#aether x reader



Here In The Garden | Prince! Aether x Fairy! Reader

Warnings: Arranged marriage

Word Count: 506

Other Notes: Gender-neutral reader; Mentions of Aether x Barbara (don’t attack me, I chose a random character); NOT proofread (bc I’m lazy </3); For @genshin-scenarios “In Another Life” collab!; There will most likely be a part 2 for this

Keep reading

phantom tales of teyvat || first engima


aether, venti, zhongli

genre: fluff? idk it’s something

contains: spoilers for phantom tales of the night (manga series), my own au i literally created on the spot, aether’s tired of being teyvat’s dog,(name) is not referred to by name but it’s you :), some talks about cannibalism, some similar to hypnosis is kinda insinuated? i don’t know how to describe it

summary: it seems a traveler has wandered into a quiet inn on the outskirts of teyvat. however, the source of payment the innkeeper seeks isn’t mora. in fact, it’s nothing physical. it’s the visitor’s deepest darkest secret.

notes: so i’ve been waiting for phantom tales of the night vol. 5 to be delivered to my house so i can finish up to vol. 7. so while i’m waiting, here i am making a weird au based on it. i hope you enjoy :D this basically follows the first chapter of vol. 1 but with genshin,,,
also i got a bit carried away with this going to 2,979 words…

all he wanted was to find his sister. his sweet twin sister who always stuck by his side, no matter what challenges they were faced with.

instead, he was stuck here, in a world he was widely unfamiliar with accompanied by a strange pixie-like being. he traveled through cities, aiding in whatever fetch quests he was asked to complete in exchange for… nothing.

mora here (which was always used up for resources, leaving him with double-digit amounts), food there (which were always eaten by paimon), respect elsewhere. what about the help he was promised by the higher ups of the cities?

the knights of favonius promised to help find his sister after he defeated a raging storm fueled by a dragon’s anger. and all they did was put up missing person posters.

the liyue qixing promised the exact same thing in exchange for defending the city from an awakened ancient god. and, once again, all they did was put up missing person posters.

he was tired. he was tired of being teyvat’s dog with no reward.

all he wanted was his sister back.

“aether?” paimon called out nervously, watching as the blond traveler trudged through the grass. heavy bags had formed under his eyes and his blond hair stuck out of his braid is curly wisps.

“not… not now, paimon,” aether sighed, swatting at his floating companion. a few moments passed before aether heard the familiar sparkling sound of paimon disappearing to archons know where. he let out another sigh, one that was more resigned and choked.

as he wallowed in his sorrows, he didn’t notice the geo creature towering behind him.

“watch it,” a calm voice echoed through his ears. just as aether turned to face the roaring geovishap, he felt the back of his scarf get tugged on as he was pulled back.

from what he could see through the blur of rock and ash, the dark brown scales were what caught his attention the most. the creature’s tail flowed along with the golden fur gathered at the end of it, its claws tipped as gold as mora. the polearm it grasped in its clawed hands matched its body perfectly, from the color to the rigid edges mimicking crystals.

“who…?” was the only word aether managed to mutter as he stared up in awe at the creature. it, or rather he, peered over his shoulder to look down at the traveler, his eyes sharp as he stared.

“i’m afraid we will attract more attention if we remain here,” he bellowed, seemingly speaking to someone other than aether. “it would be wise to bring him inside.”

“of course,” a distant voice responded. as aether blinked, he found himself a ways away from where he had been before. instead of the soft grass of liyue, he found himself sitting on smooth rock littered with sparkling geodes and crystals. in front of him stood an intricate building framed by lanterns of varying sizes and designs.

“aether,” the same voice cooed, this time coming from a source visible to him. walking towards him was a figure wearing a (color) kimono covered by a similar haori. hanging from their fingers was a lantern, its light illuminating the area far better than the countless lanterns hanging on the building behind them. “i have been awaiting your arrival. please come inside.”

aether managed to push himself up, careful to avoid the sharp and ragged edges of the rock beneath him. the figure stared at him for a moment before greeting, “i shall be your host. if you have any requests, please feel free to ask.”

“my… host?” aether echoed, cautiously walking towards the (h/color)-haired figure. their smile remained unchanged as he grew closer.

“yes. that is our job here, after all. come, we mustn’t delay,” the host ushered, reaching out to grab aether’s wrist. they pulled him along the trail before continuing, “if we do, there’s no guarantee they won’t catch up to us.”

“they…? huh?!” aether quickly glanced over his shoulder to see a hoard of geovishaps and their hatchlings barreling towards them. he reached out to summon his sword but was quickly interrupted by the hand of his host.

“ah, there’s no need for that,” they muttered, lightly pushing aether’s hand down as wind began to swirl around the two. “let us handle this matter. for now, let’s head inside.”

“inside… this?” aether questioned, nodding up to the lantern-filled building.

“my inn,” the host answered with the same smile, watching for a few moments as the wind began to flow towards the hoard of monsters. “i can assure you that this inn is the safest place to be when being chased by teyvat’s creatures. however…”

the host released aether’s wrist, prompting the traveler to pause just before the steps of the inn. the host turned around slowly, their haori flowing behind them as if it were a cape.

“i do need… one thing from you.” their lantern seemed to glow brighter, causing the shine in their eyes to become more intense than before. “i ask that you grant me one of your secrets.”

the moment aether stepped inside, the inn was far grander than he had previously thought. keeping up the theme, the ceiling was shrouded in lanterns, making the wood that presumably supported it invisible due to them while tatami mats lined the floor in a distinct pattern.

“well? is it suitable for your tastes?” the host asked, sliding the door closed as quietly as possible.

“uh… how do i say this…?” aether muttered to himself, looking around at the room he had just stepped foot in. “it’s… actually really nice. am i even allowed to be here?”

“of course,” the host reassured, ignoring the roars outside the door. aether jumped back suddenly as the door was pushed in, barely keeping intact as another roar was heard.

“how is this even standing…?”

“ah, company secret,” the host grinned before clapping their hands lightly. “now then. venti! get the luggage, would you?”

aether yelped as he felt wind fly up behind him, the bag he had carried being hoisted from his shoulders into the air. as the wind began to swirl, a figure began to manifest from the air.

“huh?! wh-what?!” aether gaped, looking back and forth between his host and the wind being only known as “venti”.

“don’t fret,” the host called. “he works for me.”

“that’s not what’s weird…” aether clarified, fiddling with the end of his scarf. “he… formed from the wind.”

“oh? it seems our guest is not as shocked as we thought he would be,” the host hummed, glancing over their shoulder at the traveler.

“he isn’t one to be easily scared,” venti points out, twirling the end of one of his braids with his finger. “in fact, i would have been surprised if he were afraid of a mere wind spirit.”

“i guess let the wind lead was literal, huh?” aether laughed to himself, earning a small smile from venti.

“that it is,” venti hummed softly, part of his body disappearing as the wind carried it away. the upper half of his body remained, allowing him to float around the host and wrap his arms around them. the host remained unbothered, lifting one of their hands to lightly glide their fingers along venti’s neck. “the people of mondstadt cherish that saying. in a way, they cherish my ability to lead them in the right direction. and you were led here. we will do our best to help you relax. both body and mind.”

“follow me,” the host ushered as venti fluttered after them in a gust of wind. as aether walked down the halls, he couldn’t help but take in the only piece of decoration that littered the inn.

lanterns. varying lanterns of size, color, shape, and design lined the walls and filled the ceilings. he recognized a few of them as xiao lanterns, the very same ones he had written a wish in during liyue’s lantern rite.

“uh, excuse me?” aether called out, prompting the host to look over their shoulder at him. “i’m… i’m really grateful for all of this but… i don’t think i can afford any of this? it just looks really expensive…”

“…pfft!” venti, who had appeared beside the host in a gust of wind, tried to suppress his laugh but to no avail.

“venti, you’re being rude,” the host scolded as they guided aether into a separate room, they led the traveler to a small table beside a window, the outside still littered with floating lanterns. the host took their seat and motioned to the chair in front of them, causing aether to sit opposite of them.

they placed their lantern on the table and interlocked their fingers, resting their chin on the small platform they had formed. “aether, the compensation i’m searching for is not mora. i’ve told you before, the one request i ask of you is simply your secret. nothing more.”

“that… that’s it?” aether asks, nervously squirming in his seat. “there’s no… extra thing you need? nothing for me to find or fight or make. just… a secret?”

“that’s all,” the host reassures, smiling softly. “and in exchange, we promise to do whatever we can to find your sister. and that’s not putting up missing person posters.”

it was as if aether just shut down at that moment. anything regarding his sister, even if it’s a lie, is sure to attract aether. all he could think about at that moment was reuniting with lumine and leaving this world that took advantage of him and his kindness.

“just a secret… just a secret…” aether muttered to himself, squeezing his hands. “let’s see… i guess my secret is that i’m not from this world.”


“ah-hahahaha!” venti’s laugh echoed throughout the room, causing aether to furrow his brows in confusion.

“venti!” the host calls, snapping their fingers as if scolding an animal. they let out a quiet sigh before leaning forward, their arms resting on top of the table. “i’m afraid that isn’t much of a secret to us.”


“it’s quite clear to anyone who has heard of you and your deeds. no normal person from teyvat should be capable of that,” the host explains, prompting aether to hum softly.

“…i guess? so, that means i can’t stay here, right? and… you can’t help me?”

“i wouldn’t say that,” the lantern’s light suddenly dims, casting shadows on the host’s face and body. “but… i hope you don’t think that’s all you have to offer.”

“i… what are you talking about?” aether felt a chill run up his spine.

“there are other secrets, one that particularly interests me. it’s a secret that may shake your very existence,” the host points out, reaching across the table to place their finger on aether’s lips. with a sickeningly sweet smile and glazed over eyes, the host mutters, “and unless we reveal that, i’ll be unable to assist you.”

he really should have left this inn when he had the chance. one minute he was in the hot spring outside with the strangely pushy host and the next…

he’s caught in the middle of a geovishap attack with nothing but a towel to guard him. not even his sword was hidden away in the pocket space it always disappeared to.

just as the geo creature’s claws were about to crush the blond, a familiar polearm-wielding creature intercepted the attack.

“owner…” the creature huffed, kicking their weapon towards another geovishap. “with all due respect, why did you let him outside?”

“he is a bit carefree, isn’t he?” the host, now known to aether as owner, hummed. similar to aether, the only item that guarded them was a towel obtained from the hot springs. however, in their hand, they held their signature lantern, brightly lit with a flame. owner wipes away the water dripping from their face before explaining, “we were in some sort of rut regarding what he is, that’s all.”

“…i trust your judgment, owner, but we must be more careful with our guests,” the dragon-based creature sighs as it traps the geovishaps in stone.

“yes, yes, of course,” they hum as they head towards the grassy area aether had previously been taken to. they face the geovishaps before smiling, “now then, i ask that you return my guest.”

the geovishap lets out a roar followed by a series of growls. venti’s top half begins to form behind owner as he drapes their haori over their slightly dry body. “zhongli? what’s it saying?”

“hm… they’re complaining,” zhongli answers, his tail swishing as he continues to translate. “they claim to have found our guest first and that we stole him from them.”

“huh… odd,” owner hums, reaching up as venti peers over their shoulder to cup his chin. “surely you wouldn’t be complaining once you admit you followed the wind and the earth to him. without them, you wouldn’t have found him. if you’re making excuses, at least make a good one.”

as the geovishap lets out another roar, owner moves their hand to cup their lantern’s flame into their palm. “this will be my final warning to you.”

“this outlander is my guest. keep away from him.”

zhongli seems to growl at the geo creature as it responds to owner. the innkeeper lets out a dry chuckle before placing their finger on their chin, lightly tapping it as they warn, “or else, i’ll expose your secrets right here and now. do i make myself clear?”

surprisingly, the geovishaps let out a noise akin to a low whimper and scamper off, leaving aether behind in the grass. he looks off into the distance, searching for the monsters as they disappear beyond the horizon. he opens his mouth to say something before letting out a sneeze, earning a light laugh from venti. “you know, you’re the first one to run off with nothing but a towel. do you want your clothes back? they might not help much, though…”

“did… you know those things?” aether grumbles, ignoring venti who simply fiddles with the end of his wings. “you… knew their secret. you must have known them, then!”

“…i suppose you’re not wrong,” owner nods, lifting their lantern to illuminate their face. “we definitely aren’t friends, per se… but regardless, you were too occupied with the idea of us being enemies. had you stayed calm, i would have answered any questions you had. although, i don’t blame you due to all of the fetch quests you’ve been through…”

owner fiddles with the top of their lantern, the quiet squeaking of the handle moving filling the air.

“to answer your question before, they’re a part of teyvat’s creatures that are in an active search for their country’s downfall. or rather, they were recruited by that nation’s survivors to search for their oppressors or their lost comrades. it was only a matter of time before he found us since we house a myriad of creatures.”

aether paused before slowly turning to stare up at owner. oppressors. if those geovishaps had infiltrated this inn after encountering him

what had he done to be labeled an oppressor?

“what… what did you mean by oppressors?”

owner slowly looks down at aether to meet his stare, their eyes darkened as they lift their lantern up to their face. “oh dear. you really don’t know, huh?”

they slowly walk towards the blond traveler, reaching down to trace the underside of his jaw lightly. as their finger curls back towards their palm, aether finds himself drifting towards them as if searching for their touch once more.

and as their finger pressed against his forehead, he remembered.

the cataclysm.

the fall of k'haenriah.

he wasn’t an oppressor they were searching for.

he was one of the lost comrades.

“what… what do you want from me?” aether hissed. his first question was to ask of their identities, but he felt in his gut that he already knew the answer. “you’re not… here to take me celestia, are you? or did you save me to… eat me or something…?”

“eat you?” owner echoed, covering their mouth with the tips of their fingers. “me? eat you?

the air was soon filled with loud laughs which came from owner themselves. they turned to look at their employees, giggling, “guys! did you hear him? another one’s asked if we’re here to eat him! why do they all think they’re worth it?”

“i have no answer for that,” zhongli hums softly, his tail, once again, flicking behind him.

“maybe it’s what they want deep down,” venti giggles, his body half formed from the wind.

“heh… aether, do you remember what i’ve said before?” owner asks quietly. “mora holds no value here. we have no interest in the weight of your soul as ordained by the gods, either. and, to answer your question, i am not interested in eating your body. i’ve lost the pleasures i felt when indulging in those actions. the only thing i wish for is your secrets. nothing more.”

aether let out a yelp as he was pushed to the ground. he blinked to see owner directly above him, their legs straddling his waist and their face mere inches in front of his. they reached up and seemed to cradle his face, their thumbs brushing against his bottom lip.

“gnawing at your bones, nipping at your flesh, swallowing your remains, all of that is a source of nourishment that my body does not need nor crave. aether,” as his name came out as a soft coo from their lips, aether felt his mind fogging up and becoming distant. “i yearn for something that is much deeper in you. and that only comes to the surface when your mind and body are completely offered up to me through your deepest, darkest secret.”

“that is what i strive to have.”

fleeting dreams — var!genshin



— synopsis: the changing of times and ways to govern, foolish desires and violent ideals. the tenryou commission was versed with a new wielder, having the orders enacted by the lands very deity, though, the news was nothing but a betrayal. unfortunately, having been known as merciless and loyal, the commission would believe no claimed wielder’s claims, even if they exclaimed their family’s betrayal.

— pairing: var!genshin (male) x fem!reader

— genre: harem (??), fluff, slight angst

— warnings: abandonment, injury, mentions of death, not proofread!!!!

— status: coming soon. updates every sunday.

— taglist: open, just hmu

a/n: i know paimon says that when she first met traveller, baal hadn’t introduced the vision hunt decree yet but shhhh you heard nothing

as if the gods of celestia had known what a pitiful day was to come for y/n, the present rainfall raged harder, the pelting of each drop growing louder by the minute. the child-like smile plastered on her face was now wiped clean, a quivering lip taking its place.

the day started off pure. her begging her mother to let her tag along with her while she works, claiming that her little sister was old enough to be able to stay home by herself. clinging to her mother’s arm in a childish nature, her mother was trying her hardest to tug her arm out of her child’s grip. with one final beg, her mother abruptly whipped her body to face the teen.

before y/n could sneak in another beg, she saw a faint look of hesitation in her mother’s eyes. the way her eyebrows creased and her lips turned down into an indistinct frown before reverting back to her hostile gaze at her own daughter. the older woman yanked her arm out of the grip on the teen and opened her mouth. there was a faint realization that this would be the last time she would ever see her mother the same again, hoping that once in her life that flowers would flow out of the older woman’s lips, out only came thorns and stones.

“wait, no!” her cries were ignored as the woman holding a wood-woven basket filled with her belongings had treaded through the undergrowth and out of sight.

“come back! please, mama!”, shifting her weight into her feet to run after her mother but faltered as soon as she heard calls of her younger sister back at her abode.

“tame”, the name left her lips breathlessly, sprinting back to her house and busting open the doors, only to see soldiers of the tenryou commission pushing and pulling at her, in search of her vision that her parent’s had claimed the two of you had.

“there’s the other one, seize them.” kujou sara, the loyal general of the commission, having devoted her life to their deity.

“wait, no! she doesn’t have one, only me! stop, don’t touch her!” [y/n]’s voice boomed through the abandoned home and bounced off the wooden walls as she ran in front of her crouching sister, hiding her figure behind her arms.

the other soldiers raised their weapons, the blades of each taunting [y/n] mocking her to make another move, “i’ll give you my vision, just let her go.”

“how strange, we were told both of you had visions…” her tone was mocking, and venomous.

“it’s not true!! please, let her go” her pleas had made the entire house go silent, the only thing heard was the harsh pattering of the rain outside.

“very well… take her vision if it’s the last thing you do!”

tame, run.” was the very last thing tame’s older sister had ever said to her, before sprinting out of the house, effectively chasing every soldier out.

though her legs burned and the pelting rain irritated her skin, [y/n] kept running, she had to, she didn’t want to die, not now, not like this. unbeknownst to her, the general was a bow wielder, standing quite a ways away from her, she drew the arrow, and fired, aiming at the [h/c] girl’s calf.

shrieking in pain, [y/n] felt herself tumble to the ground, the soldiers now catching up to her. one specific man drew his sword out, aiming it at the girl’s abdomen. fearfully, she used her arms to pull herself back, but he was quick to catch up to her.

“give up your vision, now!”

the girl cried, looking both left and right, hoping, praying that there was a way she could get out of this situation. a brown wooden boat had caught her attention, it was abandoned left at the shore with no trace of the owner. taking deep breaths in to ready herself on her legs again, she forced herself upwards, dragging her injured leg behind her and running towards the boat.

“stop her!” turning her head to look behind her, she materialized her polearm, given to her by her father before he passed away. she forced it in front of the only soldier able to catch up to her. before she knew it, the soldier was able to land a hit- or rather a stab in her side. he gave it a sharp twist before pulling his dagger out, making her choke on her own breath. her grip on her polearm tightened, swinging it at the man and slicing her arm. she fell to the ground in pain just as he did, and clutched at her side.

“get up!” a voice that lingered in the back of mind sounded through her head.

a voice of whom held a special place in her heart before his life was taken away from him.

“get up y/n!” was she delusional? was this what happens when you die?

still, she obeyed dragging herself to the shore where the abandoned boat resided. up, she thought. one more step and you’ll be safe. she just had to force herself to climb, then she’d be free of her life in inazuma. her father’s voice sounded through her mind, her eyes teary from the pain.

i can’t papa…”, her voice was weak, but there was a passion that seemed to belong to something- someone much more powerful.

mindlessly, she was able to force herself into the boat, the feeling of someone else controlling the mechanics of her body, she surrendered, laying idly against the wood of the boat as it drifted out to sea.

with one last look at the island she grew up on, reminiscing on the foul and nostalgic memories she had made, she only saw her sister and her tear-stained face, their gazes stuck on each other. tame was being dragged away by the general and her subordinates, writhing and screaming all while staring at her older sister longingly, her protector, her family.

tame…” her voice reeked of pain, and it was the last thing she said before her world grew dark.

perhaps some people saw it as a miracle, but she only felt guilt. she had somehow made it to liyue harbour alive, and this time as a vision wielder. growing accustomed to the life of the people in liyue, she embraced it rather than pushed it away, in hopes of the lingering reminder of her sister fading. though, she likes to think that she just had a knack for getting herself chased out of nations for things she did not do- or have. that was how she ended up in the forests of mondstadt, exploring and seeking shelter in what she had left.

though, she had made an interesting discovery after having a blonde boy sneak up on her. it was rather interesting, the way they met. she had almost killed him, but lowered her guard as soon as she saw his attire and apologized profusely.

“you… don’t look like you’re from here…” the question seemed to make the stranger nervous, giving the back of his neck a nervous scratch before responding.

“well… you see…”

a/n: erm hi i know her backstory on how she got chased out of liyue was not very detailed but i really didn’t want this to be too long pls bear w me hehe

main masterlist.


B l o o m i n g


A/N:The amount of time I took to draw that (^) banner just to have it for 4nemo ficlets— a-ah, I love how it turned out anyway soOOO- anyway! This is sort of 4nemo’s… origin story? At least mytake in how the group was built. 

There will be three parts to this, Blooming, Falling, and Loving! (And a bonus angst because it won’t be me without angst, Withering)

✤ she/her

Words: 4.1k

≿————- ❈ ————-≾

A dream is a wish your heart makes—isn’t that a saying from a fairytale? 

Keep reading

i just really like all three parts♥️

Notes:This was also a request and I liked it but for some reason I can’t find the ask anymore, I might have accidentally deleted it. Has been sitting in my drafts for a while cause idk how else to make it better. It’s still a little cringy to me, tbh.

Warnings:VERY STEAMY but generally still SFW bordering on not, you’ve been warned though, not proofread, some possessiveness, yes there are sexual innuendos, mentions of alcohol and drinking, did i say not proofread?, if there are pronoun slips please let me know.

Characters: Aether, Albedo, Ayato, Dainsleif, Diluc, Gorou, Itto, Kaeya, Kazuha, Scaramouche, Tartaglia, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Zhongli, gn!reader


  • The two of you never really meant for it to turn into a make out session. With Aether, there’s a lot of patience and no pushing to do things. It just happened spontaneously while cuddling in bed.

The first kiss was innocent. Just a quick peck on the lips. But something in him seemed to spur him on and suddenly he’s leaning in for another one…and another one…and another… He’s still slow about it, giving you the chance to say no but also hoping that you don’t pull away. When you don’t, he peers into your eyes and sees that they’re clouded over, just as his is and he puts his all into the next kiss. 

His hand cradles your neck, his kiss is nearing hungry, wanting more of your soft lips on his. It’s an addiction now and you’ve wrapped your arms around his neck to deepen the already passionate exchange. You open your mouth to let his tongue slide in, the kisses are getting sloppy, wetter. Your legs are tangled together and the heat between your lips blooms in your stomach and has you silently begging for more. The raw emotion makes you weak.

“Hey! Why is the door locked?! Did you two forget about Paimon?! Let me in!”

The two of you pull away abruptly. Panting and flushed, Aether more so than you. There’s a subtle disappointment in his eyes, but he’s a gentleman so he smiles and gathers himself, smooths down your hair and his, kisses your nose and utters a quick “I love you,” before pushing off the bed and letting the clueless Paimon in.


  • Did he plan it? You’ll never know. He took you to Inazuma with him when he was commissioned to paint The Five Kasen. Of course, he took Klee with him too.

“It’s been a while since we’ve been alone,” Albedo sets down the tea on the kotatsu and sits next to you on the tatami floor. Klee is out with the traveller and Yoimiya, and though he feels a little bad for not being able to take Klee around, he was really rather busy with the preparation of the paintings.

What you didn’t get was why he wouldn’t let YOU go with Klee instead. It’d been midday when he emerged from his separate work room and sought you out. And now the two of you sat side by side each other, you feel him snake an arm around your waist. “You’re done with the painting?” You question him as he presses a kiss on the side of your head. 

“No,” he simply replies. The next time he dips his head, it lands on your lips and you instantly recognize the need in it. He rarely initiated kisses like this, the type that fanned a fire in your belly. It’s not a hungry kiss, but its long and his lips constantly move against yours, just as your head tilts to the side to give him more access. 

Your hand slides away from the teacup and rests on his shoulder, his arms are coming up to your back and pressing you further into him. When he breaks away he only does so to dip back into your neck, trailing kisses up to your ear. “‘Bedo–” You shudder a little at the light and quick pecks…until your ears pick up on familiar little, running footsteps and the door making a small rattle before the two of you break away and it slides open to reveal a very happy Klee, bursting with joy about her adventures.

You pretend to be drinking tea, though Albedo’s hand is still around your waist, he clears his throat before greeting his sister. “Welcome back, Klee,” 


  • Intentional but has an excuse for it and kind of blames you for it. 

It’s rare that he gets to go to a festival with you, but he decided that he could take a break today and walk around. Inazuman festivals are always looked forward to, with lots of stalls, festivities and the closing fireworks, it’s an enjoyable time for everyone.

For Ayato, however, he can’t help but keep staring at your kimono-clad form. You rarely wore them, only on special occasions. Simply said, you looked even more charming than usual. 

So then was it his fault that he pulled you into a small alleyway in between two Inazuman houses and started kissing you? No. Not at all. 

“A-Ayato–There are people–” He’s gentle when he maneuvered you against the wall, but his kiss was not. He nips at your lips in a teasing manner, and recaptures your lips over and over again with only a second to breathe between each one, his hands sliding up your hip to keep you in place. 

“If you’re not too noisy they won’t notice, darling,” Ayato hides a smirk as he whispers to you, going back in for a now open mouthed and hot kiss. He just can’t get enough of you. Every breath he took was like breathing in lust and fire, seducing him to keep his mouth sucking yours. 

Then, he feels something bump against his foot, he pulls away abruptly, one of his arms still leaning onto the wall next to your head and he looks down to see a colourful ball there. The sounds of kids shouting about kicking the ball too far and running after it makes him pull all the way back, just in time for the kids to stop at the entrance of the alleyway and look at the two of you quizzically, then down to their ball. 

Ayato merely kicks it back towards them, and they don’t ask any questions, just caring about the fact that they can continue their game. He does pull you over and out of the small space though, despite you still being flushed and easily says. “We’ll continue later, care to come over?”


  • Not a particularly jealous person but there are times where he can’t really stand other people giving you too much attention. 

Wolvendom was apparently a dangerous place. Not for Dainsleif. Dainsleif might have been more dangerous than Wolvendom itself. So despite the dangers of the forest you find yourself at ease when he’s around. 

The plan was to just pick wolfhooks, but things escalated pretty easily when you found your back against a tree and Dainsleif hovering above you. He didn’t have his arms out, nor was he pushing you towards the tree, but his gaze stayed you there. “…There was a man at the tavern who was a little touchy with you,” he started and you realized he had somehow been watching that exchange. 

“He was drunk, Dain. He was kicked out a little later,” You explain as he cups your chin and levels his gaze towards you. 

“…I don’t like it,” he simply says and you nod saying that you knew. No one would. However, instead of him complaining he translates his frustrations into a rather forceful kiss. Him pressing against you and trapping you at the tree, you didn’t resist, you had no intention to and all you could do was melt against him. 

It would seem as if he was taking out his anger on you, but his kisses gradually ease up, and all it starts to translate to is love and of him never wanting to let you go. His hands tether at your waist and he continues to drown you with his kiss, tongue pushing against your lips, asking for access to your mouth. It’s soft yet dominating at the same time, like an artist’s brush that confidently strokes at the canvas, he continues to stroke his lips on yours.

The first signs of rainfall drip on the tree the two of you are under, it escapes past the leaves until he starts to feel it drip on his scalp. He pulls away as the rain starts to hammer harder down on the two of you. He doesn’t mind kissing you in the rain, but it was the thunder that worried him. He instinctively pulls his coat away and over your form, then retreating under a nearby shelter that he knew of.

His face still has desire painted on it, but he looks down at you, slightly drenched and looking cold and smiles a little with apology. “Sorry,” he says curtly and you only grin back at him. 


  • He likes the thought of being intimate with you. Kissing is just the most basic form of love that he discovered he enjoys. He enjoys it so much it’s hard for him to tell himself that one kiss will be enough.

It starts with your visit to his study. He’s there, poring over papers and the moment you walk in it’s as if his exhaustion billows away. He waits for you to approach him at his chair behind the desk and greets you by taking your hand and kissing the back of it. “Done with work?” He asks you and you nod your head with a small “Mmhmm,” 

He stands then and greets you more intimately with another kiss. Gloved hand placed on your collarbone and clutching at your shoulder as he pulls you in. Your lips fuses into his perfectly, like you were made for each other and he thinks the same. It’s the exact reason why he can never just kiss you once, specially in the privacy of a room. 

He kisses you again, but this time with more fervor, like he hadn’t kissed you in forever, like it was his first time seeing you in ages. His weight starts to push on you, and there’s nowhere to go but on his desk. Without ever taking his lips away he hoists you up over his desk, letting you sit comfortably while you wrap your arms around his shoulders. He’s standing in between your legs and his hands are pressed tightly on your waist. He pulls away to see the expression on your face, clearly wanting more. 

He doesn’t ever complain about giving you more and the kisses heat up to the point that your tongues are dancing together, panting against the passion, your hands are tangled in his long, red hair, and you instinctively tug at the hair band keeping it together. Your body almost trembles against his at the intensity of his lips conquering yours–

“Master Diluc? The accountant is here to see you,” The knock on the door pulls the two of you apart, but he doesn’t move from his forehead to forehead position with you. It feels hotter in the room, and he’s sure that it’s not just him who feels it. He stalls for a while to think about what to say, wanting to just turn the accountant away and tell him to come back another time, but you laugh under your breath, feeling the conflict in him. 

Master Diluc,” you breathe out, clearly teasing him. “Don’t keep your guest waiting, I’ll come back later,” It’s you who pushes him away and jumps off the desk, turning to open the door and reveal Adelinde behind it. “He’ll be there in a second. Thank you Adelinde!” 


  • Shy. So more often than not you’re the one initiating. You’re surprised that he’s actually a good kisser, or did he just get gradually better at it? Maybe he read some books about it…

Gorou already knows what’s on your mind when you ask him “Can I see the armory?” The first time you asked that, he merely raised his eyebrows and said sure. That had turned out to be a full-blown kissing session that left him flustered the whole day. 

It had actually been a while since you visited, and so when you ask “Is there anything new in the armory?” with a small grin on your face. Gorou can’t control nor hide the swish of his tail. He doesn’t admit out loud that he’s missed you far more than he can comprehend. 

You’re rather shocked as well that when the door to the armory closes he’s the one who captures your lips in a kiss. He pulls away to say “I–I haven’t seen you in so long. I just–” but you silence him with another, pulling at his clothes to get him leaning on top of you, mouths meshed together.

Your hands wander up to his ears, you always do that, rubbing at it while kissing makes him let out a low growl into your mouth and give a slight jump, but he doesn’t hate it. In fact it encourages him to do more. To open his mouth and receive yours. The kissing sounds are starting to sound lewd and his hands are starting to crawl up your sides.

“General?” Gorou jerks away from you, there’s a sound of a weapon clinking, as if it was getting hung up on the wall. There are footsteps coming around to the two of you and you flatten your clothing out hastily. One of his soldiers was in the armory and emerges from a row of weapons. “Ah general! I thought I heard you!” and proceeds to ask about which weapon would suit him more, because he was having a hard time picking. 

Gorou glances at you, face still flushed but there’s nothing but amusement in your eyes. He sighs inwardly and makes a future mental note to check if there’s anyone in the premises first before deciding to kiss you. 


  • He doesn’t constantly think about making out with you but when it starts to happen he can’t get his mind out of the gutter anymore. Doesn’t have a normal amount of shame as well. So getting caught making out is like nothing to him.

His favourite place to go beetle hunting is Chinjuu forest. Apparently that’s where all the big and strong ones are. He’s looking at every nook and cranny. In the river, atop trees, under boulders, on the stone stairs, inside logs. You name it. 

When he finally finds one, it’s like he hit the jackpot. “Heyyy!! Y/N, check this out!” he waves over and runs towards you to show you his new found treasure…only for him to trip on a big rock and start falling backwards, the beetle is startled and flies away from his hand. 

Itto is somewhat of an impulsive klutz, and so when he realizes that he’s falling he clumsily grabs on to the nearest thing, as if it would help him. Unfortunately, that was you and you end up on the ground with him. 

“Ow…Gee…Stupid rock,” he pushes himself up by his elbows and glares at the rock by his foot, then realizes that you’re completely pressed up against him and resting right below his chin. “Y/N! You okay?!”  

He wraps one arm around your waist, with how burly Itto was, having you resting on top of him was nothing. He realizes how close the two of you are and a bulb instantly lights in his head. “…Wanna kiss?” He grins shamelessly and you smack his shoulder hard. “Ow!” 

“Come on! Just one!” he urges and and somehow flips you over to the ground. Now he’s the one hoisting himself up above you. You consent and he giddily kisses you on the lips. Despite his size Itto is always gentle at first, and he never goes past your boundaries. Always asking if he could kiss you. He pulls away with a satisfied smile, but just looking at you under him like that…it stirs a bit of something in his gut. 

“…Another one?” He asks. Eyes tacked on to your suddenly delicious looking lips. He leans in again and this time the kiss he gives has a slight nip to it, his teeth gently nibbling on your lower lip, like he’s trying to get an actual taste of you. He pulls away again, face starting to become pink. “…A-Another–” This time it’s you who pulls him down by his coat, not letting him finish his request and it turns into a full blow make-out session. 

It’s a clumsy medley of kisses at first, just trying to taste more of each other and lips grappling for control. There’s a sudden, fiery urgency between your kisses, like you’re losing time, and your hands are starting to slide down his exposed midriff.

“Boss! Bossss!!” You push him away when you hear his gang members calling after him, but he didn’t seem to care and chases after your lips again. “Itto!” you hiss and punch his shoulder. “What?” he looks at you innocently. “Get off! Your friends are coming!” 

“So what?” he blinks, actually looking like he doesn’t care. He just doesn’t find anything wrong about giving you affection. “Get off or I’ll never kiss you again!” You threaten and he pouts but relents. By the time his gang members arrive. The two of you are stood up, with you dusting your clothes off and Itto looking like a defeated bear. 


  • You bet he initiates and he does so whenever he feels like it. However, other times, he likes to lure you into his trap by using his charms, so it looks as if you’re the one who started it but in fact he’s been sending you signals the whole time.

“Ah, so here you are,” Kaeya chuckles, kicking the door to the rooftop close as he saunters over to you. Up at the rooftop of the Favonius Headquarters, it was quiet and no one ever really went up there. You could see a small view of the town, as well as the windmills surrounding it. 

You were leaning over the railings, and only turned around to give Kaeya a half-glare, crossing your arms over your chest. “Came up here to tease me more?” You said, earning another chuckle from Kaeya. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about, love,” 

He lifts your face up to meet his using his finger. His grin is handsome, and the moonlight illuminates his eye that much more. Your hands rest on his shoulders as he comes nearer and you mumble at him almost accusingly. “Liar. You couldn’t keep your hands off me during the meeting…” 

Kaeya doesn’t say anything but does slither an arm around your middle. He was a menace. The Favonius meetings were long sometimes, and you guessed that he got bored. He kept nudging you with his knee, and at some point had even secretly placed his hand on your thigh, tracing patterns on it with his finger, pretending to listen to the meeting minutes. 

Kaeya leans in to whisper into your ear, his breathy voice sends a shiver down your neck and spine. “Can’t help it, your squirming is fun to watch,” and that’s how he gets you to press your lips on his. Just with a little urging, a little teasing, a little subtle touch. It drives you crazy and it entertains him to no end. 

“Someone’s impatient,” he whispers again when you pull back, “It’s your fault,” you whisper back. This time he’s the one who makes the move. His kisses are perfect. It touches more than just your lips, it reaches your soul, your heart and the very core of your being. You’re always left wanting more. He knows how to kiss in a way that has you chasing for more, clutching at him for more. He knows that when he sucks at your bottom lip you’ll mewl and bite his back. The heated exchange continues, up until the door to the rooftop slams open. 

“Sir Kaeya–Oh…Uhm…I–” The knight who walks in realizes Keaya is in the middle of something. Kaeya doesn’t have plans to turn around, but he does so only to briefly address the knight. “I’ll be there in five minutes,” Kaeya doesn’t wait for the knight to leave, and proceeds to continue kissing you until your lips are sore.


  • Gentle but will catch you off guard. Always starts off with innocent kisses up until it escalates into a desire that he can’t ignore. 

The bird’s nest of the ship. That small lookout on the highest point of the mast, where a crewmember would stay and warn the other crew members if there was an impending doom coming. Like a storm, or another big ship, or a small ship they should avoid. It’s an important part of the ship, but also a somewhat private little getaway. 

The breeze is always nice up here, but when night falls it becomes a tad too chilly and you end up wrapped up in Kazuha’s arms and warmth. You stay like that for a moment, just enjoying the lull of the sea and the sound of the waves. After a while longer you tip your head up to look at him, finding that he’s gazing tenderly at you. 

You smile, and he follows. A little piece of heaven was so easy for him to obtain with you in his life. You tip your head up to invite him for a kiss, and he effortlessly meets your lips romantically. It takes your breath away, the manner in which he silently claims your lips as his and only his. It’s not demanding nor forceful at all, yet something about it makes you surrender and your knees start feeling weak.

His arms tighten around you, he pulls away for a brief second, only for air and comes back in immediately. This time it feels like his lips scorches yours, the flame that ignites leaves you whimpering for more, clutching at his arms, senseless to everything else except his kiss. 

The only reason it stops is because you’re suddenly jerked away from him. He startles as well, feeling his feet sway a little, but his hold on you is protective and reassuring. A strong wave had nearly tipped the two of you off balance, and Kazuha looks beyond the sea to see that a storm might be brewing. 

He chuckles a little, aware that he got carried away for a moment there. “Let’s go back down, love. It’ll get dangerous up here in a few,”


  • Rough and demands it when he wants it. For him it’s like an impulse, or maybe the result of holding back too much and suddenly exploding with want. 

He was sour the whole day, and you had no idea why. Possibly one of his moods. He took it out on nearly all his subordinates, shouting about how everyone here was incompetent and useless. 

When night fell and the men had fallen back to their makeshift tents or quarters, Scaramouche came back to his and your tent, done antagonizing everyone for the day. He doesn’t say much as he undresses and prepared for the night, slipping on a simple shirt and shorts. You were already on your shared cot, reading a book about something trivial. 

He climbs in with a huff and you can’t help but smile at how childish his temperate was sometimes, but you’re startled when he climbs on top of you, your wrists are suddenly pinned above your head by his lone hand. “S-Scara–”

Wordlessly, his lips demandingly bears down on yours. You let out a slight sigh as you kiss, your eyes immediately closing at how possessive the kiss felt, but it’s exactly the way you like it. You part your mouth for him, and his tongue lashes in like strong waves pulling you under a sudden splash of desire. 

The way he kisses you is beyond hungry, devouring your lips and all your senses to focus only on him. “Scara–!” was the only thing you could let out when he pulls back for a breath, a string of saliva connecting the two of you, your face incredibly flushed. That prompts him to do more, moving to yet again taste your lips.

“Sir? There’s an emergency out at the waterfalls. It seems that the resistance is closing in,” 

Scaramouche pulls away and curses under his breath. He’s about to kill that soldier who’s standing outside the tent. He climbs away from the bed and starts getting dressed again, leaving you breathless on the bed. Still, you would think he would just leave, but for you, he comes back to where you rest and places a kiss on your forehead. “Wait for me, puppy. Won’t be long,” 


  • Mischievous and almost calculated. Beckons you to initiate it and leads you into it.

His meeting with the other Fatui agents just ended, and he’s left exhausted and melting into the sofa he was sitting on. His body is totally limp, just wanting to do nothing for a moment in the living room of his hotel suite. Sure, he loved the adrenaline of battle and the excitement it brought. But meetings were something else, it took a lot out of him. 

“Childe?” You peer into the living room, having taken refuge in the bedroom that whole time while he took care of his business. He immediately perks up at your voice, his energy levels spiking at the thought of you. “Here, Y/N, we’re done,” he confirms and beckons you over with his hand.

You step out of the bedroom door and walk over to him on the couch, yelping when he easily pulls you atop him, forcing you to straddle him, your knees on the couch and your hands on his shoulders. “Childe!” 

He only chuckles and leans back, liking the view of things, one of his hand lazily placed on your waist. “It’s been a long day honey,” he sighs out and takes his other hand to cradle your cheek. “I think I deserve a kiss,” 

Indeed he does and you agree with no complaints. You straddle his lap fully when you lean in and hotly connect your lips. Your scent is hypnotic to him, the only thing in the world that could ever catch him off guard was you. He encases your waist in his arms, pulling you closer to him until you’re pressed against each other.

“Mm,” a hint of a moan escapes his lips and into yours. He doesn’t stop kissing you, the intensity increasing with each one. He starts to kiss you in a way that makes your toes curl and your insides burn, your brain melting into nothingness, not even noticing that your hands start to slide up his shirt.


You pull away, only to be pulled back in. “Keep going,” he breathes out, ignoring the obvious knocking on the door. 

“Sir–I’m sorry. We’ve forgotten to report an important part of the mission,”

Childe clicks his tongue, but he hoists you up in his arms and shouts back. “I’m off-duty, come back tomorrow,” before the two of you disappear into the bedroom.


  • Natural. It just happens when it happens. There’s not much thinking involved and there’s no prior teasing. 

He’d been busy for a while, setting up things and making sure everything was in place for the Irodori festival. You, being a worker at Yae Publishing house, was also busy during that time period. For the whole festival you didn’t see each other, nor did you have the time to pass by even for a short greeting. 

On the final day of the festival, Thoma finds himself waiting for you to finish your shift at the Yae Publishing House stall. “Thoma!” You run up to him, delighted to see your lover after a long week, he meets you with a hug and laugh, spinning you around once before setting you down again and walking to the restaurant that the two of you agreed to eat at for dinner that day.

It was also the celebration of the end of all your hard work for the festival. For this special occasion, he had requested a private dining room for the two of you. The night started off as normal, the two of you talking about your respective events and duties. 

“I missed you,” he suddenly interjects in the middle of your story. He just couldn’t help it, it’s been so long since he saw your smiling face. “Ah, sorry, you can continue your story,” he waves a hand, urging you to go on, but you’ve stopped and shifted a little closer to him. “…I missed you too, Thoma,”

And just like that your lips were inviting his. He drops his chopsticks and turns to face you, his hands on both sides of your face to bring you closer to him, to feel his lips melt and combine with yours. He feels your fingers clutch at his shirt. Thoma’s kisses makes you forget your own name. Makes your heart beat faster and faster until it feels like exploding. Every time your lips come apart and together again you’re spun into a dizzying world of fireworks and passion. 

“Y/N…” he whispers before he dives in yet again, your hands now tugging at his hair, as if wanting to sink into him deeper. 

“Your drinks are here!” The door slides open rather suddenly and the two of you jerk apart, faces an intense red. The server is oblivious and hums to herself while placing the glasses on your table. “Enjoy!” She says before retreating out and sliding the door shut again. 

The two of you are tense, but when you meet eyes, you can’t help but let out a snicker, he follows and the two of you are just laughing it off seconds later. 


  • It’s like a form of entertainment for him, like a hobby. He loves kissing you and he doesn’t hide that at all.

“Venti…are you drunk?” You ask as you sit next to him at the tavern. He’s rather rowdy today, but he raises an eyebrow at your query. “Me? I haven’t even had a drink yet Y/N! I’m just excited I have time to visit the tavern again!” 

The two of you are off to a table on the side, it’s a little secluded, but in no ways was it private. The deeper the night got the more people came in, but you realized that Venti wasn’t drinking any booze at all. In fact his attention was all on you, just talking to each other and enjoying each other’s company. 

You don’t quite understand Venti’s attraction towards you. It’s as if he appeared one day and decided to latch on to you. Was it really love? Or just fascination? Still, he was a handful, but he was able to take care of you and be considerate of your feelings, despite being energetic and carefree all the time. 

“…and so we decided to leave Dragonspine,” you finished your story, drinking some of your mocktail and noting that Venti was nodding at you with sparkling eyes. 

“It must’ve been cold up there, hm?” He simply says and it dawns on you only now that his arm is wrapped around your waist and the two of you are quite cozy in that position, your body tucked in his. “You’re so cute, Y/N. It’s almost unbearable, ehe~” 

Then, his eyes light up almost instantly. “Ah, you haven’t given me a kiss today! You were so busy in the morning that you forgot!” He leans in, putting his face out for you but you feel your cheeks heat up and decline his offer. “Idiot, we’re in public!”

He’s silent for a moment, realizing that you’re shy, and for some reason that face of yours spurs him even more to try and kiss you. Assertively, he uses his hand to move your turned away face to meet his and he’s the one who leans in for a mind-bending kiss. 

You gasp into it, eyes widening at his bravery. Although it was loud in the tavern all you could really hear was your heart beating in your chest. He doesn’t let up, you feel his tongue prodding your lips, asking to be let into your hot mouth and your eyes close automatically, losing yourself into the sudden tingling sensation running up your spine. 

He kisses you like you’re the finest wine he’s ever tasted, he drinks you up like he hasn’t had water in days and you feel his mouth just pressing on yours over, and over, and over again–


The two of you startle away from each other. One of the waiters has smacked a medium barrel of wine on your table. The type that was for sharing and had a spout connected to it. The waiter saw you kissing, but he didn’t bat an eyelid. That happened all the time in the tavern. Instead, he actually grinned and said. “Here’s that wine you ordered, this’ll warm you both up quick,” and left cackling. 


  • Always doesn’t expect how he likes kissing so much. He doesn’t usually initiate but when it happens he’s also surprised by the hunger he has for your lips. It’s almost like the demon inside him comes out and wants to devour you.

Xiao has his own room in Wangshu Inn, but he doesn’t use it as much as one would think. He rarely needed sleep and staying in human quarters just seemed odd to him. He never got used to it. 

As an adepti, the outdoors was his calling. It’s where he spent most of his time, even with his brothers and sisters back when they were all together. In a way he was very in touch with nature and his surroundings. 

Today he spent the usual night up on the Wangshu rooftop with you. Looking down at the lights and the people weaving in and out. You came to him that night with red lipstick on, and it’s not because you had intentionally put it on. It was because you just finished an opera performance at the inn, and though you weren’t the lead singer you worked as a background dancer, and sometimes that required makeup that stood out, specially in Chinese opera. 

Xiao had seen your performances several times. He didn’t say much about it, but he did comment once that he thought the story was beautiful and that your moves matched the story. That was more than enough for you, coming from him.

That night, you were merely wanting to say a brief hello, just as you always did after a show. “I’ll be going now, Xiao,” you say after a moment but his hand reaches out for your wrist and holds you in place.

You turn back with a curious look on your face, wondering if he was alright. “Xiao?” He gently pulls you towards him, and stares at your face. Something in him aches to kiss you. To mess up your makeup.

He moves you over to the wooden railing of the rooftop, your back pressing against it and him trapping you in between. He continues to stare at your lips, and you finally get the message. “Xiao, do you want to…” you gulp, and he does as well. His eyes dart up towards yours, as if asking for permission.

The permission you give is your eyes closing, head tilting the slightest bit forward, letting yourself fall vulnerable in front of him. He lets out a slight sigh at the sight before pressing your mouths together. His hand finds its way to your scalp, moving you closer to him, tasting your moist lips. 

He’s aware that he’s possibly smearing lipstick all over himself, but that just heightens his desire. He wants it all over him, only him and when he pulls back to see the mess that he made of you, eyes clouded over, red lipstick smudged to the side of your lips, mouth parted as if asking for more and panting, he lets out an almost guttural groan and plunges in for more. 

It’s intense, like his lips had a mind of its own and he wants nothing more than for you to just hold on to him like this forever. And then, in a sudden split second, he disappears into black smoke. 

“Here’s your dinner Xiao!” The chef of Wangshu inn, Smiley Yanxiao appears at the entrance of the rooftop, but when he looks around and doesn’t see Xiao there, he scratches his head and addresses you instead. You who was covering your lips to conceal how smeared your lipstick was. “Hey, Y/N, tell Xiao that I’m placing his dinner here, okay? Thanks!” 

He proceeds to place the almond tofu dish on a table off to the side and turns around to go back to the kitchen. Your heart is still hammering in your ears and you’re not sure if what happened earlier had really transpired. But when you blink your eyes again and Xiao reappears in front of you, face covered in a rare blush and avoiding your gaze, you’re a hundred percent sure it had happened, and you can’t help but feel your heart skip another beat at that. 


  • Patient. Knows how to bide his time. It’s not rushed or sloppy. It’s slow and sensual and he knows what he’s doing.

“Darling, I’ll be off soon,”

It’s how your mornings with him usually start. He wakes up to tend to his duties as a worker in Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, and you also have to attend to your duties as a simple hairdresser in Liyue Harbor. Appointments with you are usually done in your home, where you and Zhongli lived. Occasionally you do home visits and go to the client’s home instead of them coming to you. 

“Mmhmm, I’ll see you later,” You rush over to him who is already at the door, tip toe for a quick kiss and attempt to unfurl away from his hold, only for him to hold on to you tight. 

He doesn’t like rushed kisses, though the two of you are busier than usual this morning he’ll hold fast to his promise of giving loving kisses. Never rushed nor in a hurry. “Hold on a moment, dear,” he requests and holds your chin in his hand, slightly squeezing your cheeks and holding it up for him to dip down properly and sensually into a heart-melting kiss. 

It gets you every time, and you don’t know how he does it. There’s always an air of confidence in his kiss, he knows what he’s doing and he knows that it gives you butterflies in your stomach. This morning, however, instead of you pulling away satisfied with just one, you ask for more by putting your hands lightly around his neck. 

He gets the message and leans into your touch, pulling you by the waist, flattening your whole body against him and starting to deepen the kiss by the second. Glued to one another he claims your mouth sensually, still not in a rush. When your lips come together, it’s soft, but it’s searing hot, as if his lips is melting your skin and kissing every crevice of your being. “Zhongli…” you breathe out when you pull apart for a second, not knowing where your sudden desire comes from. 

“Hm…” He merely lets out, amused at this development and continuing to brush his lips against yours. There’s a knock on the door, and that’s a clear sign that the two of you had kissed for too long. Zhongli chuckles, knowing that it must be your first appointment for the day. Just as quickly, he regains composure and kisses your forehead for a final goodbye, like nothing had happened at all. 

You’re the one who’s still flustered, staring at his back and wondering how he could open the door and converse happily with the middle aged woman waiting outside your home. You almost pout, but you see him turn towards you and mouth the words “Let’s continue later,” before he bids you goodbye and leaves you with your first client.

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Masterlist,Part 1 of Abyss Miniseries
WARNING: Non-Consensual touching, yandere stuff & spoilers for Chasm Archon quests

Pain. All you can feel is pain. Slowly regaining consciousness, you feel your head dangling over someone’s back with your hair covering your face. Like a tidal wave, it all comes rushing back to you; Lumine, the Abyss Herald! You begin to thrash and pound at the lectors back, “let go of me you sick fuck!” Screaming at him, you try to reach behind you and claw at his face. Just when you were about to make another swipe at him, you felt another surge of electricity flow through you. Yelping in pain, you go limp and start involuntarily twitching.

“Enough.” The Herald orders. “Bind her arms and legs if you must but we can’t have her convulsing in front of the prince.”

Prince?! You furrowed your brows, they must be talking about Aether. Recalling the Archon quests in your mind, you try to think of a reason why he would have you kidnapped. Your mind wanders to many outlandish theories but ultimately you’re stumped, unable to see how you fit into the puzzle.

The abyss lector follows his commander’s orders and binds your limbs with magic. You test the glowing cuffs out by pulling your wrists apart but it’s no use, you’re screwed. With nothing else to do, you finally take in your surroundings. You’re underground, that much you can tell but with no distinguishing flora or fauna, you have no idea where you could possibly be. This is bad, really bad. You have no weapons, no friends and are completely at the mercy of these jerks. The only things you have are the clothes on your back and your wits. You’re gonna have to be smart about this and bide your time if you want to escape.

Eventually the lector carries you to what appears to be a large room with Aether sitting on a throne made of obsidian. Resting his head in the palm of his hand he watches the abyss lector set you down in front of him. Beautiful. Even though you’re here against your will, you still have that fire in your eyes. Is it bad that he finds you ravishing when you’re mad?

Aether waves his hand, “leave us.” He orders. The black serpent knights, the lectors, mages and heralds of his court offer him a bow and leave the throne room. He rises from his seat and strides toward you, “(Y/N), welcome to the Abyss. We’ve been waiting for you.”

With your head held high, your glare at Lumine’s twin, “Why am I here, Aether?” He chuckles at your candor, “straight to the point as always, you haven’t changed a bit.” Face to face with you, he strokes your cheek with the outside of his hand, “I need your help,” he says softly.

Whatever he needs it can’t be good, you think to yourself. Heart thumping wildly in your chest you struggle to maintain a calm composure, “with what” you replied, tone coming out a little too forced. Staring at him, you see his golden eyes are mottled with determination and desire.

“Help me restore Khaenri'ah. With you by my side, we can return it to its former glory.” You raised your eyebrows, “and how exactly am I supposed to do that?” His face twists into a crazed expression, smiling unnaturally wide for your comfort.

“By stealing the eye of the first field tiller from Dainsleif and give it to me.” Your eyes widened with horror and you took a step back from him. He takes a step forward, “what’s the matter? Afraid you can’t do it? You shouldn’t worry, Dainsleif trusts you with his life. He loves you just as much as I do.”  

“No. I won’t do it and…” you say with a shaky voice. “Whatever this is,” obsession? Mania? You’re not sure what to call it. Gesturing at him you say, “this is not love.”  

In an instant he rushes to you and grabs your bound hands, “oh but it is!” Blush forming on his cheeks he confesses his love for you, “I’ve loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. You love me don’t you?” In a panic you tried to free your hands from his hold but he only gripped you harder. Shaking your head vehemently, “please Aether,” you begged. “I just want to go home.”  

Upon hearing your denial of his love and his plans, his unnatural elated smile changed in an instant to a cold, calculated glare. “I was hoping that you would cooperate but no matter, the serpent knights will take you to your chambers but first,” summoning abyssal magic, he casts a spell on you with ancient runes appearing on your skin. The feeling of foreign magic invading your body gives you a tingling sensation, the symbols softly glowing blue all over your face and body.

“What is this?!” You screeched in horror.

The Abyssal Prince smirks, “I severed your Divine connection to everyone. Every person across the globe is feeling it as we speak and think you’re dead.”

You begin to hyperventilate, this can’t be happening. Feeling like a cornered animal you rally your last ounce of courage and throw a double fisted punch at Aether. He laughs at your cute attempt and easily dodges you, knocking you unconscious with a light hit to your neck.

“Guards!” He calls out, the Abyss Herald teleports over to him and your unconscious form on the floor.

“What are your orders, Your highness?”

“Take our little Goddess to her chambers. As for the Loom of Fate, we will continue as planned but instead of the eye, we will use her instead. If she somehow survives, she can be my queen of the new world.”

Part 3 Here!
