#admin sung


Constellation was not decided from the beginning to be a well-known constellation today. What was used in each country and region was integrated into one to form what is today’s constellation.

The origin of today’s constellations is Western European constellations, which originated in the Semitic nomadic Chardians who lived in the Babylonian region around thousands BC. They started to build constellations after looking up at the night sky and connecting bright stars to animals while keeping livestock and moving along the blue vegetation. Twelve constellations, including sheep, bulls, twins, crabs, lions, virgins, scales, scorpions, goats, water turtles, and Pisces, along the ecliptic, which is the path through which the sun and planets pass, are recorded in the area’s landmark around B.C. 3000.

People assign constellations to the month and day of birth.
The following table shows it.

Chinese zodiac 12띠

Historical relics and records show the origin of twelve-year-old animals, which are different from folk tales. The Chinese zodiac signs were represented by imitating the shape of stars to observe natural cycles such as constellations and seasonal changes. The twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac are based on the state in which everything changes from spring to winter depending on the season. The twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac were widely used in the Yin Dynasty in China, and in the middle of the Han Dynasty, the twelve signs of the zodiac were connected in terms of time and defense.

We can write these as ‘the year of (the) ~’.
ex) 2015 was the year of sheep.

60Gapja 60갑자

Sixty-thousand characters refer to 60 ganji made by combining Cheongan and Jiwon. There are 60 from Gapja to Gyehae. This is why in Korea, we celebrate when one become 61 years old and 60 years old in Korean age.

The 60s are deeply related to ancient Babylonian Sumerian mathematics, which is recognized as the first civilization of mankind. Sixty characters are the number of 60 cases in which ten chapters and twelve chapters meet. Scholars estimate that the decimal system has the origin of ten fingers of a person, and the decimal system is a cycle of twelve months a year.

[참조 및 출처]

  • 구글 이미지
  • 네이버 블로그
  • 네이버 지식백과
  • 위키백과

-Written by Admin Sung

<the Name of Various Kind of Cities 도시의 명칭> 

고대도시 ancient city

중세도시 medieval city

상업도시 commercial city

공업도시 industrial city

신도시 new town

소도시 small town

대도시 metropolis

<Urban Problem 도시문제>

오염 pollution

주택부족 housing shortage

불량주택 substandard housing

교통혼잡 traffic congestion

범죄 crime

알코올중독 alcoholism

빈부격차 rich poor gap

빈곤 poverty

경기침체 economic recession

실업 unemployment

<Things in the city 도시 관련 단어>

도로표지판 street sign

대중교통 public transport

교통경찰 traffic cop

보행자 pedestrian

보도 sidewalk

버스정류장 bus stop

지하철역 subway station

주차장 parking lot

가로등 streetlight

공중전화 public telephone

고층건물 high-rise building

아파트 apartment

공중화장실 public toilet

<Inflected words from ‘city’ and ‘urban’ 단어의 활용>

City 도시

Citizen 시민

Citizenship 시민권

Civil 시민의

Civic 도시의

Urban 도시의

Urbane 도시적인

Urbanism 도시화

Urbanize 도시화하다

-Written by Admin Sung

-Edited by Admin Yu

Hello everyone, this is admin Sung. Today, I’m going to introduce you Sajaseong-eo that starts with letter ‘ㄴ’. Before start, Sajaseong-eo is an idiom consisting of four Chinese letters. It contains a lesson or origin.

내우외환 內憂外患 ( nae-u-oe-han)

內 : 안 내 (inside)
憂 : 근심 우 (worry)
外 : 바깥 외 (outside)
患 : 환난 환 (hardship)

Direct translation: internal and external troubles

Liberal translation: To mean anxiety or conflict within the country and hardship from outside the country; a word that human beings always live in anxiety

노승발검 怒蠅拔劍 ( no-seung-bal-gum)

怒 : 노할 노 (to be in a rage)
蠅 : 파리 승 (a fly)
拔 : 뽑을 발 (Draw (a sword)
劍 : 칼 검 (sword)

Direct translation: When one sees a fly, he gets angry and pulls a knife and chases it

Liberal translation: To get angry at trivial things, to take too great measures against trifles

노심초사 勞心焦思 ( no-sim-cho-sa)

勞 : 힘쓸 로 (work hard)
心 : 마음 심 (mind)
焦 : 그을릴 초 (blacken)
思 : 생각 사 (thought)

Direct translation: To have a lot of thoughts in my mind and be torn by anxiety

Liberal translation: a state of great apprehension and worry about something

능소능대 能小能大 ( neung-so-neung-dae)

能 : 능할 능 (be good at)
小 : 작을 소 (small)
能 : 능할 능 (be good at)
大 : 큰 대 (huge)

Direct translation: To be good at both small things and big things

Liberal translation: To be proficient in everything

난형난제 難兄難弟 ( nan-hyeong-nan-je)

難 : 어려울 난 (difficult)
兄 : 형 형 (older brother)
難 : 어려울 난 (difficult)
弟 : 아우 제 (younger brother)

Direct translation: It’s hard to be an older brother or a younger brother

Liberal translation: Having similar learning and talents, it is difficult to distinguish superiority between two

누란지위 累卵之危 ( nu-ran-ji-wi)

累 : 포갤 누 (to pile up)
卵 : 알 란 (an egg)
之 : 의 지 (‘s)
危 : 위태할 위 (precarious)

Direct translation: To lay several eggs on top of each other 

Liberal translation: a fragile and precarious state

낭충지추 囊中之錐 ( nang-chung-ji-chu)

囊 : 주머니 낭 (a pocket)
中 : 가운데 중 (the middle)
之 : 갈 지 (to be)
錐 : 송곳 추 (an awl)

Direct translation: an awl in one’s pocket

Liberal translation: Just as a sharp awl always pierces through it even if it stays still, a man of outstanding talent is seen by others

난공불락 難攻不落 ( nan-gong-bul-lak)

難 : 어려울 난 (difficult)
攻 : 공격할 공 (to attack)
不 : 아닐 불 (not)
落 : 떨어질 락 (to fall)

Direct translation: Not only is it difficult to attack, but it is never taken down

Liberal translation: Target difficult to handle

노방생주 老蚌生珠 ( no-bang-saeng-ju)

老 : 늙을 노 (old)
蚌 : 조개 방 (a shell)
生 : 날 생 (born)
珠 : 구슬 주 (a marble)

Direct translation: Old clams produce pearls

Liberal translation: To praise a person for having a bright son, the father and son have excellent academic talent

Written by Admin Sung

Edited by Admin Yu

여권 : passport

트렁크 : suitcase

비행기 : airplane

기차 : train

지도 : map

표 : ticket

호텔 : hotel

사진기 : camera

멀미 : motion sickness

이정표 : sign post

나침반 : compass

휴게소 : service area

선글라스 : sunglasses

특산물 : specialty

기념품 : souvenir

여행사 : travel agency

예약 : reservation

렌터카 : rental car

고속도로 : highway

가이드 : guide

배낭여행 : backpacking

요트 : yacht

당일치기 : a day’s trip

편도 : one way

왕복 : travel back and forth

체크인 : check-in

체크아웃 : check-out

전망대 : observatory

해변 : beach, seahorse

랜드마크 : landmark

Written by Admin Sung

Edited by Admin Yu
