

Thank God It’s Friday

Summary: Three days on repeat to save their sister before it’s too late, but they need to realize sooner or later you can’t save everybody.

Warning: Suicide(mentioned and done),accidentally murder, tw, blood, gore,spelling mistakes


Part 2 of What’s Worse Then Tuesday?Plz read pt.1

Her skin was pale scars littered her body, but the cause for the lack of completion were the vertical cuts from her wrist to the nook of her elbow one arm was over the edge of the tub while the other turned the cold water a red dark enough the only thing seen was a outline of her body. His scream was earth shattering as if he has never seen her die before, but he doesn’t get another chance like before he can’t beg the trickster to be merciful and allow her to live to go back exactly to the Wednesday before save them both. Sam would give anything to go back to Tuesday, because this was so much worse.

Dean rushed into the room not long after the sight made him sick to his stomach, but he pushed through and walked fully into the bathroom as he wrapped her in a towel and carried her to the bed laying her down. For the first time in a long time he kneeled on the side of the bed and prayed to anything that would listen to his plea. “Give us a do over. Sammy had his chance to save me now let us…together save her.” He had his eyes screwed shut his breath uneven. “Please Trickster? God? Fucking Satan! We need more time!” The flap of wings went unnoticed as a familiar voice spoke in the silent room.

“I’m truly flattered you said me before God and the Devil. Warms my heart.” The Winchester’s heads snapped up at the man laying on the bed opposite of Dean a sucker in his mouth and a arm propping up his head. “You son of a bitch! You tricked me!” Sam shouted as he went to hit the trickster when he got flung back. “I did not trick you into anything.” The shorter man denied as he opened up a new lollipop replacing the stick in his mouth. “You did everything willingly. I told you your sister wouldn’t be there she wasn’t included in your back to the future snafu.” Sam froze as he thought back trying to recall what he said while his older brother looked at him with shock. “You did what?!” The dirty blonde shot up from his kneeling position. “You traded Y/n’s life for me!? You left her to die here like this?!Alone!!!” Dean was fuming while pushing Sam’s chest. “No? No! Of course not you were dead not Y/n she was on a hunt away from everything. He told me she was running herself into the grave not that by going back to today time would keep moving forward for her.” That’s when the tallest Winchester turned to the man laying next to his sisters corpse. “You sent everyone, but her back. Why? I thought she was your favorite!” The supernatural creature sighed while playing with her damp hair. “She is my favorite not even a bump in the road like death can change that, it sure wouldn’t bump you morons up a place, but you needed to learn a lesson to a pop quiz that about to come up out of nowhere at any moment to bite you.” Gabriel looked at them.

Dean reached over to him and smacked his hand away from her h/c hair. “Don’t fucking touch her.” He snapped as the trickster raised his hands in surrender. “Can you help us get her back?” Dean was trying to avoid looking at the still body infront of him. “Nope not a chance. Samsquatch got not one, but two chances to save you after I warned him. He asked to get to Wednesday well here we are!! Missing one just like last time.” The man stood up popping his joints as he picked up Y/n’s personal hunting journal flipping through pages. “That was Sam. You never made a deal with me.” His honey gold eyes looked up. “Yes I did. You’re alive aren’t you?” He gave a chuckle about to skim the tea stained pages again. “The deals involved me, but this is my second day ever seeing you in town and we’ve never made any deal.” The eldest Winchester licked his lips nervously. “Fine! But let’s make the rules clearer this time.” Gabriel sat the journal down and paced the room grabbing the discarded suicide note. “She wrote this on Friday two days before she died and it took you three days to discover her body.” He crumbled the note tossing it over his shoulder before clapping his hands rubbing them together. “So let’s even those numbers hm…instead of reliving one day you’ll be sent to Friday until you save her before Monday. Two days..two and a half if you’re lucky, so you have more time before your heat of the moment. ”

Dean hummed. “That doesn’t sound so bad.” He thought it would be easy two people trying to keep her alive for three days. “There’s a hiccup she wasn’t here Friday. So you need to rub the two brain cells you both share and find her and keep her not suicidal.” Gabe picked at his nails. “And small hint for you guys. She was tracking something while here and it wasn’t just me so don’t go to her directly because technically neither of you should be there.” He smirked as paused in the center of the floor. “So your putting us in another loop until what we give up?!” Sam spoke for the first time in awhile. “No just until you realize everyone can’t be saved…” The long hair male stood up looking down at the trickster. “Why? Why can’t I have them both why them?” He chocked up a bit his breath wavering. “Because everyone doesn’t want to be saved.” With that he snapped his fingers.

Friday 7:30 am

“My legs are dangling off the edge!”

Sam shot up as he looked around the room was the Sam as if they never left. “The bottom of the bottle is my only friend!” He heard the radio and someone else. Dean sat at the table drumming his hand. “I think I’ll slit my wrist again and I’m gone gone gone gone.” Sam looked at him in horror as he shut the radio alarm clock off causing his brother to look at him in relief. “Dude that song hasn’t turned off for almost two hours that was like the millionth time it’s played I think.” Dean got up from the table holding up a newspaper with red marks all over it. “There was three cases in the area with this hotel being in the center of them. Did she ever tell you anything about what she was doing?” The oldest Winchester asked as he handed his brother the paper. Sam thought back to all the voicemails he could have easily opened his phone to listen, but he deleted them all. “She talked about wanting to still hunt, how the trickster was a dead end, and…and that all I can think of.” He was a horrible brother she called him just like she did when he was at Stanford just to never receive a reply. History was repeated itself he pushed her way until she gave up getting closer. “The trickster said he wasn’t the only creature she was looking for. He didn’t say hunt, but looking for that means she might have been trying to find a witch or reaper.” Dean rambled as he pointed to each of the cases. The tallest sighed as he ran a hand through his long hair. “She’ll kill…k-kill herself on Sunday and we only have today to hunt what brought her here before she shows up and we don’t know how she’ll react to seeing us.” He had a good point Dean was supposedly dead and Sam didn’t even acknowledge her as if she was a stranger.

The hunt began they started with the witch two hours from the hotel. Driving down they realized it wasn’t just a witch it was a coven how the hell did Y/n track down a coven was beyond them. The women quickly went to attack them, but they were no match to iron blades and bullets. The second oldest of the witches sat before them handcuffed in Iron shackles “Tell us everything you know about Y/n!” Dean demanded as the women chuckled blowing her red hair out of her face. “Shouldn’t you know it all you are wearing her brothers skin?” She panted blood on her face as she looked at them just before her head snapped to the side with the fist that flew at her cheekbone. “Tell us why she’d come here clearly you know something.” Sam shoved a paper that had Latin writing into her line of sight. “A resurrection spell that requires a lot of unholy ingredients.” He stated which made her chuckle. “Oh! That Y/n yeah she called awhile back and told us she needs a spell…we owed her a favor so making some headlines was worth getting it done.” The young women shifted her head at the spell books spilt on the floor along with viles and broken jars. “All that work for not. The moment she finds out there’s no spell she’ll fuck off to who knows where.” Dean saw a phone abounded on the ground ringing as he pushed a iron rod to her throat. “You aren’t telling her anything. She’ll see the ashes of this place thinking it backfired, but till then everything grand.” He picked up the phone and placed it on speaker.

“Hey Rosita! Sorry if you’re busy mama wasn’t answering. I’m heading to town from Big B’s place after some rough and tumble,if you know what I mean. I’m stopping by yours after settling; do ya got that special something cooking in a witches brew while cackling evilly?” The boys almost crumbled at her voice as she spoke almost like talking to a old friend. “You know it beautiful. It’ll be ready by tomorrow just as planned.” They looked at her raising a brow at the witch what was…is their sister involved in? Half a year doesn’t make bonds like this. “Thank you so god damn much, Hot stuff! Tell sisters and mom I said hi and ask her about that Huckleberry pie recipe she promised.” Tears slipped past the witches face as she silently cried looking at her deceased family strung about. “You got it, bye.” “Bye.” The call ended as the women hung her head and cried not caring about the iron forcefully digging into her throat. The brothers stepped back from the weeping woman gazing at the massacre. Y/n wouldn’t go to a monster for help if she didn’t trust them they killed good witches that only did bad to fulfill a favor. “She’ll kill you both masked as her brothers or not she knows a monster when she sees em.” The redheaded witches cackled Dean pulled himself together and grabbed the spell books and went to leave. “We got to clean the place cops would be hear after all the noise of the fight.” The brown eyed brunette nodded as his brother patted his shoulder leaving to baby. Sam slowly walked to the doorway his hands shaking as he ignited the match. “I’m sorry…it will all be fixed by Friday again.” Dropping the lit match it created flamed track to the walls over each body consuming the room in the orange blaze. She’ll be here tomorrow just got to make it to tomorrow.

The boys sat in the motel waiting watching looking for the moment she pulled in to the dingy motel settling just down the hall. A f/c 69’ charger pulled up next to the Impala right at seven a figure silhouetted by the rising sun went to the trunk grabbing two bags before heading towards the front desk humming a song completely disregarding the other muscle car next to it. “Doesn’t she recognize baby? She basically grew up in that back seat!” Dean was confused it made no sense. “Dean remember what the trickster said we technically weren’t here today so maybe she can’t see what wasn’t here.” Sam suggested as she came towards their hall to go to her room. “So what are we suppose to do just sneak around her to keep her safe like fucking guardian angels!?!” Dean was frustrated, but the sound of the doors lock made them both turn before running around like headless chickens before the door opened.

Saturday 5:30 am

Y/n slipped into the room gently closing the door. It was almost comical how they hid Sam looking around before hiding behind the floor length window curtains while Dean crawled under his bed. She looked around the room before walking towards Dean’s bed she flopped onto it much like her older brother did, face first, before turning on her back raising up to sit she held her hands on her head as she tried and control her breathing. “I’m so sorry, De. I should be trying harder to save you. I hate to admit it, but I gave up after awhile nothing that went bump in the night scared me anymore I am brutal just like him and I-I don’t like it and I know you wouldn’t either.” Dean listened intently at her voice he wanted to be right beside her. “I got exactly like this once after Sam left put everything into hunting to feel better, but you were there that time, to keep me and Dad from murdering each other, take me on late night drives to cool off, answer your phone each time I called… now you’re gone and so is Sammy.” Her breath hicked as she gave a watery chuckle. “It’s funny how history lived through or written down can always be repeated I thought after everything it be different. He’d be different, but now I’m here alone without anyone god it’s so much worse.” The oldest Winchester wanted to hug her and never let go this was her last words to him a apology for nothing she could have prevented. “I’m using some of my old favors. From hunters I helped to monsters I saved this is my last half assed effort to be useful to give Sammy what he needs most and that’s you, haha you Jackass, always has been always will be. The Winchester brothers against the world while their not even blood sister followed like a lost puppy.” She leaned down further her hand going to the underside of the bed almost hitting Dean in the face grazing his nose with her nails. Her fingers wrapped around something gently pulling it free. It was Dean’s colt it had the engravings and everything. “The myth is true they don’t clean motel rooms. You owe me twenty buck.” Pocketing the gun she stood up and walked back to the door she just came from. “Goodbye, Batsy…” she mumbled something so quietly he wasn’t able to hear before she left to her actual room.

The brothers got out of their hiding spots they need to save her they can’t fail her again. “Dean I’m warning you know that might not be the last time you hear that speech. We’ll try to do this quickly, but we’re not sure if this will be a one and done type deal.” Sam said closing the bathroom door as Dean sat in next to the spot she was in touching it noticing that wrinkles were across the bed meaning she laid down. “She couldn’t see our bags.” He looked at the foot of each bed opened. The room looked occupied, but she didn’t acknowledge it at all. “We don’t have time to worry about it we need to see where she’s going today. Clearly from the black magic she wasn’t as over with your death as I thought.” The tall brunette looked at the Latin books. “So we just wait around to see her decide to pick up a razor? Why don’t I just knock on her door say the witchy mumbo-jumbo worked and I’m back.” He went to leave the room when a body stopped him. “Clearly since my deal with the trickster went through it didn’t work on her end. She might think you’re a shifter or something.” Sam had a point it took him threatening and begging after almost a year without Dean to get him back. Something must have gone sideways for Y/n and the witch.

Sunday Evening

It was the evening the next day and they were following the h/c haired Winchester around she sat in the same diner that Sam lived a vivid nightmare in. Dean caught a slight twitch in her face, but ignored it thinking nothing of it a man walked to her they talked for awhile and he left shortly after. Y/n tucked a notepad in her leather jacket and left the street became impossible to get through with the Summer crowd of people trying to tour the Mystery Spot. “Damnit we lost her.” They couldn’t stay like this they didn’t even see were she went. Time was ticking it was almost Monday. Walking down the cleared sidewalk eyes watch them as the blindly try to track the mop of h/c hair.

Dean basically dragged Sam to the motel they waited in her room. It wasn’t until later she was on her way back, but Sam has already locked and broke the bathroom door they just had to wait to restrain her. The door knob twisted and the fluorescent light of the hall shined in the dark room. She looked awful after they last saw her her skin looked sickly as she groaned like a zombie stepping past the doorframe. In Y/n’s note she said she felt it all coming back the pain of a million deaths put her body threw hell. Dean stood up to grab her when his boot made contact with the table leg it made a dull thud, but the peace quickly turned to dark and twisted hide and seek. The oldest brother dived down as a bullets rang out Sam tried to get closer which was a bad idea with her hunter instincts dialed to a thousand she grabbed his arm flinging him over her shoulder into the dinning table breaking it. Dean got up on shaky legs before meeting the heated metal of a gun he just got pistol whipped and knocked out.

Brown eyes opened as he met the bright light of the room. “Why in the ever loving fuck are two leviathans doing in these parts? You missed the memo this is the more magical spells and tricks kinda creature unit, butt-ass fugly is three states over.” A snort sounded from Sam’s right to see his brother awake and bleeding. “Something up I’ve seen you two all day, but why do you keep changing skins can’t you keep them for at least a week?” She picked up John’s journal and flipped through pages. “We aren’t leviathans we just need to keep you alive till 12 okay?” The signature Winchester look over came her face as she raised a brow. “What kinda fairytale bullshit is that? Will I turn into a real girly girl at the stock of twelve?” She chuckled pacing infront of them. Sam didn’t understand last time a loop happened she believed him now she’s so skeptical and trigger happy it reminded him of Dad the man that lived by shot first ask questions later and so thoughtful pasted it on to Dean. “I’m gonna tell you this. I’m gonna kill you then sell your skin because that shit is gold when in the right hands.” A knife was brought to Sam’s face as she pushed into the side if his face. “NO!” Dean shouted after hearing Sam hissing in pain as he planted his feet on the bed he pushed his chair back making Sam’s go forward, but with the force it pushed Y/n backwards and landed her on the ground. The brunettes eyes widen as the scene unfolded.

Y/n fell towards the broken table as she fell on the protruding wood like a pit stakes. Pieces of the splintered wood cut up her arms with chicken scratch the lines beading pearls of red, but that wouldn’t kill her the jagged table legs did though. One leg went just above her hip bone and the one parallel to it went through her neck she barley chocked on her blood before her breath faded into gargles. The damaged skin seemed to fade into something worse scars and open wounds of all types appeared like a cloak was removed from the surface. Dean struggled to get out the ties to get to her, but Sam just looked on looking just past her head to see the microwave clock say 11:59 in those neon green numbers. He closed his eyes as Dean yelled and cried this was the first, but not the last.

“My legs are dangling off the edge”

Dean’s POV

My eyes snapped open as a gasp of air filled my lungs. Shooting up Sam was still asleep just like when I woke up last time. I kick the covers of going to the bathroom my hands shaking as I cupped the water flinging it in my face. “This was what Sam felt. She believed him she’s always believed the craziest most logical things.” The thought of Tuesday that they caught the trickster Y/n didn’t question Sam bringing a duffle bag to the diner. “Even if I’m technically dead she’ll believe in logic with evidence.” He held in his hand the necklace she got after her first hunt a bullet pressed flat it was he favorite thing and he took it off her corpse. Only I knew about the full story about it how she killed her first demon.

I walked to the door just like before and tried to open the door. Looking out I saw the room exactly as it was reflected behind me stepping through and that stupid fucking song was still playing I turned around and just saw the same thing. “Please wake up, Sammy.” I sat at the table and waited the radio clock repeated itself the words were getting stuck in my head how come only on Friday I can’t sleep in, but on the weekend I could maybe it was due to the loop reset and my body woke up before Sam making it permanently that way. Well as long as I’m here. I start to think Sam was making a deal with the trickster on Sunday and she died, but she stayed lifeless in that tub for two full days before Wednesday came. A ring came from my pocket spoking me and a very manly yelp slipped past my lips. The batman theme sounded causing a grin to pull on my lips I answer it, but froze up unable to speak. “Hello? Shit this number must have been reactivated…um well sorry for the bother.” With that the call ended before I could utter a single syllable. Pulling the phone away from my ear I look at the call log missed calls everyday from months and none of them had a voicemail attached…she called me knowing I could never answer, but unlike Sam she did it everyday like we always did when we were apart. I licked my lips…as I remembered what I always told her.

“Never mention monsters over the phone unless you know it’s only going to be heard by me. So no voicemails about slicing a blood suckered head or digging up a corpse. I’ll always call you back to hear ever detail, Robin.” Her smile was bright in her hand she held a phone she was leaving going her own way a year after Sammy left. Three numbers were already saved on the device, but if he could have seen it now every letter of that contact list would be occupied with someone who owed her a life debt and didn’t want her dead.

Slipping the phone in my pocket as I laid my head on the table starting to drum my fingers to the beat on the wood. At some point the words flowed out of my mouth. “My legs are dangling off the edge. The bottom of the bottle is my only friend. I think I slit my wrist again and I’m gone gone gone gone.” My voice seemed to muffle the sound of the bed sheets ruffling. “What the hell man.” Shooting up at the noise Sammy looked at me from his bed I can finally leave and start looking. “Finally awake I see. Now get dressed and let’s get out of this room before I go mental.” I threw the clothes he wore last time at him and grabbed Baby’s keys. Going to the door I closed my eyes taking in a deep breath as I twisted the handle. Opening the door I peaked at to see the out side of the motel and the door number across form us. I’d never felt so happy to see the plain depressing walls of a cheap motel.

The while coven was tied up I stood infront of the girl that we questioned before. Everything was in tack this time and not a single drop of blood was shed. “We need to know everything on Y/n Winchester. She’s coming to town tomorrow from Big B’s place now if you can just tell us everything from what She’s coming back to town for and how many she stops she has that would be best.” The red headed girl giggled throwing her head back and in seconds the other witches followed. “Why should I tell a monster like you anything about my darling daughter?” My gaze hardened at the older women who I assumed was the mother of all or at least some of the girls in the coven. “She is a Winchester, a hunter that kills monsters like you.” I scoffed at them as they giggled again. Sam stood off to the side looking at the books. “A child of this coven is a child of mine and a sister of theirs. We help and protect our own from hell beast like you.” I hate to admit that I almost snapped if it wasn’t for the phone call. “Right on time answer it!” I hold it up to the mothers face along with a iron rod. “Hello Mama Freya! I wanted you to know I’m heading to town from Big B’s before stopping by. Just wanted the stats on that…special stew?” Sam came closer listening intently. “It’s all cooked up almost ready to serve just as discussed my child.” I pushed the blade closer the flush on her neck turning red and it looked like it was boiling. “Thank you so much, Mama! Tell sisters I said hi and when I get there I want that Huckleberry pie recipe as promised.” The women smiled. “You and your pie obsession, bye hun.” A laugh sounded from the other end of the line. “What can I say it runs in my family, bye ma.” I creaked a smile or as Sammy so kindly described. “Wipe that doofy grin of your face.” I grumbled as I closed the flip phone. “Bitch.”

Sam kept his eyes in the book. “A resurrection spell. Is it guaranteed to work or is it not all that creaked up to be?” His gaze panned up at the restrained group of witches. “It’s very unprecedented for a human they might come back more monster then man too much unknown about it.” Rolling my eyes I snap my fingers. “How about telling us something you do know witchy poo. Y/n clearly has a list of pitstops between wherever she is and in this town. So mind giving us names and addresses.” I cock my gun holding it to her head knowing I loaded a iron bullet. “Oh and I’m not asking.” It took longer then expected but we got a list. First up was a guy named Leonardo Grayson he wasn’t that far out of town, next was the witches themselves so he must be Big B. After them it was someone called Gabriel, then a duo that they didn’t know the names just that a man and a women that’s as much as they knew.

Sitting in the hotel room I ran a hand in my hair. “She must be at this Grayson’s house before she came here so if we head out early tomorrow we’ll pass her on the highway and see what he offered her.” Sam looked at the map on the table. “Dean you understand we can’t go near her this time right. We—we killed her yesterday she was protecting herself like any sane person and we killed her.” He rubbed his fingers on his cheek ghosting over where the cut would be. “Sammy we don’t know what would have happened if she killed us first. N/n saw us a leviathans and if we died we don’t know if we’d get a do over.” I placed a hand on his shoulder no matter how pissed I am at him N/n was my main priority and getting out of this alive was all he needed even if she wanted nothing to do with Sam or hell maybe, both of us afterwards. “Don’t worry Sammy she’s a Winchester through and through she’s stubborn as a damn mull.” I hit his shoulder before walking over to my bag. We got work to do.

Saturday Morning

The sun barley peaked over the horizon the drive was more then a few hours it was silent on the car, but that was quickly dissolved when the radio crackled. It sounded so muffled and music was in the background of the static. “Never—back—trade—him—Bride—Queen of—” I looked at Sam confused that voice was female I was about to ask what the hell was that when second masculine voice spoke. “Ruler—unstoppable—return—live—die–” The sentences were to broken up to really understand it was Y/n and someone else. “—forget—who—them?” The voice became more clear it was like a old radio. “No—return—without—” That’s when a car came zooming by like it owned the road that f/c. “What the hell is going on.” I asked Sam looked deep in thought. “Maybe she was talking to someone in the car that’s why we heard it on baby’s radio and it got clearer the closer the car got to hers.” That made some kind of sense, but what were the talking about.

Its late in the evening by the time we get to the address of this B guy a small cabin not super close to town as originally thought it looked abounded but the smoke coming from the chimney said otherwise. We sneak in with guns raised. I went upstairs and Sam stayed down stairs. There’s a empty bedroom with both sides of the bed messed up male clothes were thrown around, but there was nothing really except for a slip of paper. Grabbing it I flip it over. “Had a great time last night and this morning. Thanks again for the shades, see ya later handsome.” There was a kiss in red lipstick mark and maybe my temper was raising like hell flames. My sweet badass baby sister was in some man’s bed last night it was clear no one was here so I rushed down stairs stuffing it in my pocket. Sam stood in the loving from looking at a weird flower. “Sam stop sniffing flowers nothings here.” Opening his mother to speak both of us froze as the door swung open. A man possibly Sam’s age with tattoos littering his exposed arms that held over his shoulders a dead animal bigger then anything I’ve seen. “Is that a fucking moose!?” I gasped in shock finally recognizing the animal he snarled throwing the hunt onto the floor like a sake of potatoes. I’m scared shitless and Sam looked paler then a sheet. “What monster has the nerve to come into my home!” His snarls turned into gutted growls as his teeth sharpened and his gray eyes turned gold. We broke into a alpha werewolf’s home and we don’t have that much silver to take him. “So I think I understand now Big B…Big Bad Wolf.” I laughed nervously as he then launched at us both Sammy and I dive in opposite directions as and scrambled to run. Sam booked it out the front door while I went up stairs which was stupid, but Sam has speed on his side he’ll out run me easy. It was Dark in the house now after he hit a master switch that turned if the lights of as he ribbed it out the wall.

I’m dead I’m so fucking dead. I would have guessed he went after Sam if he didn’t shake the cabin with his angered steps. He can probably smell me, but we’ve searched this whole house maybe it was too spread out oh god please spread out. “Thought you were so high and mighty coming into my home to what? Kill me?!” I heard doors slam open I was on the window ledge the jump was to steep so I just had to wait. Then I heard a roar so powerful I almost slipped. “WHERE IS IT!?!” I frowned till it clicked I grabbed the note and never put it back. Shit shit shit fuck. The power steps faded and I stupidly let out a sigh of relief. Glass flew into my face and before the sound of the window shuddering could register a clawed hairy hand grabbed my throat pulling me back into the room. He dragged me down the stairs like a ragdoll before lifting me up and growling in my face as he gazed turned towards the open door. “I HAVE YOU’RE LITTLE FRIEND AND IF YOU WANT HIM TO STILL HAVE A BEATING HEART I SUGGEST YOU COME QUICKLY!!!!” He was dead serious as he slowly began to squeeze down on my throat I was close to backing out when a pair of foot steps made me look over their she was again a gun in her hand pointed at me well…again. “Leo put the blood bag down.” The werewolf dropped me and I gulped up the air.

“He came for my head the bastard! Why is he still allowed to be alive, Luna?” Y/n walked forward caressing behind his ear and that seemed to calm him down enough to shift him back to his human form. “He wasn’t after you. He came for me. Isn’t that right, Twilight?” She stepped closer to me using the barrel of her gun to lift my head. “First of all I don’t glitter in the light and second of all I’m trying to save you.” I said and she almost howled in laughter. “Yeah and attacking my coven and my pup is really saving me. Good job want a gold star, jackass?” My mind froze it so different hearing her say those words these were her people and we’ve kind of attacked them. “It’s not like that Robin we ju—” Her fist cut me off damn that hurt like a bitch. “Don’t call me that. It’s not yours to use.” Hurt filled her e/c eyes before being replaced with anger. “I’m trying to explain. You went back to that damn Mystery spot and remember what happened last time? You and me— um your brother Dean died over and over till you woke up and only he died.” I spoke fast and a flicker flashed in her eyes.

Come on N/n you gotta get those gears turning. “So what are trying to say the Trickster got you stuck in a loop and you’re hunting me down to save your ass?” Damnit no no so close, but no. “The trickster thecandy eating bastard put us here and each time we wake up we have a new face, we’re a new monster.” Her brow frowned as her face seemed to be running over the sentence again before it hardened. “Grab him.” She demanded and the guy picked me up as she cooked her gun looking around tense. “What the hell I thought we were getting somewhere!” I shouted. Y/n looked at me again with a flame that a well weathered hunter harbored. “You said us and we. Where’s the others?” The banister of the stairs got a hole blown into it and splinters of wood flew as the two of them ran upstairs with me thrown over his shoulder like a bag. “DAMNIT DON’T SHOOT!!!” I yelled but it was no use. Y/n split up from us staying in the room while I was in the supply closet with the beast. He pulled knifes from between bathroom and cleaning supplies. He looked down at me. “Stay here.” With a huff he ran out and most likely downstairs. I immediately left and went to find Y/n. A fight seemed to breakout on the first floor and guns fired and things being broken. Upstairs was a bust she wasn’t there anymore, but the open window kicked my ass in gear. I ran downstairs and saw Sam about to shoot a round of silver at the werewolf when s/c arms wrapped around his neck strangling him.

It was a Rodeo and Sammy fought wildly like a bull to get her off he swung himself around trying to remove her from his back. “Sammy stop!!” I shouted as the shine of silver gleamed in the fires light. In a quick motion the knife was dug into Sam’s shoulder. He yelled, but used the arm no longer around him to flip her over her back making content with the cobblestone of the fireplace and he drew his shotgun to fire at what I can only assume he thought was another wolf. Going to fire I grab his arm jerking the barrel up as it went off. It hit the mirror above causing it to rain shards of glass that hurriedly fell to the ground most cut and sliced at Y/n who was just below it. Her arms bleed in familiar places as she shielded her face. It all moved so slow like in all those cheesy action movies Sam cocked the gun again and aimed, her face was still hidden from the attack of glass, the metal shrapnel flew at her chest small pieces packed quite the punch. The hit blew her back into the roaring flames the flannel easily caught a flame her yells were haunting. “Y/N!!!” I yelled and ran to her pulling her free ripping my jacket off I pat her down, but it was too little too late the fire burnt her skin blisters forming on places not charred black her chest caved in from the close range of shotgun blast. S-she’s dead a-and we didn’t even make it to Sunday.

Friday Sam POV

“My legs are dangling of the edge”

I sat up Dean sat on the ground his back leaning against the bed as his eyes teared up as he muttered the words of the song before looking at me. “Two days you’ve been asleep two days.” I was shocked at his words. “The sun has been stuck like that for forty-eight hours, Sammy all because of you!!” The guilt in my chest seemed to just settled I shot at N/n and even after Dean called for me to stop I still fired and killed her. “I’m sorry, Dean. I-I didn’t mean to.” My throat felt like it was swelling as I spoke I’ve never directly caused any of Y/n’s death in the loop like I accidentally did to Dean, but this wasn’t a slip of the hand and a axe flying this was multiple rounds of silver. I got up and Dean shook his head and just sat on the bed having already been dressed. “Remember the guy from the Diner that N/n was talking to. We watched everyone who came into town so he was already here so we find him we can question him. He was the last one to talk to her.” I said as I pull up my pants and all he could do was nod before walking to the door. This was taking it’s toll on Dean watching her die just like we I saw him die, but something uneasy came over me at my thoughts I felt like this only for Dean and not for Y/n. I don’t understand she would die seconds after him though seeing him die stuck with me. She should have been on my hip the moment Dean’s final breath she could have followed, but I didn’t care.

How the fuck can I think like that?! Of course I care about Y/n she’s my sister. This isn’t me she’s my partner in crime, my reading buddy, and I abounded her again. How could I’ve been so stupid to leave her like we didn’t share the same struggle. I forced her to lose all the family she had left because of revenge and she saw no point in staying with nothing to live for. “Sammy? Sam?! Dude I got a hit!” I snapped out of my daze. Looking at Dean, when did we get in baby? “What?” He rolled his eyes as he pointed to the bag in his hand. “While you were in la la land Goldilocks I got food and guess who decided to take a stroll–” He pointed out the windshield at a man with his back to us walking down the street. “Are man of the hour.” Looks like we’ve got work to do.

Kidnapping is against the law, but dammit we need answers. Removing the bag for his head wide blue eyes flickered between us scared he screamed behind the gag as he struggled. We did the monster test and nothing came up so we had to wait for him to wake up. Removing the cloth gag he gasped as before spitting out questions. “What the hell is happening?! W-who are you? Let me go!” Standing in front of him my eyes boring into his what is he. Looking over at Dean he pulls out his gun putting it to his head. Tears rolled down his face as he closed his eyes bowing his head. “Please don’t kill me I have a family!!!” He shouted as he tried to move away from the barrel. “Just tell us how you know, Y/n.” I said as he opened is eyes that were tinted a slight red. “I-I don’t know who tha–” The sound of the gun cocking cut him off. “Bullshit start talking before it gets ugly.” Dean demanded and the man shuddered as he seemed to start crying his shoulders quaking with each wet hiccup. I gave Dean a bitch face this guy definitely wasn’t the same person. As I went to stand up and take the gun away from him small bubbling laughter replaced the crying.

His shoulders showed his restraint, but a booming laugh that caused both me and Dean to take a step back. I kept my eyes on him avoid Dean’s I told you so glance. “She’ll never come back to you guys. After all she’s to busy in bed with me.” A shit eating grin pulled at his lips. Maybe I should have grabbed the gun from Dean. The revolver was pushed in his face and all the guy did was grin leaning into it. “Pull it, Dum-Dum.” When he didn’t pull the trigger he pushed the gun out of his face. Wait his hands were restrained. With a snap of his fingers the Trickster was standing before us. “You guys can’t get enough of me. Sorry not enough for you losechesters well except for the little one of course.” I grabbed the gun from Dean this time before he can shoot the supernatural creature. “Why were you with her on Sunday? What lies did you tell her, huh!?” This trickster was starting to piss me off. Was he interfering with the loop to play with us. “We only had a little chat. Exchanged numbers to connect later.” That didn’t make sense she killed herself why would she give out her number if she planned not to use it…unless she didn’t commit suicide, but that didn’t make sense. “Come on Samsquatch use that brain you claim you have. Your getting closer to the answer.” The shorter male said. “It wasn’t suicide it was something else.” I said and the monster sighed throwing his head back. “I put the answer on a tee and you still manage to miss.” Snapping his fingers he placed the red licorice in his mouth. “Then what is it then?! What am I missing? Tell me.” Those golden eyes rolled as he walked up to me his eyes screaming mischief. “Fine I’ll tell you.”

Dean stepped in. “What’s the catch?” The man hummed chewing slowly. “If I tell you. You get one more go around and the outcome stays. Does that sound fair? Three full days and you know exactly were she is all three of them.” I tried to contemplate it we are starting better off knowing on Friday she was with the wolf, then came into town Saturday possible doing research before heading to the witch coven, and finally Sunday sitting at the diner returning home late at night to her room. Somethings weren’t accounted for, but better start. “Deal!” The shock of the apple green eyes and the smug smirk on the tricksters face made me want to retract that statement. “Perfect! She did kill herself in that tub, but not from depression from Dumbs death like her letter made you believe or the abandonment from Dummer, that’s you, so there’s your answer.” He tried to leave when I stopped him. “That’s not the whole thing! Tell me the whole truth!!!” I yelled and all he did was grin. “You asked to know if it was suicide or something different and I told you plus some. Our deal never included all the answers.” Holding up his hand he snapped his fingers. What have I done, again?

My eyes flutter open as I silence my alarm. The arm around my waist squeezed me and I turned around coming face to face with steel blue eyes gazing into me. “That alarm us depressing as hell.” His gruff voice said as I chuckled laying my head on his bare chest. “Yeah, but I couldn’t keep waking up to rock anymore.” I smiled sadly Enter Sandman was my original alarm sound, but I couldn’t stand hearing it anymore and I was so close to throwing away my cassette tape collection because every memory tied me to Dean and they only mocked me as someone that watched her brother died in their arms and was left behind. “Enough with the sad thoughts, Luna.” The rumble of his voice pulled me out of it. “No sad thoughts here I’ll be fixing it all soon, pup.” I kissed up his neck causing his chest to vibrate with a purr that was so rough it sounded more like a growl. The world spun as I was pinned down looking up at him I raise a brow hooking my leg behind his knee flipping us. “Oh pup my turn to in charge.” What a fun way to start other morning.

Finial Loop~ Y/n POV

“My legs are dangling of the edge”

After taking a shower Leo went in after talking about needing to hunt soon. “When I get back promise me a fantastic dinner, Leo!” I shouted and he gave a yell of agreement. I pull on some clothes fixing my hair and face. Taking a slip of paper from my journal I write a small note before kissing it. Grabbing my bag I walk down stairs looking at the vase plant. My eyes unfocused as I saw a unclear blurred image of a man examining the plant before turning around and fading away my vision focuses again and I shake my head. What the hell was that? I step closer taking the large bundle of the same flowers next to it. Wolfsbane wasn’t as common as people assume and it doesn’t ward off werewolves it gives them a boost actually making newly turned one’s have more control over themselves and pure-bloods a extra kick. Within my hand was far more then any werewolf could consume at once. I leave and get into my car…I wish I got baby, but Sam just left one day so I had to find my own and Dean would be proud of the beaut I found opening the trunk I throw the bag in keeping the bundle of flowers in my hand. Starting the car I take one of the violet/blue flowers and I start chewing it bitter and gross, but to finish this by Sunday I had to work.

“The bottom of the bottle is my only friend.”

As I drove I turned on music drumming on the steering wheel. “I don’t think you trust. In…my…self-righteous suicide. I…cry…when angels deserve to DIE!!”I was bobbing my head to the drums. “All of them deserve it, darling.” I snapped my head to the side in shock before calming down reaching to lower the music. “Crowley a pleasure, but what have I told you about the whole appearing and not making yourself seen before talking. Next time I’ll make a devils trap.” He raised his hands in surrender as he chuckled a glass of scotch in hand. “Do you have what I was required?” I rolled my eyes as I lifted up the wolfsbane and stuck out my tongue to show the purple hue. “Yeah and the veil. A-are you sure this is going to work? I know its a little to late to stop now, but its just…” I sigh the words not coming out a hand rested on my shoulder and I gave a hum in content. “Everything will be different I won’t be able to turn around. Things will never go back to the way it was after I do this whole trading places for him huh?” The Scottish demon shook his head and I gave a dry laugh. “I’ll become the fucking Bride of Frankenstein with all this supernatural shit juicing up my soul the Queen of monsters if you will.” I glanced over at him as he nodded in agreement a small grin pulling at his lips. “Ruler of them all my dear truly a unstoppable force that morons soul will be returned no contract attached and he may live again. All you must do is die and once in hell you’ll become whole.” He said taking a sip. A car came down the lone road and as it started to pace my mind slipped into my inner thoughts of how I got here.  All of this started months ago I was trying to find a way to sell my soul for Dean, but all demons refused and it wasn’t until the King of crossroads and I struck up a deal was any progress made. Our deal was unlike any other. No hellhounds were doomed to rip my soul from my body and I learned the true reason that I was unable to make a deal. My soul had something special I was destine to be the Winchesters saving grace, but to do that my soul could no longer be human.

Letting the memory fade the black car no longer in sight which was odd I just get back to the conversation. “Will I you know…forget about them? Forget who I am to them?” Crowley frowned slightly at my question before speaking up. “No my sweet clover you’ll remember and you can return just you must live without them on your own, but your use to that. Aren’t you?” I sucked my teeth and nodded my head this was for my brother Dean and Sam to reunite them and get out of the way. “Do you have what I need?” I asked and a silver flask was pulled from his jacket shacking it slightly. “The blood of a hell born beast.” His words made me look over all I needed was two more things and it’ll be done. I grab the flask about to open it a drink when his hand stopped me. “You already look sick from the other ingredients and you aren’t even halfway done with consuming them all. Wait till you get to your witchy friends to help.” I nodded as I look down the long road turning the music back up.

“Why have you forsaken me? In your arms forsaken me in your eyes forsaken me oh!”

Time skip Saturday Morning~

I pulled into the the motel parking as I tried to even out my breath. Stepping out I close the drivers door and get my bag from the back. I saw a flicker of a car next to me, but my eyes must be playing tricks on me. I walk to the respiration desk and get a room key funny enough it was the room I was originally supposed to be in, but it was unavailable last time so I slept on the lumpy sofa. I walked down the hall, but freeze infront of the door checking to see if anyone was looking I pick the lock the sound of a slight shuffle didn’t stop me though. The door swung open the light of the sun illuminated the room enough it looked just like it did the day we were going to leave minus the once messy beds. Setting my bag down I walk over to the bed Dean slept in and flopped on it my body doing a small bounce.

The covers almost felt warm underneath, but I chalked it up to the direct sunlight it was getting. I flip over and sit up cupping my face in my hands letting out a deep breath tears starting to well up. “I’m so sorry, De. I should be trying harder to save you. I hate to admit it, but I gave up after awhile nothing that went bump in the night scared me anymore I am brutal just like him and I-I don’t like it and I know you wouldn’t either.” My voice hitched as the salt water built up. “I got exactly like this once after Sam left put everything into hunting to feel better, but you were there that time, to keep me and Dad from murdering each other, to take me on late night drives to cool off, answer your phone each time I called… now you’re gone and so is Sammy.” I give a watery chuckle at the thought of Sam my supposed brother. “It’s funny how history lived through or written down can always be repeated I thought after everything it be different. He’d be different, but now I’m here alone without anyone god it’s so much worse.” The sun seemed to warm my body in some type of embrace a feeling that I’ve missed and have been craving it felt so close and personal I could almost return the hug, but no one was there not anymore. My anger that I held towards Sam for so long turned onto me after a few months I wasn’t enough to him after Dean left maybe I was never enough. “I’m using some of my old favors. From hunters I helped to monsters I saved this is my last half assed effort to be useful to give Sammy what he needs most and that’s you, haha you Jackass, always has been always will be. The Winchester brothers against the world while their not even blood sister followed like a lost puppy.” I leaned down slipping my hand on the underside of the bed my fingers gently wrapped around and pulling it Dean’s colt free. “The myth is true they don’t clean motel rooms. You owe me twenty buck.” Pocketing the gun I stand up and walk back to the door. “Goodbye, Batsy. See ya soon.” I close the door with my bag in hand I got to my own room. After the long drive I want to take a small nap before heading over to the coven house I already called her Friday.

Knocking on the door of the house a tall women with long red hair opened the door before I can greet Mama she pulled me into a tight a hug and I went limp in her hold resting my head on her shoulder breathing in the smell of saga and rosemary. “My child you’ve finally arrived.” She released me from the hug pulling me into the cozy home. It looked normal in the front area, but after stepping into the living place it screamed witch. My “blood of the coven” sisters quickly came over and we all started chatting like a bunch of high school friends I wished Dean could see me now in a share circle talking about boys while a mother figure was in the kitchen making lunch for us. He’d be happy for me I’m being normal grabbing a slice of that apple pie life like he’s always wanted for us, but God if he only he knew I would throw all of this away the happiness,normality,my lifd to be with him again on the road or states apart just knowing he’s there if not for me,for anyone is all I’ll ever need. We all ate and laughed before testing the spell the liquid looked like tar and the consistency wasn’t far off. ”It will take a month to work just like you wanted. When you feel the time is right drink it all don’t leave a single drop or I’ll kill you myself.” Mama Freya threatened and I quickly nodded taking the bottle. “Hey mama I was wondering I have all these ingredients I need to take, but they are..” I shiver thinking of the taste of the metallic blood going down my throat or the skin rudder and tough stuck in my teeth. “Hard to keep down can you put them in a easier form to swallow?” She smiled as she took the bag of ingredients taking each items one at a time and it was like looking at a rainbow of pills I dig through my bag finding old pain killer bottles,orange prescription bottles,and a empty baggies that I haven’t cleared from my bag to hold them all. Over twenty full bottles and five baggies of the small rounded and capsual shaped objects.

“Its getting late Mama I best be on my way back to the motel. I still have two more ingredients.” She nodded sadly and hugged for what felt luke the millionth time since being here. Haha millionth is over exaggerating and it sounds like something Dean would say. “I’m going to miss you girly. The place won’t be the same without you.” Her face was that of a mother mourning the lose of a child that simply is leaving the nest not about to do the unthinkable and leave this earth. “I’ll be back before y'all even notice I’m gone. Scouts honor.” I raised my hand and gave a grin. “You better be I’ll have more pie baking waiting for you.” My eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas. I nodded quickly as I went to say by to my sisters. “Good night everyone.” I heard various shiuts as I closed the door walking over to my charger I look into the glass of the drivers door and see the house behind me in flames. Snapping back around it was completely fine…what the hell is going on?! I got in the car and drove back to the motel maybe hallucinations are a side effect. I just need to sleep it off like a hangover.

Sunday Moning

I woke up early for breakfast and my meet up with Gabe. Rolling out of bed I get ready I gaze at the full bottles and baggies and I dump half of each in my hand setting them aside as before grabbing a glass…water or whiskey? It was morning and I wanted to semi walk straight so I went with water. Taking it all down with atheist to glasses of water I get up and leave walking to the dinner seeing no point in driving. It was weird walking down the same sidewalk that I once shared with Sam and Dean each step was painful and it was like the feeling all those months ago is coming back in waves. I’m sure if I stayed in the same room it would be ten time worse. Ignoring the pain I stepped in the dinner looking at the menu,but someone sat in front of me just as the waitress came up. “She’ll have a short stake with your meat lover omelet and a black coffee. I’ll take your Nutella pancakes as a large stake extra nutella and a hot chocolate.” The women quickly wrote that down not even having to say a word and left looking up from the plastic covered menu my e/c orbs met molten gold ones. “You know I just get all tingly when you take charge like that.” I give a flirtatious smile as her winked at me. Chuckling I set the menu down giving him my full attention. “So trickery archangel what is it like?” He looked shock for a second before recovering. “I knew I liked you for a reason,smarties. My angelic looks?” Gabe tried to smolder,but I just sighed letting out a breathy laugh. “Since the trial started I’ve noticed your energy and power is stronger yet more pure then any other trickster.” I said and he gave a nod.

“So that’s why you called me back to this hell hole to confront me. Boo I was hoping for a little more bedroom eyes and less business tone.” Gabriel said as his stake of chocolate on chocolate pancakes were sat infront of him as he then drowned it in make syrup. Mine were sat down as well,but I started on the omelet first. “Not really to confront you but to ask for something. When we met last time I told you about the trial and what I needed after trying to kill a trickster buddy of yours. Now that I know you have not just angel blood,but trickster mojo mixed in I was wonder If I can have some.” He paused setting the syrup down and gazing up at me. “Alright no biggie have had worse things wanting my blood.” Snapoing hus finder he held a vial of blood that glowed slightly and handed it over. I was a little shocked that was alot easier then expected,but I won’t look a gifted horse in the mouth. Suddenly I felt like I was freezing up someone was watching us giving Gabe a look he got the idea and we stopped speaking about supernatural and continued to eat. As we both finished I pulled out a notepad and pen. “Tell me were to find you I’ll see when we can meet.” Gabe nodded and wiped his mouth. “10236 Charing Cross Road, Los Angeles,CA~” I wrote it out and as I read over it my eyes turned back up I gave my best bitch face at his smug grin. “The playboy mansion?” He gave a smirk as we both stood up. “What can I say the ladies love me.” I was tempted to hit him with the notepad,but went against it as I put it back in my inner jacket pocket. “Later Gabe. Don’t get in too much trouble I’m not saving you.” I placed the money on the table. “I wouldn’t dream of it,Angel.”

I left with that the eyes I felt on me earlier followed me out of the dinner. Diving into the crowed weaving between people I keep going before dipping into a alley getting to the opposite side to a different street. I had one more meet up for the day

Time skip

The warehouse was worn down,but it was the only place far enough for this. Opening my phone I dial Crowley’s number. The moment it rung once he appeared infront of me along with his mother. “Hello Rowena.” She smiled at me stepping closer hugging me. Whats with the hugs today? “Oh you wee little las! So precious!” Her hands cupped my cheeks as she looked me over. “When Fergus told me you were a Winchester I expected a brut of a lady,but not near this lovely.” I peaked over her shoulder to look at Crowley with a elevated brow all he did was sigh and shack his head. Rowena finial stepped back as I brushed myself off. “Now on with business. How much is left?” He asked as I shivered at the amount of items I had to swallow. “Half of everything. Once I’m back at my room I’ll take the other half then the spell.” I said and Crowley nodded as his hand caressed his facial hair. “Shouldn’t be long now,Clover. Dean will be back in three days time no strings attached.” This was a relief if Dean saw me he would kill me before I got the chance to do it myself. “Don’t worry,love hell isn’t all bad.” The redheaded witch said causing me to give a look.

“Yes day filled of torture and nightly strolls through the flames are quite pleasant.” Crowley stiffled a chuckle as Rowena smiled. “She’s feisty too,Fergus if you don’t settle down with her no girl will be nearly enough.” A choked gasp came from the demon as he coughed on his whiskey that he summoned. “Mother please not this. Not now.” He was able to clear his throat enough to talk. “If not now then when Fergus?! You aren’t getting any younger and I’ve lived enough life to at least see one grandchild!” She shouted. I gave a apologetic smile at the demon king’s expense. Life with a mother sure had it’s ups and downs. The arguing didn’t stop so I took my leave Dean would find it funny if I ever told him ‘So I witnessed a demon and a witch get in a argument about future grandkids’ he’d eat it up. Anything I’d tell him he’d pay attention a hundred percent even if it bored the crap out of him. It’s what good brothers do they stayed through all the shit good,bad,exiting,or boring. The don’t leave.

Time skip Nighttime

I drove back to the motel feeling sicker then ever before it was the horrible withdrawal it was around time to take the rest of it and end it all. Arriving back I turn on the light it felt like someone was here,but it was so faint. I open all the pill bottles along with the glowing angle blood and look at the empty glass from this morning deciding on the whiskey instead to was it all down. Handful after handle I gulp them all down the bottles were empty and the alcohol was a third full. Looking at the vial of black I take a deep breath…it was time. Opening it I tilted my head back and let it slide down my throat it felt like I was trying to swallow a live slug. It was slow and almost agonizing,but it eventually went down. Taking in a deep breath I stand up with a slight wobble I grab my bags putting everything,but my journal and the empty bottles away. Stepping on the bed I slip the duffel bags in the air vent and fall back on the bed flopping. Dozen of empty pill bottles,whiskey,a knife,and a suicide note in

Summary: Sam and Dean are on there second hunt to find John. They need help from the one person who hates Wendigos the most Y/n Winchester
Prequel to What’s Worse Then Wednesday?

Ten years ago John had his first encounter with a wendigo a family went hiking with a full group of fifteen and no one has came down from the mountain in almost a month. Having asked a more experienced hunter John wrote down things he needed to remember as he went up the mountain a bag with Molotov ,lighters,and flare-up. It took almost a week to find the small mine shaft his brown eyes widened at the seen. Male and female limps were torn of and only some still had enough meat and clothing to be identifiable. Some bodies were on hook that resembled mountain climbing gear. None of them moved except for one. Stepping closer a six year old girl was hanging from her binder wrist her eyes look into his scared before gazing over down a tunnel a thick trail of blood went down it as tears spilled down her face. “Mommy and Daddy are gone. I next.” Her voice cracked and a unhuman beastly type growl echoed. “I’m gonna get you out of here, darling.” That’s how John Winchester met his adoptive daughter Y/n.

Its been seven years since then and the little family the Winchester’s made for themselves was falling apart. It broke John’s heart that he pushed away his youngest son when he wanted a way out of this life, but when his adoptive daughter wanted to hunt more big league he almost blew a fuse. Y/n was young really fucking young to be hunting on her own,but it could have been worse she could have cut off contact with John and Dean. Now two years later John’s missing and the siblings need each other.

The h/c teenager hissed as she cleaned the deep cuts on her shoulder looking into the bathroom mirror. A fucking blood suckered clawed at her shoulder taking advantage of the other two she beheaded. The burner phone on the back of the toilet rings as she grabbed it putting it between her ear and none injured shoulder. “Kinda busy Dean-o.” She mumbled slipping the antibacterial cream in the cuts making the surface pink. “Dad went on a hunt and hasn’t been back yet. I got a call last night and it sounds Ike somethings under it.” He said the sound of baby let be know he’s in the car. “Send it over to me and I’ll have it back to you by the hour. You leaving New Orleans?” She ask starting to Butterfly stitch closing up the cuts. “Yeah left about two hours ago heading to California.” Pausing and shacking her head. “No no no no no! You’re not involving Sammy! He got out the life let him stay away and safe.” Y/n finished up wrapping her shoulder as she walked out the bathroom to put on a shirt. “I need to,n/n. I won’t keep him long we are just gonna check out the place dad was last at. The question is are you coming.” Licking her lips she sighed. “I can’t I’m in New York right now just took care of a nest in Brooklyn. I won’t make it cross country for a couple of weeks.” Dean let out a heavy breath. “I know,but I also know you’re avoiding Sammy.” Maybe the youngest wasn’t the only one heart broken after one of her protectors,her best friend left in a huff and hasn’t answered a single call.

The silence was drawn out as Dean’s phone buzzed against his ear. “There your voice-mail put it through a gold wave. Sounds like a vengeful spirt bring rock salt for the shotgun.” Dean chuckled. “Thanks baby sis…wait did you put me on mute to ignore me!?You bit—” That’s when the line went dead. The h/c girl giggled as she layed on the stiff musty motel mattress. Her eyes closed,but her mind ran ramped.

The woods they were dark and seemed to loom over her. It was so quite no sound came from anywhere not even the wind dared blow. Crying filled the the air it was that of a child. It grew closer till it disappeared all together the claw marks on the trees marked the familiar place the blood soaked leaves crunched behind her causing the teen to go stiff. She knew what was behind her it was the same thing in every dream for ten convective years even if she knew her body wouldn’t allow her to act she was that same scared little girl paralyzed as the horror show continued. The creature yelled,but it echoed in all directions. “HELP US!” Dean and Sam’s voices shocked her awake her body pinned in fear as she looked at the Wendigo on top of her. It successfully restricting movement if her whole upper body. Blinking hard it was gone and air filled her lungs like rushing water. It meant nothing…nothing at all.

It’s been almost a two weeks since Dean’s call. He often text since Sam tried to high jack his phone last time he tried calling. Sam and Y/n didn’t exactly end on the best of notes. “Come with me.” Sammy looked at a younger Y/n who shook her head. “No. I can’t leave dad and Dean. Not like this.” The dust has settled after the heated argument between father and son and the rules were clear the moment he walked out those doors he stayed gone. “Don’t call him that.” His mood seemed to shift back to angry,but something else was there. “Call him what? Dad?” The young girl was confused now. “He’s not your dad.” It wasn’t a secret that Sam harbored negative feeling against his sister they were never anything serious,but he still somewhat loved her just not like a sister. “You’re not apart of this family you can get away,but no you’re going to stay here and become their weakness!” He points at John and Dean who were just behind her. “I’m not a weakness! I got their back like they’ve got mine. That’s what’s family’s for!!!” She shouted her eyes welling with tears not letting them fall,but they slip out at his next words. “Your family is dead! Did you save them then?! Maybe if you did we wouldn’t be stuck with you!!!” The room was still no one dared breathed Dean stared wide eyed at his baby brother as John grew tense grasping the neck of his beer bottle in a vise grip while same looked like a deer in headlights. A sniffle brought the three men’s attention to the girl. Tears streamed down her face before she used a open palm to whip her face dry. “Just go. Cause that’s what you do best you runaway from your problems and wait til Dad or Dean can fix it.” The thirteen year old snapped at him as she pushed on him as he just stumbled back. “You’re nothing,but a coward and a pathetic one at that. I don’t want to loss the little family I got for myself you’re so willing to walk away from them it shows how different we are…nothing,but two strangers.” He stood in the doorways as the h/c teen grabbed his packed duffle bag and threw it into his torso making him fall to the ground.. “So just FUCKING LEAVE!!!” With that she slammed the door shut. What Sam couldn’t see as he drove away from the dingy motel was the mess he left behind. A father struggling to keep his kids safe,a brother torn between hunting and normalice,and lastly a adoptive sister that can’t help,but be different. Sam Winchester left his family in a worse state then imaginable.

Sitting in bed I looked at my phone hoping it rang or buzzed with a incoming message that said they were fine. Y/n jumped as the screen lit up the name Batman lighting the screen. “About fucking time you jackass!” Her words were harsh,but the relief filled her voice. “Yeah we just got out of Stanford campus heading to …. now.” Dean said the sound of cars and wind slightly muffled his voice. “H-how’s Sam after…after you know?” One thing that Winchester’s hated was emotions and even if they weren’t blood she grew up the same. Nature and nurture going toe to toe. “I don’t know. You can always ask him yourself you know.” The h/c teen laughed as she ran her hand down her face. “Dean-o he’s the same shaggy haired asshole that said I wasn’t family. I’ll give him a chat when we’re cheek to cheek in hell.” And another thing Winchester’s sure knew how to hold on to a fucking grudge. “God you sound like Bobby said if he ever saw dad again he’d be looking down his shotgun barrel.” They both chuckled as the faint sound of a ding of a convince store rang out. “Well tell Samantha same goes for him.” She picked her nails as she decided to get up. “What are you morons hunting anyways did dads ex-marine crap give you a clue?” The crunch a gravel on the line grew louder. “It just had coordinates,my name,and a note saying safe place with your name.” Dean opened the car door and got inside as Sam approached him. “I don’t know Dean I don’t have a safe place in the middle of nowhere so keep me updated,Batsy.” Sam looked over at Dean who switched hands to the furthest from his brother. “Copy that talk later,Robin.” That’s when the keep away match started.

“Dude what the hell I want to talk to Y/n.” Sam huffed as his brother closed the flip phone dropping it on the floorboards next to his feet. “Your chances of talking to her are zero to none,man. Sammy she’ll talk to you when she’s ready.” Dean sighs as he starts the car. The youngest huffed he will admit he was a shitty brother that night and everyday following he didn’t like it,but he ignored her calls for a months till they just stopped.At first he was still heated,heated, he felt guilty,then he was too busy. Sam tried calling,but it disconnected immediately meaning she blocked him. He thought he’d see her when Dean broke in but finding out she’s been taking her own hunts scared him shitless. And from what Dean told him she started after the first month she trained harder taking own bigger hunts with Dad before doing normal ones alone. Sam realized by leaving he took away her only need for normalice,her want to have something other then hunting. He took her slice of the apple pie for himself.

The brothers were in the fucking woods in jeans and flannels walking with a makeshift search party for a missing kid. They were in a abandoned campsite after they lost their supplies. The signal was shot and Dean’s phone was useless in most areas. He sent a text as it waited for any signal to send. “’ Going in the woods with unknown creature. You know the coordinates I’ll call if we need you’” That was a bit of a lie. He knew what it was before nightfall,but he didn’t want her to have a panic attack he wouldn’t be there to help her. The guide Roy? shot blindly in the woods after something rustled and growled like no animal. The boys ran after him as he got snatched up into the treeline which made them quickly escape back to the camp. As Haley and her brother Ben slept Dean had first watch they weren’t prepared and this was the last creature he wanted his sister to hunt. Not after last time.

Dean was on a hunt with Dad and Y/n while Sammy stayed at uncle Bobby’s for exam week or some shit. John never told them what they were hunting they had to discover it themselves. The hunt that was suppose to last three days,but took almost a week the tried tracking it yet nothing came up,but more missing persons. The trio decided they’d go back into the national park when it was daylight again,but they didn’t need to wait that long. That night they slept Y/n sharing the bed with Dean as dad slept in the bed to the right of them it was probably the quietest night they’ve every had so the fact that something breezed in under their noses scares them most. Dean rolled out of the bed to the bathroom closing the door after he turned on the light it illuminated the pale skinned beast in the corner. It creeper closely to the only adult in the room gazing at his body before turning to the smaller figure in the bed breathing evenly. It crept onto the bed leaning over her body the old motel mattress creaked as it settled onto her. The weight of the creature was crushing causing her breath to come out in a hissing wheeze as her e/c eyes opened before they filled with shock. Going to scream the crushing weight on her chest pushed all the air out along with breaking a few ribs. Her hand wiggled out from under him as she wiggled her arm to hit the lamp off the table it broke onto the ground and John shot up with his gun and Dean busted out of the bathroom both froze before jumping into action the young boy running to get a lighter while John shot at it just to get it away from Y/n. The boney supernatural creature screeched getting up allowing the girl to try and roll out of the bed it struck her back blood soaked her clothing as she fell coughing roughly knowing the fall made one of the ribs stab into her lungs. The males in the room were able to set the monster ablaze quickly getting out of the room John holding his daughter. Y/n was in shock like many victims they’ve seen that monster was her nightmare and it casual gazed at her having the ability to kill her at any moment. After going to the hospital she stayed at Bobby’s for almost a month to recover physically and mentally. Wendigos are her yellow eyes.

The next day as the followed the tracks of the Wendigo a sigh left Dean’s lips as he tried to call her it rung for awhile before dial tone at least it went through,but she must have been busy. About to hand up the girl took off running after the beast made itself know Dean ran to keep up with her Sam yelling for him to wait as he stayed with her brother. She managed to trip as he went to pick her up he was hit over the head as she screamed for help as he started fading in and out and the voice-mail ended with Cries of help.

Y/n sat in her car waiting for a update text form Dean she started driving close to where he was,but didn’t involve herself yet she almost got a room at the motel when her phone buzzed with a text. It was a update to come if he ever called to head over and help with a thankful sigh she back tracked from the motel and went to the dinner as she left her 0gonw on the table to order food it vibrated with a incoming call. One missed call and a voice-mail. As she grabbed her bagged lunch she grabbed the stuff off the table going back to her car as she got in the driver’s seat she opened her phone to see a missed call and a voice-mail. Dean never sends voice-mails so Y/n opened it and she almost broke her foot as she hit the pedal to get to the woods. “Dean wait up~*crackle of leaves and grunts*~Come on we gotta ge—~*Female Screams followed by a thud*~ DEAN!!! *Inhuman roar before cut off*” Y/n almost had a panic attack in the car,but the adrenaline made her move faster that was sent five minutes ago. Taking a deep breath she began calling any hunter supernatural or not that knew the area well enough. “Hello?” “Hey this is the ARIA. I’m F/n F/L/N you have been hunting in the area for forty years are there any identifying landmarks within those woods? So incase of emergency?” The old man happily spoke about clearings,cabins on the edge,river,and a abounded mineshaft and where they were. She quickly thanked the man before hanging up she pulled out a satellite gps as she got looked over were she needed to go. Grabbing a backpack she loaded it with everything she needed as she took off into the wood watch as she got closer and closer with each click.

Sam’s eyes fluttered open as he grabbed his bearings. Dean was next to him which mean he got captured not long after Dean and got taken. Haley,Ben,and Tommy were to the right of him they were stuck as he tried to move or at least hit Dean and wake him up. His brothers eyes sluggishly opened as he looked around before turning back to Sam in shock. The heavy foot steps creeped closer as the half clothes supernatural being looked down at them even though they were hanging on meat hooks. It moved down the line of people about to grab Tommy when a soft cry echoed in the cave. It turned around and listened closely. The brothers strained their ears to hear what it was. The Wendigo sprinted off to investigate when something else came into the Winchester’s view. Y/n stood infront of her brothers mud,sticks,and leaves on her body to mask her sent. Walking forward with a knife she cut Dean down before doing the same for Sam. The oldest went to cut down the siblings as Sam stopped his sister. “Y/n how did you get here? You shouldn’t be here the monster is a—” She cut him off with a anxious smile in her face. “A Wendigo I know,but you guys needed a hero so I’m here.” Dean came over to them as he stood next to his taller brother. “Sammy’s right though,N/n. You got to get out of here after what happened last time. This thing is different from the last one it won’t sit still for us to shoot it.” He had a point, but he knew that was years ago he was still scared he couldn’t protect her. “I got this I can defend myself. Get these people out of her I can distract the man eater.” Handing them both a flare guns She turned towards the opposite tunnel the beast went into. “That leads straight to a river follow the flow and after it stops you’re only two miles from Baby.” About the protest they hear a growl. Y/n quickly sprinted further into the cave making enough noise to cover them escaping.

“OH OH HERS SHE COMES WATCH OIT BOYS SHE’LL CHEW YOU UP! OH OH HERE SHE COMES SHES A MAN EATER!!!” She sung running lighting flares leaving a trail as she ventured deeper. Y/n pulled the rubber top igniting another about to drop it when a snarl came form behind her. “Well hello beastie.” She didn’t turn around evening her breathing before spinning. The red light illuminated the monster in a devilish glow she wasn’t a scared little girl anymore she was a Winchester and Winchester’s chase after their demons. “Just you and me now.” A roar sounded throughout the damp cave. The boys turn to look back they both wanted to run back,but both of them would have pit her in more danger they were injured and a extra body to look after would put her at risk. They saw the orange hue of flames and the sound of glass breaking. Standing anxiously waiting for her to come out they were thrown back by the force of a explosion pressurized by the small space. The rock of the cave entrance was about to crumble when a head of h/c hair running out with a limp as it collapsed dust clouded the scene before them they could tell if she even got out until it settled. The youngest Winchester stumbled forward as she smiled at her brothers blood coming from her head and her split lip. “That was awesome. I did a Indian John’s.” Dean ran as fast as he could capturing her in a bone crushing hug. “Do some shit like that again I’ll kill you then myself.” She giggled as she hugged him back. “Sorry can’t hear you. Explosion ya know deafening me.” Y/n joked as her brother pulled away from the hug. Sam walked over slowly almost testing the waters. “Hey Y/n.” He said shaky as he looked down at her. She’s grown alot since last time he saw her she had more scarred and hard exterior. “Heya Sam.” Her e/c orbs looked up at him they were uneasy as she smiled at him before hugging her as well. “I missed you,Jackass.” Her voice was muffled by his shirt as he returned the hug. Their relationship will never be the same they both had Dean as a buffer between them,but for right now in this moment it was just the two of them Just you and me against the world.
