#korean langblog


*All verbs below are in original form(dictionary form).

존재하다 : to exist

선언하다 : to declare, proclaim

목격하다 : to witness

제안하다 : to suggest

조언하다 : to advise

개입하다 : to intervene

헌신하다 : to devote

축하하다 : to congratulate

환영하다 : to welcome

접근하다 : to approach

투자하다 : to invest

개선하다 : to improve

응원하다 : to cheer, support

설명하다 : to explain

오해하다 : to misunderstand, misconceive

해결하다 : to resolve

조절하다 : to adjust

계획하다 : to plan

보호하다 : to protect

조사하다 : to investigate

확인하다 : to check, verify, confirm

출발하다 : to depart, set off, start

도착하다 : to arrive, reach

설득하다 : to persuade

양보하다 : to yield, give way

희생하다 : to sacrifice

쟁취하다 : to achieve, win

야기하다 : to cause, bring about

실수하다 : to make a mistake

긍정하다 : to affirm

부정하다 : to deny

생산하다 : to produce

소비하다 : to consume, spend

인정하다 : to admit

소유하다 : to own, possess

봉사하다 : to serve, do volunteer work

유지하다 : to maintain

보조하다 : to assist

인용하다 : to quote, cite

대표하다 : to represent

선택하다 : to choose, select

거절하다 : to reject, refuse

촉진하다 : to promote, accelerate, boost

요구하다 : to demand, ask

사과하다 : to apologize

추측하다 : to guess, suppose

간섭하다 : to interfere

낭독하다 : to read aloud

관찰하다 : to observe

추구하다 : to pursue, seek

Written and edited by Admin Yu

Hello, this is Admin Hee. Today’s grammar will be regular conjugation.

Regular conjugation

The regular change of form of predicate in Korean grammar such as verbs and adjectives. At this point the predicate of a clause is the part of it that is not the subject and it consists of a stem and ending.

-Stem : unchanging part of the predicate

보- is the stem of the forms ‘보다’, ‘보니’, ‘보고’

-Ending : changing part

-다. -니, -고 is the ending of the forms ‘보다’, ‘보니’, ‘보고’

1. ‘ㅡ’ Elision  (’ㅡ’ 탈락)

‘ㅡ’ is elided in front of the stem ‘-아/어’, ‘-았/었-’

  • 담그- + -아 = 담가
  • 슬프- + -어 = 슬퍼
  • 아프다 + 아서/어서 = 아파서

Such verbs or adjectives like 끄다, 크다, 바쁘다, 따르다 are examples.

2. ‘ㄹ‘ Elision (’ㄹ’ 탈락)

When the last sound of the stem ‘ㄹ’ meets ‘ㄴ,ㅂ,ㅅ,오’ , it gets elided too.

  • 살- + -는 = 사는
  • 살- + -ㅂ니다 = 삽니다
  • 살- + -오 = 사오

살다, 놀다, 울다, 불다, 얼다, 멀다 and so on are the examples.

Additionally, nouns that ends up with consonant ‘ㄹ’, gets elided when it is combined with ‘ㄴ,ㅅ’ which is the first sound of the next word. This is not about the conjugation of verbs and adjectives but are also called ‘ㄹ’ 탈락.

  • 버들+나무 = 버드나무
  • 솔+나무 = 소나무
  • 딸+님 = 따님

Written by Admin Hee

Edited by Admin Yu

직업 Job

의사 Doctor

간호사 Nurse

변호사 Lawyer

검사 Prosecutor

판사 Judge

기자 Reporter

아나운서 Announcer

선생님 Teacher

소방관 Firefighter

기술자 Engineer

미용사 Hairdresser

기업인 Business person

조종사 Pilot

기사 Driver

경찰관 Police

인명구조원 Life guard

우주비행사 Astronaut

배우 Actor

작가 Writer

요리사 Chef

Written by Admin Na

Edited by Admin Yu

Hi! This is Admin Hyun.

Today’s grammar I want to introduce is ‘same vowel elision’(동음 탈락). Same vowel elision is not an irregular conjugation. Under the conditions, it always happens.

A phenomenon where an ending(어미) that starts with ‘-아’ or ‘어’ follows after verb’s or adjective’s(용언) stem(어간) that end with ‘-아’ or ‘어’, and as a result, the same vowel ‘아’ or ‘어’ is repeated(comes consecutively), one of the same vowels is omitted(elision)

ㅏelision (ㅏ 탈락)

  • +서 가서(go and-)
  • +  가(go)
  • + + 다  갔다(went)
  • +서 차서(kick and-)
  • +  차(kick)
  • + + 다  찼다(kicked)

ㅓ elision (ㅓ 탈락)

  • +서 건너서(cross the street and-)
  • +  건너(cross the street)
  • + + 다   건넜다(crossed the street)
  • +서  나서서(take the lead and-)
  • + 나서(take the lead, step ahead)
  • + + 다  나섰다(took the lead)

Keep in mind that if the stem ends with a consonant, same vowel elision doesn’t take place. For example,

  • 먹 + 어  먹어(eat)
  • 먹 + 었 + 다  먹었다(ate)
  • 잡 + 아  잡아(catch)
  • 잡 + 았 + 다  잡았다(caught)

Elision of vowels is a kind of ‘elision of phoneme(음운)’. Not only vowels but also consonants are subject to elision. For example, if in 딸(daughter)+님(honorific ending), ‘ㄹ’ is omitted when it is followed by ㄴ and becomes 따님(honorific form of daughter). Elision of phoneme is one of many ‘changes in phoneme’ which include alteration, elision, addition and contraction.

Written by Admin Hyun

Edited by Admin Yu

Hi! 안녕하세요. This is Admin Na. And today I’m going to talk about the irregular conjugation.

What is an irregular conjugation? An irregular conjugation is conjugation for an irregular verb.

르 irregular conjugation :

Conjugation in which the ending syllable of stem ‘르’ is changed to 'ㄹㄹ’ before ending ’-아’ and ’-어’.


  • Cut: 가르다(기본형) 갈라, 가르니, 갈랐다(활용형)
  • Climb: 오르다(기본형) 올라, 오르니, 올랐다(활용형)
  • Filter: 거르다(기본형) 걸러, 거르니, 걸렀다(활용형)
  • Call sb’s name: 부르다(기본형) 불러, 부르니, 불렀다(활용형)

ㄷ irregular conjugation: 

Conjugation in which the ending of the stem 'ㄷ’ turns into 'ㄹ’ before the ending with a vowel.


  • Good things happen when you hear the magpie singing.: 까치 노랫소리를 들으면 좋은 일이 생겨요. (들-으면)
  • Good things happen by listening to the magpie singing.: 까치 노랫소리를 들어서 좋은 일이 생겨요. (들-어서)
  • Good things happen to hear the magpie singing.: 까치 노랫소리를 들으려고 좋은 일이 생겨요. (들-으려고)
  • I grew up listening to magpie singing.: 까치 노랫소리를 듣고 자랐습니다. (듣-고)
  • I didn’t hear the magpie singing.: 까치 노랫소리를 듣지 못했습니다. (듣-지)

ㅅ irregular conjugation: 

The use of the stem’s ending sound 'ㅅ’ dropping out before the ending beginning with a vowel.


  • Recover: 낫다(기본형) 낫고, 나아, 나으니(활용형)
  • Draw: 긋다(기본형) 그어, 그으니, 그었다(활용형)
  • Join: 잇다(기본형) 이어, 이으니, 이었다(활용형)
  • Make: 짓다(기본형) 지어, 지으니, 지었다(활용형)
  • Swell: 붓다(기본형) 부어서, 부어야, 부어도(활용형)

Written by Admin Na

Edited by Admin Yu

자율학습  prep

야간자율학습 night prep

봉사활동 volunteer work

여름방학 summer vacation

겨울방학 winter vacation

수학여행 school trip

체육대회 athletics meeting

동아리 club

수학경시대회 mathematics competition

교과우수상 honor roll

회장 president

부회장 a vice- president

청소당번 one’s turn for sweeping

생활기록부 student record

자기소개서 a letter of self- introduction

강당 hall

학생회 student council

모의고사 mock test

조퇴 early leave

지각 lateness

석차 standing

표준편차 standard deviation

Written by Admin Ju

Edited by Admin Yu

Hello everyone, this is admin Sung. Today, I’m going to introduce you Sajaseong-eo that starts with letter ‘ㄴ’. Before start, Sajaseong-eo is an idiom consisting of four Chinese letters. It contains a lesson or origin.

내우외환 內憂外患 ( nae-u-oe-han)

內 : 안 내 (inside)
憂 : 근심 우 (worry)
外 : 바깥 외 (outside)
患 : 환난 환 (hardship)

Direct translation: internal and external troubles

Liberal translation: To mean anxiety or conflict within the country and hardship from outside the country; a word that human beings always live in anxiety

노승발검 怒蠅拔劍 ( no-seung-bal-gum)

怒 : 노할 노 (to be in a rage)
蠅 : 파리 승 (a fly)
拔 : 뽑을 발 (Draw (a sword)
劍 : 칼 검 (sword)

Direct translation: When one sees a fly, he gets angry and pulls a knife and chases it

Liberal translation: To get angry at trivial things, to take too great measures against trifles

노심초사 勞心焦思 ( no-sim-cho-sa)

勞 : 힘쓸 로 (work hard)
心 : 마음 심 (mind)
焦 : 그을릴 초 (blacken)
思 : 생각 사 (thought)

Direct translation: To have a lot of thoughts in my mind and be torn by anxiety

Liberal translation: a state of great apprehension and worry about something

능소능대 能小能大 ( neung-so-neung-dae)

能 : 능할 능 (be good at)
小 : 작을 소 (small)
能 : 능할 능 (be good at)
大 : 큰 대 (huge)

Direct translation: To be good at both small things and big things

Liberal translation: To be proficient in everything

난형난제 難兄難弟 ( nan-hyeong-nan-je)

難 : 어려울 난 (difficult)
兄 : 형 형 (older brother)
難 : 어려울 난 (difficult)
弟 : 아우 제 (younger brother)

Direct translation: It’s hard to be an older brother or a younger brother

Liberal translation: Having similar learning and talents, it is difficult to distinguish superiority between two

누란지위 累卵之危 ( nu-ran-ji-wi)

累 : 포갤 누 (to pile up)
卵 : 알 란 (an egg)
之 : 의 지 (‘s)
危 : 위태할 위 (precarious)

Direct translation: To lay several eggs on top of each other 

Liberal translation: a fragile and precarious state

낭충지추 囊中之錐 ( nang-chung-ji-chu)

囊 : 주머니 낭 (a pocket)
中 : 가운데 중 (the middle)
之 : 갈 지 (to be)
錐 : 송곳 추 (an awl)

Direct translation: an awl in one’s pocket

Liberal translation: Just as a sharp awl always pierces through it even if it stays still, a man of outstanding talent is seen by others

난공불락 難攻不落 ( nan-gong-bul-lak)

難 : 어려울 난 (difficult)
攻 : 공격할 공 (to attack)
不 : 아닐 불 (not)
落 : 떨어질 락 (to fall)

Direct translation: Not only is it difficult to attack, but it is never taken down

Liberal translation: Target difficult to handle

노방생주 老蚌生珠 ( no-bang-saeng-ju)

老 : 늙을 노 (old)
蚌 : 조개 방 (a shell)
生 : 날 생 (born)
珠 : 구슬 주 (a marble)

Direct translation: Old clams produce pearls

Liberal translation: To praise a person for having a bright son, the father and son have excellent academic talent

Written by Admin Sung

Edited by Admin Yu

병원 Hospital

의사 Doctor

간호사 Nurse

주사 Shot

응급상황 Emergency

환자 Patient

진단 Diagnosis

치료 Cure

질병 Illness

예방 Prevention

재활 Rehabilitation

입원 Hospitalization

퇴원 Leave the hospital

의학 Medical science

약 Medicine

약국 Pharmacy

진료 Clinic

병 Disease

세균 Bacteria

바이러스 Virus

응급실 Emergency room

수술 Operation

Written by Admin Na

Edited by Admin Yu

학교 school

칠판 blackboard

분필 chalk

가정통신문 newsletter

교복 school uniform

교과서 textbook

책상 desk

의자 chair

식판 food tray

급식 school lunch

선생님 teacher

학생 student

수행평가 performance assessment

기말고사 final exams

중간고사 midterm exam

수학능력평가 college scholastic ability test

교장선생님 principal

교감선생님 vice-principal

규정 rule

대회 meet

무단 결석하다 be absent from school without excuse

수업일수 the number of school days

성취도 achievement test

학적 a school register

Written by Admin Ju

Edited by Admin Yu

해변 - Beach

동화책 - Children’s book

그릇 - Bowl, container

접시 - Plate, dish

반찬 - Side dish

과자 - Snacks, Confectionery

뱀 - Snake

거북이 - Turtle

악어 - Crocodile, alligator

옥수수 - Corn

바다표범 - Seal (바다 - Ocean, 표범 - Leopard, panther)

문어 - Octopus

인형 - Plushie, doll, puppet, figure

모래 - Sand

다리 - Bridge

표범 - Leopard, panther

웜뱃 - Wombat

에뮤 - Emu

두루미 - Crane

코알라 - Koala
