterflies in the stomach
  • Peeking through lashes
  • Covering face or mouth with hands

These are just a couple I like to read/use.  It’s good to think about these things so that we have writing that not only doesn’t break immersion, but also writing that doesn’t lean into whiteness as the default.  Hope this helps anyone who might have been curious!


here’s a quiz i made: allow me to assign you a beloved character trope.

7 results: femme fatale, queen, prophet, poet, witch, gentleman thief, and otherworldly spirit in human form. enjoy ✩


obsessed w the wording of this headline


This is the only day you can post this


Let’s hear it for bagel & cream cheese


i hate these posts about how mitski is not being respected as an artist and “people don’t respect art and artists” which is true, they don’t, but these posts NEVER touch on the fact shes a woman of color with a fanbase made up largely of white women. are we seriously pretending that has no significance at all when her fans disregard and violate her feelings and opinions, oversimplify her music as “sad girl female manipulator music”, and their choice to consume her as a product rather than seeing her as an artist whos work they respect??



I know there’s a lot of tension after Tumblr’s new policy annouced for December 17th, but reblog this if you aren’t leaving Tumblr so that other blogs can know they aren’t going to be completely alone!

Yee buddy, I’m here until this places crashes and burns for good

While I don’t maintain this blog anymore, I’ll never delete it! Catch me over @bashfulmusician (also am I flagged for anyone???)

I seem to have fallen out of the Hetalia fandom somewhat. It’s nothing anyone did, it’s just a horrible habit of mine. I start to obsess over something and then, after a few months, I lose interest.

I love you all and I wish that I could keep this blog going like I used to. Unfortunately, a fandom blog is not a good fit for me. My brain just doesn’t work like that.

I’m still here on tumblr and I’m still active, so fear not. If you need someone to talk to or you want to share a fanfic with me, don’t hesitate to message or tag me! If you follow me on my main, you’ll know that I’m incredibly active, lol!

Thank you for being there and joining me on this wild ride. I love and appreciate every single one of you and I wish you nothing but the best

If you guys haven’t noticed, I haven’t been on this blog much. I’m sorry. I think I need to take a break.

I won’t go into details, but life has been hectic and I’m an emotional mess. I think it’s best that I take some time to regroup and gather myself. I’ll still be on tumblr, just not here on this blog (I’ll probably stick to my main, writing, and positivity ones).

I’ll be back soon guys, I love you all! ❤

Google translate being so straight, it’s gay


  • Usually, the adjective comes right after the noun (Le manteau rouge)
  • Short and common adjectives are often placed before the noun - beau/belle (beautiful), bon-ne (good), bref/brève (brief), grand-e (tall/big), gros-se (fat), faux/fausse (fake), haut-e (high), jeune (young), joli-e (pretty), mauvais-e (bad), meilleur-e (best), nouveau/nouvelle (new), petit-e (short), vieux/vieil/vieille (old) - (La jeune fille)
  • If there are at least two coordinated adjectives, they come after the noun and are connected by a coordinating conjunction(Elle est drôle et belle)
  • If not, they go on each side of the noun (Une belle porte noire)
  • Some adjectives can go both before or after depending on their meaning:
  1. Ancien-ne: former (Une ancienne boutique) VS old (Un bâtiment ancien)
  2. Brave: respectable (Quel brave homme) VS courageous (Un chien brave)

  3. Certain-e: particular (Un certain âge) VS sure (C’est un fait certain)

  4. Cher/chère: dear (Ma chère Sophie) VS expensive (Une voiture chère)

  5. Curieux/curieuse: odd (Une curieuse manie) VS interested (Un chat curieux)

  6. Dernier/dernière: last of all (Une dernière fois) VS most recent (Lundi dernier)
  7. Drôle: strange (Une drôle d’histoire) VS funny (Une histoire drôle
  8. Grand: great (Un grand homme) VS tall (Un homme grand)
  9. Pauvre: pitiful (Un pauvre garçon) VS moneyless (Une famille pauvre)
  10. Prochain-e: next (La prochaine fois) VS coming (La semaine prochaine
  11. Propre: own (Mes propres mains) VS clean (Des mains propres)
  12. Pur-e: simple (Une pure coïncidence) VS pure (Une âme pure) 
  13. Sacré-e: awesome (Une sacrée fille) VS holy (Une parole sacrée
  14. Sale: disgusting (Une sale histoire) VS dirty (Une cuisine sale)
  15. Seul-e: only (Une seule femme), VS alone (Une femme seule)
  16. Simple: modest (Une simple demeure) VS simple (Une questions simple)
  17. Vrai-e: real (Une vraie histoire) VS true (Une histoire vraie)

On the other hand, I think it is interesting how many of these are words that have just 1 of those 2 meanings in English and German - like brav/brave or kurios/curious! The origin of false friends!



i love the news. this is from a real article

This is skewed by scots, irish, and welsh whose grudges are all against the english


  • Usually, the adjective comes right after the noun (Le manteau rouge)
  • Short and common adjectives are often placed before the noun - beau/belle (beautiful), bon-ne (good), bref/brève (brief), grand-e (tall/big), gros-se (fat), faux/fausse (fake), haut-e (high), jeune (young), joli-e (pretty), mauvais-e (bad), meilleur-e (best), nouveau/nouvelle (new), petit-e (short), vieux/vieil/vieille (old) - (La jeune fille)
  • If there are at least two coordinated adjectives, they come after the noun and are connected by a coordinating conjunction(Elle est drôle et belle)
  • If not, they go on each side of the noun (Une belle porte noire)
  • Some adjectives can go both before or after depending on their meaning:
  1. Ancien-ne: former (Une ancienne boutique) VS old (Un bâtiment ancien)
  2. Brave: respectable (Quel brave homme) VS courageous (Un chien brave)

  3. Certain-e: particular (Un certain âge) VS sure (C’est un fait certain)

  4. Cher/chère: dear (Ma chère Sophie) VS expensive (Une voiture chère)

  5. Curieux/curieuse: odd (Une curieuse manie) VS interested (Un chat curieux)

  6. Dernier/dernière: last of all (Une dernière fois) VS most recent (Lundi dernier)
  7. Drôle: strange (Une drôle d’histoire) VS funny (Une histoire drôle
  8. Grand: great (Un grand homme) VS tall (Un homme grand)
  9. Pauvre: pitiful (Un pauvre garçon) VS moneyless (Une famille pauvre)
  10. Prochain-e: next (La prochaine fois) VS coming (La semaine prochaine
  11. Propre: own (Mes propres mains) VS clean (Des mains propres)
  12. Pur-e: simple (Une pure coïncidence) VS pure (Une âme pure) 
  13. Sacré-e: awesome (Une sacrée fille) VS holy (Une parole sacrée
  14. Sale: disgusting (Une sale histoire) VS dirty (Une cuisine sale)
  15. Seul-e: only (Une seule femme), VS alone (Une femme seule)
  16. Simple: modest (Une simple demeure) VS simple (Une questions simple)
  17. Vrai-e: real (Une vraie histoire) VS true (Une histoire vraie)

even if Frankensteinconsisted of letters from Viktor, it wouldn’t be the same as getting letters from Jonathan. Because Jonathan is the ‘normal dude’ (uh, mostly) surrounded by crazy. Viktor is crazy surrounded by normal at first. You’re oh, my buddy Jonathan is out there eating hendl and the count did what?????

Frankenstein’s letters would be: “Hello, Elizabeth. Today it is raining. Had soup for breakfast. My professors still do not accept my views on alchemy and therefore I shall create human life from body parts. I will go dig up some corpses later. Grüße, Viktor.”


Classic Lit teachers can’t believe they solved the problem of getting all their students invested in the books and all it took was breaking it into daily chunks in emails

it comes with the bonus of getting students to check their e-mails

I just want to clarify that I enjoy all my interests in a cringe tumberina kind of way. You wouldn’t catch me dead taking a dignified, sophisticated filmbro approach.

Next up is Les Mis Daily. For that long-term commitment.
