#adulting is hard








Gather ‘round kids: I had a coworker mention to me this morning that it’s impossible to get grease stains out of fabric. As a former chemistry minor who worked two years under the table doing housekeeping and who generally tends to be a fucking disaster, I am here to tell everyone that it absolutely is not impossible, in case this is a widespread belief. Here are a few of my favorite cleaning stain removers that I always have at home.

Here are some options:

  • A Tide™ pen.
    • I’m a generic kinda lady. I hate promoting brands 99% of the time. BUT if you catch absolutely any kind of stain before it gets ground in, you can get most of it out with one of these babies. I’ve tested it on blood, chocolate, coffee, guacamole, pizza sauce, red wine on, on that one time i accidentally slopped some oil I was supposed to be using on antiques onto a fancy rug (also an antique but not the one I was gunning for). If you’re washing something delicate, pump it onto your finger a couple of times and gently rub it in. I’m not sure what they put in these things but I’m pretty sure it’s an arcane secret.
  • Dish soap
    • Granted, this is a little trickier for upholstery/carpet, but it can still be done using a rag, some water, and some patience. But for clothing, just pour some soap on the stain and rub it in under cold running water.
  • Absolutely any clear alcohol is your new best friend
    • You know the old “white wine to clean red” trick? Well, this is its updated sister I like to call “you, too, can use coconut rum to get red jello shot out of your nice white dress”. It’s a nice party trick. Straight vodka works even better. For every day situations involving any kind of alcohol-related spills (including markers)–and especially work situations–rubbing alcohol is ideal. To quote another adage, this one from every chemistry teacher you will ever meet, “like dissolves like.”
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
    • It can get blood out of absolutely anything, including your mattress. It reacts with the iron in hemoglobin, which breaks down the molecule, causing it to lose its red color. So make sure you’re not using a cast iron skillet to wash your period underwear in.
  • Vinegar
    • This will dissolve lime buildup overnight. Fill a bag, tie it around your showerhead, and presto. You can also use it to scrub the area around your sink and to break up any buildup in pipes. (Limeaway™ is for rich people.) 
  • Baking soda
    • This is great if you have a pet or child who peed on the carpet. Just cover the area, wait until it dries, and vacuum it up. The longer you leave it, the better it will do at removing the smell. It’s also good removing mild odors from a small space, like a fridge or a laundry hamper. 
  • Charcoal
    • This is your heavy duty odor killer. A little goes a long way. In chemistry, activated charcoal is used as a purifier in reactions, and in medicine, it can be used to treat mild poisoning/overdoses. In your car that smells like someone died because you forgot you had potatoes in the trunk for six months? All you need are regular old charcoal briquettes. Stick a couple handfuls in a flat box and the smell will be gone overnight. Guaranteed. For larger areas, just use more charcoal.

Baking soda is also good for stuff stuck on pots pans and your stove top. Add a little bit of water and elbow grease and it’s like magic


Baby shampoo will get oil stains out of clothing even if it’s been washed and dried several times.  Shampoo is formulated to remove oil from organic stuff.

Fabric cleaning tips. good to know for sewers.


Thank you guys so much! I have so many shirts i can’t wear anymore bc im a messy one

one thing men need to know about women

(in general, i assume “not all men are like this!” but idk, maybe they are)

we don’t need you to fix our problems

we just need you to acknowledge our problems

and don’t, for the love of all that is holy, interrupt us as we’re telling you about our problems to tell us how to fix it

Part 3 of the I hate laundry saga

I’m actually kind of proud of myself for continuing to do loads of laundry after waking up… normally i can do it for one day and then I quit until multiple months go by and it’s time to wash everything that isn’t important enough to wash with my work clothes… but today I woke up, folded the load that was in the dryer and started the load that was in the wash. I feel kind of proud of myself. Like I still have two loads sorted and ready for washing and two full laundry baskets waiting to be sorted and washed but I’m not giving up… yet.

I think what I’m going to do is finish the sorted laundry and then sort one of the baskets and try to get that done today. Tomorrow I’ll tackle the last basket and then I’ll work on getting MT. Box taken care of… small and steady and things will be clean and nice and better.

I’ve washed, dried, and put away four loads of laundry… and it doesn’t even feel like I’ve made a dent in the amount of clothing that needs to be clean. How is it possible? I know that I wore almost everything that I owned but this, this is insane.

Went to the supermarket to buy some milk.

End up buying THIS

Sorry for the delay, I should have finished this post like a month ago… 

In response to someone’s question, I will briefly explain the differences between these two similar pieces of grammar.

について this means “about” and is use for people or objects that are targets of thoughts and speech. Used with verbs such as 話す、聞く、考える、書く、and 調べる . This always attaches to a noun.

  • 今日は、日本の歴史について話す。
  • 将来についての夢を語った。
  • その点については全面的に賛成はできなかった。

に対して means “towards” or “against”, ~に向けて .This is used to show who/what the target of an attitude, feeling, or non-physical action is. Expressions of actions or attitudes appealing to the target follow. This use of に対して only attaches to nouns.

  • 今のランさんの発言に対して、何か反対の意見がある方は手を挙げてください。
  • 私の質問に対して何も答えてくれなかった。
  • 失敗に対して責任を感じている。

More explanations can be found on wasabi-jpn andmaggie sensei



Exhausted ready. Adulting is the pits sometimes.

But in good news my toe is not broken just sore and hopefully after today I will have a put together guest room/ remote office instead of the random things strewn about empty space I do now.

Also my hoya bloomed again and I got some adorable bb leaves going.

Adulting is hard. But you can do it.

YAY for the office and more YAY for the hoya!!

I tell my children not to grown up all the time


Y'all, sometimes it’s not your trauma or the disorder or the way you process information. Sometimes you’re just in the wrong and you could have behaved better. Sometimes you’re just a dickhead and you gotta recognize it and own it.

Knowing the difference is tough, but it really does help you on the road to recovery or on the road to managing your symptoms. Taking the time to recognize that in myself helps me know when I can give more or when I really do need help and understanding. Sometimes we are just assholes and that’s when you gotta go “I’m sorry, what can I do moving forward?” And in that asking? You get to explain where you need help.



do u ever get so jealous of other people who have their lives together and actually do stuff on the weekends and see their friends and have people who love them and talk to them everyday and actually have functioning relationships and u just look at the mess that is ur life and wonder why it’s so fucking hard for u to have all that like its a fantasy for you because it just seems so unattainable

Okay no joke, shit that turned my life around: From a clinically depressed, neuroatypical shut-in who used to get panic attacks on my way to the grocery store:

1. Through little baby steps, build up your self-confidence. Take note of your successes, and try not to minimize them. Maybe even keep a list on your phone of tiny victories. Smalltalk with a stranger? Success! Try a new food? Success! Washed a plate even though it was really really hard and you really couldn’t make yourself do it? Success! If it was hard for you and you did it anyway, you’re killing it!

2. Go somewhere regularly, and be kind to the people there. Maybe you buy a drink at the same place once a week, or perhaps you take the same bus home every night. Say hi to the barista, say Hi to the driver, say Hi to the person you always see at the stop. It doesn’t have to be anything complex! Just “Geez, it’s cold out today” or, “How’s your shift going?”. Once you open the door for interaction, people will feel more comfortable with you. Sometimes they’ll start to initiate. You’re not the only one struggling for community! Lots of others are looking for friendly faces!

3. If you really, really can’t get yourself to stop thinking self-depreciating thoughts, at the very least try to avoid saying them out loud. A few years back, if I fell on the sidewalk, I’d freak out, tell myself I looked like an idiot, say something about being a disaster, and run away. Now? So many options. “Bitches wish they could be this graceful”. “Parkour”. “Guess I live here now”. “I am a God laid low”. “I am as Icarus, who flew too close to the sun, and was punished for his hubris.” People love to laugh, and it feels good to make people laugh! If you can laugh at yourself, bad things stop feeling so bad. And if nobody laughs? “I am underappreciated in my time.” Sucks how people can’t get on your level, queen.

4. Say yes to things! “Want to go to my cooking class?” Sure! “Want to hang out sometime?” Take a leap! “Have you ever been to a ping pong tournament?” Level up! Try as any new things as you can, and if it goes badly? New story to tell at parties! Sure, it might be nerve wracking, and I’m not saying to take dangerous risks or go into things you know you hate, but over time, it gets easier to be spontaneous and do things yourself!

5. Plan things! Start group chats! Take an interest in people’s lives and hobbies! Anyone wanna come to your place and watch a TV show you love? Anyone want to go thrifting? I’m headed downtown in 10, anyone want to join me for coffee? Offer!

6. Show you care. As I said, other people crave relationships just like you. Would you like it if someone at work remembered your birthday? Would it be nice if someone heard you got married and took the time to get you a card? Would you love if someone took an interest in your board game collection? Build those bridges! Don’t fake an interest in something you aren’t into, but try and see what they see, and if you *do* enjoy it, you’ve got someone to enjoy it with!

Families aren’t built out of thin air. A big part of making them work is working on yourself, and being dedicated to being the best person you can be. Kind, reliable people attract kind, reliable people, and if you surround yourself with people you admire and respect, you’ll find that the future isn’t really all that scary at all.

It’s hard. It’s going to be hard, and for a long time it will seem like you aren’t making any progress at all, but if you try your best, I promise a few years down the line you’ll be able to look back at yourself and see a completely different person, and you’ll be proud.



shipping fictional characters together as an adult is actually very fun and i encourage it. it is also one of the worst things you can do to yourself and should not be attempted. it’s very simple really.

pros of shipping fictional characters as an adult: having a more mature and experienced outlook on people and relationships actually opens up a lot of new funny, interesting, and even thoughtful ways of engaging with the concept of fictional people kissing. also, it’s fun.

cons of shipping as an adult: you will inevitably form an extremely niche and personal interpretation of the relationship between your favorite fictional people who you want to smash together like barbie dolls or possibly on-fire waste disposal trucks, and become extremely annoyed by the popular fan interpretations that are bland and formulaic by comparison. but since you are also involved in the deeply cringe activity of getting emotionally invested in a fictional relationship you have no chance of being taken seriously if you complain about it, and therefore no choice but to try to ignore it and make your own content that is liked by 3 of your friends who are the only like-minded people you respect and that one account that likes everything you post anyway




me: hey how long is this thing going to last

someone: haha you just want to know when you’re off the hook

me: hah

me: (actually i just need to allocate the right expectations and backlog of energy and make sure the rest of my day falls in good accordance with it so that i don’t feel time-crunched and propel myself into a hysteria because if i don’t know how long this thing lasts or when it ends i can’t possibly know when literally anything else starts and my entire life becomes an unraveled realm of anarchy with no rhyme or reason and how is that not terrifying to you)

me: hey how long will this take

someone: oh like twenty minutes

me: ok

*an hour later*

me: *clinging to every learned social skill i can think of with the desperate hope my distress and exhaustion doesn’t show*

someone: hey we’re almost done don’t be so crabby

me: *smiling* *internally screaming at this SENSELESS CHAOS*

someone: hey do you want to do [involving time-consuming thing]

me: hey that sounds fun! when were you thinking?

someone: oh we’re doing it right now

me: oh. like. now-now? like right now. like you want me to stop what i’m doing and get up and do this thing with you, suddenly, with thirty seconds of warning. now. like this second. immediately. now?
